Not For Profit PRganization
Not For Profit PRganization
Not For Profit PRganization
profit Organisation:
Step 1; Statement of Affairs to calculate Accumulated fund
……… Club
$ $
Non-current assets (Premises, furniture, vehicles etc.) XXX
Current assets (Inventory, subscription owing, cash and bank balance XXX
Total assets XXX
Less, Liabilities:
Current liabilities (Creditors, subscription in advance etc.) XXX XXX
Accumulated fund=Total assets-Total liabilities XXX
……… Club
Receipt and Payment Account for the year ending 31st December, 20….
Dr. Cr.
Dr. Cr.
$ $
Opening owing b/d (O) XX Opening advance(prepaid) b/d (P) XX
I & E a/c (bal fig.) XX Cash received XX
Closing advance(prepaid) c/d (P) XX Closing owing c/d (O) XX
Opening owing b/d XX Opening advance(prepaid) b/d XX
Dr. Cr.
$ $
I & E a/c (bal fig) XX Opening balance b/d XX
Closing advance(prepaid) c/d XX Cash received XX
Opening balance b/d XX
Dr. Cr.
$ $
Opening balance b/d XX I & E a/c (depreciation) XX
Cash paid XX Balance c/d XX
Opening balance b/d XX
Step 4; Income statement for trading activities
Refreshment trading account for the year ended 31st December, 20….
$ $
Sale of refreshment XXX
Less, cost of sales:
Opening inventory XX
Add, purchases XX
Less, closing inventory (XX) (XXX)
Gross profit XX
Less, expenses related refreshment only (XX)
Profit(loss) from sale of refreshment XX
Note: we can prepare trading accounts for other trading activities also like concerts,
drama or other cultural shows, sale of sports materials and equipment etc.
Step 5; Income and Expenditure account
……… Club
Income and Expenditure account for the year ended 31st December, 20….
$ S $
Annual subscriptions XX
Life subscriptions revenue part only XX
Profit on sale of refreshment XX
Profit on disposal of assets and equipment XX
Donation and charity revenue part XX
Rent from hall or premises or compound XX
Sale of tickets XX
Less, hire of band, dress etc. (XX)
Less, payment for artists (XX) (XX) XX
Refreshment bar:
Refreshment bar takings XX
Less, cost of foods and bar (XX) XX
Total incomes XXX
Less, expenses:
Wages and salaries XX
Repair of club equipment and assets XX
Heating and lighting XX
Secretary’s payments and expenses XX
depreciation XX
Utilities expenses XX
Interest on loan XX
Loss on disposal of assets XX
Upkeep of ground XX (XXX)
Surplus (Deficit) XXX
Step 6; Statement of Financial Position
……… Club
Opening Accumulated Fund XXX
Add(less), Surplus/(Deficit) XX/(XX)
Add, Donations/ Legacy/ Gift only capital XXX XXX
Non-current liabilities:
Long term loan XXX
Current liabilities:
Trade payables/creditors XXX
Other payables(expenses owing/accruals) XXX
Subscription advance XXX
Bank overdraft XXX XXX
Total liabilities XXX