Changing Rainfed Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis of Pothwar Region of Punjab, Pakistan

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Changing Rainfed Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis of Pothwar Region of

Punjab, Pakistan

Article  in  Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences · July 2016


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1 author:

Nusrat Habib
The University of Queensland


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Pak. j. life soc. Sci. (2016), 14(2): 70-76 E-ISSN: 2221-7630;P-ISSN: 1727-4915

Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences

Changing Rainfed Agriculture: An Empirical Analysis of Pothwar Region
of Punjab, Pakistan
Mu h a m mad Zub a ir An war 1 , *, W a h eed C ha ud r y 2 and N u sra t H ab ib 1
So c ia l Sc ie n ce s R es ea r ch I n s tit u te, Na tio na l Agr ic u lt ur al Re sea rc h Ce nt re, I sla mab ad ,
P ak is ta n
Dep art me n t o f An t hr o p o lo g y, Q u aid - e - Aza m U ni v er si t y, I sl a mab ad , P a ki s ta n


Received: Apr 19, 2016 Pakistan is largely an arid country. The performance of agriculture in the arid and
Accepted: Jul 16, 2016 semi-arid areas mainly depends on rainfall. The present study was conducted in the
Online: Jul 17, 2016 rainfed areas of Pothwar region of Punjab, the main purpose of this study was to see
the overtime changes in rainfed agriculture. So keeping in view the objective of this
Keywords study both anthropological and sociological data collection and analysis techniques
Rainfed Agriculture have been applied. Overall 136 farmers having above 50 years of age were selected
Productivity as respondents of this study. The results clearly indicated increase in rainfed
Irrigated agriculture cropping intensity in the area. The estimated increase in Rabi cropping intensity was
Technological changes about 15.36%, while in Kharif seasons increase in cropping intensity was about
87.16%.Further the use of chemical fertilizers was much popularized in the area.
Presently, 83.71% farmers applied fertilizers on wheat crop and 87% used on
groundnut crop. The trend of using high yielding seed was also improved over the
years. The increase in productivity of almost all major crops (wheat, groundnut,
maize and gram) and minor crops (sorghum, millet, mungbean and brassica) was
highlighted by the respondents. Resultantly, their farm income was significantly
increased as it was pointed out by 73% respondents. All these positive changes in
rainfed agriculture reflected that previously launched rural development programs
*Corresponding Author: and interventions were well planned with significant contribution in improving the rainfed farming system of the Pothwar region in Punjab, Pakistan.

INTRODUCTION given to rainfed agriculture (low potential) due to its

intrinsic risks (Zia et al., 1997). However, rainfed areas
The importance of Pakistan’s rural sector is evident are rich in natural resources. It sustains 80 percent of
from the fact that it is the mainstay for food security the livestock population and contributes 12 percent of
and earns about 50% of foreign exchange. It employs wheat, 27 percent of maize, 69 percent of sorghum, 21
42.3% labor force and has a share of 19.8% in national percent of millet, 25 percent of rapeseed and mustard,
GDP. It also provides raw material for industries and 77 percent of gram, 90 percent of groundnut, 53 percent
serve as the main market for a large proportion of of barley and 85 percent of pulses (Zia et al., 1996).
industrial products (Anonymous, 2015-16). Out of the In Pakistan, the terms rainfed and dry land are used
total geographical area of Pakistan, about 62% consists interchangeably (Rashid et al., 2004). Dry lands are the
of rural landscape. The share of rural population is 67% areas receiving less than 500 mm annual rainfall, where
that is living in about 50,000 villages scattered in Pakistan, about 75% areas receives less than 250
countrywide (Anonymous, 2005). Pakistan is largely mm annual rainfall. Generally land resources of rainfed
an arid country with 80 percent falling in the arid and areas are characterized as less productive and marginal
semi-arid regions (Shah et al., 2011). Today Pakistan areas (Rashid et al., 2004).
stands amongst the most arid countries. Climatically it Recognizing the importance of rainfed areas and the
is characterized as desert or near desert and half of the limited opportunities for crop production, a number of
country receives less than 250 mm rainfall per annum alternative development schemes have been launched
(Farooq et al., 2007). In the past, less importance was during last 30 years. Among these schemes, construction

Anwar et al

of small dams, establishment of dug wells and changes. The following analytical tools for data
introduction of drought resistant varieties and provision analysis were applied:
of agricultural loans to small and medium farmers are Crop intensity: The cropping intensity refers to rising
considered as important interventions. As a result of of a number of crops from the same field during one
these schemes, considerable changes in rainfed agricultural year and was calculated using the following
agriculture took place. The impacts of these changes formula:
were mainly positive and multidimensional. The Cropping Intensity = (Gross Cropped Area / Net Sown
present study is an effort to analyze overtime changes, Area) × 100
factors responsible of these changes and technological Percent change: Percent increase and/or decrease are
issues limiting rainfed agriculture. Further, the aspects measures of percent change, which is the extent to
that had motivated farmers to adopt modern farm which a variable gains or losses intensity, magnitude,
management practices were also a key objective of this extent, or value. The percent change was calculated by
study. This kind of micro level information is important using the formula as follows:
for policy makers, planning and development Percent change = (change/original) ×100
professionals to streamline and devise the future The mean/averages: The mean values were calculated
developmental programs in the right direction. by using the statistical formula:
Mean = ∑X/N
∑X is the summation for the scores
Both anthropological and sociological research N is the symbol for the number of scores
techniques were applied in this study. For qualitative
analysis, information was collected by using RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
anthropological technique and for quantitative
investigation sociological data collection and analysis Socioeconomic characteristics
techniques have been used. In development studies, age of the respondents is
Sampling considered as an important variable and therefore
The sample size of this study was decided on the basis respondents with age ≥50 years were selected for this
of total population of the villagers having age above 50 study. For analysis, farmers were divided into four
years. The main reason to select above 50 years groups. Analysis showed that 38.97% respondents were
respondents was to collect last 30 years development in 50-55 years age group and rest 27.94% belonged to
related information. Initially, a total of 150 farmers the 56-60 years age groups. The proportion of farmers
were interviewed but after completing the survey, having age from 60-65 years and >65 were 22.06 and
information of 14 farmers was rejected due to poor 11.03%, respectively. The share of above 65 was kept
quality of the data in terms of un-answered questions intentionally low due to their less knowledge about new
and queries. Finally, a representative sample consisting developments. The similar age groups have also been
of 136 farmers was selected for detailed analysis. used by CIMMYT, 1993 while conducting an adoption
Data collection and analysis study.The educational status of the farmers was also
The methods of empirical and ethnological field taken as an important variable in this analytical study.
research (quantitative and qualitative) were applied and The percentages of farmers having education up to
connected with calculation methods of social sciences. primary and middle levels were 37.5% and 25.74%,
An encoded questionnaire was used during the field respectively. The strength of these two groups was
work, the information acquired through structured more than half of the total sample. The share of farmers
questionnaire was codified, edited and analyzed by having education up to matriculation and higher levels
using SPSS software. For the interpretation of statistical were 15.44% and 6.62%, respectively and remaining
results, additional material from secondary sources such 14.7% were illiterate respondents. Overall education
as census reports, publications, research reports, level of the sample farmers was low because the
unpublished studies, statistical reports, etc. was also respondents selected for this study were above 50 years
consulted. and in the past, trend and facilities of education were
Case studies not common in the villages (Habib et al., 2013).
As this study was conducted in far flung areas of Family size and composition
Pothwar region therefore case study method was also The results revealed that the average household size in
used to verify the field observations and make the jointly living families was 10.34 persons, compared to
results more reliable and authentic. Overall, twenty six 5.91persons under single family system. The average
individuals were selected for detailed studies on number of adult males in single and joint family
different aspects of rural life, agriculture and overtime systems was 2.36 and 3.19, respectively. On similar

Empirical analysis of rainfed agriculture in Pothwar Region

lines average family size was identified by Habib etal. people. Similarly in the studied village, various
(2013). organizations had provided interventions to improve the
Income sources cropping intensity of rainfed agriculture; mainly they
In the past, agriculture and livestock were their main had provided agricultural loan, knowledge, skills,
sources of income. However,presently 40.13% irrigation facilities and resource conservation
households pointed out that they earned their income technologies. These interventions had benefited the
from off-farm sources like shop keeping, labor work in farming communities and improved their livelihood.
addition to private and government jobs. A quite similar The empirical results clearly indicated a significant
proportion of farmers (41.63%) highlighted agriculture change in both irrigated and rainfed farming systems of
as their major source of income and similar results the area. In the rainfed farming system, the estimated
found by Zahra et al. (2014). Only 18.24% respondents increase in Rabi cropping intensity was about 8.62%.
indicated livestock farming as a sole source of their While in Kharif increase in cropping intensity was
income. about 24.78%. The drastic increase in Kharif cropping
Average farm size intensity was due to induction of groundnut crop in
The size of land holding is considered important their farming system (Figure 1). The analysis showed
socioeconomic variable. The farmers having large land that due to development of irrigation facility Rabi
holding usually enjoyed power, higher social status and season cropping intensity was increased by 23.32%.
prestige in the society. The analysis showed that The availability of irrigation facility also increased
majority of the famers had farmssizes rangingfrom 8 to Kharif season cropping intensity and that increase was
187 Kanals with an average of 27 kanals of land per about 17.61%. Among the respondents, majority of
farmer. On average, majority of the farmers had 7.58 them (73%) had pointed out a significant increase in
kanals of irrigated land. Similar findings had also been their farm and household income. Their social life was
reported by Zahra etal. (2014). also improved considerably.
Overtime changes in rural economy
The economy of village Chinji was primarily based on 80 64.73
agriculture. Rainfed farming was predominant in the 56.11 53.21

area. Wheat and groundnut were their main crops. 60

During the last 30 years, lots of development effects
40 28.43
have been made by different organizations to improve
their farming practices along with natural and human 20
resources. About the contribution of these
organizations, majority of the people applauded the 0
positive role of Agency for Barani Area Development Rabi 1980 Rabi 2010 Kharif Kharif
(ABAD), Department of Agriculture and Livestock, 1980 2010
Government of Punjab, National Rural Support Cropping seasons
Program (NRSP) and Punjab Rural Support Program
(PRSP). During the last 30 years, these institutions have Fig. 1: Change in rainfed cropping intensity in sample
introduced new cash crops, high yielding and drought farms
resistance varieties, improved farm technologies,
irrigation facilities and high yielding breeds of animals. Use of improved seed
Due to these interventions, the study village Traditionally, farmers planted only wheat crop in the
experienced many changes in their farming activities. Rabi seasons for which they used their traditional wheat
Among these changes cultivation practices, production varieties. The main reason behind the use of traditional
technologies and post-harvest techniques were varieties was non-availability of improved seed in the
identified as prominent changes. These type of changes area. While over the years, increased population
had also described by Hasan (2001) in his findings he pressure and poor economic conditions had forced the
pointed out that extensive trainings and awareness farmers to replace their local seeds with improved high
activities had changed the community approaches yielding varieties. Further, these varieties were also
towards better production techniques. extensively promoted and demonstrated by the
Change in cropping intensity government and non-governmental organizations.
The term cropping intensity can be defined as a ratio Although change in seed had increased per acre
between the area under crops and the area operated by productivity of almost all crops but comparatively
the farmers. It is reported in percentage form (Iqbal, increase in yield of wheat, groundnut and pulses was
1989). Cropping intensity is influenced by various higher as compared to other crops (Figure 2).
factors including soil type, soil moisture, improved Furthermore, along with the improved seed varieties,
technologies, financial and physical resources of the farmers had also highlighted the use of recommended

Anwar et al

quantity of seed. Change in this practice also improved in the beginning, department had provided these
the farm productivity. The importance of seed quantity fertilizers free of cost to the farmers. Ultimately, due to
in improving farm productivity was also analyzed and the combined efforts of government institutions, input
explained by Hagmann et al. (2003). Traditionally, dealers and progressive farmers, use of chemical
27.76% respondents used improved seed for wheat and fertilizers was popularized in the villages and the
67.43% respondents used improved seed for groundnut mentioned development in the use of fertilizer was also
crop which was quite less share in the year 1980. But identified by Ahmad et al. (2014). Hussain and Khan
over the years this trend was changed and presently (1998) also noted that chemical fertilizer application
78.53% farmers are applying improved seed of wheat had significant effects production of crops. Over the
and 72.21% farmers applying improved seed for years, use of chemical fertilizers was much increased in
groundnut crop. The percentage share of farmers who the area and at present 83.71% farmers applied
were applying improved seed in the year 1980 for fertilizers on wheat crop and 87.23% farmers used
maize, sorghum, gram, millet and mungbean crops were chemical fertilizers in the groundnut field. The overtime
reported as 14.11, 27.65, 24.34, 31.78 and 29.76% changes in fertilizer application trends by crops are
respectively. However, these trends were changed and shown in Figure 3.
now farmers used improved seed by 39.88, 59.11, 45.89, Productivity of major crops
51.23 and 61.67% for maize, sorghum, gram, millet and In the study area, governmental and non-governmental
mungbean crops, respectively. During the last 30 years, organizations had introduced various agricultural
this was a quite impressive development in the rainfed development interventions. Among the given
farming system, it had improved farm productivity and interventions, improved seeds, farm mechanization,
profitability in the rainfed areas (Figure 2). rehabilitation of agricultural land, use of chemical
Traditionally, farmers only used farm yard manure fertilizers, development of irrigation facilities and new
(FYM) in their fields. However, use of chemical knowledge about production and marketing of
fertilizers started in late 1970’s and in the early years agricultural commodities was common. Basically, these
farmers were reluctant to use chemical fertilizers. interventions had increased per acre yields of almost all
Initially to promote the use of chemical fertilizer major and minor crops of the area. The above
Agriculture Department established fertilizer mentioned agricultural developments were also
demonstration plots in their villages. Subsequently, they identified by Zuberi (1989). Improvements in per acre
have also organized farmer field days to discuss the productivity of major and minor crops had found their
performance and benefits of fertilizer application. Even positive impact on crop productivity.

Percent Farmers

50 1980 2010

Wheat Groundnut Maize Sorghum Millet Gram Mungbean
1980 27.76 67.43 14.11 27.65 31.78 24.34 29.76
2010 78.53 72.21 39.88 59.11 51.23 45.89 61.67
Crops under study

Fig. 2: Status of improved seed use in selected villages

Percent Farmers

1980 2010
Wheat Groundnut Maize Sorghum Millet Gram Mungbean
1980 22.98 48.21 0 0 0 0 8.34
2010 83.71 87.23 11.67 9.89 4.56 8.98 15.34
Crops under study

Fig. 3: Fertilizer application trend in selected villages

Empirical analysis of rainfed agriculture in Pothwar Region

Table 1: Overtime changes in the productivity of major crops average yield was 9 monds per acre as indicated in the
Crops 1980 2010 Percent Table 1. The subsequent increase in gram yield was 67
Avg. Yield (Mds/acre) change % which is very encouraging (Table 1).
Wheat 12.00 25.00 108 Productivity of minor crops
Groundnut 8.00 19.00 137 Generally, minor crops are cultivated on marginal lands
Maize 7.00 16.00 128 and are not given due attention by the farmers. The
Gram 9.00 15.00 67
main reason behind their negligence was the relative
Source: Survey data
importance of major crops in the household economy.
This neglect was also reported by Habib et al. (2013).
Table 2: Overtime changes in the productivity of minor crops
Crops 1980 2010 Percent
The identification and information regarding overtime
Av. Yield (Mds/acre) change productivity trends of minor crops was analyzed and
Sorghum 6.00 10.00 67 results are discussed as follows:
Millet 5.00 8.00 60 Sorghum: It was an important fodder crop used by
Mungbean 3.00 6.00 100 both farming and non-farming household for their
Taramera (Brassica) 3.00 5.00 67 livestock population. Usually farmers allocated area to
Source: Survey data sorghum on the basis of their animal population. Mostly
farmer preserved sorghum dry stalk to be used during
Wheat: It was commonly grown crop and used as the fodder scarcity months. The overtime data on
staple food in the area. There was considerable sorghum productivity is presented in Table 2 showing
variation in grain yield due to land type and erratic an increasing trend in sorghum yield. The reported
rainfall in the area. The reported wheat yield during average increased yields of sorghum were 10 monds per
1980 was about 12 monds per acre which was much acre. This improvement showed 67% increase in
less than the potential yield. These results are quite sorghum per acre yield.
comparable with the findings of Badar et al. (2002). Millet: Traditionally local people used millet flour for
Since last three decades, Agriculture department had their own consumption. But over the years’ the trend of
introduced and disseminated various high yielding using millet flour was reduced and it was replaced with
wheat varieties in the area and farmers were motivated wheat flour. Comparing the past and present yield
to adopt new cultivars and planting techniques. As a trends, farmers reported that during 1980’s average
result of these efforts, wheat yield was significantly production of millet was 5 monds per acre, whereas; in
increased. The estimated per acre increase in wheat the present years average yield of millet was reported 8
yield was about 108 % approximately. monds per acre. Overall, this analysis showed 60%
Groundnut: The groundnut crop was cultivated as a increase in yield over the last 30 years.
cash crop. It’s per acre yield was also varied due to Mungbean: The mungbean was generally grown for
biotic and abiotic factors. In the initial years, groundnut domestic consumption. Over the years, farmers
yield was between 8monds per acre but gradually high replaced their indigenous varieties with high yielding
ones. The findings clearly indicated overtime increase
yielding varieties, better management practices and
in mungbean productivity in the area. The average
technical knowledge had improved groundnut yield. It
mungbean yield during 1980 was 3 monds per acre and
is evident from the data that presently farmers are
presently it was improved considerably and gone up to
getting 19monds per acre which is significantly higher
6 monds per acre. The estimated increase in mungbean
than the previous groundnut yield to a greater extent.
yield was 100% as compared to the previous years.
The previous studies conducted byHussain and Prescott
Discussing the overtime changes in mungbean
(2006) similar per acre yield of groundnut in the rainfed productivity, some progressive farmers indicated that it
areas of Punjab, Pakistan. could be further improved by adopting complete
Maize: The Maize is another important traditional crop technological package associated with new varieties.
of the Punjab area. It is dual purpose crop, important for The similar suggestions were also given by Suppleetal.
human and animal consumption. Traditionally its yield (1985).
was very low and gradually improved. Comparing the Brassica: The Brassica (Taramera) was mainly
past and present situation of maize productivity, most cultivated for both human and animal consumption.
of the respondents told that under conventional Over the last 3 decades, importance of brassica was due
production methods their average maize yield was 7 to decreasing trend of its consumption. Consequently,
monds per acre, but gradually maize yield was area and production of this crop also decreased.
increased and goes up to the level of 16 monds per acre. However, yield wise analysis of showed increasing
Gram: Gram is also important crop of the area and it is trend in yield. Traditionally its yield was about
commonly grown in the rainfed area of Punjab. The 3mounds/acre that has been increased considerably up
Gram crop was mainly cultivated on marginal lands to 5mounds/acre (Table 2). Overall, it showed 67%
(piece of land away from the village) and its reported increase in Taramera yield which was also encouraging

Anwar et al

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