"DREAMS - e - Homoeo": (D Rea MS)
"DREAMS - e - Homoeo": (D Rea MS)
"DREAMS - e - Homoeo": (D Rea MS)
A charitable society registered under the societies registration act,,XXIof 1860
“DREAMS - e - homoeo”
A weekly ‘e’ magazine by DREAMS
DREAMS is a consortium
of dedicated Thursday
10 March, 2011
workers aiming for the social upliftment,
Issue 13
working at grass root levels in the important
areas like health, education, national
integration, pollution free environment Chief Editor
Dr. Anupam Sethi Malhotra
Editorial Board :
DREAMS has worked to open free medical Dr. Saurav Arora
camps in various villages, providing free Dr. Navneet Bidani
medical care. Also worked during natural Dr. E. A Farooquee
Mr. Mahesh Gidwani
calamities like earthquake and epidemics.
For persons who are wearing out under the physical Hello Anupam,
and mental strain of a busy life; who suffer from A nice informative e-mag.
Please continue. I wish you
exhausted nerves and brains (compare, Fluor. ac.). all the best.
Melancholy, from nervous exhaustion; bashful, Dr. Vijay Pal Singh
timid, ill at ease in society. Sad, irritable; delights in
Dear Dr. Anupam,
solitude and obscurity (patient desires light and This is a very nice initiative
company- Stram.). Longing for alcoholic liquors and by you and others in the
editorial board....looking
tabacco; for the accustomed stimulants. Want of forward to much more
breath: in those engaged in athletic sports; shortness informative stuff !
of breath, in old people; in those who use tabacco and Dr. Nupur Das
whiskey to excess. Hemoptysis, with oppression of
Points to ponder…..
chest and dyspnea. Sleepy, but can find no rest
anywhere. Violent palpitation: from incarcerated Some people always throw stones
in your path. It depends on you
flatus (Arg. n., Nux); from overexertion; from heart
what you make with them. Wall?
strain (Arn., Bor., Caust.). Bad effects: from Or Bridge? Remember, you are the
mountain climbing or ballooning (Ars.); of architect of your life.
Laughter dose
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Deficiency may lead to microcytic anemia (because pyridoxyl phosphate is the cofactor for
heme synthesis), depression, dermatitis, hypertension, water retention, and elevated
levels of homocysteine
Vitamin B7 (biotin)
Deficiency does not typically cause symptoms in adults but may lead to impaired growth and
neurological disorders in infants. Multiple carboxylase deficiency, an inborn error of metabolism,
can lead to biotin deficiency even when dietary biotin intake is normal.
Grief -- Aur., Gels., Ign., Phos. ac., Staph., It is commonly measured as a part of liver
Ver. a. function tests, to determine liver health.
Normal values are 5-60 U/L .
Consolation -- Cact., Graph., Helleb., Ign.,
Lil. t., Nat. m., Sabal, Sep., Sil. Significantly elevated levels suggest:
Viral hepatitis,
Conversation -- Ambra, Cocc., Phos. ac., Congestive heart failure,
Stann. Liver damage,
Bile duct problems,
Laughing -- Arg. m., Dros., Mang. ac., Phos., Infectious mononucleosis,
Or myopathy
Stann., Tellur.
Office & correspondence : 17-65, Ram Nagar Colony, Trimulgherry, Alwal,
Secunderabad 500015
Works : Plot No. 99, I.E. Medchal, Hydrabad 501401
Ph. : 08418-222111, 9848065885
Website : www.vashishthomoeo.com
E mail : sk_vashisht@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the articles published in the ‘Dreams e homoeo’ belong solely to the authors.
The Editorial board may or may not be in agreement with the views expressed in the news-letter by the respective