Efficiency and Stability of Islamic Banking in ASEAN: DEA Window Analysis
Efficiency and Stability of Islamic Banking in ASEAN: DEA Window Analysis
Efficiency and Stability of Islamic Banking in ASEAN: DEA Window Analysis
Abstract. The study aims to analyze stability and efficiency of the Islamic banking industry in
the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. Islamic banks are currently in
the spotlight for their role in Islamic financial growth across South East Asia, especially in
Indonesia. The efficiency and stability of Islamic banking is one factor in measuring the
readiness of Islamic banks within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) framework. This
research examines 12 Islamic banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Thailand
during the 2013-2018 period. The analysis was conducted with a non-parametric approach,
namely DEA Window Analysis (DEWA). The results show that Malaysia has the highest
average efficiency in four different periods with 96% and Indonesia has an average efficiency of
67%. Thailand with an average efficiency that is relatively stable at 100% and Brunei
Darussalam's average efficiency is 55%, lower compared to other countries. For Islamic banks
with good stability conditions are Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad and Islamic Bank of Thailand.
Meanwhile, Islamic banks with unstable condition are Bank Mega Syariah and Bank Islam
Brunei Darussalam. Overall, Islamic banks in ASEAN have achieved stable performance, even
though most of them are still inefficient.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stabilitas efisiensi pada industri
perbankan syariah di ASEAN. Industri perbankan syariah saat ini sedang menjadi sorotan
dalam pertumbuhan keuangan syariah di ASEAN, khususnya Indonesia. Efisiensi dan
stabilitas pada perbankan syariah menjadi salah satu faktor dalam penilaian dalam kesiapan
bank pada era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 12
perbankan syariah yang berada di Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam dan Thailand pada
periode 2013-2018. Analisis menggunakan pendekatan non-parametrik yakni metode DEA
Window Analysis (DEWA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Malaysia memiliki rata-rata
efisiensi pada 4 periode yang berbeda sebesar 96% dan Indonesia memiliki rata-rata efisiensi
67%. Thailand dengan rata-rata efisiensi yang relatif stabil yaitu 100% dan Brunei
Darussalam dengan rata-rata efisiensi 55% lebih rendah jika dibandingkan negara lain. Untuk
perbankan syariah yang memiliki stabilitas yang baik adalah Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad dan
Islamic Bank of Thailand. Sedangkan, bank syariah yang berada pada kondisi tidak stabil adalah
Bank Mega Syariah dan Bank Islam Brunesi Darussalam. Perbankan syariah di ASEAN secara
stabilitas efisiensi bisa dikatakan sudah berada dalam kondisi stabil, meskipun dalam hal skor
efisiensi yang dimiliki rata-rata masih berada pada kondisi yang tidak efisien.
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The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was inaugurated in 2015,
which was predicted to pose a threat to Islamic banking in Indonesia. AEC was
alleged to affect the competitiveness of local Islamic banks vis-à-vis foreign
banks that will enter Indonesia with their readiness to offer integrated financial
services by 2020. Local banks will find it difficult to compete with foreign banks
because they are able to offer more competitive and sophisticated services than
what are offered by local Islamic banks (Rahmawati, 2015).
In 2016, business competition in the financial industry increased due to
the existing of MEA agreement, including the banking industry with the
ASEAN Banking Integration Framework (ABIF). Surely this has become an
opportunity for Islamic banking in ASEAN countries, especially Indonesia in
increasing opportunities for wider growth. Islamic banking can increase
performance capacity and competitiveness so that it can operate efficiently
(Fiafifah & Darwanto, 2019). Efficiency measurement is one of important
materials for evaluating the performance of Islamic banking in ASEAN with
related parties and to compete in the ASEAN region and globally (Rodoni et
al., 2020).
According to ICD Thompson Reuters (2019), The Southeast Asia region
(ASEAN) ranked third in the world for the order of total assets of Islamic banks
after the GCC and MENA in 2018. The total assets of Islamic banks in Southeast
Asia are the US $ 253 billion. Thus, the development of Islamic finance in
Southeast Asia with the existence of Islamic banking institutions has
contributed to the Islamic finance industry to achieve a better economy in
Southeast Asia.
This is also reinforced by the Global Islamic Finance Report 2018, the
Islamic finance industry in Malaysia ranked first with an index score of 81.21
on a scale of 100. While Indonesia itself rose to 6th place with an index score of
24.13 beating Pakistan (GIFR, 2018). As we know that Malaysia and Indonesia
are part of the ASEAN countries. The results of the index scoring issued by
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GIFR made Malaysia a reference in developing the sharia financial industry for
other countries. So that ASEAN is in the spotlight in terms of the development
of the international Islamic finance industry.
The rapid growth of the Islamic finance industry makes Southeast Asia
an important part of global Islamic finance. Where every country in ASEAN
has its own variations in the development of Islamic banking. Malaysia is the
fastest growing country in the development of Islamic banking in ASEAN
countries. Indonesia is also active in the development of Islamic banking,
although its development is slower than Malaysia. Besides these two countries,
Brunei Darussalam is also intense in developing the Islamic banking industry.
Furthermore, Singapore, the Philippines and Thailand are equally ambitious to
develop this industry (Ghozali et al., 2019)
Islamic banking has an important role in the development of the Islamic
financial industry in developing countries (Shawtari et al., 2018; Sufian &
Habibullah, 2012). The banking sector has a role in the transmission of
monetary policy because there is no capital market. In contrast to developed
countries, where banks perform simultaneously with the capital market in
managing funds from customers.
In line with Rusydiana et al. (2019), the bank is an intermediary
institution between the excess funds (surplus units) that store excess funds in
the bank, and those who lack funds (deficit units) who borrow funds to banks.
This intermediation function will affect the level of efficiency and optimal use
of funds. The funds collected in the form of surplus units are then channeled
by banks in the form of loans to deficit units in various forms of productive
In this study, an analysis of the level of efficiency of Islamic banks was
carried out using a non-parametric approach, namely the DEA Windows
Analysis (DEWA). In addition to measuring the level of efficiency of Islamic
banks in Southeast Asia, this study was conducted to see the level of efficiency
stability in Islamic banks which were the object of research. So that we can find
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out the extent of resilience and competition that occurs between Islamic banks
in ASEAN, especially Islamic banks in Indonesia.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The second section of the
paper discusses the literature review, followed by the third section of
methodology. Section 4 presents the results of the study and Section 5
concludes the paper.
Literature Review
The concept of efficiency starts from the concept of microeconomics,
namely producer and consumer theory. Where producer theory stated that
producers tend to maximize profits and minimize costs. Whereas the consumer
theory stated that consumers tend to maximize their level of satisfaction
(Ascarya & Yumanita, 2006). So that the concept of efficiency is widely used to
manage existing inputs into maximum output.
Sarjana (2009) indicated there are two kinds of efficiency, the technical
efficiency and economic efficiency. Technical efficiency tends to the
macroeconomic perspective, where technical efficiency tends to be limited to
technical and operational relations in the process of converting inputs into
outputs. While economic efficiency tends to the point of view of
microeconomics, where prices are not considered unspecified, because prices
will change following macro policies (Ascarya & Yumanita, 2006)
The above three approaches can be used as a reference in determining
input variables and output variables in measuring efficiency in Islamic
financial institutions. Where in this study the subject is Islamic banks.
Although DEA in its standard version has been widely used in other
studies, this study uses a different version of DEA, namely DEA Window
Analysis (DEWA) to measure the efficiency of Islamic banking in Southeast
Asia. DEA Window Analysis is one of the non-parametric methods used to
estimate the performance of the Decision-Making Unit (DMU) compared to the
frontier. This method has several advantages, where DEWA is able to evaluate
the organization relative to benchmarks for a number of entities based on
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optimal performance theory for each organization. In addition, this method has
no functional form and has the ability to use many inputs and outputs. This
method is also superior and can help estimate the efficiency of DMU in a
relative sense (Shawtari et al., 2018)
DEA Window Analysis works with the principle of moving averages
and is useful for looking at trends in the performance of a unit over (Al- Delaimi
& Al-Ani, 2006; Zimkova, 2014). In analyzing the performance of a unit, DEWA
treats each unit of the entity or organization as a different entity in each time
period. Thus, this method is able to track the performance of a unit or process.
For example, if there are units with data in the form of inputs and
outputs that are measured in different periods, then the total units need to be
assessed simultaneously to capture variations in efficiency over time. Window
analysis can also enable us to identify the best and worst sharia banks in a
relative sense. So as to find out which Islamic banks are stable and variable in
the DEA score.
Over time, the frontier efficiency model continues to experience growth,
both in concept theory and practice. In general, the model of measuring the
level of efficiency is divided into two namely parametric and non-parametric.
Following are some previous studies which discussed the development of
frontier efficiency models.
Al-Delaimi and Al-Ani (2006) studied 24 Islamic banking institutions
using the DEA method. The aim is to measure and analyze the relative cost
efficiency of Islamic banking. The results of this study show that the Islamic
banking institutions that are sampled in this study have been efficient and can
find ways to develop the efficiency they obtain.
Ascarya and Yumanita (2008) conducted a study with a comparative
efficiency of Islamic banking in Malaysia and Indonesia. The results of the
study explained the efficiency of banks in Malaysia reached 92% efficiency
scale. But overall efficiency is still at 74% because its technical efficiency is still
low. Islamic banks in Malaysia only 40% from 2002-2004, where only large
Islamic banks tend to have higher efficiency than small ones. While recorded
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the highest efficiency value overall 85% due to an increase in the scale of good
efficiency. However, technical efficiency is higher than Malaysia. The efficiency
of Islamic banks in Indonesia has decreased from 86% in 2002 to 58% in 2005.
Generally, the most efficient Islamic banks in Indonesia are long-standing
Sufian and Noor (2009) measured the efficiency of banks in countries in
the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa) and Asia. The results of this
study indicate that Islamic banking in MENA shows a higher average technical
efficiency level than Islamic banking in Asia. Thus, banks in the MENA region
were found to be global leaders by dominating efficiency during the research
Rusydiana and Marlina (2019) measured the social and financial
efficiency of Islamic banks in Indonesia in the 2013 to 2018 period. The results
show that Islamic banks in Indonesia are socially efficient when compared to
the value of financial efficiency. In addition, this study also shows that the
average efficiency of the FDH (free disposal hull) model is higher than the
efficiency of the CCR (CRS) and BCC (VRS).
Hadi and Saad (2010) in their research compared the level of efficiency
of domestic and foreign Islamic banks in Malaysia. The result is the overall
technical efficiency is 92.4% and 90.4% for domestic and foreign Islamic banks,
respectively. The results show that the efficiency scale is dominated by the
effects of pure technical efficiency in determining overall or technical efficiency
for Islamic banks in Malaysia. This study also concluded that the performance
of domestic Islamic banks is better than foreign Islamic banks in Malaysia.
Tai (2014) measured the efficiency and performance of 58 conventional
and Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The result shows
that Masraf Al-Rayan from Qatar is the most efficient bank and is an Islamic
bank, while Kuwait Finance House (Islamic bank) is the most inefficient bank.
Conventional banks are profitable, liquid and solvent in the initial research
period, while Islamic banks experience the same conditions in the final research
period. Regression results show that economic conditions, bank size, financial
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period. This research also shows that the majority of conventional banks are
more stable, while Islamic banks are more efficient over time.
The same study using DEA Window Analysis was conducted by
Shawtari et al. (2018) which analyzes the efficiency of conventional and Islamic
banks . The panel regression results show that the pure technical efficiency
obtained by conventional banks is higher compared to Islamic banks. However,
Islamic banks have more efficiency scale than conventional tires. Some factors
that influence the type of efficiency are loans / financing, non-interest income
/ finance / liquidity and GDP. The influencing factors are formed differently
both conventional and Islamic banks, depending on the factors that control
The method used in this research is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
DEA is a non- parametric analysis method based on a linear programming
approach in calculating the inputs and outputs to be compared. According to
Wu et al (2006) DEA is one of the methods commonly used by researchers. This
method is able to produce efficiency scores that reflect input and output
variables (Yildirim, 2015).
Although DEA in its standard version has been widely used by
researchers in general, this study uses a different DEA version, namely DEA
Window Analysis (DEWA) to measure the efficiency score of Islamic banking in
ASEAN. Non-parametric methods used to estimate the performance of the
DMU are then compared. According to Campisi and Costa (2008), this method
has several advantages including the ability to evaluate efficiency relative to
benchmarks for a number of companies based on optimal performance for each
organization. This method is superior and helps estimate the efficiency of DMU
in a relative sense (Shawtari et al., 2018)
DEA Window Analysis works on the principle of moving averages
which later detect the performance trends of each unit over time. Each DMU in
a different period is processed like a different data. DMU performance in
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certain periods compared to other periods in the same DMU performance unit.
This analysis can be used to increase the number of data points in the analysis,
so that it can be used for smaller sample sizes. In using this DEWA there are
variations that can be used, namely the number of time periods included in the
analysis (in this study 3 years). This analysis can be used to observe a period of
time, which covers the entire study period.
No Country Bank
1 Bank Muamalat Indonesia
2 Bank Mega Syariah
3 Indonesia Bank BNI Syariah
4 Bank BRI Syariah
5 Bank Syariah Mandiri
6 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
7 Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad
8 Malaysia CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
9 Public Islamic Bank Berhad
10 RHB Islamic Bank Berhad
11 Brunei Darussalam Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam
12 Thailand Islamic Bank of Thailand
Total of Bank 12
Input and output variable data are obtained from each bank's balance
sheet and income statement. The author uses two input variables and two
output variables to measure the efficiency and stability of Islamic bank
efficiency. As input variables are Third Party Funds / Depossits (X1) and Total
Assets (X2). Meanwhile for the output variables are Financing (Y1) and
Revenue (Y2). The use of deposits and financing in input-output because this
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Analysis for efficiency measurements will be carried out twice. First, the
calculation of efficiency with the CRS or CCR approach introduced by Charnes
et al. (1978). Second, the efficiency calculation using the VRS or BCC approach
was first introduced by Banker et al. (1984), then a window analysis of the BCC
calculation results.
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70%. Following below is the average efficiency of Islamic banks' CRS in ASEAN
over the period 2013 to 2018.
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change in the number did not significantly influence changes in the value of
bank efficiency during the study period. This also illustrates that the Islamic
Bank of Thailand is a bank that has good stability compared to other Islamic
banks in ASEAN.
In addition, there are also Islamic banks whose efficiency values seen
from the window analysis tend to be less stable. An example is Bank Mega
Syariah which tends to fluctuate during the 2013-2018 period. In the first
window it appears that the efficiency values tend to increase for 3 consecutive
years ie 56%, 60%, 100%. Different in the second window where the value of
efficiency goes up and down ie 60%, 100%, 64%. In the third window there is a
decrease in the value of efficiency, namely 100%, 64%, 49%. A similar condition
occurred in the fourth window where the efficiency values obtained during the
2016-2018 period were 100%, 76%, 76%. The standard deviation obtained by
Bank Mega Syariah itself is 0.6, wherein the condition can be said that the sharia
bank still tends to be less stable.
Similar conditions occur in the Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam which is
less stable and the average efficiency decreases every period. In the first
window, BIBD obtained an efficiency value of 66%, 57%, 68%. Then, in the
second window for the 2014-2016 period the efficiency values were 57%, 67%,
44%. In the third window, BIBD began to experience a decrease in the value of
efficiency, namely 64%, 43%, 47%. The fourth window of the BIBD also did not
change the value of efficiency significantly, namely at 49%, 53%, 50%. In
addition, BIBD has the same standard deviation obtained by Bank Mega
Syariah which is equal to 0.6.
From the overall analysis it appears that Islamic banking in Malaysia is
relatively high in efficient value. Prior literature has suggested that larger banks
tend to report higher levels of pure technical efficiency than their counterpart
(Hadi & Saad, 2010; Shawtari et al., 2018). Judging from the average efficiency
per-period Malaysian banks have efficiency rates above 90%. However, it is
different from the results of research conducted by Faturohman et al. (2019),
where Malaysia during the study period showed fluctuating efficiency values.
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of pure technical efficiency could be due to the high level of concentration and
the lack of competition in ASEAN banking sector. In addition, the efficiency at
BIBD as a sharia bank in Brunei Darussalam the average efficiency obtained is
below other countries in Southeast Asia. This is because Islamic banking in
Brunei Darussalam is still growing less rapidly than other countries in
Southeast Asia (Fakhrunnas, 2017).
The above conditions can be a reference for other Islamic banks in
ASEAN to improve the efficiency and stability of their performance in the face
of the MEA. Where Islamic banks that have high efficiency values can be a
benchmark for other Islamic banks in improving efficiency. Islamic banks, in
particular need to manage their inputs more efficiently by best allocating their
inputs in order to have an optimal output due to rising competition across the
globe (Zeitun & Benjelloun, 2013). So that Islamic banks in ASEAN are able to
compete both with national and foreign Islamic banks in their countries.
From the results of research conducted on 12 Islamic banks in Malaysia,
Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam and Thailand by using the DEA Window
Analysis, the level of efficiency of Islamic banking in ASEAN is still below the
efficient value. The country with the highest average efficiency value is
Malaysia with an average of 96% of the 5 Islamic banks that were sampled in
the study. Then Indonesia from 5 Islamic banks that became an average sample
of efficiency values are still below 70%, which is 67%. The Islamic bank that has
the highest efficiency value is Bank Muamalat Indonesia, as a long-established
Islamic bank. In addition, Thailand with the Islamic Bank of Thailand has a
value of efficiency and conditions that are quite stable each period at 100%. In
contrast to Brunei Darussalam, with its BIBD, the average efficiency has
decreased every period. When compared with other Islamic banks in ASEAN,
the BIBD is an Islamic bank with the lowest average efficiency during the study
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