Factors Associated With Higher Levels of Depressive Symptoms Among International University Students in The Philippines
Factors Associated With Higher Levels of Depressive Symptoms Among International University Students in The Philippines
Factors Associated With Higher Levels of Depressive Symptoms Among International University Students in The Philippines
Behavioral Sciences Department, 2Psychology Department, 3Office of Counselling
and Career Services, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Abstract. Over the years, the number of international university students has been
increasing in the Philippines. Depression tends to be common among this demo-
graphic sector, because of the varying challenges and expectations associated with
studying abroad. Depression can be prevented if its symptoms, particularly those at
higher levels, are identified and addressed early and effectively. This survey exam-
ined the social and demographic factors that are significantly associated with higher
levels of depressive symptoms. One hundred twenty-six international university
students were interviewed using the University Students Depression Inventory. Of
the 13 factors analyzed, 3 were found with statistically significant associations with
more intense levels of depressive symptoms. These factors were: level of satisfaction
with one’s financial condition, level of closeness with parents, and level of closeness
with peers. In identifying international students with greater risk for depression,
characteristics related to their financial condition and primary group relationships
can be considered. There is a need to carry out more studies to confirm this initial
evidence. The findings can help guide further discourse, research and program to
benefit international students with higher levels of depressive symptoms.
Keywords: associated factors, depressive symptoms, international university stu-
dents, mood disorder, Philippines
experience depression while pursuing their and Larson, 1999; Phillips and Henderson,
programs of study in other countries due 2006), smokers (Yazici, 2008), and alcohol
to the myriad challenges they have to face. drinkers (Zawawi and Hamaideh, 2009).
For example, students need to learn the Depression among these students can be
norms and the languages of host countries, averted if those exhibiting higher levels
meet the rigors of academic coursework, of depressive symptoms are given prompt
live alone, and manage finances, not to and effective interventions.
mention that they have to contend with The study presented in this report
homesickness (Sumer et al, 2008) and racial seeks to help enhance the research lit-
prejudice and discrimination (Wei et al, erature on depressive symptomatology
2010). among international university students
There is limited published data on in- by discussing some relevant data from the
ternational university students and depres- Philippines. Both in the past and at pres-
sive symptoms. The related investigations ent, significant numbers of cross-border
suggest that students who are predisposed university students from all over the world
to manifest depressive symptoms (not have been coming from and heading to-
necessarily at more serious levels) tend to wards countries in the industrialized world
come from certain social and demographic (OECD, 2004). However, as receiving hubs,
backgrounds. A study in Japan reported restructuring countries have been also see-
that international students with depressive ing their international student populations
symptoms are more likely to be women, burgeoned in the past decade. For example,
completing a graduate degree, enrolled in the Philippines has witnessed the number
Arts programs, self-supporting, and living of its international university students
alone (Eskanadrieh et al, 2012). Research more than double, from 24,676 in 2007 to
involving Korean international students 60,000 at present (Bureau of Immigration,
in Australia suggested that individuals 2008, 2012).
with depressive symptoms are those hav- Although international tertiary stu-
ing lower levels of social connectedness dents are bringing enormous sums of
and academic self-efficacy (Mak and financial resources into the country, they
Kim, 2011). One investigation in the US have yet to be given due and serious atten-
described Chinese international students tion by the national government. The social
with higher levels of depressive symp- governance of international education in
toms as having higher acculturative stress the Philippines, including in industrialized
(Zhang, 2012). countries, continues to be in a state of flux
Most of these characteristics are in which existing formal social protection
echoed in the depressive symptomato- systems are still largely inadequate to meet
logy research among university students in the needs of students (Deumert et al, 2005).
general, such as gender (Mikolajczyk et al, It is the aim of this report, with its modest
2008; WFMH, 2012), living arrangements evidence, to trigger an informed discourse
(Eisenberg et al, 2007), and social con- and action that would redound to the ben-
nectedness (Lee et al, 2013). Additionally, efit of international students in the country.
general research on student depression in- Depression is chosen as a research
dicates the significant associations of being topic with which to initiate an advocacy
older and senior students (Bostanci et al, for the students’ plight, because the mood
2005), Catholics and/or Jews (McCullough disorder has been consistently reported as
a major and serious problem for university (Table 1). Each of these statements has
students as a whole (Khawaja and Bryden, score-bearing responses: from “none at
2006); moreover, it is an unexplored area all” with a score of 1 to “all the time” with
for research in the Philippines. In its effort a score of 5. The USDI has a high level of
to make the research more meaningful, internal consistency (Cronbach a=0.95)
the current study focuses not only on the (Khawaja and Bryden, 2006).
physical, cognitive, and emotional symp- Thirteen social and demographic
toms of depression but also on its academic characteristics (ie, sex, age category, course
motivational dimensions. For this purpose, category, year level, nationality, religion,
the study uses the University Student smoking, drinking, having a love relation-
Depression Inventory (USDI), a newly de- ship, level of satisfaction with one’s finan-
veloped and psychometrically sound scale cial condition, organizational membership,
(Khawaja and Bryden, 2006). The USDI has level of closeness with parents, and level
been administered among some domestic of closeness with peers) were analyzed for
university student populations (Khawaja their associations with higher levels of de-
and Duncanson, 2008; Khawaja et al, 2013) pressive symptoms. The parental and peer
but not among international students. Us- variables were measured using a series of
ing the USDI, this study examines higher eight and nine statements, respectively,
levels of depressive symptoms and their which were drawn from published find-
associations with social and demographic ings on adolescents’ parental and peer
characteristics. relationships (Table 1). Each statement
in either series had four score-bearing
MATERIALS AND METHODS response options: definitely not true (1),
mostly not true (2), mostly true (3), and
In 2012, a total enumeration survey
definitely true (4).
involving 2,572 students at a Metro Ma-
nila university was carried out. Of that Ethical considerations
number, 126 (4.9%) were respondents who The study was approved by the eth-
classified themselves, based on a given ics review committee of the university
definition, as international students; this surveyed (n.a.; 2013 May 14 ). Consent
report discusses the data derived from was obtained. The cover page of the
this sub-group. The survey administered questionnaire informed each class of the
a 10-page anonymous self-administered importance and rationale, and the ano-
questionnaire. Data were collected in the nymity and confidentiality of the study.
middle of Term 1 and again in Term 2. Students were then invited to complete the
Using the USDI, depressive symptoms questionnaire and were informed that they
were measured as a continuous variable could stop answering the questions in the
based on three sub-scales having a total of event of discomfort. Whether completely
30 statements: lethargy (9 statements on accomplished or not, all questionnaires
lethargy, concentration difficulties, and were collected. Students were thanked for
task performance); cognitive-emotional (14 their participation. No incentive of any
statements on suicide ideation, worthless- form was given.
ness, emotional emptiness, and sadness); The Statistical Package for the Social
and academic motivation (7 statements on Sciences (SPSS®) (version 20; IBM, Armonk,
class attendance and motivation to study) NY) was used in processing the data. Dif-
Table 1
Statements used for measuring level of closeness with parents and with peers, and
depressive symptoms.
Reverse coded.
Table 2
Means and standard deviations for depressive symptoms scores by social and
demographic characteristics.
p<0.05; bp<0.01
ferences in the mean depressive symptoms The 13 independent variables all had
scores were examined based on social and two categories each (Table 2). The levels
demographic characteristics. The charac- of closeness with parents and with peers
teristics that were statistically significantly were constructed based on the total scores
related with higher levels of depressive derived from responses in the series of
symptoms were further examined at the statements. For level of closeness with
sub-scale levels. The analysis of variance parents, a score from 8-32 was categorized
was the statistical test used. as ‘low-moderate’ and a score from 24-32
Table 3
One-way analysis of variance results for depressive symptoms sub-scale scores.
Variables Lethargy Cognition/emotion Academic
as ‘high’. For level of closeness with peers, Chinese, Americans, and others). About
a score from 9-36 was constructed as ‘low- a third were Roman Catholic, two-thirds
moderate’ while a score from 27-36 as belonged to other denominations (eg,
‘high’. Our analyses found both series with Protestants). In the past 30 days prior to
high levels of internal consistency (parents: the survey, most (82.4%) had smoked, and
a=0.77; peers: a=0.79). during the same period, 55.2% had taken
The dependent variable (levels of an alcoholic beverage for more than 10
depressive symptoms) was constructed days, while 44.8% had taken an alcoholic
by totalling the scores corresponding to beverage for less than 10 days. About 65%
the responses in the series of USDI-based were satisfied or very satisfied with their
statements. The score ranges from 30 to financial condition, in contrast to the 35%
150, with higher scores suggesting higher who were not satisfied or only somewhat
levels of depressive symptoms. The USDI satisfied. Approximately 7 out of 10 re-
has a high level of internal consistency as spondents had a current love relationship.
our analysis indicated (a=0.93). Two-thirds were members of a campus or
an off-campus-based youth organization.
Most had a high level of closeness with
parents (86.4%) and with peers (78.4%).
Profile of respondents Differences in mean scale scores based
Of 126 international university stu- on social and demographic characteristics
dents interviewed, 56.4% were female, The means and standard deviations
43.6% were male (Table 2). Respondents for depressive symptoms scores are
comprised students who were either aged shown in Table 2. Higher means suggest
17 and younger or older. A little more than higher or more severe levels of depressive
half of students were enrolled in business symptoms. Results indicated that male
and engineering, natural and computer and female students did not differ in their
sciences courses; 47.6% were in social sci- symptoms levels. No significant differ-
ences/humanities programs. Seven out of ences were observed between respondents
every 10 were first-year students. Fifty-five from younger and older age categories. The
percent were South Koreans (the rest were levels of depressive symptoms also did not
differ according to course category. Mean pressive symptoms at the sub-scale level,
scores were markedly similar across cat- but only with respect to lethargy (p<0.05)
egories in year level, nationality, religion, and cognition/emotion (p<0.05). The asso-
smoking, and alcohol intake. Significant ciation of the level of closeness with peers
means differences were observed based on with symptoms levels was robust across
the level of satisfaction with one’s financial the three sub-scales (p<0.01). However, the
condition (F(1,125)=4.89, p<0.05). association of the level of closeness with
Findings further indicated an absence parents, albeit significant at the scale level,
of significant differences between students was only marginally (p=0.06) or not statisti-
with a current love relationship and those cally significantly related with depressive
without one. Students who were a mem- symptoms at all sub-scales.
ber of either a campus or an off-campus
organization and students who were not DISCUSSION
a member of any had similar levels of de-
This survey reported on factors related
pressive symptoms scores. Students with
with higher levels of depressive symptoms
a low/moderate level of closeness with
among a sample of international university
parents had significantly higher levels
students in Manila, the Philippines. The
of depressive symptoms than students
study intended to help prevent depression
whose closeness level with parents was
among these students by identifying those
high (F(1,124)=4.28, p<0.05). Students with
who are suffering from elevated levels of
a low/moderate level of closeness with
depressive symptoms. Data indicate that
peers had significantly more severe levels
international students at higher risk for
of symptoms than those with a high level of
depressive symptoms were not satisfied
closeness with peers (F(1,122)=21.57, p<0.01).
with their financial conditions, and had
Interactions lower levels of closeness with parents and
The three independent variables with with peers.
significant relationships with depressive The financial aspect of studying
symptoms (ie, level of satisfaction with abroad is a chief concern for both students
financial condition, level of closeness with and parents alike (Eskanadrieh et al, 2012).
parents, and level of closeness with peers) It is likely to induce higher levels of de-
were further examined for their interac- pressive symptoms among students in the
tions, using a two-way analysis of variance. event they develop feelings of dissatisfac-
No statistically significant interactions tion with their own financial conditions
were found. (Roberts et al, 1999). Financial dissatisfac-
Differences in mean sub-scale scores tion among the youth may stem from hav-
The three statistically significant inde- ing limited resources or being materialistic;
pendent variables were further examined in either case, failure to gratify one’s needs
for their associations with depressive or wants is bound to be a mood-changing
symptoms at the sub-scale level (ie, leth- circumstance for students.
argy, cognition/emotion, and academic The evidence on the significant as-
motivation). Results are shown in Table 3. sociations between the levels of closeness
Data suggest that the level of satisfaction with parents and peers, and depressive
with one’s financial condition remains symptoms is consistent with other scien-
statistically significantly related with de- tific findings (Patten et al, 1997; Bushnik,
2005). Parents and friends are important veyed or to other international student
primary groups for young people in populations in the Philippines. Moreover,
general, because of the care, security, and the study was cross-sectional, and its
support that they provide and the secure conclusions refer to associations rather
attachments that they foster among ado- than to causal relationships between the
lescents. These provisions can be effective independent and dependent variables.
buffers against the mood disorder (Han In addition, the depressive symptoms
and Lee, 2011; Kamkar et al, 2012); con- measured through the USDI pertain to the
versely, their absence can stimulate the amount of depressive symptoms weighted
occurrence of severe levels of depressive by frequency of occurrence that students
symptoms. had in the past fortnight. The USDI-based
Several variables – sex, age category, depressive symptoms should be appraised
course category, year level, nationality, using a clinical judgment (Romaniuk and
and religion, among others – were not Khawaja, 2013).
statistically significant factors according More surveys among international
to the present analyses. This means that university students using the USDI are
international university students, notwith- needed in the Philippines. Future research
standing these social and demographic has to involve representative samples of
characteristics, were highly similar in international university students; longitu-
their levels of depressive symptoms. The dinal studies, which will provide repeated
convergence in the depressive symptoms observations of the levels and associated
levels may suggest a somewhat homo- factors of depressive symptoms, are a
genization of life experiences among ado- better option. To generate more nuanced
lescents (United Nations, 2005), including dimensions of the social and demographic
international university students, which characteristics of students at greater risk,
has implications for the formation of de- some nominal variables may need addi-
pressive symptoms. For example, males tional high-level measures; for example, af-
are also becoming more sensitive to their ter asking respondents about their religion,
emotions as their female counterparts; a follow-up question on their religiousness
young people’s religiousness is getting less can be posed.
pronounced; and access to academic infor- The present survey was an initial
mation and resources is now liberalized attempt at examining the social and de-
and widely accessible. The homogeneous mographic factors associated with higher
levels of depressive symptoms could also levels of depressive symptoms among
be attributed to the fact that the interna- international university students in the
tional students interviewed were mostly Philippines. The findings can help guide
in their young ages and in first year level the discourse and the development of in-
completing general education rather than terventions for international students with
major subjects in their respective colleges. more serious levels of depressive symp-
The findings and the foregoing discus- toms. The results suggest that financial
sion should be appreciated in the context conditions and relationships with parents
of some limitations. Because the study and friends are factors to consider when
has a small sample size, the results cannot identifying those at greater risk. More stud-
be generalized to the entire international ies are needed to build local knowledge on
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