Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation: Standard Specification For
Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation: Standard Specification For
Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation: Standard Specification For
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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C 533 – 07
4.1.2 Type I—Pipe for use on surfaces at temperature from (13-mm) increments. Thicknesses greater than 3 in. (76 mm)
140°F (60°C) to to 1200°F (649°C). shall be furnished in one or more layers as agreed upon by
4.1.3 Type IA—Block for use on surfaces at temperatures purchaser and manufacturer.
from 140°F (60°C) to to 1200°F (649°C). 7.1.2 Curved Block—Curved block shall be furnished in
4.1.4 Type II—Block for use on surfaces at temperatures lengths of 36 in. (914 mm), widths of approximately 6 to 12 in.
from 140°F (60°C) to 1700°F (927°C). (152 or 305 mm), thicknesses of 11⁄2 to 4 in. (38 to 101 mm) in
1⁄2-in. (13-mm) increments, and curved to inside radii of over
5. Description 161⁄2 in. (419 mm). Individual dimensions shall conform to
5.1 Composition—Calcium silicate thermal insulation shall those specified by the manufacturer.
consist principally of hydrous calcium silicate usually with the 7.1.3 Grooved Block—Grooved block shall be furnished in
incorporation of fibrous reinforcement. Asbestos shall not be lengths of 36 in. (914 mm), widths of 12 or 18 in. (305 or 458
used as a component in the manufacture of the material. mm), and thicknesses from 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) in 1⁄2-in.
(13-mm) increments. Size and spacing of grooves shall be as
6. Physical Requirements specified by the manufacturer.
6.1 The insulation shall conform to the physical require- 7.2 Calcium Silicate Pipe Insulation—Calcium silicate pipe
ments of Table 1. insulation shall be supplied either as hollow cylindrical shapes
split in half lengthwise (in a plane including the cylindrical
7. Standard Shapes, Sizes, and Dimensions axis) or as curved segments. The pipe insulation shall be
7.1 Calcium silicate block-type thermal insulation shall be furnished in sections or segments in a length of 36 in. (914
supplied in the form of pipe insulation, flat block or curved mm) , unless otherwise agreed upon by the Purchaser, to fit
blocks as specified. Standard sizes of the block type insulation standard sizes of pipe and tubing, and in nominal wall
shall be as follows: thicknesses from 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm), in 1⁄2 in. (13 mm)
7.1.1 Flat Block—Flat block shall be furnished in lengths of increments. Thicknesses greater than 3 in. (76 mm) shall be
36 in. (458 or 914 mm), widths of 6 to 36 in. (152 to 914 mm), furnished in one or more layers as agreed upon by between the
and thicknesses from 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) in 1⁄2-in. purchaser and the manufacturer. Inner and outer diameters
NOTE 1—The physical requirements are based on the properties of samples dried or conditioned, or both, as specified in the referenced test methods.
Calcium silicate insulation tends to absorb moisture to varying degrees depending on exposure conditions. It can absorb up to 4 times its dry weight if
placed in direct contact with water through improper storage or application.
NOTE 2—The user is advised that some applications could require the knowledge of the thermal conductivity of the insulation material at mean
temperatures above those shown. Consult the manufacturer for data at mean temperatures exceeding those listed.
Type I Type I Type IA Type II
Block Pipe Block Block
Use temperature, max, °F (°C) 1200 (649) 1200 (649) 1200 (649) 1700 (927)
Density (dry), max, lb/ft3(kg/m3) 15 (240) 15 (240) 22 (352) 22 (352)
Flexural strength, min, psi (kPa) 50 (344) 50 (344) 50 (344) 50 (344)
Compressive strength, min, at 5 % deformation, psi (kPa) 100 (688) 100 (688) 100 (688)
Mass loss by tumbling, max, %
after first 10 minutes 20 20 20 20
after second 10 minutes 40 40 40 40
Soaking heat linear shrinkage, max,% 2 2 2 2
Hot surface performance:
warpage, max, in. (mm) ⁄ (6)
14 1⁄4 (6) 1⁄4 (6) 1⁄4 (6)
cracking No cracks completely through the insulation thickness. Surface cracks on hot face are acceptable
Apparent thermal conductivityA (see Note 2)
Btu-in./h-ft2-°F (W/m-K)max at mean
temperature of:
100°F (38°C) 0.41 (0.059) 0.41 (0.059) 0.50 (0.072) 0.50 (0.072)
200°F (93°C) 0.45 (0.065) 0.45 (0.065) 0.54 (0.078) 0.54 (0.078)
300°F (149°C) 0.50 (0.072) 0.50 (0.072) 0.58 (0.084) 0.58 (0.084)
400°F (204°C) 0.55 (0.079) 0.55 (0.079) 0.61 (0.088) 0.61 (0.088)
500°F (260°C) 0.60 (0.087) 0.60 (0.087) 0.64 (0.092) 0.64 (0.092)
600°F (316°C) 0.66 (0.095) 0.66 (0.095) 0.67 (0.097) 0.67 (0.097)
700°F (371°C) 0.71 (0.102) 0.71 (0.102) 0.70 (0.101) 0.70 (0.101)
800°F (427°C) ... 0.73 (0.105)
900°F (482°C) ... 0.75 (0.108)
1000°F (538°C) ... 0.77 (0.111)
Surface burning characteristics:
Flame spread index, max 0 0 0 0
Smoke density index, max 0 0 0 0
Moisture content, by weight, max % 20 20 20 20
The thermal transmission properties of calcium silicate block and pipe insulation vary with temperature, temperature gradient, moisture content, thickness, and shape.
Note that the apparent thermal conductivity requirements in the table are based on samples tested under the conditions specified in 12.1.2. These are comparative values
for establishing specification compliance. They do not represent the installed performance of the insulation under use conditions differing substantially from the test
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C 533 – 07
shall be in accordance with those standard dimensions speci- 11.1.3 Mass loss by tumbling.
fied in Practice C 585. 11.1.4 Linear shrinkage after soaking heat.
NOTE 1—When multilayer sectional pipe insulation is required, it is 11.1.5 Hot surface performance.
necessary to consider the inside and outside diameters of each layer to 11.1.6 Apparent thermal conductivity.
ensure proper nesting of materials when installed. Necessity of furnishing
11.1.7 Surface burning characteristics.
multilayer pipe insulation nested from the manufacturer shall be based on
manufacturer’s ability to control outside diameters on inner layers to not 11.1.8 Moisture content.
greater than inside diameters, at minus tolerances, of nesting outer layer
under normal production, as agreed to between purchaser and manufac- 12. Test Methods
12.1 The properties enumerated in this specification shall be
8. Dimensional Tolerances determined in accordance with the following test methods.
8.1 General—The average tolerances for length, width, and Samples shall be preconditioned in accordance with Practice
thickness shall be as following: C 870.
Block Pipe 12.1.1 Density and Dimensions:
Length 6 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) 6 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) Block Insulation—Test Method C 303.
Width 6 1⁄8 in. (3 mm)
Thickness 6 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) Pipe Insulation—Test Method C 302.
Inner Diameter in accordance with Practice C 585 12.1.2 Apparent Thermal Conductivity:
Outer Diameter in accordance with Practice C 585 General—Apparent thermal conductivity versus
8.2 Pipe Insulation—The following additional dimensional mean temperature shall be calculated in accordance with
tolerances apply only to calcium silicate pipe insulation sup- Practice C 1045. Determinations shall be made at four or more
plied as half sections. mean temperatures. Two of the test mean temperatures shall be
8.2.1 Fit and Closure—When fitted to the appropriate size within 50°F (28°C) of the highest and lowest mean temperature
pipe by banding on 9-in. (229-mm) centers, the longitudinal specified in Table 1 for the appropriate material type. The other
seams on both sides of the pipe insulation shall close to within two determinations shall be made at mean temperatures spaced
1⁄16 in. (2 mm) along the entire length of the section.
equally within the specified range. All test temperatures shall
8.2.2 Concentricity—The inner bore of the pipe insulation be selected in accordance with Practice C 1058 and reported in
shall be concentric with the outer cylindrical surface. The the test results.
deviation from concentricity shall not exceed 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) or The results of these tests shall be interpolated
5 % of the wall thickness, whichever is greater. through reasonable curve fitting or numerical techniques, to
8.2.3 Half-Section Balance—The plane formed by the slit establish the apparent thermal conductivity at the specified
between half sections shall include the cylindrical axis. Devia- mean temperature.
tion of the slit plane from the cylindrical axis over a 36-in. Block Insulation—Test Methods C 177, C 518, or
(914-mm) length shall not exceed 1⁄8 in. (3 mm).
C 1114 using 11⁄2 6 1⁄2 in. (38 6 13 mm) thick specimens of
8.3 Grooved Block—The following additional requirements
block insulation.
apply only to calcium silicate block insulation containing
grooves and intended for installation over curved surfaces, 20 Pipe Insulation—Test Method C 335 using 11⁄2 6
1⁄2 in. (386 13 mm) thick specimens of pipe insulation as
in. (508 mm) in diameter of larger.
8.3.1 Fit and Closure—When fitted to the curved surface, supplied for a fit to 3 in. nominal iron pipe.
the grooves shall close to 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) or less through the 12.1.3 Linear Shrinkage After Heat Soaking—Test Method
depth of the groove. The exposed surface crack shall not open C 356. The test temperature shall be as specified in 4.1.
more than 1⁄8 in. (3 mm). 12.1.4 Flexural Strength: Block Insulation—Test Methods C 203.
9. Workmanship Pipe Insulation—Test Method C 446.
9.1 Since some requirements for this material are not easily 12.1.5 Compressive Strength (Block Insulation Only)—Test
defined by a numerical value, the insulation shall not have Method C 165, Procedure A.
visible defects that will adversely affect its service qualities. 12.1.6 Mass Loss by Tumbling—Test Method C 421.
10. Sampling 12.1.7 Hot Surface Performance—Test Method C 411. The
test temperature shall be that specified in 4.1 or the manufac-
10.1 The insulation shall be sampled in accordance with
turer’s recommended temperature limit, whichever is higher.
Practice C 390. Specific provision for sampling shall be agreed
The thickness of the specimen shall be the manufacturer’s
upon between the purchaser and the supplier as part of the
recommended thickness for the test temperature.
purchase contract.
12.1.8 Surface Burning Characteristics—Test Method E 84.
11. Qualification Requirements 12.1.9 Stress Corrosion Performance—If requested by the
11.1 The following requirements are generally employed for purchaser, test according to the test method in Specification
purpose of initial material or product qualification: C 795.
11.1.1 Flexural strength. 12.1.10 Moisture Content By Dry Weight:
11.1.2 Compression strength. See Test Method C 1616.
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C 533 – 07
13. Inspection the manufacturer to the initial destination. Unless otherwise
13.1 The following requirements are generally employed agreed upon or specified between the purchaser and manufac-
for purposes of acceptance sampling of lots or shipments of turer or supplier, material shall be packaged in containers
qualified calcium silicate insulation: supplied by the manufacturer and commonly used for this
13.1.1 Density, purpose. Shipping containers shall comply with the regulations
13.1.2 Dimensional tolerances, and applicable to the mode of transportation.
13.1.3 Workmanship. 16.2 Marking—Unless otherwise specified, each container
shall be plainly marked with the manufacturer’s name, address,
14. Rejection telephone number, product name, type, quantity of insulation,
14.1 Failure to conform to the requirements in this specifi- nominal dimensions, and jacket type and accessories, if any, of
cation shall constitute cause for rejection. Rejection shall be the material in the container.
reported to the manufacturer or the seller promptly and in 17. Ordering Information
writing. The manufacturer and supplier have the right to verify
17.1 Purchase orders for calcium silicate insulation fur-
the rejected products.
nished to this specification shall include the following infor-
15. Certification
17.1.1 Type (see 4.1)
15.1 When specified in the purchaser order or contract, a 17.1.2 Shape, Size and Dimensions, (see Section 7) and,
producer’s or supplier’s certification shall be furnished to the 17.1.3 Double layer, (if required).
purchaser that the material was manufactured, sampled, tested, 17.2 Any special requirements, such as, inspection require-
or inspected in accordance with this specification and has been ments in accordance with Section 13, or certification require-
found to meet the requirements. When specified in the pur- ments in accordance with Section 15 shall be agreed upon
chase order or contract, a report of the test results shall be between the purchaser and the supplier and stated in the
furnished. purchase contract.
16. Packaging and Marking 18. Keywords
16.1 Packaging—Material shall be packaged to afford pro- 18.1 block and pipe thermal insulation; calcium silicate;
tection against deterioration and damage during shipment from thermal conductivity; thermal insulation
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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