Scanning Rate Enhancement of Leaky Wave Antennas Using Slow-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Structure
Scanning Rate Enhancement of Leaky Wave Antennas Using Slow-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Structure
Scanning Rate Enhancement of Leaky Wave Antennas Using Slow-Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Structure
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6 authors, including:
Zhangbiao Yang
National University of Defense Technology
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Abstract—In this paper, we propose a high scanning rate leaky wave radiation performance. While for scanning-beam applications,
antenna (LWA) based on a slow-wave substrate integrated waveguide
(SIW) structure. The slow-wave effect is introduced by etching periodical
one requires a high scanning rate, which reduces the required
slots on the top surface of SIW. The LWA radiation is subsequently bandwidth (for the same scanning range) and hence eases the
realized by introducing sinusoidal modulation to the slots profile. Such a transceiver architecture and signal processor from the system
structure significantly improves the scanning rate of LWA due to the small viewpoint. However, very few works were reported so to
group velocity at the slow-wave region. Simulated and measured results
indicate that the proposed LWA scans a wide angle in a narrow bandwidth discuss how to enhance the scanning rate of LWAs. Actually,
near the cutoff frequency of SPP. Within the frequency band 13.5–13.9 most reported LWAs need a large bandwidth to operate beam
GHz (3% relative bandwidth), the measured scanning angle is from 2°to scanning. It is difficult to design the RF transceivers for such
37°with the measured gain all above 9.2 dBi.
antennas. Therefore, it is highly demanded to increase the
Index Terms—Scanning rate, leaky wave antenna, slow-wave,
scanning rate and hence reduce the bandwidth of LWAs
substrate integrated waveguide (SIW).
without sacrificing the beam scanning capability. A novel
I. INTRODUCTION CRLH-SIW LWA was proposed in [12] to achieve a wide
continuous scanning range within a relatively narrow
Leaky wave antennas (LWAs), supporting a travelling wave
fractional bandwidth. However, the bandwidth is still as large
with continuous leakage along the structure, achieves high
as 26%, due to the fact that it works in the fast-wave region.
directivity with a simple feeding architecture [1-3]. No
Employing slow-wave structure is a potential way to improve
complicated and costly feed network is needed for LWAs, in
scanning rate of LWAs, because the phase constant of a slow
contrast to the typical phased array. Recently, substrate
wave is much more sensitive to frequency variations [13-15].
integrated waveguide (SIW) LWAs attract much attention,
By introducing meandering line to SIW LWA, one realizes a
due to the advantages of SIW, e.g. low profile, low cost, and
equivalent slow-wave TL and hence improves the scanning
easiness of integration with planar circuits [4-5].
rate, but with the price of increasing the lateral size [15].
Generally, LWAs can be divided into two groups: uniform
Some other slow-wave SIWs are realized by adding several
(or quasi-uniform) structure LWAs and periodic LWAs. In
rows of metallic blind holes [16-17] or patterning with
the first case, the structure supports a fast wave with respect
microstrip polylines [18], which are however difficult to form
to the free space and hence the phase constant of the leaky
LWA due to the complicated structures. Researchers also
mode is smaller than that in free space. The fast-wave mode
explored some slow-wave structures based on parallel plate
LWA is able to radiate directly [6-9]. In the second case, the
waveguide [19] or microstrip line [20]. In comparison, SIW
guiding structure typically supports a slow wave with respect
exhibit better shielding performance and hence provide a
to the free space and hence the fundamental mode is a
good isolation between adjacent feeding lines.
nonradiating mode. By introducing a periodic profile
In this paper, we propose a high scanning rate LWA based
modulation along the guiding structure, the first harmonic
on a novel slow-wave SIW transmission line (TL). By etching
mode enters the fast-wave region and hence radiates [10-11].
periodic slots on the top surface of the SIW, slow-wave effect
Scanning rate (scanning-range/bandwidth ratio), defined as
is introduced to SIW TL. We subsequently modulate the slot
the scanning angle range divided by the bandwidth, is a very
profile to allow the first space harmonic to radiate and hence
important parameter for frequency scanning antennas such as
form a LWA. To enhance the scanning rate, we intentionally
LWAs. For fixed-beam applications, one pursues that the
employ the frequency band near the upper cutoff frequency
antenna can operate over a wide bandwidth with consistent
for radiation, because the phase constant is very sensitive to
frequency variation within this range. In the operating band of
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan 13.5–13.9 GHz, the designed LWA has a scanning range of
Province, China (Grant 2017JJ3364), National Natural Science Foundation of 2°–37° with the radiation gain above 9.2 dBi. The relative
China under Grant (61601487), Guangdong Natural Science Funds for
Distinguished Young Scholar (2015A030306032), Talent Support Project of scanning bandwidth is only 3%.
Guangdong (2016TQ03X839), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation The paper is organized as follows. The configuration and
Committee funds (KQJSCX20160226193445, KQCX2015033110182368, JC analysis of the slow-wave SIW are firstly presented in Sec. II,
YJ20160301113918121, JSGG20160427105120572), and Shenzhen
Development and Reform Commission Funds (Grant [2015]944).
followed by LWA design (Sec. III) and experimental
(Corresponding author: Qingfeng Zhang) validation (Sec. IV). Conclusion is finally given in Sec. V.
D. F. Guan, P. You, Z. B. Yang, Y. Zhou, and S. Yong are with the College
of Electronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense
Technology, Changsha, China, 410073. (
Q. Zhang is with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fig. 1 is the configuration of the proposed slow-wave SIW
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 518055.
(e-mail: TL. It is designed on the Rogers RT 5880 printed circuit
board (PCB) with thickness h=0.508, relative dielectric
0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2831257, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
constant εr =2.2, and loss tangent tanδ =0.001. Periodical slots Fig. 2. Dispersion curve of the periodic unit.
are etched on the top surface of SIW to form slow-wave effect.
The width of SIW is ws. The period of the slots is p. The
width and length of slots are a and h1, respectively. To
propagate a slow-wave mode at microwave frequencies, the
parameters a and p are set much less than the guided
wavelength at the operational frequency. As shown in Fig. 1,
a smooth transition section, in which the slot length varies
from 0.2 h1 to h1 with a linear gradient, is employed to realize
a good impedance matching.
In our previous work [17], slow-wave effect is realized in
SIW by employing arrays of transverse metallic blind holes,
which requires a thick substrate for digging blind via holes
and needs a very complicated fabrication. In contrast, the
proposed novel slow-wave TL is realized by etching slots on
the surface of SIW, which features simplicity in fabrication Fig. 3. Transmission characteristic of the proposed slow-wave SIW TL.
and compactness in thickness. Moreover, this structure can be
designed as a LWA by directly introducing sinusoidal the dispersion feature shown in Fig. 2. According to Fig. 2,
modulation to the slot length, which will be introduced in the the proposed TL has both fast-wave (leaky wave mode) and
forthcoming section. The dispersion characteristic of the slow-wave bands, which correspond to Band 1 and Band 2 of
proposed slow-wave TL is analyzed using commercial EM Fig. 3, respectively. In the fast-wave region Band 1, the
software CST under the Eigen mode analysis, in which one propagation constant β is smaller than the wave number in
periodic unit (including the lateral vias) as shown in Fig. 1 is free space k0. The angle of maximum radiation direction from
modeled to obtain the dispersion curve. The parameters are the broadside (θ) of LWA can be determined as:
fixed as: ws=11 mm, a=0.5 mm, p=1.0 mm. Fig. 2 shows the
simulated dispersion curves of a pure SIW and slow-wave sin (1)
SIW with different slot length h1 for comparison. It can be The Band 1 in Fig. 3 corresponds to this leaky wave mode
seen that the slow-wave SIW structure has the same lower and the energy directly radiates out through the slots. The
cutoff frequency as SIW. As β increases, the slopes of slow- corresponding beam scanning angle is only limited to the
wave SIW curves decrease gradually and the slow-wave forward direction. Actually, most SIW LWAs with transverse
feature emerges. Note that, the slow-wave SIW has an upper slots work in this fast-wave region [6-8]. The Band 2 in Fig. 3
cutoff frequency which is inversely proportional to the slot is the slow-wave region, in which the propagation constant β
length h1. The dispersion curve indicates that the proposed is larger than k0. This mode is nonradiating and the energy is
slow-wave SIW structure has fast-wave feature at low mostly transmitted to terminal port. Thus Band 2 can be seen
frequencies and slow-wave feature at high frequencies. Thus as a transmission mode. As shown in Fig. 3, the loss of the
it can support a hybrid fast-wave and slow-wave modes at proposed slow-wave TL is 0.7 dB at the transmission center
different frequencies. frequency 13.5 GHz. The propagation constant of slow-wave
Fig. 3 shows the simulated reflection coefficient (S11) and SIW is much larger than that of SIW, especially as the
transmission coefficient (S21) of the proposed slow-wave SIW frequency goes close to the upper cutoff frequency. Moreover,
TL. The slot length is set as 7 mm in the simulation. The pass β is more sensitive to the variation of frequency in the case of
band is from 10.3 GHz to 16.3 GHz, which agrees well with slow-wave SIW, according to Fig. 2. Therefore, according to
0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2831257, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
upper cutoff frequency fc, and only the frequency band f0 < f <
Fig. 5. S-parameters of the sinusoidally modulated LWA
fc is used. Here, we choose h1=8 mm, h2=2.2 mm, d=10.1 mm,
which corresponds to a broadside frequency (f0) close to 13.2
formula (1), the LWA based on such a structure is potentially GHz. We use sixteen modulation periods in our design to
a high scanning rate antenna. To maximize the scanning rate, radiate out most of the energy. For measurement convenience,
we may choose the band near the upper cutoff frequency, SIW is finally connected to a microstrip line using a transition.
where β changes quickly with the frequency. As shown in Fig. 4, the width of the 50 Ω microstrip line is
wm1. The width and length of the tapered microstrip lines are
III. LWA BASED ON SLOW-WAVE SIW TL wm2 and lm for impedance matching. The final parameters are
wm1=1.6 mm, wm2=2.8 mm, and lm =5 mm.
Periodic profile modulation introduces infinite space
Fig. 5 shows the simulated S-parameters of the sinusoidally
harmonics, whose phase constant βn is calculated as
modulated LWA. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that there are
2 n
n , n 0, 1, 2, ..., (2) three radiating bands. Band 1 corresponds to the direct
d radiation through the slots by the fast-wave waveguide mode,
where d is the modulation period. The n=−1 space harmonic since this frequency range is the same as the original Band 1
is usually chosen to convert transmission wave to radiation in Fig. 3. According formula (1), Band 1 is in the region from
wave. In this mode, the LWA can scan beam in either the the SIW cutoff frequency to the frequency at β=k0, and the
forward direction or the backward direction. beam radiates in the forward direction. Band 2 and Band 3
The configuration of the proposed LWA based on the slow- correspond to n=-1 space harmonic due to the slot profile
wave SIW TL is shown in Fig. 4, in which sinusoidal modulation. Ideally, Band 2 and Band 3 are connected
modulation is introduced to excite the n=−1 space harmonic together to form the forward and backward radiation region.
wave. The antenna size L×W is 190 mm×20 mm. The However, an open stopband occurs around the broadside
amplitude of the sinusoidal modulation is h2/2. It means that frequency due to the symmetric profile used in the modulation.
the maximum and the minimum slot lengths are h1 and h1-h2, Therefore, the original n=-1 space harmonic splits into two
respectively. The modulated period d is set as one guided separate frequency bands, i.e. Band 2 and Band 3,
wavelength (slow-wave SIW) at the broadside frequency f0. corresponding to backward and forward radiation,
According to formulas (1) and (2), β-1 is zero at f0 and the respectively. The space between Band 2 and Band 3
radiation direction is at broadside in this case. When the corresponds to the open stopband around the broadside
operating frequency f < f0, β-1 is negative and the scanning radiation. This open stopband around broadside radiation is a
beam is in the backward direction. When the operating common problem in LWA. One may overcome it by using
frequency f > f0, β-1 is positive and the scanning beam is in the asymmetric structures, as did in [21], [22]. We will explore
forward direction. To increase the scanning rate of the this improvement in our future works. Considering the
proposed LWA, the operating frequency is set close to the
0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2831257, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Center Scanning
frequency range Bandwidth (%) Type
(GHz) (degree)
SIW with
[7] 11 60 16.4 3.7
[12] 9.55 119 26.2 4.5 SIW-CRLH
[15] 25.25 50 9.9 5.1
(a) (b) This slow-wave
13.7 35 3 11.7
work SIW
0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2831257, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
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[21] S. Otto, A. Al-Bassam, A. Rennings, K. Solbach, and C. Caloz,
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0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
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