Mathews 2000
Mathews 2000
Mathews 2000
Received 5 October 1998; received in revised form 3 June 1999; accepted 4 June 1999
Good HVAC control is often the most cost-eective option to improve the energy eciency
of a building. However the eect of changing the control strategy (i.e. eect on indoor com-
fort and energy consumption) is usually the most dicult to predict. To achieve this more
easily, a new simulation tool, QUICKcontrol, was developed. In this paper, the new tool is
used to investigate the energy savings potential in the Engineering Tower Building (ETB) of
the University of Pretoria. The in¯uence of reset control, economizer cycle combined with
CO2 control on the outside air ventilation rate and better system start-stop times were inves-
tigated. The simulation models were ®rstly veri®ed with actual measurements obtained from
the existing system to con®rm their accuracy for realistic control retro®t simulations. With the
aid of the integrated simulation tool it was possible to predict savings of 491 MWh per year
(34% building energy saving) by implementing these control strategies. These control strate-
gies can be implemented in the building with a direct payback period of less than 9 months.
# 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0306-2619/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0306-2619(99)00035-5
136 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
must never compromise indoor air quality (IAQ). The reason is that IAQ has a
direct eect on the productivity of the occupants [1]. The cost associated with poor
IAQ far outweigh savings due to reduced energy consumption [2]. Popular belief in
the past was that good IAQ and energy eciency were in direct con¯ict [3]: it is now
agreed that energy savings of around 30% may be realised through retro®t projects
of existing buildings without compromising indoor comfort [4]. In South Africa,
studies have shown that, in the commercial sector, approximately 50% of energy is
used for air-conditioning [5]. This statistic clearly indicates that the area which oers
the most potential for energy saving is the HVAC system.
A cost eective way to improve the energy eciency of a HVAC system, without
compromising indoor comfort, is by implementing better control. However when
changing the control strategy of a system it is often dicult to predict the resulting
changes in system energy consumption and indoor comfort. To achieve these pre-
dictions, a simulation tool which can eciently and accurately simulate the building
with its HVAC system and controls in an integrated fashion is required. There are
many system simulation programs available. However they do not satisfy the
requirements of integrated, ecient and accurate simulation by the typical consult-
ing engineer [6±8]. A new simulation tool, QUICKcontrol was therefore developed
to satisfy these requirements. The models on which the simulation tool is based are
brie¯y discussed in Section 2. A case study was conducted to illustrate the value and
the capabilities of this new simulation tool. The potential for energy savings and
enhancement of indoor comfort by implementing new control strategies in the
Engineering Tower Building (ETB) of the University of Pretoria was successfully
2. Simulation models
An electrical analogy [9] is used to model the heat transfer processes in the building
for the accurate prediction of the thermal performance of the building zones. The
HVAC component models link inputs and outputs of the basic thermodynamic vari-
ables in the system. They are based on simpli®ed fundamental principles combined with
correlation coecients derived from discrete empirical data [6]. The models are fully
component-based and allow simulation of a wide range of operating conditions. The
E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159 137
model input parameters
with the time constant of the model, and one of the output parameters of the
model. The relevant psychrometric relationships are employed in all models dealing
with moist air properties.
At present the simulation tool makes provision for proportional, integral, deriva-
tive (PID), on/o and step controllers. These controllers are used in most HVAC
applications. With these controllers, any measurable condition can be controlled
from a sensor. Water ¯ow rates, air ¯ow rates, steam ¯ow rates and the load capa-
cities of the system components are controllable variables. Controller output at each
step is only dependent on the previous time step values. This considerably reduces
the complexity of the solution algorithm. From a system point of view, this implies
that the controller acts like a controller that has a sampling rate corresponding to
the system integration time step size.
There are also energy management systems included in the simulation tool. With
these, the system's energy consumption can be reduced by more energy-ecient
control. The simulation tool provides the following energy management strategies:
. Setpoint-related energy management systems (temperature reset, zero energy
band control, enthalpy economizer cycle and adaptive comfort control).
. Advanced energy management strategies (demand limiting, duty cycling, load
resetting and CO2 control).
These energy management strategies are discussed in Ref. [10]. An integrated
simulation is accomplished by solving the combined performance of the building
model and the HVAC component models including the in¯uence of the controllers.
The building consists of oces above ground level and lecture halls underground.
The building has 15 ¯oors with levels 1 and 2 underground. All the oces have
adjustable external louvres for shading on the oce windows. The building's oce
windows face either east or west. Each oce is air-conditioned by its own fan coil
unit (FCU) and the lecture halls by air-handling units (AHUs) located in a plant
room. The total air-conditioned ¯oor area is 4098 m2. The building houses an average
of 600 people on weekdays. Lighting is done by ¯uorescent bulbs in the oces as well
as in the lecture halls. Most of the oces are equipped with computers and the lecture
halls with projectors.
138 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
The HVAC system consists of a central cooling plant, AHUs for the lecture halls,
an AHU for pre-conditioned air for the oces and FCUs located in the oces. The
system operates 24 h a day from Monday mornings through to Saturday afternoons.
The HVAC system layout is displayed in Figs. 1 and 2. Three AHUs supply a con-
stant volume of air to the lecture halls as illustrated in the schematic layout of the
lecture halls in Fig. 2. The air is conditioned by cooling coils located inside the AHUs
and an electric heater in the supply air duct of each lecture hall. Air is returned from
the lecture halls via grills and doors back to a common duct in the plant room,
where it mixes individually with outside air in each AHU (Fig. 2).
AHU 1 serves only one lecture hall and the indoor air temperature is controlled
from a temperature sensor located in the lecture hall. AHUs 2 and 3 serve more than
one lecture hall. The supply air temperatures of these two units are controlled from
temperature sensors located inside the supply air ducts downstream of the cooling
coils. These units supply air at constant temperature throughout the year. Individual
temperature control in the lecture halls is thus done by reheating. The output of the
electric heaters is controlled from temperature sensors in the lecture halls.
AHU 4 supplies pre-conditioned air via ducting to the fan coil units of the oces.
This unit makes use of 100% outside air and supplies air at constant temperature
throughout the year. Return air from each oce is mixed with pre-conditioned air in
its FCU. This air is then conditioned by a cooling coil and an electric heater before
supplying it back to the oce. The cooling and heating capacity of the FCUs are
140 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
only manually adjustable for indoor air temperature control. Two parallel water-
cooled chillers supply chilled water to all the cooling coils in the building, including
the coils of the FCUs. The condenser water of the chillers is cooled by two cooling
towers on the roof of the building. PID controllers are used to control cooling and
step controllers for heating.
The aim of the comfort audit was to evaluate the current indoor air conditions in
the ETB. Measurements were necessary to determine whether the current indoor air
conditions were up to standard and also to verify the simulation model. These
indoor conditions, if satisfactory, could then be used as standards for the evaluation
of retro®t options. The audit therefore consisted of measurements of actual comfort
levels, as well as a walk through audit. A walk through audit was conducted of the
ETB to determine any particular problem areas. The occupants opinions were also
obtained regarding comfort in the lecture halls.
To decrease energy consumption without aecting the comfort of the building
occupants, it was necessary to determine an end-user breakdown of the energy con-
sumption in the ETB. This could then be used to determine the largest energy con-
sumers, which are usually the areas with the largest energy savings potential. The main
aim therefore of the energy audit was to determine the end-user breakdown of the
energy consumption in the ETB. Measuring the energy consumption of the ETB was a
very labour intensive process. It was begun with a walk through audit, followed by
detailed measurements. The walk through audit was conducted to identify the usage of
lighting and other diverse equipment such as lifts, computers, etc. The consumption of
these energy consumers is important to determine if they can be improved.
The categories used in the energy breakdown are HVAC, lighting, computers and
diverse equipment (Fig. 3). Diverse equipment includes the four lifts operating in the
building, overhead projectors, etc. HVAC energy consumption was then broken
down into the various components of the HVAC system (Fig. 4). The HVAC system
in the ETB has the greatest energy saving potential as it is the major energy consumer.
It consumes approximately 64% of the total building energy. The reason for this is
the large internal load in the form of people in the lecture halls, which can accom-
modate as many as 714 people.
The control strategy of the ETB will be investigated to determine its energy sav-
ings potential. The energy audit identi®ed the major energy consumers as well as
areas where retro®ts could be made to obtain energy savings.
5. Veri®cation study
A public holiday was therefore used for the 24-h veri®cation day to eliminate all
the inputs, which were impossible to monitor. During the public holiday, the building
was unoccupied, lights o and the FCUs not in use. The ideal would obviously be to
use a more typical day with more variation in the building load. This option how-
ever could have jeopardised the integrity of the study since all the inputs were not
available. This speci®c control strategy and the swing of the outside climate tem-
perature still allowed for enough variation to verify the interaction between the dif-
ferent components and the performance of the system.
The building was divided into ®ve zones. Each lecture hall zone represents the
lecture halls served by the same AHU. Lecture hall 1±12 is represented by zone 1.
Lecture halls 1±3, 1±4, 1±15 and 1±16 are simulated as zone 2. The rest of the lecture
halls 1±1, 1±2, 1±7, 1±8 and 1±9 are simulated as zone 3. Fig. 5 depicts the simula-
tion model layout. The oces make up the other two zones. The eastern side of the
building was simulated as one zone and the western side as the other zone. The walls
and ¯oors inside the zones are treated as partitions. The building structure data with
the zone dimensions were obtained from building drawings and a building investi-
gation. All of this was read into the simulation program. There were no internal
loads in the lecture halls since the day used for veri®cation was a public holiday as
mentioned before. The building space loads were therefore only caused by the out-
side air and the building envelope.
The input data needed for the mathematical models of the HVAC components
were obtained from the suppliers' performance data sheets. The measured chiller
capacities did not match the supplier's performance data. This could be due to
fouling resistance since the chillers are more than 20 years old. The chiller model was
therefore obtained from measured data. The two chillers were simulated as one with
double the capacity with the necessary capacity steps. The two cooling towers on the
roof were also simulated as one with double the capacity. The control strategy,
including operating times and control parameters for most system components, were
obtained from the system's operating manuals. The parameters not available in the
manuals were obtained from measurements. The veri®cation results of the indoor air
temperatures, AHUs supply air temperatures, the chiller power, and the electric
heater power are presented graphically in this section (Figs. 6±14). The measured
indoor air temperature of each zone is the average temperature of all the lecture
halls in that zone. The indoor air temperatures of the lecture halls in the same zone
did not dier much due to the same temperature set-point. The indoor air tempera-
tures of the oces were not used to verify the simulation model as it was not possible
to measure all 200 oces' temperatures at the same time. During the veri®cation
study, the oces did not have any in¯uence on the HVAC system as discussed
Figs. 6±8 display the simulated and actual measured indoor air temperatures of
each lecture hall zone. It is clear, from the ®gures, that satisfactory results were
obtained from all three zones. The indoor air temperature results are summarised in
Table 1. Only zone 3's result was not within 1 C for 100% of the time. The tem-
perature pro®le of the supply air of AHU 1 (Fig. 9) into building zone 1 must be
re¯ected in the return air (Fig. 6) when the space load is very small. It could be more
damped and out of phase due to the thermal mass of the building structure, but it
cannot be a straight line. Thus the only explanation for the measured temperature
pro®le in Fig. 6 is the possibility of strati®cation of the indoor air at the measuring
point. The traces in Figs. 7 and 8 do not follow one another exactly due to the
comparison of the average measured temperature of more than one lecture hall to
the simulated temperature of one representative zone. The re-heat dynamic respon-
ses of the individual halls are therefore not completely correctly modelled due to this
In Figs. 9±12, the measured and simulated AHUs supply air temperatures are
compared. The results are satisfactory. The dynamics of the coils and controllers can
be observed in Fig. 11, AHU 3. The bypass control valve and the electric heater
banks of AHU 4 did not respond to any supply air temperature changes to maintain
the constant set supply air temperature over the two week measuring period. The
valve position stayed at 10% open, which resulted in a constant water ¯ow rate
through the coil and the heaters were never switched on throughout this period.
These ®ndings were used as inputs during veri®cation. The good comparison between
the simulated and measured values displayed in Fig. 12 con®rms these ®ndings.
The simulated and measured chiller power are compared in Fig. 13. The simula-
tion tool successfully simulated the loading and unloading of the chiller capacity
steps. There is not a large phase dierence between the predicted and simulated
values. This veri®es the time constants of the building structure and the HVAC
system components. The dierence between the measured and simulated energy
consumption over 24 h is only 3%. The total measured heater power of the system
was compared with the total simulated heater power. It was not possible to measure
the heater banks separately due to the number of heaters, so the total power was
measured in the plant room. Fig. 14 displays the heater power veri®cation results.
The simulated values do not follow the measured values exactly but the total energy
Table 1
Summary of indoor air temperature veri®cation results
6.1. Preamble
An investigation was performed to establish the potential for energy savings in the
building. The savings were calculated by executing numerous energy saving control
retro®t simulations. These retro®t options include reset control on the AHUs,
economizer cycle combined with carbon dioxide control on the lecture halls' out-
door air ventilation rates, and better HVAC system start-stop times. All the retro®t
options investigated were done on the HVAC system of the building, since 64% of
E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159 149
the total building energy consumption is consumed by the HVAC system. This
means that the biggest potential for the building's energy saving lies in HVAC sys-
tem retro®t options.
The ®rst option investigated to establish the potential for energy savings in the
building was a reset control strategy on the AHUs. The existing system's AHUs
supply a constant temperature throughout the year. This temperature is set to
accommodate the maximum space load when the lecture halls are fully occupied
during a hot day. When the lecture halls are not fully occupied, the supply air is
unnecessarily cooled down to the AHU setpoint just to be heated up again to satisfy
the indoor air setpoint. By doing this, energy is wasted on cooling as well as on
To conserve energy on a system which makes use of reheating for temperature
zone control, heating should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Reset control
should be provided to maintain the cold air from the AHUs at the highest possible
temperature to satisfy the maximum space cooling requirement [11]. The above
control strategy was simulated in this building to establish the potential for energy
savings. The simulation model was derived from the model, which had been used in
the veri®cation study. The lecture halls were divided into two more zones to illus-
trate the control strategy and to calculate realistic energy savings. To make this
control strategy even more eective, it is necessary to balance the air ¯ows for each
lecture hall to the ratio of the design occupancy or ¯oor area of the lecture halls.
Year long simulations were executed to calculate the potential for energy savings
per year. The simulations were executed under the assumption that the lecture halls
Fig. 15. Chiller's electrical energy consumption for each month of the year.
150 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
Fig. 16. Heater's electrical energy consumption for each month of the year.
are only 60% occupied from 07:00 to 18:00 for 70% of the days of the year when the
system is running. This means the lecture halls are empty for the other 30% of
the days of the year. At present the system is o during weekends from 15:00 on
Saturday afternoon until 04:00 on Monday morning. Only 80% of the oces' FCUs
were running 24 h a day throughout the year. These assumptions are based on an
investigation into the occupancy of the building.
The year long simulation results are displayed in Figs. 15 and 16. These results
showed an energy saving of 21% (only reset control) on the existing system's total
consumption. This is a saving of 200 000 kWh per year. A worst case scenario with
50% of the lecture halls 60% occupied and the other 50% empty was simulated with
a saving of 180 000 kWh per year. This is, however, not at present an average
weekday since all the big lecture halls are more or less occupied during the same part
of the day.
6.3. Air economiser combined with CO2 control (including reset control)
an indoor CO2 concentration of 1050 ppm. The dierence between indoor and out-
door levels of 700 ppm has become a measure of acceptability with respect to body
odour, irrespective of the outdoor CO2 concentration.
The CO2 control strategy used here is based on the above discussion. The follow-
ing CO2 control strategy was implemented to control the outside air dampers of the
lecture halls' AHUs (Fig. 17):
. If the CO2 concentration is below 700 ppm in a lecture hall, the outside air
damper should be 3% open.
. If the CO2 concentration exceeds 700 ppm in a lecture hall, the outside air
damper will open proportionally until it is fully open at 1050 ppm.
Due to only one control damper for more than one lecture hall, the damper is
controlled from the lecture hall which needs the most outside air to maintain an
acceptable indoor CO2 concentration. This CO2 control strategy was combined with
an air temperature-controlled economizer which controls the same outside air damper.
The following economiser control logic was implemented (Fig. 18):
. The outside air damper should be 3% open if the outside air temperature
exceeds the lecture hall indoor air temperature setpoint or if the indoor air tem-
perature is below (no cooling needed) the indoor air setpoint (set point 22 C).
. If the indoor air temperature of the lecture hall exceeds the set point (cooling
needed), the damper will open proportionally until 100% open at 1 C above
the set point (23 C).
. Due to only one control damper for more than one lecture hall, the damper is
controlled from the lecture hall which requires the most cooling to maintain
the indoor air temperature.
. The cooling valve will now open only when the indoor lecture hall temperature
exceeds the set point by 1 C (23 C).
. The heaters will come on when the indoor air temperature is 0.5 C below the
set point.
Due to the combination of the two control strategies on the same damper, the
damper should always respond to the maximum outside air demand.
Fig. 19 displays the simulated indoor air temperature of one of the zones on a
summer day. The temperature drifts between 21.5 and 23 C in relation to the outside
air temperature. The acceptable temperature comfort band is between 21 and 24 C.
The graph illustrates that this speci®c control strategy automatically implements a
strategy similar to adaptive comfort control. Adaptive comfort is based on the
assumption that the comfort perception of people will be dependent on the outdoor
climatic conditions [13]. For low outside air temperatures, people will be comfor-
table if the indoor temperature is lower. The opposite is true for high outside air
temperatures. This aords us the opportunity to potentially save even more energy.
If the indoor temperature can be cooler when the outside air temperature is low, less
heating would be required. During periods of high outside air temperatures, a higher
temperature would imply that less cooling would be required.
A year long simulation was executed with the same control and assumptions as
used previously to establish the potential for energy savings per year. The yearly
chiller and heater energy consumptions of the system with reset control are com-
pared to the reset control, CO2 and economizer control in Figs. 20 and 21. With this
combination of control strategies it was possible to save an additional 10% by
reducing cooling and heating energy consumption which makes the total saving
31% on the existing system's total consumption. The total simulated energy saving
per year is now 286 000 kWh (Table 2, option 1). The CO2 levels of all the lecture
halls were equal to, or less than 850 ppm for the entire year.
6.4. Better system start-stop times (including reset, CO2 and economizer control)
The last option to save building energy investigated in this study is the HVAC
system component start-stop times. This option can be applied where the indoor
temperatures have to be at the correct temperature only at speci®ed times. By
switching o the system at other times large amounts of energy can be saved.
Fig. 20. Chiller's electrical energy consumption for each month of the year.
154 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
Two options were investigated: switching o the FCUs of the oces and the cen-
tral system, including the cooling plant, during unoccupied building times. The ®rst
option mentioned was simulated with the FCUs o from 17:00 in the evening to
08:00 the next morning. Each FCU can be switched on manually when air-con-
ditioning is needed at any time during the day. The second option was investigated
with the entire HVAC system o from 22:00 at night to 06:00 in the morning with
the FCUs still o as mentioned in the ®rst option. It was necessary to start the sys-
tem at 06:00 in the morning to get the indoor temperatures to the set point tem-
peratures before 07:00.
The energy consumed by cooling did increase by 3% with both options included,
but the heater energy decreased by 45%. Figs. 22 and 23 display the indoor air
temperatures of a western oce and a lecture hall on a hot day, before and after the
retro®ts (worst case scenarios). The indoor air temperature of the oce stays below
24 C for the entire day with the retro®t, even when the cooling plant is o from
22:00 until 06:00 the next morning. The fan of the oce's FCU was running for the
entire 24 h. The indoor temperature of the lecture hall stays below 23.5 C from
06:00 until 22:00 in the evening after the retro®ts. The retro®t options still satisfy the
conditions for acceptable indoor comfort on a hot day.
Fig. 24 displays the indoor air temperature of the same lecture hall examined
previously on a cold day before and after the retro®ts. The indoor air conditions of
the lecture hall between 06:00 and 22:00 have improved with the retro®t. The indoor
air temperature of the oce, which is not displayed here, on a cold day stayed
exactly the same after the retro®t, due to individual control of each oce fan and
heater by the occupant. The main HVAC system has no in¯uence on the electric
heaters of the oces.
Fig. 21. Heater's electrical energy consumption for each month of the year.
E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
Table 2
Economic analysis results
Retro®t option combinations Energy Saving fraction Saving fraction Straight Internal rate of return
savings of HVAC energy of total building energy payback period (%)
(kWh/year) (%) (%) (months)
3 years 4 years 5 years
156 E.H. Mathews et al. / Applied Energy 66 (2000) 135±159
These results illustrate that the energy saving retro®t options will not reduce the
indoor comfort of the building at any time. Fig. 25 displays the total yearly HVAC
system energy consumed by the existing system and the system with the retro®t
options. Large energy savings were possible by switching the entire system o during
certain times as mentioned before (Table 2, options 3±5). The reason for this is the
high percentage of energy consumed by the pumps of the cooling plant and the fans
of the AHUs (48% of total system energy consumption).
The capital cost of a CO2 sensor is very high and makes the implementation of
this retro®t option expensive. In this case, a minimum of seven sensors will be nee-
ded for proper control. The amount of savings per CO2 unit, due to the combination
of the number of lecture halls and their size, will not be sucient to persuade the
building owner to implement this option. Without the CO2 control, the imple-
mentation cost can come down by 40% while still realising a saving of 47% on the
HVAC system's energy consumption (Table 2, option 4). An economic analysis of
all the retro®t options is summarised in Table 2.
7. Conclusions
With the aid of the integrated simulation tool, it was possible to predict savings up
to 491,000 kWh per year by simulating various control retro®t options. Thirty per
cent of this saving was due to reset and CO2 control combined with economizer
control. This type of control strategy is strongly recommended for large auditoriums.
These retro®ts can be implemented in the building under consideration with a direct
payback period of less than 9 months. It is also possible to save up to 435,000 kWh
per year by implementing only reset control on the AHUs, economizer control on
the outside air ventilation rates, and HVAC system start-stop. This retro®t option
can be implemented in the building with a direct payback period of less than 5
months. Most building owners will be tempted to go for an option with such a short
payback period and large savings potential.
Without the aid of the integrated simulation tool, it would not have been possible
to evaluate these building energy savings and still ensure acceptable indoor comfort.
The building owner of the ETB did agree to implement some of the options. This
will provide us with the opportunity to verify the predicted energy savings in the
near future.
This work was made possible through funding by the International Institute for
Energy Conservation (IIEC)-Africa and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions made by Lloyd Wright, Je
Wells, Pieter Strachan and Jason Hamilton.
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