Compound PDF
Compound PDF
Compound PDF
A Thesis
Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Strata One (S1)
This research focuses on the process of compound words used on the food
terms in MasterChef US Season 7 (2016). This qualitative descriptive research is
aimed in describing the types and the meaning of compound words. To analyze
the compound word process, the writer uses Rochelle Lieber theory of compound
words as the main theory, combined with Ingo Plag and also Stephen Ullman to
analyze the meaning of compound words. The writer took 15 food terms used in
the cooking competition MasterChef U.S. Season 7 for the last five episodes. A
morphological analysis is used by the writer to analyze the compound words,
classify the types and the meaning of compound words on the food terms. From
the sample chosen of 15 menu names in the analysis, it can be concluded that
there are 12 attributive compound, 2 subordinative compound and 1 coordinative
compound. From the word stress, there are 10 culinary terms which are classified
as noun compound, three as adjective compound and two verbs compound. It is
indicates that there are quite a lot compound words that classified into attributive
and noun compound used containing in the cooking competition entitled
MasterChef U.S. Season 7 (2016). Therefore, writer also classifies the meaning of
compound words which have transparent and opaque meaning. The compounds
which have a transparent meaning are 13 data of transparent meaning while the
compounds which have opaque meaning are two data.
A Thesis
Submitted to Faculty of Letters and Humanities
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
The Strata One Degree (S1)
Approved by:
Day/ Date:________/________________
NIM : 1112026000074
The thesis entitled above has been defended before the Letters and
already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
strata one.
Examination Committee
Signature Date
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best
written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been
accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other
institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in
All praise and gratitude to Allah SWT., the Lord of the universe, who has
given the writer strength and guidance, thus she could accomplish this thesis. The
blessing and salutation always devoted to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his
family, his companions and his adherents. May peace and blessing always be
upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to enlightenment in this world.
First and foremost, the writer would like to express her biggest gratitude to
her beloved parents, Drs. M. Saleh Wahab and Djamilah, for all their love,
prayers, advice, patience, non-stop support financially and spiritually, also her
little sister, Danesa Ismiyana Noumianty. The writer also wants to express her
sincere thanks to her advisor, Alfi Syahriyani, M.Hum., who always give
encouragements, inspirations, critique, and the spare time to guide and teach the
writer patiently.
Moreover, the writer would like to take this opportunity to convey her
1. Prof. Dr. Sukron Kamil, M.Ag., the dean of Adab and Humanities
4. All the lectures of English Language and Literature Department for
also Linguistic A, especially for Siti Ulfa, her best companion, thanks
for sharing the life and dreams, for understanding and support her in
sad and happy. To the LOL Girls, Gading Ayu Kusuma Listy, Fekky
through the years, thanks for the great support, help and pray, for cheer
her up, for listening to her moans and complaints, for all effort to make
9. All people who helped the writer to finish this thesis that cannot be
Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can be useful for all the people who
read it. Suggestions and criticisms will be accepted in order to improve this thesis.
The writer
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
DECLARATION ................................................................................................ iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................................................................v
A. Previous Research ................................................................................... 10
1. Morphology ....................................................................................... 17
3. Morpheme ......................................................................................... 18
A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 55
B. Suggestions .............................................................................................. 56
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 57
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 60
people can speak to the listeners directly. In spoken and written language,
and develops day by day based on the people who use it.
they are put together to form a sentence. Words has some units that used to
Language and his essays magazine A Set of Postulates for the Science of
usually have a certain or special words which are not so common in human
daily activities. Moreover, language is not only concern in term of written, but
also for other interest. Language is also used in spoken media, such as movie,
occurences and often features a publicy unknown cast of individuals who are
showis MasterChef U.S. which open to any amateur and home cooks. The
chefs are presented various cooking challenges and test their skill in order to
see who becomes the next chef.The television show uses language according
culinary terms in the conversation. In this case, the process of word formation
(Samsuri 190). The main point of this morphology study is on how to identify
adding an affix to previously existing forms, altering their word class, or
formed by the smaller pieces, and concerned with the study of how words is
linguistics that deals with such patterns”. Therefore, morphology deals with
meaning, but word can be grammatically simple and complex. Complex word
is word that has internal structure that can be divided into smaller part, while
the simple word is the smallest word only consisting of one single morpheme
that has a meaning. This study discussed about words in culinary terms that
process of bringing together two or more words into a single entity that has
Lieber (47) distinguish that there are three types of compound words,
grammatical relationships holding between the elements that make them up.
form and meaning relationship to each other, the form cannot be separated
from their meaning. The meaning of the compound words interrelate in such a
way that a new meaning of the compound words. Ullmann (81) stated that
“every compound contains words which are arbitary and opaque, without any
connection between sound and sense, and others which are at least to some
MasterChef U.S. Season 7 (2016). Besides, the writer also classifies the type
and meaning of each term. Therefore, the writer limits the research by
focusing on the theory of the process, type and meaning of compound words.
By limiting the problem, the writer hopes this research can be done in detail.
C. Research Questions
Specifically, based on the problem and the object on this research, the
2. What are the types and meaning of compound words that occur to the
terms contained in the last four episodes of the MasterChef U.S. Season 7
(2016), describe the type and meaning of the compound words which occurs
to each terms.
According to the purposes of this research above, the writer hopes this
expected to enrich the previous research which is discusses about the process,
type and meaning of compound words. In addition, it will practically useful for
F. Research Methodology
the main theory by Rochelle Lieber, combined with Ingo Plag and also
U.S. Season 7 classify the word formation which occurs in each terms.
The unit analysis of this research is culinary terms which are built
a. MasterChef U.S. Season 7 Episode 15 “Pop-Up Restaurant”
7th, 2016)
In collecting the data, the writer identifies the data source which
writer takes sample which are the culinary terms contain compound words
the compound words concept by Kreidler, Roach and
b. The writer makes the conclusions about the type and meaning
get the data when analyzing in the compound words process, type and
to Subroto (34) “data card is a relevant data that written in the card”.
G. Conceptual Framework
analyzing the data. The conceptual framework describes what is the writes
does in analyzing the data. Here is the conceptual framework in this research.
Culinary Terms in
MasterChef U.S. INPUT
Season 7 (2016)
Analyzing the
compound words
Rochelle Lieber process
Stephen Ullman
Identifying the
compound words
processing the data with the morphological analysis by analyzing the compound
words process, identifying the type and meaning compound words. When
processing the input, the writer uses compound words concept by Rochelle Lieber
as the grand theory, combined with Ingo Plag and also Stephen Ullman’s theoryto
analyze the type and meaning of each data. The last, this research gives how is
process, type and meaning of compound words process on culinary terms in
A. Previous Studies
words as follows. In this section, the writer takes five previous studies as a
reference that is reviewed to this research. The first study came from the
Surakarta, written by Kristin Oktiana, the second study is came from the same
university made by Toni Kurniawan, the third study is from Faculty of Adab
which made by Nurul Aini Saputri, the fourth is from International Journal of
Singh, and the last is fromJournal of Arts and Humanities written by Wei Liu
the variation forms of compound word and the meanings of the compound
the data, the writer applied documentation method. The several steps are
done to analyze the data such as reading and collecting the data. In
the tree diagram. Based on the analyzed data taken from the English
Translation of Al- Qur’an there are two findings. The first finding shows
compound (14 or 19.4 %), verb compound (38 or 52.8 %), adjective
transparent meaning (43 or 63.8 %) and opaque meaning (26 or 36.2 %).
Total is 72 (100 %). From the analysis, it can be concluded that the writer
found all the variations of the forms of compound word and the meaning
researcher focuses on the used of compound words. The theories used are
the O’Grady and Dobrovolsky’s and the Palmer’s theories. The type of
writer applied the reading and collecting. The several steps are done to
analyze the data. In analyzing the forms of compound words, the steps are:
analyzing with employing the tree diagram, analyzing the type, analyzing
by paraphrasing.
opaque and transparent meaning. The research paper result, there are 27
data from two manual books of handphone and Microsoft XP. The results
are: 1) the most common compound forms are: noun compound (19 data),
compound meaning are: transparent meaning (20 data) and the rest is
The aims of this research are to find out the intensity which reflect to the
the intensity and to see whether the stress placement is correct or not.
There are also supporting theories to uphold this research’s idea. Peter
terms more specially on the Meitei compound words. The kinship terms
generation, as son and daughter; and by lineal relation, as uncle etc. In the
present study, the kinship term is analysed into various groups and
Meitei Kinship term is first started from the clan level, then at lineage and
extends at the family level. The components of compound words and its
China and Wenyu Liu (2014), a professor from the same university. This
word formation and new expression in English that can be found in the
language used for internet communication, also show the most frequently
the writer does where is the writer focused on the compound words
process with the type and also the transparent and opaque meaning in the
B. Theoretical Framework
1. Morphology
“one part of the linguistic component and also divided into two meaning
same point that morphology is a sub dicipline study from linguistics that
elements used. They are root, stem, and base. According to Katamba,
part in all lexeme forms and root can be various structures”. This scholar
mentions that “if we remove the inflectional affixes from a word, the rest
base” (45).
From the examples above, we can conclude that all roots are
bases but not all bases are roots. Bases are called stems only in the context
3. Morpheme
unit of language is morpheme which can not be separated into smaller part
For example:
morpheme which is can not be separated into smaller part again, there is a
“if there is a case when morpheme morph divided into <m>, <o>, <r>,
<ph> (=<f>), those units cannot be called the unit of meaning, because
each unit do not have meaning. Instead, they are called units of sound”.
O’Grady and Guzman explained “Of all units of linguistic analysis, the
word is the most familiar. The most reliable defining property of words is
that they are smallest free forms found in language” (133). Lexemes and
words are two different terms. In general, we can say that lexemes are
vocabulary items listed in the dictionary. “Besides, the ‘word’ can also be
Lexeme Words
O’Grady and Guzman (132) stated that “word formation is the study about
word-formation can thus be defined as the study of the ways in which new
things and ideas—for which word provide the names and its equivocal
6. Compound Words
concept of Rochelle Lieber because his concept fits the data research. The
writer also use the other concepts from Ingo Plag, combined with Stephen
use free bases to compose compounds”, here are the examples below:
English compounds:
compounds of a noun and an adjective: sky blue, cherry red, rock hard
word, others like dogbed, as two words, and still others, like producer-
director are written with ahyphen between the two bases. A better criterion
green house, that is, a house that’s painted green. But it’s notalways the
case that compounds are stressed on the left. For example, mostpeople
pronounce apple pie with stress on the second base, but apple cakewith
by seeing if a modifying word can be inserted between the two bases and
still have the sequence make sense. If a modifying word cannot sensibly be
inserted, the sequence of two words is a compound. This test confirms that
both apple pie and apple cake are compounds, in spite of their differing
stress. In neither case can we insert a modifier like delicious between the
two stems; *apple delicious pie and *apple delicious cake are equally
a. Compound structure
same way that derived words do, and we can represent that structure
in the form of word trees. The compounds windmill and hard hat
b. Types of compounds
serves to determine both the part of speech and the semantic kind
is. Similarly, the second base determines the semantic category of the
where the head lexeme is derived from a verb, and the nonhead is
non head in root compounds is quite free as long as it’s not the
Compounds like windmill, ice cold, hard hat, and red hot are
between the elements that make them up. One useful classification is
1) Attributive Compound
mail that moves like a snail, and a windmill is a kind of mill that is
in which one writes notes. With a new compound like mud wheel,
between the two bases, as long as the first modifies the second in
2) Coordinative compounds
a prince consort at the same time a prince and aconsort. In the case
compound does not modify the second; instead, the two have equal
3) Subordinative Compound
interpreted in a very specific way: that is, the first element of the
so on.
exocentric varieties.
1. Endocentric compounds
person with nothing but air in herhead, and so on. Again, all three
2. Exocentric compounds
‘wash dishes’)
c. Stress in Compound
from that of phrases. Plag (175-176) stated that “this is especially true
stress is on the last word of the phrase’) and the so-called compound
sometimes they are written as one word, sometimes with the words
separated by hypen and sometimes by a space (Plag 176). Here are the
explanation below:
1) Noun Compound
right-headed, i.e. they have a head and this head is the right member
of the compound.
cover, a letter head is the head of a letter. We could say that these
within the class of entities that the head denotes. There are the
All of these have the main stress on the left. The fact that
hair restorer, butterfly net and mosquito net are spelled with a space
does not affect the fact that, from the grammatical point of view, they
2) Adjective Compound
either first word or last word (Kreidler 160). For example, these
Fore-Stressed End-Stressed
knock-kneed air-cooled
homesick well-bred
fireproof self-centered
egg-shaped classs-conscious
bare-headed handmande
henpecked dead drunk
3) Adverb Compound
4) Verb Compound
element and stressed on those element, verb compounds also use those
d. Meaning of Compounds
which are arbitary and opaque, without any connection between sound
and sense, and others which are at least to some degree motivated and
opaque meaning.
1) Transparent words
2) Opaque words
A. Data Description
From all culinary terms that already been collected and identified, the
writer classifies them in a table based on the compound words. The following
is the table of data description which has been listen by the witer from data
B. Data Analysis
In this chapter, the data is collected using random sampling to filter out
the data which are only contains the food terms. Then, data identified in data
card to analyze the data from the new words process in MasterChef U.S.
Season 7 (2016) based on each type and meaning of compound words. The
writer only focuses on the food terms from the last four episodes of
Furthermore, the data collected are gathered into a table. The writers
Datum 1
rib eye
The tree diagram above shows that it is a compound word which formed
from two elements. Those two elements are the morphemes from the same
catagories. The first morpheme is rib (N), the second and eye (N). Both
morphemes can stand alone as a word, because they are free morphemes, also they
Dictionary digital, the word rib has the meaning of “one of the curved bones in
the chest”. Besides, eye is “a part of the body that you see with” (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary digital). Those words (rib + eye) joined together with hypen
and then generate a new compound word rib-eye which can be found in the
+ eye) are equal status with neither element being regarded as the head dominates
the entire word. This compound word also a headless type of compound because
the syntactic point of view and shows that it does not contains an element as
semantic head, then this compound word classified into exocentric. Therefore,
rib-eye is not a part of curved bones (rib) that has the eye form so that this word is
categorized to opaque meaning word which is the meaning of the word is not
predictable in each elements.Thus, it proves that this compound has been listed in
English dictionaries, the meaning of rib-eye is “a piece of beef which is cut from
outside the ribs” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries 9th edition 1289).
Datum 2
bread crumbs
because can be stand alone with meaning of “a basic food made by mixing and
The second is word crumb also a free morpheme because it can stand alone and
has already been listed in English dictionary as a lexeme. Therefore, the tree
diagram above shows that the compound word breadcrumbs is formed from two
Dictionary digital, the word crumb means “a very small piece of food”.
is called inflectional morpheme because it connect with the steam crumb without
build a new word and become breadcrumbs. The compound word breadcrumbs is
an attributive compounds, because the first element expresses just about any
relationship with the head. The word breadcrumbs has bread as the modifier and
the referent of the compound is always the same as the referent of its head, so
relationship, the word breadcrumbs classified into transparent word which is the
meaning of the word can be predicted from each morpheme which is according to
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries 9th edition (173), the meaning is “very
Datum 3
soft boil
The compound word process shows from the tree diagram above that the
morpheme, they are an adjective, verb and suffix –ed. There are two free
morphemes, soft (A) and boil (V). The word boil which is also the root of the
word boil, can stand alone as a word. The last is the suffix –ed, a bound
morpheme which can not stand alone with meaning. The suffix –ed can be called
derivational morpheme, because when the affix attached to the root boil, it
changes the part of speech, changes the paradigm of it and changes the meaning.
Suffix –ed does change the part of speech of the root for changes the verb into
because the second element express about a relationship with the head soft. The
comparation of this compound is hard-boiled that has also has the stress on the left
side of the word. From the syntactic point of view, the word soft-boiled is a left-
headed compound for it has stress on the adjective soft on the left side of the
word. The combination of morphemes (soft + boil + -ed) have a left side as the
head that dominates the entire word, then this compound word classified into
endocentric compound. The word soft has the meaningof “not hard, and easy to
Then, the word boiled that comes from the root boil according to
Merriam-Webster Dictionary digital means “to become so hot that bubbles are
formed in a liquid and rise to the top”. Furthermore, it has transparent meaning,
because the meaning of this compound can be predictable from each morpheme.
Those combined with the hypen between the three morphemes, and create a new
compound word soft-boiled which means “(of eggs) boiled for a short time so that
the yolk is still soft or liquid” (Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionaries 9th edition
Datum 4
tea spoon
In this case, there are two morphemes found in the word teaspoon. The
first is tea which is a free morpheme, has an identity as a noun, and can be used
alone as a word. The second is spoon that is also a free morpheme with the same
identity. These two morphemes are considered to be able to stand alone as a word,
because they has already been listed in English dictionary. Then, those
combination of lexeme (tea + spoon) generate a new word and become teaspoon.
This is an attributive compound refers to the first element tea shows the
relationship with the head spoon. The type of this compound is right-headed and it
is on the word spoon which is the main focus on this word. The word teaspoon
has tea as the modifier and spoon as the head. It is indicated by the word of
shallots afterwards in the sentence and the meaning each morpheme. Thus, it
The word teaspoon classified into transparent word which is the meaning
of the word can be predicted from each morpheme. Therefore, the meaning of tea
is “a drink that is made by soaking the dried leaves of an Asian plant in hot water”
Learner’s Dictionary digital, spoon “an object with a handle and a round, curved
part at one end, used for eating and serving food”. The word teaspoon indicates a
English dictionary with the meaning of “a small spoon for putting sugar into tea
Datum 5
.... here is a classic American chocolate dessert a milk chocolate cheesecake ....
cheese cake
developing the formation. The free morpheme are both of them, cheese and cake,
the elements which can stand alone and have meaning by themself. Then, they can
not divided into smaller pieces which has a meaning. Therefore, the tree diagram
above shows that the word is a noun compound which formed from two
morphemes. Those two elements are from the same catagories, cheese (N) and
cake (N). The process of compound word is when there are two words which
merge into one, and then create a new word. In this case, the combination of
food that is made from milk, is usually white or yellow, and can be either hard or
soft”. Besides, cake is “a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar,
compound, because first element cheese connected to the head cake. It is also a
right-headed and it is on the word cake which is the main focus on this word. It is
modifier and cake as the head. Furthermore, this compound considered to has a
predictable meaning as a cake that made by cheese, and then it classified into
dictionary is “a cold dessert (=a sweet dish) made from a soft mixture of cream
Datum 6
hazel nut
This case of the compound word hazelnut is a noun compound which built
from three elements. Those three elements are come from the same catagories,
hazel (N) and nut (N), and the last morpheme is “–s” an inflectional bound
with the steam nut without change its paradigm, it is only change the quantity unit
of the word hazelnut. The free morpheme hazel which can stand alone as a word,
listed in English dictionary as one of lexeme. The other morpheme, nut is also a
free morpheme. The compound word process happen when the three morphemes
hazel, nutand –s combined together and create a new compound word hazelnuts.
Therefore, the three components of this compound cannot divide any further into
it refers to the first element hazel shows the connection with the head nut. From
the syntactic relationship, the word hazelnut has the word hazel as the modifier
and nut as the head. This word is a right-headed compound for the right side of
the words, that is nut, dominates the noun compound, thenit categorized into
meaning of hazel is “a kind of bush or small tree that produces nuts”. Besides, nut
is “the dry fruit of some trees that grows in a hard shell and can often be eaten”
predictable meaning from each morphemes and then it classified into transparent
as “the small brown nut of the hazel tree” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Datum 7
short cake
The tree diagram above shows that the word shortcake is a noun
compound which formed fromtwo elements. Those two elements are from the
same catagories, short (N) and cake (N). The wordshort has the meaning of
Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary digital, cake is “a sweet food made from flour,
butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked”. After those words joined
together, then the each morphemes build a new compound word shortcake.
because from syntactic point of view, however, the word shortcake are headed,
cake as the right most noun, is the head but from semantic point of view the whole
element denotes a relationship between its elementsor it can be said it has equal
status. Thus, it classified into exocentric because neither element being regarded
as the head dominates the entire word. The compound word shortcake is not a
kind of cake that has a short size. Therefore, this compound classified to opaque
Dictionaries 9th edition (1388), the meaning of shortcake is “a cake with a pastry
Datum 8
Prep. V
over cook
There are two elements found in this compound. Those two elements are
from the different catagories, over has preposition identity and cook as a verb.
Both are free morpheme that can be used alone as a word. The tree diagram above
indicates that compound is a verb compound from the compound stress. This
word has a relationship between the first elements over and the other element
a kind of right-headed compound for it has a stress on the verb cook that
dominates the entire wordin the right side of the word, then this compound
classified into endocentric compound. Those words (over + cook) are joined and
generate a new word overcook. Then, those words combined together and create a
As with verbs, it is the type with the preposition over as its first element
seems most productive, with the meaning ‘too X’. In this case, overcook, the head
of the compound is the verb shows that the result of cooking is above the
standard. In the other hand, from semantics relationship, the wordover has the
cook is “to prepare (food) for eating especially by using heat”. This compound
categorized into transparent meaning which existed in dictionary, “to cook food
Datum 9
Prep. V
under cook
word which contains of two morphemes with the different identity. The first
morpheme is under which is a free morpheme, has a preposition identity and then
the second free morpheme is cook because both of them can stand alone.
Therefore, the two components cannot divided any further into smaller piece
which has meaning. From the tree diagram above, this compound forms when the
free morpheme under combined with the word cook and become a new word
wordundercook has the word underas the modifier and cook as the head.Similar
because the second element describes about a relationship with the head soft. This
word is a right-headed compound for the right side of the words, that is cook,
endocentric compound.
of underis “below something”. In the other hand, cook is “to prepare (food) for
eating especially by using heat”. Therefore, the semantic relationship shows this
compound has a clear meaning and then it classified into transparent meaning. It
considered as the process of cooking is not enough and below the standard of
cooking. This compound undercook can be found in English dictionary as “to not
cook something for long enough, with the result that it is not ready to eat” (Oxford
Datum 10
Prep. A
under done
one morpheme with the different identity in it. The first morpheme is under which
done because both of them can stand alone. These two components cannot divide
any further into smaller piece which has meaning. Based on this the tree diagram
above, this compound word builds when the free morpheme under, or it is also
stated as a word, merge with the done and create a new word underdone.
to the nonheadacts as a modifier of the head with the first element shows the
bound relationship with the head. This word is a kind of right-headed compound
for it has a stress on the adjective done on the right side of the word, so this
because the word underdone has the word underas the modifier and done as the
to has a predictable meaning and then it classified into transparent meaning which
Datum 11
sea food
From the tree diagram above, it can be seen that the word seafood is
formed from two morphemes, sea (noun) and food (noun). The meaning of sea is
“the salt water that covers much of the Earth’s surface” (Merriam-Webster
Dictionary digital, “food is something that people and animals eat, or plants
The word seafood indicates a kind of food that comes from sea. Thus, it
about any relationship with the head. The compound word seafood has sea as the
transparent word which is the meaning of the word can be predicted from each
elements. Those combination of words (sea + food) create a new word seafood
which is based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries 9th edition (1349), the
Datum 12
corn bread
From the tree diagram above, it can be seen that the word cornbread is
formed from two elements corn (noun) and bread (noun). According to
Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary digital, corn is “a tall plant with yellow seeds
that are cooked and eaten as a vegetable”. Then, the meaning of bread is “a basic
food made by mixing and baking flour, water, and sometimes yeast” (Merriam-
Webster Dictionarydigital).
it refers to the first element corn shows the connection with the head bread. From
the syntactic relationship, the word cornbread has the wordcornas the modifier
and bread as the head. This word is a right-headed compound for the right side of
the words, that is bread, dominates the noun compound, thenit categorized into
endocentric compound.
which is the meaning of theword can be predicted from each elements of word.
The word cornbread is a kind of bread that made by corn flour. Those
combination of words (corn + bread) create a new word cornbread which can be
found in English dictionary as “a kind of flat bread made with corn (maize) flour”
Datum 13
Maybe the cornmeal in there will give the madeleine a little crunch.
corn meal
It can be seen that this case is similar to the previous analysis. The word
cornmealis formed from two elements corn (noun) and meal (noun). The
compound word cornmeal has corn as the modifier and meal as the head. Then, it
compound which semantic relationship is predictable, and the right side of the
Dictionary digital, corn is “a tall plant with yellow seeds that are cooked and
eaten as a vegetable”. Then, the meaning of meal is “the usually coarsely ground
first element corn indicates the relationship with the head meal. This compound is
the same as thereferent of its head, the word cornmeal is a kind of meal that made
combination of words (corn +meal) create a new word cornmeal. This compound
the word can be predicted from each elements. Then, it can be found in English
Datum 14
bitter sweet
The tree diagram above shows that the word bittersweet is an adjective
compound which formed from two elements. Those two elements are from the
same catagories, bitter (A) and sweet (A). The wordbitter has the meaningof
digital, sweet is “containing a lot of sugar”. Then, those words combined together
regarded as the head dominates the entire word. It can be said both elements are
head. The (bitter + sweet) then this compound word classified into exocentric
which is the meaning of the word is predictable to be determined from their each
elements. Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries 9th edition (140), the
meaning of bittersweet is “(of taste or smells) bitter and sweet at the same time”.
Datum 15
.... to win the opportunity to publish your very own cookbook and to sail the
Caribbean ....
cook book
morpheme. It is so obvious because there are two morphemes found that are cook
and book, the elements which can stand alone and have a meaning by themsleves,
moreover, the cannot divided into smaller pieces which has a meaning. The
process of compound word is when these are two words merge into one, then
generate a new word. In this case the word cookis a free morpheme which joined
with the other free morpheme book and builds a new word cookbook. This word is
the type of noun compound which is the head is the word book. It is can be proved
prepare (food) for eating especially by using heat”. In the other hand, the meaning
of book is “a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover”
first element cook shows the connection with the head book. This compound is
the same as the referent of its head, so cookbook indicates a kind of book. Thus, it
that gives instruction on cooking and how to cook individual dish” (Oxford
A. Conclusions
relationships holding between the elements that make them up. Lieber also
types of compound words according to the word stress that are noun
addition there are two meaning that contains in compound word. In the
accordance with the resarch which has been conducted based on compound
are quite a lot compound words that classified into attributive, endocentric,
the new words have a predictable meaning and some other have unpredictable
meaning. From the data, there are 13 compound words that has transparent
B. Suggestions
deeply extend the topic of the research on compound words concept. In fact, it
is very important to understand about words and its form, because its presence
order to enrich the knowledge about developing the new kind in any aspects.
Then, for the researchers who are interested in morphology study analysis, it is
coinage, reduplication and many more. In addition, the other concepts related
Minkova, Donka and Robert Stockwell. English Word, History and Structure.
UK: Cambridge University Press. Print
Nida, Eugene. Morphology: A Descriptive Analysis of Words. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 1962. Print
O’Grady, William, Michael Dobrovolsky and Francis Katamba. Contemporary
Linguistics: An Introduction. William Kingdom: Longman, 1996. Print
Plag, Ingo. Word-formation in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2002. Print
Roach, Peter. English Phonetics and Phonology. United Kingdom: Cambridge
University Press. 1998. Print.
Roekhan, Martutik, Kebahasaan I Linguistik Umum. Malang: YA3 Malang, 1991.
Sudaryanto. Metode dan Aneka teknik Analisis Bahasa, Pengantar Penelitian
Wahana Kebudayaan secara Linguistis.Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana
University Press, 1993. Print
Episode 15
Scene 1
Shaun : I'm making lamb chops with a creamed corn and roasted pearl
onions. Backhome in Vegas, I'd have a plethora of gadgets
andgizmos.So, I grabbed allkinds of stuff to use as tools.I got
somestacks of little containers and, youknow, you gotta do what
yougotta do in the MasterChef kitchen.
Christina :Just over two minutes to go, guys.Start thinking about platings.
Scene 2
Gordon : So team one, Shaun paired with Nathan.Team two, David paired
with Katie,and team three, Tanorria paired with Dan.Brandi,your
work here is done.Please head up to thebalcony, whereyou'llhave
the best view in the housetonight.Wow.Now,tonight, in this
challenge, you'll not be cooking togetherat thesame
time.Listencarefully.Here's how it's gonna work.One ofyoustarts
the cooking and your partner must stand atthe end ofyour station.
When we shout"switch," you'll trade positions.You'll have 60
minutes tomake us a beautiful MasterChef-quality picnic platter.
Kevin : Okay, teams, please head to your stations.Everything you need
has beenplaced inthe station behind you, live lobster, porksausage,
eggs, Parmesancheese, Italian breadcrumbs, and avariety of
condiments and sauces.
Shaun : Come on, get a big pot of water going.Let's go, let's go.
Tanorria : Need to get some eggs boiling, don't forget about that.
David : Get the cookies in the oven and then we gotta peel the potatoes.
Gordon : Well, this is one of the most sophisticated picnics anywhere in the
Scene 3
Christina : Well, let's get into this.Lobster rolls.Not a good look.Who did
Katie : Yes.
Scene 4
Announcer : For tonight's themed dinner, Chef Ramsay has devised a very
special menuof 1920s classics, pan-seared scallops with
quaileggs, parsnip puree andcaviar OystersRockefeller,
withBloomsdale spinach and a Hollandaisesauce.A butter-
poachedlobster tail, on a bed of tagliatelle with sautéedasparagus
and afilet mignon, with mashed potatoes androot vegetables.
Gordon : Right, cooking the scallops.Make sure that pan is piping hot.
Now, quail'seggs.Take the knife, gently break, use the tip, and
inwe go.Crack those ingently.
Brandi : Chef Ramsay's doing so much at one time.He's got eight pans on
quail's eggson, and then finally, take your parsnip chips on top.
Katie : I'm trying to take so much information in, it's like my head's
about to spinoff.
Gordon : Oyster Rockefeller. Here I've got a mixture of some oyster juice,
Scene 5
do it justice.
Kevin : Milk chocolate may be the most popular choice, but there's an
Episode 16
Scene 1
Gordon : Tanorria, I love the fact that you're grilling the peaches tonight,
that's quiteambitious, and what did you marinate the peaches in?
Tanorria : Balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and basil.
Gordon : Mm.Delicious.Really delicious.Shortcake needs a touch more
Episode 17
Scene 1
Tanorria : Can you imagine food critics loving this dish?
David : That's it, that means we made it.
Christina : They can fill your restaurant up for six years, and they can shut
yourrestaurant down in six months.
Gordon : Both boxes have the identical ingredients, but there's two proteins
there that Iwould give my right arm to cook.
Shaun : Those look nice.
Brandi : Yes, they do.
Gordon : The lamb and the duck.
Christina :Uh-uh.
Gordon : Seriously? No.
Brandi : I'm coatin' the fish in hazelnut right now.
Shaun : Sounds good.
Gordon : I wouldn't go anywhere near that halibut.The most unforgiving
fishanywhere in the sea.
Christina :I know what a risk halibut is, but I think a beautifully done
halibut will speakvolumes.Richard, what would you choose?
What would you go for?
Richard : Yeah, listen, I think I would grab quite honestly the rack of lamb.
The duckis challenging because a lot of young or novice cooks,
they undercookduck.
Gordon : Yeah.
Scene 2
Tanorria : David, how's it going back there with the duck?
David : Uh-hh
Christina : Guys, you have eightminutes to go.
Tanorria : How many are completed, David?
Episode 18
Scene 1
Gordon : Next, we traveled to Las Vegas, the hometown of both David and
Shaun.First,we visited David to see how his menus were coming
David : Are you happy I'm making salmon?
Lilliana : Yeah.
David : I have an amazing five-year-old daughter, Liliana.I've really
missed her so much.I wonder if he's cooking.She truly kind of
grounds me and shows mewhat I'm fighting for.
(doorbell rings) (knocking on door)(doorbell rings)
Christina : Hi!
Gordon : Hello, gorgeous.How are you?
Liliana : Hello!
David : I had no idea you guys were coming.Let's go into the kitchen.I
Episode 19
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Brandi : I'm just Brandi.I'm just a teacher from Irvington.That's all I am.
There's nobells and whistles.I want everyone to see that you
really can do anything thatyou set your mind to.
David : I don't want to let my daughter Liliana down.I'm sure she'll be
proud nomatter how it goes, but I really want to be able to take
that trophy home andlet it sit in her room, and let her be proud
and tell all her friends that herdaddy is the next MasterChef.
Shaun :Winning this competition, I'm gonna make everybody that was
cheering forme proudfrom my momto past contestants.I'mgonna
make Vegas proudand I'm gonna make my dad proud.
Gordon : Shaun, Brandi, David, let's get one thing straight.All three of you
havegrown so much across this competition.Tonight, you three
proved beyond ashadow of a doubt that you are definitely thethree
best home cooksanywhere in the country.That's why we'd like
David, Brandi and Shaun toswitch places with us, 'cause that's
where you belong.Please, come over.
million dollars.
Christina : One of you is about to win the opportunity to publish your very
owncookbook and to sail the Caribbean on the MasterChef
cruise, and one of youis about to win this.The most sought-after
honor in the culinary world, thetitle of "MasterChef”.
Gordon : The winner of "MasterChef" is….congratulations…. Shaun!
Shaun : (screaming)
All : (cheering, applause)
Shaun : I really did it! I just won "MasterChef"! I just won a quarter of a
million dollars.Oh! This is the greatest day of my life!