5E Lesson Plan Template: Teacher Cedreia Bryant
5E Lesson Plan Template: Teacher Cedreia Bryant
5E Lesson Plan Template: Teacher Cedreia Bryant
Subject Science
e level
Differentiation Students that require additional assistance will be given a model picture of the
Strategies (How completed weather sorting activity.
will the lesson
Students who struggle with comprehension will be pulled into a small group and
address the
will receive the read aloud twice. After reading the text, the teacher and
various learning
students will explicitly discuss the key points of the text.
styles of the
students and the
needs of those
with special
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The 5 Es
E Description
7.Using the information from the text, the teacher and students will add to their
information chart on the white board.
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E Description
Engagement 1. Students will use their classroom Chromebook and access SeeSaw to
Assessment complete a formative assessment. This assessment is a Weather Word
Sort activity. The students will draw a line from a picture of the weather
to the correct, matching word describing the weather. The teacher will
assist the students with accessing and logging into SeeSaw through
their clever page.
4.After watching the video, students will take turns participating in a Weather
Picture Sort. Using the SMART board, the students will sort real pictures of the
weather. They will use vocabulary like: windy, stormy, rainy, and cloudy.
5.The teacher will assess the students’ understanding as the activity is being
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E Description
6.The activity can be downloaded from Teachers Pay Teachers. Below you will
find the link to this free activity as well as a photo from the website.
4.Students will use their knowledge of seasons to complete this activity. They
will sort objects you would pack in your suitcase based on the given weather.
5.To make this activity engaging and hands on, students will be placed in
groups to solve and sort clothes by weather.
6.As students are taking turns to sort, the teacher will assess the students’
understanding of the concept.
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E Description
4.Together, the teacher and students will discuss the following vocabulary
words and their meaning. (sunny, rainy, cloudy, foggy, snowy, windy, stormy)
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E Description
8.When students complete their assignment, the teacher will check their work
for understanding.
9.Together, the teacher and students will review the correct answers for the
10.Students will be instructed to turn in their papers and put away their
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E Description
Evaluation 1. The teacher will use a rubric to assess the students understanding of
the characteristics of seasons and their completed technology project.
Below is a picture of the rubric used to assess.
Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.
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Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.
Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.
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