tmp32EB TMP
tmp32EB TMP
tmp32EB TMP
Laser setup: The Nd-doped fibre and the laser configuration used in
this Letter have been described in our previous work [5]. Light from a
CW Ti:Sapphire pump laser tuned to 808 nm with maximum power of
700 mW was passed through a dichroic mirror [5] and launched into a
standard Nd-doped gain fibre with an overall coupling efficiency of
52%. Standard singlemode fibre (Corning SMF28) was used as an
intermediary to splice the gain fibre to the PGBF taper device. The
splice loss between the gain fibre and SMF28 fibre was reduced to
around 0.2 dB by adjusting the splice parameters. The other end of the
tapered PBGF was butted to a highly reflective metallic mirror to form
one end of the cavity, and the other end of the cavity was formed by
the cleaved end-face of the gain fibre. The laser output was separated
from the counter-propagating pump by the dichroic mirror. The
tapered PBGF (as demonstrated in Fig. 1) should act as a bandpass
filter to suppress lasing at 907 and 1080 nm and obtain lasing at
935 nm.
Fig. 2 Lasing spectrum (solid line) of 4 m Nd3 doped fibre laser: without
wavelength-selective element in laser cavity (Fig. 2a); with uniform
93 mm-outer-diameter PBGF in cavity (Fig. 2b); with PBGF taper shown
in Fig. 1. (Fig. 2c)
Dashed lines are corresponding transmission spectra of PBGF or PBGF taper
Laser results: For the three-level laser system, the Nd-doped fibre has
an optimum length that is a balance between signal reabsorption and
pump utilisation [5]. By cutting back from a fibre length of 10 m and
characterising the maximal slope efficiency for each step, the optimal
length of gain fibre was found to be around 4 m. Fig. 2c shows the laser
spectrum obtained using the 4 m Nd-doped fibre with the taper device
in the cavity. The PBGF taper was adjusted by slight bending to ensure
laser operation at 935 nm and obtain the best laser performance. The
spectrum shows that the desired signal at 935 nm is more than 30 dB
higher than that at 907 nm and even higher than that at 1080 nm,
which means the undesired signals are greatly suppressed by our
device. Data demonstrating the slope efficiency of this laser is
presented in Fig. 3. The lasing threshold is about 150 mW launched
pump power and the slope efficiency is about 21%. As a comparison,
we butted the end of 4 m Nd-doped fibre against the metallic mirror
directly without the PBGF taper device and obtain the lasing on the
four-level transition around 1080 nm, shown in Fig. 2a. Inserting a
uniform 108 mm-outer-diameter PBGF caused very little change to the
results, with lasing still around 1080 nm. Dual-wavelength lasing was
observed if we used a uniform 93 mm-outer-diameter PBGF as the
wavelength selective element in the laser configuration, as shown in
Fig. 2b. The corresponding transmission spectra of the PBGF or PBGF
taper are shown in Fig. 2 as dashed lines.