Stakeholder Interview Template
Stakeholder Interview Template
Stakeholder Interview Template
Project Overview
The purpose of this interview is to acquire an understanding of the key business goals for mapping the
[INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC] journey. We will be talking with multiple employees to get a broader context
of what is known today about customers and what is critical as we map out the experiences.
In this interview, we start off by talking a little bit about your role, your professional objectives, and how
this journey mapping project fits into those objectives. We will also discuss success criteria and potential
challenges and barriers to accomplishing this work and improving the customer experience. This
interview will take about 30 minutes. Do you have any questions before we begin?
Business/Corporate Level
1. What is your understanding of the customer journey mapping project? [Explain journey mapping +
process as needed]
4. How might this project impact your success? [Or how might you use the journey map in your work
going forward?]
8. What do you think [YOUR COMPANY] is doing well in terms of satisfying customers during their
post-launch support experience?
10. How do you know whether customers are having a positive or negative experience during the
[INSERT YOUR SPECIFIC] journey? Are there measurements that you rely on?
12. Are you aware of any obstacles, internal or external, which may get in the way of an improved
customer experience?
a. Are there any “sacred cows” - things that cannot change? What should we be aware of, for
example, parts or functions of the organization that are exempt from change or questioning?
13. How will you know this project has been successful?
a. What do you need to see in the short term or next six months?
b. How about the long term, next 3 years?
Wrap Up
14. Anything else you think would be important to know to help make this project a success?