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POST TEST strong. It has big eyes.

There is a black spot on

INSTRUMEN OF READING its neck. It is cripple.
The cat likes to drink milk and eat fish.
Day, date : ........................... Melia feeds it every morning and afternoon.
Name : ........................... The cat always catches a mouse, then carries it
Class : ........................... to the kitchen.
Her cat usually sleeps under her bed
and it often sleeps on the sofa.
Read the following text and answer Melia likes her cat very much because
questions 1 to 6. it is cute. But it sometimes steals salty fish
Mr.Johan is a soldier. He is very tall. from the dining table.
He is not fat. His wife is a teacher. She is thin
and not tall. Her hair is black and wavy. She 7. The first paragraph tells us about.....
wears glasses. Mr.Johan has two children. A. Physical appearance
There are Elly and Ridwan. Elly is thin like her B. Part of its body
mother, but her hair is not wavy. It is straight C. Food
like her fathers. Elly brother is very tall. He is D. Melia
fat. His skin is black like his father. Mr.Johan,
his wife and his children like sports. They 8. Then carries it to kitchen. The word “it”
usually do sports in Sunday morning. (paragraph 2 line 4) in that sentence refers
1. According to the text , we know that A. milk
Mr.Johan ‘s hair is ….. B. a mouse
A. wavy C. black and wavy C. fish
B. straight D. curly D. a cat

2. They usually ….. 9. “Melia likes her cat very much because it is
The word they (line 9) here refers to ? cute”
A. Elly and Ridwan The underlined word has the same meaning
B. Mr and Mrs. Johan as….
C. Mr.Johan and his children A. worse C. ugly
D. Mr.Johan , his wife and his children B. charming D. good

3. How many people are there in the text ?

There are ….. people in the text. No excuses for
A. one C. three LATE COMER!
B. two D. four
10. This notice means...
4. What is Ridwan like ? A. You will come late
A. he is small C. he is short B. You have to come on time
B. he is fat D. he is thin C. You cannot come
D. You will come late
5. What is Mrs.Johan like ? Read the following text and answer
A. She is slim and tall questions 11 to 15.
B. She is thin and has a straight hair It was Sunday yesterday; I spent my
C. She is thin and not tall time in Solo. I stayed in my uncle’s house. I
D. She is tall and thin got up early. Then I took a bath. After that we
had breakfast.
6. The antonym of Fat is . . . At nine o’ clock we went to recreation
(line 2) center. Firstly, we visited a museum. Next we
A. high C. straight entered Sriwedari. We enjoyed some attraction
B. thin D. wavy there. We also had lunch in Sriwedari
Read the following text and answer At one o’clock we shopped in Pasar
questions 7 to 9. Klewer. We bought shirts and dresses. We
Melia has a cat. Its name Kithy. It has brought them in a shopping bag.
a short tail. Its color is white. It is big but not
At two o’clock we went to the zoo to match its surroundings. It hides from its
“Jurug”. We rode an elephant in the zoo. We enemies by doing this.
gave food to the animals. After we walked
around to the zoo we went home at three 16. Which group of sea creatures belongs to
o’clock. the same family?
I was too tired but I was happy. A. fish, octopus and crab
B. squid, crab and octopus
11. the text is about? C. crab, cuttlefish and squid
A. Yesterday was Sunday D. cuttlefish, octopus and squid
B. Visiting my uncle
C. A trip to Solo 17. The octopus wraps its tentacles around the
D. the writer’s experience victim and squeezes it
The word it (paragraph 3 line 5) here
12. How many tourist objects did they visit? refers to ?
A. Three C. Five A. octopus C. tentacle
B. Four D. Six B. wraps D. victim

13. Where did they buy shirts and dresses?

A. Sriwedari C. Jurug
B. Pasar Klewer D. Solo
18. How does the octopus hunt for food?
14. We brought them in a shopping bag A. It uses colours.
(paragraph 3 line 3) B. It uses its teeth.
The underlined word refers to…. C. It uses magic colour.
A. Shirt and dresses C. We D. It uses its tentacles.
B. Pasar Klewer D. Dresses
19. Before the octopus eats its victim it?
15. “I was too tired but I was happy”. A. changes the colour of its body
The underlined word has the same B. release a thick dark fluid
meaning as…. C. plays with
A. Enjoyed C. Energetic D. squeezes it
B. Pleasured D. Exhausted
Read the following text and answer 20. “Their bodies are covered entirely with
questions 16 to 25. skin”
The Octopus is a sea animal with (paragraph 2 line 4)
eight powerful feet which it uses as hands. The word "entirely" means ...
These are called tentacles. The word A. softly C. partly
“Octopus” comes from two greet words that B. completely D. hardly
mean “eight feet”.
The octopus, the squid and the 21. What does the word “octopus” mean in
cuttlefish belong to the same family that has no Greek?
outside shells. Their bodies are covered A. animal C. Dark water.
entirely with skin. Therefore the body of an B. Fish. D. Eight feet.
octopus is soft. It looks like a big balloon. A
fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8,5 22. “the octopus also uses them against its
metres from the tip of one tentacles to the tip enemies.”
of another. It can weigh as much as 45 The word them in paragraph 3 line 3 refers
kilograms. to the octopus’s .
Besides using its tentacles to catch A. teeth C. tentacles
small fish, sea plants, crab and lobsters, the B. enemies D. lobsters
octopus also uses them against its enemies.
The octopus wraps its tentacles around the 23. What does the octopus do to escape from
victim and squeezes it before eating it. its enemy?
The octopus escapes from its enemies A. It runs.
by giving out a thick dark fluid to darken the B. It gives out a thick dark fluid to darken
water. It can also change the colour of its body the water.
C. It swims.
D. It stings the enemies. C. It’s easier to use animals than humans.
D. Animals have similarities to humans.
24. “Therefore the body of an octopus is soft”
The antonym of the underlined word is? 29. “Many animals function like humans so
A. cool C. hard that they can be good models.”
B. jelly D. eight feet (Paragraph 2)
“They” in the sentence refers to ....
A. researchers C. animals
25. hide means? B. humans D. scientists
A. to put yourself somewhere where you
cannot be seen or found 30. “Some animals suffer from the same
B. a secret place where someone can go diseases as humans do”
when they do not want to be found by The underlined word has the same
other people meanings as ...
C. the whole physical structure that forms A. illness C. animal
a person or animal B. hopeless D. sadness
D. giving out a thick dark fluid to darken
the water 31. “Animals also carry a number of genes
that are identical to human genes”
Read the following text and answer The underlined word has the same
questions 26 to 31. meanings as ...
Animals are widely used in laboratories. A. huge C. young
Mice, rabbits, dogs and monkeys are a few B. similar D. genes
examples of animals used by researchers and
scientists for scientific and medical purposes. Read the following text and answer
Scientists use the animals to investigate questions 32 to 36.
biological processes in humans and animals; to Josse and Robby decided to go to a
study the causes of diseases; to test drugs, film theatre to relax. They were very tired after
vaccines, and surgical techniques; and to finishing the exams. They chose to see an
evaluate the safety of chemicals used in adventure film. They didn’t want to see a
pesticides, cosmetics, and other products. drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to
Many animals function like humans so forget studying for one night and fantasize a
that they can be good models to understand the little.
human body. Some animals suffer from the So they bought two tickets for a movie
same diseases as humans do. Animals also called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of
carry a number of genes that are identical to the Ring. They got in the theatre just on time
human genes. With those similarities, scientists before the movie started.
are able to learn much about the human body Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a
by studying the animals. seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse
and Robby could not see the screen. Josse
26. What do researchers and scientists do in tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him
laboratories? to remove his hat. When the man turned
A. Make drugs. around to say sorry, they recognized him. He
B. Do experiment. was Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father.
C. Take care of animals.
D. Give medical treatment. 32. Josse and Robby went to a theatre and saw
a/an ... film.
27. Scientists learn about the human body by A. adventure C. horror
studying .... B. drama D. thriller
A. certain animals
B. human body itself 33. What is the most important idea of the first
C. all kinds of animals paragraph?
D. all living things A. Josse purposely met his father in the
28. Based on the text, why do the scientists use theatre.
animals for their experiments? B. Josse and Robby were late to get in the
A. Animals are the most suitable objects. movie.
B. Scientists don’t want to use humans. C. They bought two tickets for the movie.
D. Josse and Robby went to the theatre Indri : Thank you.
for relaxing. The antonym of the word underlined is?
A. clear C. neat
34. Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the B. dirty D. dusty
A. A tall man sat in front of them. Charley : Excuse me, are you Mr. Akbar,
B. The man sitting in front of them wore the branch manager?
a tall hat. Mr.Akbar: Yes.
C. They sat on seats at the back row. Charley : My name is Charley. I am a ……
D. They were too short to see the screen (41) from the Surabaya Post. May I
clearly. interview you about your company?
Mr.Akbar: Sure. By the way, did you write
35. “They didn’t want to see a drama, a thriller …… (42) about UFO last Sunday?
or horror film” (Paragraph 1) Charley : How do you know?
The word underlined means a film that Mr.Akbar: You wrote your name there.
tells a strory about … events. 41. A. journalist
A. amused C. romantic B. manager
B. excellent D. scary C. photographer
D. coloumnist
36. “When the man turned around to say
sorry, they recognized him.” (Paragraph 42. A. a headline
3) B. an article
The underline word means…… C. a letter
A. forget C. people D. a newspaper
B. see D. know
43. Rinto : The plant is lack of water
Anti : I agree with you. It is ... for the
37. What is a bench? It is a/an …… made of tree to produce fruits.
wood or stone. A. certain C. positive
A. round seat C. short seat B. possible D. impossible
B. equilateral seat D. long seat
44. Room 327 is a holy place.
38. What is a greenhouse? It is a long, low The synonym of the underlined word is ...
building made of ……… and artificially A. antique C. expensive
heated. B. sacred D. pure
A. stone C. bricks
B. glass D. wood 45. A: "Everything now is expensive"
B : "I…... with you. Even for bus, plane,
and ship tickets.
A. agree C. disagree
B. come D. go

46. Which words has incorrect spelling?

A. channels C. programs
B. annauncers D. luxurious

39. The notice means that ….. the grass, 47. That lower part of the town always suffers
A. we are allowed to cut from floods in the wet season. The
B. we are allowed to pick up underlined word means ...
C. we must not walk on A. dry C. rainy
D. we must not clean B. hot D. sunny

40. Andra : Are you going to take a bath? 48. What do you know about a zebra?
Indri : Yes. Is there a clean towel in the A Zebra is …….. a horse but has black
bathroom? and white stripes
Andra : No, there isn’t. Wait a minute A. like
I’ll give you one. B. not the same as
C. different from
D. not similar to

49. Which of the underlined words has

incorrect spelling?
A. It was very large and deep
B. There were many fish in the sea.
C. They were afraid of the Portuguese
D. The travel routes were well-known

50. Which words has incorrect spelling?

A. beautiful C. delligent
B. honest D. slim

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