The aims of this study are to evaluate the financial performance of Islamic
and conventional banks of Bangladesh through CAMEL test during the
period of 2009 to 2013. The study tries and to determine whether there are
significant differences between the two categories of banks for each of the
ratios used in CAMEL test. A sample of five listed conventional banks and
five listed Islamic banks were selected to study the objectives. The data used
in this study were compiled from the financial statements of the respective
sample banks. To make substantial noteworthy results, t-test(independent
sample) is used. This paper found no significant difference between the
Islamic banks and conventional banks regarding capital adequacy,
management capability and earnings but found a significant difference
regarding asset quality.
Key Words: Islamic banking, Conventional banking, CAMEL, Financial performance.
Finance is essential for trade, commerce and industry. Now-a-days, banking
sector provides the biggest support for modern business. Banking sector paves
the way for the development of a country. Banking has a long history. Bankers
kept gold and silver and lent it to others in Mesopotamia. Ancient Rome and
Greece had similar banking systems that we are following today. Italy was the
main centre of European banking in the Middle ages. Jewish traders came into
view as the first bankers and became very successful businessmen. Many people
of Florence and Venice earned their money through banking. In the 15th century,
Lecturer in Accounting, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT), E-
mail: tanimbubt@gmail.com.
Lecturer in Accounting, Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT), E-
mail: ashraf10173@yahoo.com
74 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
Europe’s largest bank was established by the Medici family who dominated
Florence city for over two centuries. In 1963, Islamic banking came into
existence on an experimental basis in a small town of Egypt. The attainment of
this experiment opened the doors for a separate market for Islamic banking and
finance and as a result, in 1970s Islamic banking reached its operation to a
moderate scale. A number of full-fledge Islamic banks were established in Arab
and Asian countries later on. In Bangladesh, Islamic banking was introduced in
1983 with the establishment of the first Islamic bank i.e. ‘Islami Bank
Bangladesh Limited’.
The conventional banking theories assume that banks earn profits by
receiving deposits from the depositors at a low interest rate, then providing those
funds to the borrowers at a higher interest rate (Santos, 2000). Therefore,
conventional banks make their profits from the difference between the interest
rate received from borrowers and the interest rate paid to depositors.
Islamic banking performs the same function but in this system interest is
strictly prohibited. That means that they cannot receive a predetermined interest
from borrowers and does not pay a predetermined interest to the depositors. The
amount of profits is based on the profit sharing agreements with the depositors
and also with the borrowers. In addition, there are fee-based banking services that
are similar to that practiced by the conventional banks as long as there is no
predetermined interest payment or receive in the transaction. Thus, Islamic
banking is a seperate banking stream as it supports profit-sharing and prohibits
interest. The profit sharing depends on the extent of the risk participation of the
parties. The absence of pre-determined rewards is based on Quranic orders and as
illustrated using Shari’ah principles (Ariff, 1988).
This study focuses on financial comparison between Islamic banking and
conventional banking in Bangladesh. The CAMEL assessment model is
commonly used for the evaluation of performance and ranking. This model
assesses the performance of banks based on capital adequacy, asset quality,
management quality, earning ability and liquidity considerations. It is used as an
internal instrument to measure risk and allocate resources, and to determine the
bank’s overall condition by identifying its strengths and weaknesses based on
financial, operational and managerial characteristics.
period of 2009 to 2013 and to determine whether there are significant differences
between the two categories of banks for each of the ratios used in CAMEL test.
asset in Islamic banks having a positive relationship with liquidity risk. Jaffar &
Manarvi (2011) evaluated the performance of Islamic and conventional banks of
Pakistan through CAMEL test during the period of 2005 to 2009 and revealed
that Islamic banks performed better and having high liquidity than the
conventional banks.
Samad (2009) tested the managerial and operational efficiency of an Islamic
and set of conventional banks of Malaysia. He found that conventional banks are
superior in managing the operations and insignificant difference is observed in
case of productive efficiency. In another study Samad and Hassan (1999)
investigated the financial performance of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
over the period 1984 to 1997 and then compared the results with the performance
of conventional banks in the same period. This comparative study revealed that
the financial performance of BIMB was different from conventional banks with
respect to liquidity and risk management. BIMB was more liquid and therefore
exposed to less liquidity risk. Mokhtar, Abdullah & Alhabshi (2008) investigated
the efficiency of conventional and Islamic banks of Malaysia for a period of 1997
to 2003 and revealed that conventional banks showing greater efficiency
compared to well established Islamic banks. Zainol & Kassim (2010) showed
that there is a significant relationship between Islamic bank’s rate of return and
interest rate of conventional banks. They argued that when the interest rate rises
the Islamic banks have to follow market trend through increasing the deposit rate.
Hanif (2011) studied the similarities and differences between Islamic and
conventional banking and found that the Islamic banking practicing modern
conventional banking with little restriction imposed by the Islamic Sharia.
Similar studies in other Middle East countries were also conducted. Kader et
al. (2007) compared the financial performance of Islamic banks and conventional
banks in UAE. Their findings stated that there were no major differences
between Islamic banks and conventional banks with respect to profitability and
liquidity. Samad (2004) examined the comparative performance of Bahrain’s
interest-free Islamic banks and the interest-based conventional banks during
1991-2001. He got a significant difference in credit performance between the two
sets of banks and found no major difference in profitability and liquidity
performances between Islamic banks and conventional banks. Saleh & Zeitun
(2007) evaluated financial performance of two big Islamic banks of Jordan and
found that both banks increased their efficiency and ability, expanded investment
Islam & Ashrafuzzaman: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional 77
Ratio N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Variance Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std.
CAPA 5 .17 .05 .22 .1091 .06532 .004 3.666 2.000
LOCA 5 .52 .12 .64 .3930 .19735 .039 -.334 2.000
LOA 5 .05 .01 .06 .0405 .01880 .000 1.249 2.000
OEA 5 .11 .02 .12 .0402 .04738 .002 4.963 2.000
IED 5 .02 .06 .08 .0729 .00907 .000 -.848 2.000
NIA 5 .01 .01 .02 .0150 .00454 .000 -1.400 2.000
IIA 5 .05 .05 .10 .0814 .01946 .000 3.876 2.000
LQA 5 .05 .11 .16 .1314 .01904 .000 .616 2.000
LQD 5 .08 .11 .19 .1580 .03322 .001 1.019 2.000
Valid N
Islam & Ashrafuzzaman: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional 79
Capital Average of 5 Islamic Average of 5 conventional t-Value
Adequacy banks banks
Mean Std Mean Std
Deviation Deviation
CAPA .4717 .61171 .1091 .06532 1.3179
Capital Adequacy
Capital adequacy is to measure of the bank’s financial strength. It is the
amount of capital a bank or other financial institution has to hold as required by
its financial regulator. This is usually expressed as a capital adequacy ratio of
80 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
equity that must be held as a percentage of risk-weighted assets. Here two ratios
are used to describe capital adequacy. The first ratio (CAPA) means total capital
as a share of total assets. Based on calculated t-value from the Table 3, in terms
of capital adequacy as a share of total assets (CAPA), there is no significant
difference between the variables of Islamic banks and conventional banks as the
calculated t-value is lower than the Table t-value.
This shows that almost 47 per cent of Islamic banks’ assets are financed by
its capital while for conventional banks; only 11 per cent of its assets are
financed by internal sources. The second ratio (LOCA) stands for the total loans
as a share of total capital. From Table III it can be explained that there is no
significant difference between the estimates for Islamic banks and the
conventional banks as the calculated t-value is lower than the Table t-value.
Islamic banks have 54 percent loans and on the other hand conventional banks
have only 39 percent.
Asset Quality
Total loan as a share of total assets (LOA) ratio calculates the Asset Quality.
The above Table shows that there is a significant difference between Islamic
banks and conventional banks as the calculated t-value is higher than the Table t-
value and the t test result shows that the total loans of Islamic banks is larger,
which is at 10 per cent as compared to conventional banks which is only 4 per
Management Capability
The result from the above Table shows that there is no significant difference
between Islamic banks and conventional banks as the calculated t value is lower
than Table t-value. From the Table, it is seen that conventional banks are more
efficient in managing operating expenses as its mean ratio is lower than Islamic
banks ratio. Islamic banks and conventional banks have managed to maintain
their interest expense/profit rate (in Islamic banks) in relation to customers’
NIA and IIA both ratios measure the earnings of a bank. The first ratio is net
income as a share of total assets and the second one is net interest income as a
share of total assets (IIA). The result of the t test shows that there is no
significant difference between the mean net income as a share of total assets
between Islamic banks and conventional banks as the calculated t value is lower
than the Table t-value. From the above Table it is observed that Islamic banks
recorded a higher percent of interest than conventional banks.
Islam & Ashrafuzzaman: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional 81
Liquidity for a bank means the ability to meet its financial obligations as they
come due. Bank lends in relatively illiquid assets, but it funds its loans with
mostly short term liabilities. Thus one of the main challenges facing a bank is in
ensuring its own liquidity under all reasonable conditions. By creating liquidity
and transferring risks banking institutions exist in the modern economic era. The
first ratio (LQA) measures the liquid assets a share of total assets on the other
hand another ratio (LQD) is total liquid assets as a share of total deposits (LQD).
As financial intermediaries banks will receive the deposits from the people and
lend the funds to entrepreneurs with a view to making profit. Here these types of
institutions must meet the liquidity demands of depositors. That’s why a healthy
portion of the funds should be kept for this obligation. From the Table III, it is
clear that calculated t-value of both ratios is lower than the Table t-value. That
means there is no significant difference in the means of the liquidity ratios
between Islamic banks and conventional banks. The results of the first ratio show
that the mean ratio of liquid asset to total asset for Islamic banks is 26 per cent
while for conventional banks it is only 13 per cent. It can be explained that for
every Tk.1 of total asset in Islamic banks, there is Tk. 0.26 of liquid assets, which
are higher than in conventional banks by more than half. The second ratio used is
the total liquid asset to deposits (LQD). This ratio assesses the capability to meet
the unanticipated deposit drain. Deposit drain occurs in such a situation where
the withdrawal activity is in large amounts. Table 3 demonstrates that the Islamic
banks have higher capacity to cover unanticipated deposit drain because the
mean ratio is at 17 percent and on the other hand conventional banks possess 16
percent. This scenario explains that for every Tk. 1 of customers’ deposits taken,
Islamic banks afford to cover Tk. 0.17 of withdrawals made by customers,
whereas for conventional banks, it can afford to cover Tk. 0.16 only.
Results CAMEL variables
No significant difference Capital adequacy
Management capability
Significant difference Asset quality
82 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
The information from the audited financial statements has been gathered to
make a comparison between five Islamic banks and five conventional banks
using CAMEL analysis. After a comparative analysis of assets, loans, capital,
liquid assets, deposits, operating expenses, interest expense (profit rate in Islamic
banks), interest revenue (investment profit in Islamic banks), net income of both
Islamic banks and conventional banks, some important facts are identified. The
results of CAMEL analysis show that in the sector of capital adequacy Islamic
banks play a very good role as this side reflects the ability of a bank to absorb
unexpected losses. On the other hand the management of conventional banks is
more competent to control operating expenses. It is a really good sign for any
kind of bank to manage operating expenses in an effective way. Here Islamic
banks must learn from the conventional banks. But Islamic banks are enjoying a
higher amount of net income because of earning a huge amount of profit from a
numerous number of investments. All banks are doing business by taking
deposits from a number of different sources. So banks both Islamic and
conventional must ensure to meet the short-term obligations for their own
survival. From the comparative analysis, it is seen that Islamic banks possess a
higher amount of liquid assets than the conventional banks. Here one thing
should be kept in mind that a higher amount of liquid assets decreases the
investment level. That’s why every bank has to follow a standard limit of liquid
assets from which the bank can invest as well as maintain its solvency to meet
the short-term obligations.
Islam & Ashrafuzzaman: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional 83
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84 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
IBBL Shahjalal Islami Bank FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 Nil 0.9134026738358801 Nil 0.00734978842004 1.14145849224852 0.4124421
2010 Nil 0.8494210539038589 Nil 0.72623004132854 0.87214381502078 0.4895589
2011 Nil 1.3603993899180940 0.7179976771796936 0.51077476446935 0.66581261345647 0.6509968
2012 Nil 1.6250145263490020 0.8118265302336990 0.44339462590807 0.58319192169616 0.6926855
2013 Nil 0.8725962769528236 0.6419095252848410 0.21129600892912 0.54017338478540 0.4531950
86 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
IBBL Shahjalal Islami Bank FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami Bank ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Ltd. Limited
2009 Nil 0.0763735847762359 Nil 0.05400303995479 0.266690466024082 0.07941342
2010 Nil 0.0727431568326757 Nil 0.07535718503044 0.271573715993283 0.08393481
2011 Nil 0.1004393764297447 0.035523673361440 0.47334431410031 0.280917238248702 0.17804492
2012 Nil 0.1169938114781641 0.035446407865787 0.04172237346837 0.334126316814687 0.10565778
2013 Nil 0.0769703556290052 0.025520410775508 0.01963483519161 0.352843812240643 0.09499388
IBBL Shahjalal Islami FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Bank Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.0163346317766 0.0148605607406 0.0120219540505 1.8725150812918990 0.023964158732536 0.3879392
2010 0.0184137161830 0.0167797890202 0.0138574349102 0.0176260927431967 0.030321705777798 0.0193997
2011 0.0186757344396 0.0152244863256 0.0126015105565 0.1418827522704642 0.029764347256280 0.0436297
2012 0.0181208691700 0.0144669095064 0.0138185578085 0.0141913050767878 0.038408393345274 0.0198012
2013 0.0201188388067 0.0195282643982 0.0147313872818 0.0147166175837530 0.040835552175210 0.0219861
IBBL Shahjalal Islami FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Bank Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.0535301476504 0.0885028743379 0.0785845668736 0.695425422728235 0.0154924454980474 0.1863070
2010 0.0495723727350 0.0739764710548 0.0732244119260 0.057931087877857 0.0202663783497848 0.0549941
2011 0.0538277618190 0.0884993169893 0.0853662726704 0.067236351325251 0.0303518372948989 0.0650563
2012 0.0619138259508 0.1105675612683 0.0938055787245 0.080682304658647 0.0334715934969763 0.0760881
2013 0.0654497808559 0.1114320382527 0.1046262427610 0.085490459471559 0.0352987775617896 0.0804594
Islam & Ashrafuzzaman: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional 87
IBBL Shahjalal Islami FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Bank Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.0122296699437 0.0181695862853 0.0068121635374 1.7705323479312060 0.108534128440613 0.3832555
2010 0.0135016918807 0.0262986014134 0.0086231134014 0.0254715546964990 0.072860546005155 0.0293511
2011 0.0124397335085 0.0108967248365 0.0063784440752 0.1711822026131451 0.099702128608323 0.0601198
2012 0.0112581825861 0.0130124207572 0.0058725419325 0.0128551063464959 0.070180552908290 0.0226357
2013 0.0091919165395 0.0105033554503 0.0047528465796 0.0118520239338147 0.047595519963260 0.0167791
IBBL Shahjalal Islami FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Bank Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.0767887658838 0.0938696232356 0.0906378847513 8.254089220974056 0.0259475309413284 1.7082666
2010 0.0749162278475 0.0814308648616 0.0871905914024 0.056304748908705 0.0377101453033483 0.0675105
2011 0.0822717896124 0.0942635073421 0.0961750935411 0.866905167091979 0.0462936144942155 0.2371818
2012 0.0904814715021 0.1149697561900 0.1028238839186 0.094556328041645 0.0599304492052733 0.0925523
2013 0.0875405319800 0.1105998414997 0.1129486485006 0.098108520337836 0.0448915655548232 0.0908178
IBBL Shahjalal Islami Bank FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.1622837979796 0.1054379271516 0.1201652906407 2.333193636538183 0.1716025124494206 0.5785366
2010 0.1383400379589 0.1060533104729 0.0908396045718 0.093531863579709 0.1595534548418406 0.1176636
2011 0.1444253458954 0.1020116170503 0.1408967664118 1.117395003760443 0.1202741287179112 0.3250005
2012 0.1373602108212 0.1052922880022 0.1642950281771 0.128567162822963 0.1527767737692183 0.1376582
2013 0.1036250991353 0.1104749348591 0.1602296173171 0.160295196397728 0.1937667576388470 0.1456783
88 Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka)
IBBL Shahjalal Islami FSIBL Al-Arafah Islami ICB Islamic Bank Mean
Bank Ltd. Bank Limited
2009 0.1848771762158 0.1309017630830 0.1359013780013 0.295125172621867 0.2499238432442401 0.1993458
2010 0.1566559626553 0.1327253297878 0.1025681331646 0.130328484260986 0.2187886277355956 0.1482133
2011 0.1644247565499 0.1312367473850 0.1639962787108 0.140297454131582 0.1717037737932807 0.1543318
2012 0.1586684930158 0.1393919149388 0.1939348073710 0.161755531164992 0.1865536526801368 0.1680608
2013 0.1207138067209 0.1428711687186 0.1858418580025 0.196885142259839 0.2315275514552474 0.1755679
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean
Dhaka Bank Ltd Eastern Bank Ltd South East Bank Ltd UCBL DBBL Mean