A 28-Nm Fd-Soi 115-Fs Jitter Pll-Based Lo System For 24-30-Ghz Sliding-If 5G Transceivers
A 28-Nm Fd-Soi 115-Fs Jitter Pll-Based Lo System For 24-30-Ghz Sliding-If 5G Transceivers
A 28-Nm Fd-Soi 115-Fs Jitter Pll-Based Lo System For 24-30-Ghz Sliding-If 5G Transceivers
of 39 shown in Fig. 7. A multiplexer is then used to select noise source to a minimum, at the cost of some additional
which signal to use as output, providing a time resolution of power consumption, would be to re-clock the divider output
one VCO cycle. By changing the multiplexer from sample to with the VCO signal.
sample in a rotating pattern, non-integer division ratios can When increasing the resolution to below two VCO cycles
be realized in the latter part of the divider chain, creating using this technique, i.e., one VCO cycle, a problem occurs
overall integer resolution. When the rotation wraps around the with phase ambiguity in the quadrature LO signal, since one
multiplexer, a VCO cycle needs to be swallowed/injected by cycle resolution at the VCO output corresponds to 180° res-
increasing or decreasing P by one during one reference cycle. olution (half cycle) at the quadrature divider output. This
The following equations, implemented in the state-machine will require synchronization between the PLLs; otherwise,
of the divider control block, control the multiplexer and the the problem of some PLLs operating in anti-phase may occur
programmable divider: even though the divide-by-two circuit is inside the loop. Even
if the phase rotating divider local control units would be started
mux[n + 1] = (mux[n] + N mod 4) mod 4 (1)
fully synchronized, synchronization would be lost since they
P = N/4 + (mux[n] + N mod 4)/4 (2) are clocked by the divided signal from the VCOs, which are
where n is the number of the sample in the sequence, and not locked during calibration. Slight differences in frequency
N is the 7-bit total division ratio N ∈ [1 . . . 127] of the divider are therefore expected during calibration, depending on indi-
chain, supplied by the Digital Macro (see Fig. 4). vidual VCO characteristics, resulting in different numbers of
Unlike in the rotating divider in [24], here the multiplexing clock cycles being received by different control units. The
is performed on signals close in frequency to the reference, output phases then end up randomly in phase and in anti-
making the timing of the multiplexing relatively uncritical. phase. After PLL settling, this can be corrected by comparing
Both the multiplexer and its control are therefore realized in a the least significant bit of the multiplexer control signals.
standard CMOS logic. As can be seen in Fig. 7, the timing dif- If these have different values in different PLLs, the outputs will
ference between the four re-sampled signals is small compared be an odd number of VCO cycles apart, and the quadrature
with the period time, making it straightforward to perform outputs will be in anti-phase. The situation is rectified by
switching between any of the four signals while avoiding first assigning one of the PLLs of the array as the master.
glitches. This would not be the case if multiplexing was to be Then, the division ratio is increased by one during a single
performed on the incoming high-frequency quadrature signals. reference cycle for all PLLs of the array that have a multiplexer
Glitch-free phase switching at lower frequency can also be control signal LSB deviating from the master. After settling,
realized using a multi-phase divider tree [25] but with a higher the phases of these PLLs will be advanced by one VCO
circuit complexity. cycle, assuring constructive summation of signals in the beam
The switching between phases to improve divider resolu- direction.
tion comes at a cost, however, as the different phases will
deviate from their ideal values due to layout and device C. modulator
mismatch. Depending on the division ratio, this mismatch will The modulator has a signed 2-1 multi-stage noise-
cause reference sub-harmonic spurs in the integer-N mode. shaping (MASH) architecture with configurable modulus, con-
In fractional-N mode, on the other hand, the non-linearity of figurable self-dithering, state memory, and an output range
the frequency divider transfer due to phase mismatch folds of [−3 . . . 4]. The modulus of the error-feedback stages can
high-frequency delta–sigma modulator (DSM) quantization be set separately to either the power of two corresponding
noise to low frequencies. This can impact the PLL integrated to the word size, or the nearest lower prime number [6].
phase noise performance, but due to the random nature of Optional dithering noise is taken from the MSBs of the
the DSM, no sub-harmonic spurs are generated. Although not residual error [7]. The fractional resolution was chosen to be
employed in this paper, a technique to reduce this potential 19 bits to minimize the circuit size and power consumption.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 12. Charge pump with phase control: schematic and signals.
Fig. 11. XO core schematic and crystal model.
Fig. 17. Die photograph and layout of the active part of the PLL.
Fig. 18. Top: phase noise of XO and FoM versus offset frequency for
sample 2. Bottom: difference between measured and simulated phase noise
for respective sample.
LO frequency. The two PLLs were set to the same frequency,
and a combiner was used to add the two signals and then TABLE II
measured with a Keysight N9030A PXA signal analyzer with XO P ERFORMANCE S UMMARY AND C OMPARISON
phase noise option N9068A. By setting the PLLs to generate
signals in phase, the effect of phase noise correlation could be
investigated in the combined signal. In another setup, the com-
biner was removed and the phase relation between the two
TX output signals was investigated using a Keysight N5242A
PNA-X network analyzer. This was done to investigate the
time stability of the phase relation between the PLLs. The XO
signal was also measured separately using an Agilent E5052B
10-MHz–7-GHz signal source analyzer.
The entire LO generation system consumed in total
34.6 mW, with one PLL consuming 15.4 mW from a 1.2-V
supply, and the XO consuming 0.84 mW from a 1-V supply.
A simulated power consumption breakdown is shown
in Table I.
The phase noise of the XO is shown in Fig. 18. It is even in a 40-GHz system, the contribution is just −42.6 dBc.
−107 dBc/Hz at 1-kHz offset, and the peak FoM equals The performance of the XO is compared with state of the art
256.6 dB at about 8-kHz offset. More important, however, in Table II. As can be seen, increasing the crystal frequency
is the offset region between 20 kHz and the PLL bandwidth from below 100 to 491.52 MHz results in superior start-up
of 1.48 MHz, which will dominate the contribution to the time and EVM in a 5G OFDM system, still with a power
EVM in the 5G OFDM system. The EVM contribution of consumption that is lower than many of the other designs and
this XO phase noise to a 26-GHz system is −46.3 dBc, and that also represents a minor part of the total power of the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 19. VCO frequency range using coarse and fine tuning.
Fig. 21. Measured phase noise of 26-GHz carrier: single instance and
Fig. 22. Phase stability between the two PLLs over time and its distribution
(after t = 4000 s).
Fig. 24. Wide spectrum measurement with 491-MHz offset reference spur Fig. 25. Jitter-power FoM comparison.
at −65.1 dBc.
Fractional-N-based PLLs are known to suffer from frac- EVM figures for the comparison, they have been calculated
tional spurs with levels typically increasing when the division from reported jitter values and normalized to the same carrier
ratio approaches integer values. Fig. 23 shows the measured frequency of 26 GHz. In case a reported jitter value is missing,
main fractional spur at offset fs when the division ratio is the EVM and jitter has instead been extracted from published
swept as N = 36 + f s / f reference . The levels of additional spurs phase noise plots. As can be seen, this paper has the lowest
appearing at fs /2 and f s /4 are also shown. Spur levels are EVM value and jitter, 0.6 dB better than [12], but with a
rather low except for main spur offsets | f s | < 10 MHz, power consumption of just 31 mW compared with 174 mW
corresponding to (|N − [N]| < 0.02). Fortunately, spurs at for [12]. Furthermore, together with [11], it has the lowest
such small offsets, well within the bandwidth of the desired power consumption but with an EVM that is 19 dB better
channel, will have much less impact on system performance than in [11]. The jitter performance and power consump-
compared with spurs at larger offsets. The latter leads to tion are also compared in Fig. 25, where more published
co-channel interference from reciprocal mixing between the fractional-N synthesizers above 10 gigahertz have been
spurs and strong interfering signals in adjacent channels. included [4], [10]–[14], [20], [21], [31]. This paper achieves
A wide spectrum measurement is shown in Fig. 24 to capture a record low FOM j of −244 dB for PLL frequencies above
the reference spur having a level of −65 dBc. 15 GHz. As can be seen, [31] has achieved an even lower
A comparison with published state-of-the-art mmW FOM j (−246.6 dB) but at 10.1–12.4 GHz. Still better values
fractional-N CMOS PLLs is found in Table III. To obtain have been achieved below 5 GHz [30], [33].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
[29] M. Kozak and I. Kale, “Rigorous analysis of delta-sigma modulators Andreas Axholt received the M.Sc. degree in
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M.Sc.E.E. degree from the Department of Applied
Electronics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
Staffan Ek was born in Jönköping, Sweden, in 1978. in 1993, and the Lic.E.E. degree from the
He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineer- Department of Electroscience, Lund University,
ing from Lund University, Lund, Sweden, in 2002. in 2001.
Since 2002, he has been involved in CMOS From 1993 to 1997, she was with the RFIC
transceiver design, frequency synthesizers, and Department, Ericsson Mobile Communication,
analog/mixed-signal circuits. He has been with Lund. From 2002 to 2003, she was with Acreo/Via
Acreo, Lund; Infineon Austria, Villach, Austria; and Lund, Lund, Sweden, as an RFIC Engineer. From
Ericsson Research, Ericsson, Lund. Since 2017, he 2003 to 2008, she was an RF Engineer with Nokia,
has been a Staff Engineer with Arm Sweden, Lund. Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 2008, she has been an RFIC Engineer with
Ericsson, Lund.