1. Balance weight equally between arms and legs, hands
and feet 2. Spread fingers wide and press hands down 3. Lift hips high into the sky! 4. Let your head relax downwards “Candle Stick Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
In this pose we are “Standing on our shoulders.”
1. Lay on the ground.
2. Shrug shoulders up by ears, then press them down into the ground. 3. Support hips with hands and reach legs straight up towards the sky. “Chair Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Stand with feet together and big toes touching. 2. “Glue legs together.” 3. Bend knees and sit back as if sitting in a chair. 4. Reach arms up.
This is a challenging, powerful pose.
“Superman Pose”
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(This pose can be done with arms reaching forward or out to the sides)
1. Chest pulls forward, feet pull backwards.
2. Belly muscles support you while your chest and legs lift off the ground. 3. To make this pose easier, keep legs on the ground. “Butterfly Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Sit with soles of feet together and knees out to the side. 2. Feet can be close to the body for more stretch or farther away from the body for less stretch. 3. Sit up tall. “Plough Pose”
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This is NOT for beginners.
1. From “candlestick pose,” drop your feet towards the
ground behind you. 2. If your toes don’t touch the ground, bend your knees and rest them on your “Triangle Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Stand with feet 3 feet apart. 2. Turn right toes out, left toes in. 3. Reach arms out the sides and reach for the right side of the room. 4. Lower your right hand to the ground and reach left hand up. 5. Look up at your right hand or down to the ground. “Tree pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
The toes of your “non-standing leg” can be on the ground, or anywhere on your leg (except on your knee).
1. For balance, press foot into leg and leg into foot. 2. Stare and a spot in front of you that is not moving. “Lightning bolt pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Sit with knees together and heels together. 2. Sitting on your heels, sink your hips down and reach the top of your head up towards the sky “Plough Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is NOT for beginners.
1. From “candlestick pose,” drop your feet towards the
ground behind you. 2. If your toes don’t touch the ground, bend your knees and rest them on your forehead. “Child’s Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. With knees and heels together, let head rest on the mat 2. Reach hips down and back. 3. Arms can reach forward or back towards your toes 4. This is a restful pose that allows your back and hips to stretch. “Downward Facing Dog Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This pose is an upside down “V” shape.
1. Balance weight equally between arms and legs, hands
and feet 2. Spread fingers wide and press hands down 3. Lift hips high into the sky! 4. Let your head relax downwards “Crow Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Card
This is an advanced pose and is not for beginners.
1. From yoga squat, bend elbows back and press upper
arms into legs to balance. 2. Look forward. “Crescent moon”
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1. Clasp hands together. 2. Reach hips to the right and lean to the left. 3. Reach arms to the left. 4. Gaze up at right elbow. 5. Repeat on left side. “Warrior Two”
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1. Keep pressing feet down. 2. Reach arms out to the sides. 3. Make sure front knee is directly over front ankle. 4. Gaze over front middle finger. “Warrior One”
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1. Make sure front knee is directly over front ankle 2. Reach arms up the sky, 3. draw shoulders down and away from the ears 4. Try to square hips to the front of the room. “Warrior three”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose.
1. Use belly strength to stay balanced.
2. Remember, falling down is part of the fun! “Mountain Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Stand with feet hips width apart. 2. Feel sits bones drawing down towards ankles. 3. Tuck tail bone. 4. Draw belly in and up (gently) 5. Drop shoulders down and away from ears. 6. Engage legs by moving thighs back in space. 7. Press feet into the ground to stand tall. “Hands to Sun Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
Reach arms out and up over head! Imagine you are scooping up the sun. “Cobra Pose”
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1. Lay on belly. 2. Place hands under shoulders. 3. Bend elbows back towards your feet behind you. 4. Use back muscles to pull chest forward and up. “Foot to Hand Pose”
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This is an advanced pose. Keep working on tree. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! “Wheel Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose. Keep working on bridge pose. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! “Forearm Balance Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose. Keep working on down dog pose. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! “Hand stand”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose. Keep working on down dog pose. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! “Warrior Three”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose.
3. Use belly strength to stay balanced.
4. Remember, falling down is part of the fun! “Camel Pose”
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1. Stand on Knees 2. curl toes under 3. place hands on low back with fingers pointing up 4. press hips forward 5. point chest upward 6. if you can, reach for your heels 7. If it feels safe, let your head fall back “Full Boat Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. balance on sit bones (not low back) 2. use belly strength to balance as you lift arms and legs 3. bend knees if you like “Full Lotus Pose”
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Some young children are naturally flexible to do this on the first try, For most older children and adults, this is an advanced pose.
1. Bring one foot into your hip crease
2. Cross other leg over and bring into opposite hip crease “Seated Twisting Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
Use belly to twist and look over your shoulder. “Extended Side Angle Pose”
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1. Find your warrior two legs 2. bring fore arm to thigh (or hand to the floor) 3. reach other arm beyond your ear “Eagle Pose”
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This is an advanced pose. Your belly strength will keep you balanced! “Half Moon pose”
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This is an advanced pose!
1. Find your triangle pose
2. Then lift back leg up! “Forward Folding Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Stand with feet hip width apart 2. Fold at the hips, not the waist 3. Tuck chin to chest, to relax neck 4. Bend knees if the stretch is too much for the backs of your legs “Half Plank Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. From plank pose, shift weight onto right hand and outer edge of right foot. 2. Lift left arm up
Repeat on left side
***To modify, keep right knee on the ground.
“Cow Face Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Bring one knee in front of the other. 2. Sit between edges of feet. 3. reach elbows in opposite directions (one reaches upwards, the other downwards) 4. Clasp hands, or to modify, hold onto a strap behind your back. 5. Repeat on the other side.
“Hand Stand”
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This is an advanced pose. Keep working on down dog pose. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! “Pigeon Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Bring right knee forward. 2. Extend left leg behind you 3. Square both hips to the front of the room. 4. Lift sternum (chest) up
Repeat on other side.
“Seated Half Split Pose”
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
This is an advanced pose. Keep working on down dog pose. When you are ready to try this pose, your teacher will let you know! Mountain Pose
M. Lashure - Yoga Flash Cards
1. Stand with feet hips width apart 2. Press feet down into the ground 3. Rise up through the top of your hear 4. Tuck your tailbone 5. Lift your sternum (chest) up 6. Pull your shoulders down and back