Islamic Finance References
Islamic Finance References
Islamic Finance References
6; December 2015
Case Study of the Relationship between Islamic Finance Modes and Financial
Performance in Malaysia
The empirical results of the long run and short run relationship between the Islamic financial model and financial
performance in Malaysia are investigated. The results showed that the optimal lag length detected depends on the
lowest values of the different tests. The result of unit root test for Bank Islam Malaysia case is confirmed that all
variables are stationary. The indication of long run result meant that an increase in these indicators will lead to
increase the Return of Assets for all variables. While in the short run, the results showed that the Islamic finance
products are positively associated with the Return of Assets for all variables. The Return of Assets model for Bank
Islam Malaysia case is stable in the long run parameters.
Keywords: Bank Islam Malaysia, ROA, Islamic finance, Unit Root Test, Lag Length
1. Introduction
Many researchers argued that the Islamic finance sector will grow faster in the next couple years. This is due to
the following factors. Firstly, the Islamic banking assets with commercial banks globally surpassed $1.7 trillion in
2013, demonstrating an annual growth of 17.6% over the last few years. Secondly, Islamic banks are catering to
38 million customers with the global shift in world trade, and capital inflows represent an important business
opportunity for Islamic banks that have a credible international presence. Thirdly, unlike the commercial banks
which derive most of their income through interest and fees, Islamic banks operated mainly on the basis of profit
and loss sharing agreement. Banks can earn profit from three areas; trading, leasing and direct financing in profit-
and-loss-sharing contracts. This meant that the Islamic banks can extend loans only when an interest or return is
not earned on it. Also, the Islamic financial institutions grant capitals for trading fertile ventures based on profit-
sharing fundamentals (Al-Omar, 1996; Ernst & Young, 2013).Elmadani (2013) confirmed that the return in
Islamic banking mode is calculated as a percentage of the profit and not the principal amount, like in the case of
conventional banking. Islamic financing modes and instruments have been standardized and modeled under
guidelines issued from time to time by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial
Institutions (AAOIFI) to meet the daily changing business requirements and to suit the financial needs of the
Modes are classified as mudarabah, musharakah, murabahah, ijarah, bay salamand istisna. Fayazuddin (2012)
stated that Islamic Banking in its organized form is consistently evolving ever since its birth. While Islamic Banks
have acquired a remarkable presence in countries such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and UAE for some
time, they are quickly gaining prominence, even in the western world. Some other researchers have investigated
the relationship between financial performance (FP) and other variables; for example, Doyran and Lehman
(2010), Nassirzadeh and Rostami (2010), Benston, (1972), Berger, (1995), Bourke, (1986). Most of these studies
have examined determinants of profitability rather than loan or asset performance, while there is a lack of studies
on the relationship between FP and Islamic finance modes. According to Bank Negara Malaysia (2014), the Bank
Islam was established in 1983 as the first Islamic bank in Malaysia.
ISSN 2162-139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Number of licensed Islamic banks in Malaysia has reached to 16 banks in 2014. Also, number of Islamic bank
branches in Malaysia is increased from 126 in 2004 to 766 in 2005 and more than 2200 branches of Islamic bank
in 2015. IBS banks were offering the Islamic banking modes and services (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2015).
In the context of financial infrastructure, the Malaysian Islamic financial system is both robust and fast growing.
The Malaysian market has highly diversified players, with a strong presence of Islamic banks, investment banks,
takaful companies, development financial institutions, savings institutions, fund management companies, stock
brokers, and unit trusts in its economy. With the rapidly changing international Islamic financial landscape,
Islamic finance in Malaysia is becoming increasingly integrated into the international financial system. This
development has occurred in all segments of the Islamic financial system in Malaysia, including the Islamic
banking and the takaful industry and in the Islamic money and capital markets (Aziz, 2007). The growth rate of
Islamic finance in Malaysia is impressive by many standards. Therefore, Malaysia has capacity to retain its
leadership in global Islamic finance, despite the emergence of competition from other centres such as Hong Kong
and Dubai. The stiff competition in Malaysia was the way ahead of other countries in terms of product offerings
and its sophistication having been developed the market for 40 years (Yong, 2007).In 2013, the Government of
Malaysia has played a crucial role in the development of this sector by drafting legal reforms, creating a suitable
business environment and providing qualified human resources. The conventional banks offered Islamic banking
services alongside traditional banks; they can effectively publicize and popularize Islamic transactions. This case
study has investigated the long and short-run relationship between Islamic finance modes in Malaysia. Bank Islam
in Malaysia is the main source for collecting research data from 1984 to 2014.
2. Theoretical Background
Most of traditional measurements of financial performance are directly related to the current net income of a
business entity with equity, total assets, net sales, like return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and
operating profit margin. Many theories have been raise to examine the relationship between financial performance
and different sets of variables. However, several studies are used the Stakeholders theory, Keynesian theory and
agency theory as the best financial performance measurement, which are synonymous with the maximization of
the firm, value (Bhattacharya, Ashish2000).
3. Result and Discussion
The empirical results of the long run and short run relationship between the Islamic financial model and financial
performance in Malaysia are obtained by the lag length test, co-integration test, long run and short run
relationship. The optimal lag length detected depends on the lowest values of Akaike information criterion (AIC),
Schwartz Bayesian criterion (SIC) and Hannan-Quinn information criterion (HQC) tests. Boutabba (2014) argued
that these tests were performing relatively well in small sample sizes and minimizing the loss degree of freedom.
However, the result of lag length for Bank Islam Malaysia is presented in Table 1, the data showed that all
optimal lag length tests for Bank Islam Malaysia have confirmed results of the optimal lag length for this case
study as one lag period due to the lowest values of AIC, SIC and HQC tests. Unit root test used to analyse the
level of stationary in time series data.The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (P.P) tests have
used to analyze the level of stationary in this study, variables of Bank Islam Malaysia case showed the result of
unit root test (ADF and PP) for Bank Islam Malaysia case as shown in Table 2. The result concluded and
confirmed that all the variables (LROE, LMR, LMK, LMD, LBL, LIJ and LBBA) are stationary at I (1), excluded
LBBA variable which is stationary at I(0), I(1). In addition, the result of stationary test confirmed that ARDL
model can be used in this study since the results are I (0), I(1) or mutually integrated (Pesaran et al., 2001).
Many studies argued the study of variables whether are stationary or not, if it is stationary then it is possible to
bound co-integration F-statistics test and move toward for next step for null hypothesis (H0) of no co-integration
between variables in both models (Pesaran et al., 2001). Table 3 is shown calculated results and critical values of
bounds F-statistics test for Bank Islam Malaysia model. The result of inconclusive co-integration is due to the
error correction term to be accepted or rejected the H0 of no co-integration (Banerjee et al., 1998). The long run
results showed in Table 4, at 1% significance level, the BBA variable is positively associated with the ROA. At
5% significance level, the result shows that the MR, MK and MD variables are positively associated with the
ROA. At 10% significance level, the BL and IJ variables are positively associated with the ROA. This is indicated
that an increase in these indicators will lead to increase the ROA in Bank Islam Malaysia and 100% increase in
American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No. 6; December 2015
BBA variables are expected to increase the ROA by 154%, 28%, 53%, 7%, 95% and 8% respectively. For the
short run, the results showed that all the Islamic finance products are positively associated with the ROA at 1%
and 5% significance level. At 5% significance level, the MR, MK, MD, BL and IJ variables are positively
associated with the ROA, while at 1% significance level, BBA variable is positively associated with the ROA.
This is indicated that an increase in these indicators will lead to increase in the ROA in Bank Islam Malaysia in
the short run and 100% increase in MR, MK, MD, BL, IJ and BBA variables are expected to increase the ROA by
87%, 15%, 53%, 40%, 53% and 77%, respectively. These findings are similar with other results done by Siraj and
Pillai (2012), Zainal, Yusof and Jusoff (2009), Samad (2004), Jabr (2003), Rosly and Abu Baker (2003), Rosly,
(1999). These studies found that Islamic finance modes (mudarabah and musharakah, murabahah, ijarah, bay
Salam, and istisna) are helpful to increase the profitability ratio. Moreover, the coefficient of ECTt-1 for ROA
model in Bank Islam Malaysia case is -0.56. This model is corrected from the short-run towards the long-run
equilibrium by 56% or the long-run would be shortly corrected back for the LROA model by one year and seven
months. Results in Bank Islam Malaysia case as in Table 4 showed that all modes (Murabaha (MR), Musharakah
(MK), Mudharabah (MD), Ijarah (IJ), Bay-AlInah (BL) and Bay Bithaman Ajil (BBA) have full meaning result
with financial performance and all variables are statistically significant. Figures 1 and 2 showed that the ROAt
model for Bank Islam Malaysia case is stable in the long-run parameters due to CUSUM and CUSUMQ tests
being within critical bounds at the 5% significance level. This means that the coefficients of the ECTt-1 for this
model have found stability for the study period.
4. Conclusion
The result for Bank Islam Malaysia case showed that there is a relationship between ROA and all variables of the
long and short run in this study. The result of ECTt-1 coefficients for ROA model in Bank Islam Malaysia case is
-0.56. This model is corrected from the short-run towards the long-run equilibrium by 56% or the long-run would
be shortly corrected back for the LROA model by one year and seven months. In Bank Islam Malaysia case, at
1% and 10% significance level,H0 of no co-integration has been rejected for all models, except LBLt and LIJt
models. The F-statistics value for these models falls in the range between I(0) and I(1). This means that results are
inconclusive whether to be accepted or rejected. However, these results are confirmed when the co-integration
exists among variables, which means there was an existence of a long-run relationship among all variables in
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Table 1: Lag length Result for Malaysia (Bank Islam Malaysia) case
0 16.00673 16.33677 16.11009
1 9.194975* 12.63527* 10.72188*
2 9.229007 14.17956 10.77946
Notes: (1) * denotes the lag length that selected by the criterion at 5% level of significance.
Source: The Output of lag length results was retrieved from E-Views 7.2 econometric software packages.
Table 2: Unit root test (ADF and PP) for bank Islam Malaysia case
I(0) I (1) I (0) I (1)
LROA -4.016739 -8.016447* -4.026285 -12.86497
LMR -1.424472 -4.141558* -1.069275 -6.250187*
LMK -2.654720 -4.353690* -2.257287 -4.339882*
LMD -0.720071 -5.096045* -0.782710 -5.092753*
LBL -1.139510 -4.385799* -1.245257 -4.305676*
LIJ -1.835352 -6.136375* -2.417855 -6.839646*
LBBA -5.216980* -8.949366* -5.216980* -7.515161*
Notes: (1) * significance at 1% and 5% levels, respectively; (2) Both ADF and PP tests examine the null
hypothesis of unit root against the stationary.
Source: output of E-views 7.1 econometric software.
American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No. 6; December 2015
Table 3: Bounds F-statistics test result for Bank Islam Malaysia case
Models F-statistics Decisions
LROAt 3.97* Co-integration
LMRt 3.41* Co-integration
LMKt 4.17* Co-integration
LMDt 3.23*** Co-integration
LBLt 2.10*** Inconclusive
LIJt 1.92*** Inconclusive
LBBAt 3.71* Co-integration
Critical Values Significance level
I (0) 2.71
I (1) 3.98
I (0) 2.16
I (1) 3.34
I (0) 1.89
I (1) 3.04
Notes: *, ***, significance at 1% and 10% levels, respectively.
Source: Micro-fit 4.1 Software.
Table 4: Long run and short run and coefficients results for Malaysia (Bank Islam Malaysia) case.
Variables Coefficient Std. error T-Ratio Sig. level
1: Long-Run Results
LMRt 1.548** 0.826 1.87 0.06
LMKt 0.280 0.122 2.30 0.03
LMDt 0.532 0.024 2.17 0.03
LBLt 0.716 0.277 2.58 0.09
LIJt 0.957 0.357 2.68 0.09
LBBAt 0.080 0.019 4.58 0.00
C 24.78 10. 19 2.43 0.02
2: Short-Run Results
LMRt 0.870** 0.449 1.93 0.06
LMKt 0.157 0.075 2.09 0.04
LMDt 0.537 0.239 2.24 0.03
LBLt 0.402 0.129 3.09 0.05
LIJt 0.536 0.224 2.39 0.03
LBBAt 0.774 0.195 3.95 0.00
C 13.931 5.052 2.75 0.05
ECTt-1 -0.562 0.119 -4.69 0.00
Notes: (1) *, **, *** denote statistically significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively; (2) multiplier test of
residual serial correlation = 1.48; (3) autoregressive conditional hetero skedasticity test = 0.01; (4) Normality test
= 0.69; (5) RESET test using the square of the fitted values = 0.07; (6) F-statistics = 7.04; (7) R2 = 71%; (8)
Durbin Watson = 2.73.
Source: The Output of the long, short-run and ECTt-1 coefficients analyses were retrieved from the Micro-fit
4.1 econometric software.
ISSN 2162-139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA
Figures 1: The CUSUM test for ROAt model for Bank Islam Malaysia case.
Notes: The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5% significance level.
Source: The Output of the Micro-fit 4.1 econometric software.
1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014
The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5% significance level
Figures 2: The CUSUMQ test for ROAt model for Bank Islam Malaysia case.
Notes: The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5% significance level.
Source: The Output of the Micro-fit 4.1 econometric software.