Make An Itinerary
Make An Itinerary
Make An Itinerary
Group 4 proudly
The Meaning of an Itinerary
An itinerary is a plan of a
journey showing the route
and the places that the
visitor will visit.
5 Types of an Itinerary
1 3
Tourists’ Itinerary 2 Escort or Guide’s Itinerary
Tour Manager’s Itinerary
4 Coach Driver’s Itinerary
Vendor’s Itinerary
Developing Steps for Preparing an Itinerary
Step 4 Step 7
Step 1
List the major locations Obtain permission to
Research other tours in
and highlights of your access private and public
the market place
tour properties
Step 5 Step 8
Step 2
Research your tour Perfecting your tour
Name your tour
content and commentary timing
Step 3 Step 6
List any third party Step 9
Map out the duration,
activities, attractions, Test driving your tour
frequency and departure
entrance fees and itinerary
point of your tour
Providing Background Information for Preparing Itinerary
1. Duration of the tour
2. Minimum time for visiting each city
3. Purpose of travel and special interest
4. Selecting cities to be included in the itinerary
5. Mode of intercity travel. (by road, rail, air)
6. Selection of any special air fare or rail fare
7. Selecting the hotels to be used
8. First arrival and last departure from international airport
10. Inclusion of places requiring restricted area permits
11. Best time for visiting
List Do’s and Do Not’s of an Itinerary
1. Research other tours in the marketplace
2. Name your tour package / holiday
3. Map out the duration, frequency and departure details
4. List the major locations and tour highlights
5. Research tour content and draft commentary
6. List activities, attractions, entrance fees and inclusions
7. Organize suppliers for meals
8. Organize accommodation approvals
9. Perfect your timing
10. Test drive your itinerary
11. Do a bit of quick research on a destination
12. Start with one of the travel aggregators to search for routes
13. Check “best of” lists and apps on travel sites
14. Book both hotels and resorts with good location
15. Use a site or app which pulls in from multiple sources
16. Spend a bit of time on your flight getting acquainted with your
17. Keep route instructions (indication sheets) and route map
18. Pre - trip preparation guide which will provide in
19. Quick reference guide
20. Sight overview
21. Consider travel documents
22. Write clearly and to the point
23. The client must want to travel immediately to their
preferred destination
24. It must however leave the client wanting to travel in order
to discover the destination for them
25. Give them just enough information to wet their appetite
26. Never use the word etc. in an itinerary
27. include one day at leisure
28. You must be clear about accommodation and activities
29. Prepare travel checklist
30. Prepare a complete itinerary that includes detailed ground
31. Make sure to have beverages available, especially water
32. Carefully map out the destinations to make the most effective use
of travel time
33. Community awareness and service programs are highly desirable
34. Assemble a brochure
35. Create very unique itineraries
36. Prepare a realistic day by day travel itinerary and try to avoid a
rigid hourly schedule
Do Not’s
1. avoid or overlook a particular destination
D 2.
overlook regional laws and customs, local briefs and folklore
put so much pressure on tourists
O 4. leave booking the hotel to the last minute
5. simply just trust your guidebook, printed guidebooks and published
6. ignore the culture
N 7. make promises in your description that you may not be able to keep
8. be too quick to click when making travel reservations online
9. need to show more than two rooms on a property
T 10. give out a bunch of promo items unless they are unique
11. overlook your unique attractions
12. schedule back-to-back site visits
Preparing Itinerary for GIT n FIT Tours
Group Inclusive Tour
➢ Fixed itinerary
➢ religiously follows the
➢ No room for personal choice
➢ Cheaper than FIT
➢ Travel time limits.