Dewanjee 2014
Dewanjee 2014
Dewanjee 2014
5 (Contributed)
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Abstract: We present the design of a broadband, compact, and low loss two level inverse taper
edge coupler for silicon photonics. The polarization maintaining taper has less than 1 dB coupling
loss from fiber to silicon waveguide and efficiently couples to both TE and TM polarizations.
1. Introduction
Current coupler techniques in silicon photonics are based on two different approaches. One example is an out-of
plane grating coupler which typically reaches coupling efficiencies of about -1 dB [1]. Alternatively, an in plane
coupling can be achieved by a number of tapering techniques. The out-of plane grating couplers typically have a
limited bandwidth, occupy large area on the chip (10×300 µm2), and are sensitive to misalignment. Additionally, the
majority of them only couple one polarization to the silicon photonic circuits, thus requiring polarization
maintaining fibers to operate. Some of these drawbacks can be overcome using an inverse tapered edge coupler. In
such couplers a single mode Si waveguide width is gradually narrowed to about 100 nm at the feed point. At this
narrow width the waveguide mode is driven (close) to the cut-off, which reduces its effective index and increases the
mode size significantly [2]. The increased mode size allows for better coupling to the mode of a single mode fiber.
Inverse tapers with high coupling efficiencies have been demonstrated but are rather long [2-4] and require very
small feature sizes for high performance operation. Moreover, a reproducible fabrication process for a 100 nm wide
sharp taper tip is challenging, but is required for low coupling loss from the fiber to chip below 2 dB. In this work
we propose a 2 layer inverse silicon taper with a bottom taper layer of a 150 nm height partial etched silicon on a
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer. This layer starts off with a square cross-section to facilitate a polarization
independent coupling. A second layer is introduced (70 nm height on top of the bottom layer) to bring the taper to
the standard height of 220 nm of a single mode Si waveguide. Both layers gradually widen to match the taper cross
section at the end to the Si waveguide. The total length of the taper is only 30 μm. The simulation results of the
proposed taper show improved coupling for both TE and TM polarizations with a significant decrease in device
length as compared to literature and standard inverse tapers [2-3]. The first layer height of a 150 nm is a standard
partial etch, available in most silicon photonics foundries. Thus in contrast to previous designs [2-3] our device does
not require any additional process step, but increases performance solely by using existing foundry fabrication steps.
a) a) c)
Figure: 1. a) 3D schematics of the proposed inverse taper design. The whole structure is embedded in a SiO2 cladding layer. For better visibility,
the (top) oxide layer is made transparent. b) Top view of the proposed inverse taper, the light green corresponds to the partially etched 150 nm
thick silicon layer, while the orange topped layer is the full thickness (220 nm) layer. c) Effective mode index (neff) of a silicon waveguide as a
function of waveguide width for both polarizations at 150 nm and 220 nm height.
Figure: 2. a) Total loss through the proposed inverse taper coupler for TE polarization for different taper lengths. b) Extinction ratio between the
power coupled to the launched mode and the cross polarized mode in the single mode Si waveguide section at the end of the proposed coupler (30
μm taper length).
3. Conclusion
The design of a two layer broadband, compact inverse taper edge coupler has been proposed. The simulation results
show a ~1 dB loss for a 30 μm long coupler which is a significant decrease in the device length as compared to the 2
dB loss of a commercial inverse taper coupler [4]. Loss can be minimized to less than 1 dB by increasing the taper
length to 40 μm. The proposed taper has an improved coupling for both input polarizations individually while
suppressing coupling to cross polarized mode through the taper section. Another very important aspect of this design
is that the layer heights of the taper are 150 nm and 220 nm and minimum width is 150 nm both of which are
compatible to foundry silicon photonics fabrication processes unlike previous designs [3]. We currently are in the
process of fabricating and measuring the device.
4. Reference
[1] Wissem Sfar Zaoui, Andreas Kunze, Wolfgang Vogel, Manfred Berroth, Jörg Butschke, Florian Letzkus, and Joachim Burghartz, “Bridging the gap between optical fibers and silicon
photonic integrated circuits,” Optics express, Vol 22, Issue 2, pp (1277-1286), 2014.
[2] V. R. Almeida, R. R. Panepucci, and M. Lipson, “Nanotaper for compact mode conversion,” Opt. Lett. 28, 1302–1304 (2003).
[3] T. Shoji, T. Tsuchizawa, T. Watanabe, K. Yamada, and H. Morita, “Low loss mode size converter from 0.3 μm square Si wire waveguides to singlemode fibres,” Electronics Letters, Col. 38,
Issue 25.
[4] OpSIS-IME OI50 Process – Performance Summary, October 2013.