Optics & Laser Technology: Wei Ji, Jun Chang
Optics & Laser Technology: Wei Ji, Jun Chang
Optics & Laser Technology: Wei Ji, Jun Chang
The radio-on-fiber-wavelength-division-multiplexed-passive-optical
network (WDM-RoF-PON) for wireless and wire layout with
linearly-polarized dual-wavelength fiber laser and carrier reusing
Wei Ji n, Jun Chang
The School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan Shandong 250100, China
a r t i c l e i n f o abstract
Article history: In this paper, we design a WDM-RoF-PON based on linearly-polarized dual-wavelength fiber laser and
Received 10 December 2012 CSRZ-DPSK, which can achieve wire-line and wireless access synchronously. With the CSRZ-DPSK
Received in revised form modulation, the wireless access in ONU can save RF source and the frequency of radio carrier can be
17 January 2013
controlled by OLT. The dual-wavelength fiber laser is the union light source of WDM-PON with
Accepted 21 January 2013
Available online 27 February 2013
polarization multiplexing. By the RSOA and downstream light source reusing, the ONU can save omit
laser source and makes the WDM-PON to be colorless. The networking has the credible transmission
Keywords: property, including wireless access and fiber transmission. The networking also has excellent
WDM-RoF-PON covering range.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fiber laser
0030-3992/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
302 W. Ji, J. Chang / Optics & Laser Technology 49 (2013) 301–306
is followed by the performance evaluation and analysis of the system. polarized modes, which are separated both in wavelength and
Finally, provides the concluding remarks. polarization. Lasers lasing on different linear-polarized modes
greatly enhance the polarization hole burning (PHB) in the cavity,
which will restrain the modes competition [11,12]. Two wave-
2. The design of fiber laser length lights with orthogonal polarization states and the laser
fields with different polarization states greatly increase the in-
The setup of linearly-polarized dual-wavelength fiber laser homogeneities in the resonate cavity. The homogeneous line-
and the output of the laser are depicted in Fig. 1(a) and (b). The width of the EDF is greatly reduced by the orthogonal polarization
980 nm 300 mW laser was coupled into the gain fiber through a states of dual wavelength light. So the stable dual-wavelength
tapered fused bundle (TFB) combiner. The gain fiber is a 14.6 m- EDFL with a narrow wavelength spacing is achieved at room
long polarization-maintaining Er-doped fiber. At both ends two temperature.
Polarization maintain-Fiber Bragg Grates (PM-FBGs ) were spliced The optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) is measured to be
to make up the resonant cavity and the spectra gratings are greater than 60 dB. The 3 dB bandwidth of each lasing line is
shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b). Both of the gratings are inscribed in a
photosensitive polarization maintaining fiber (model PM980,
manufactured by Nufern) by scanning a phase mask technology
with UV laser. The high reflective PM-FBG1 has a reflectivity of
98.5% with a FWHM of 15 nm, which is a chirped FBG. A low
reflective PM-FBG2 used as the output coupler of the laser cavity
has a 10.2% reflectivity and a FWHM of 0.11 nm. The spectrum of
the PM-FBG2 shows two peaks, which correspond to the slow axis
and the fast axis of the PM fiber. Polarization controller (PC) is
used to control the polarization of beam in the fiber. Polarization-
maintaining Er-doped fiber is high bi-refringent. There are two ray
axes, corresponding to different refractive index in polarization-
maintaining fiber. The efficiency refractive index of slow axis and
fast axis are neffx, neffy and the polarizations of two axes are
orthogonal [10]. The refractive wavelengths correspond to:
lx ¼ 2neffx L ly ¼ 2neffy L DlB ¼ 2Lðneffx neffy Þ ð1Þ
Fig. 1. (a) The setup of linearly-polarized fiber laser, and (b) output of the fiber laser.
W. Ji, J. Chang / Optics & Laser Technology 49 (2013) 301–306 303
0.011 nm and each lasing line shows a single polarization with the rate of which is 10 Gbit/s. The double side-bands of CSRZ-DPSK
the polarization extinction ratio 430 dB. The two polarizations at signal have the same information. As directed O/E converting, the
the dual-wavelength are orthogonal to each other, as expected phase information of double side-bands can be completely erased,
from the PM-FBG. which can be described as:
Iout ðtÞpA2 9Ein ðtÞ9 Ucosð2os tÞ ð3Þ
3. The structure of WDM-RoF-PON The second part of received optical signal is directly finished O/
E converting and gets the radio carrier signal after electrical
The experiment setup of WDM-RoF-PON system is shown in filtering. The signal from Ethernet processing modulates the radio
Fig. 3. In order to simplify the system, the light source of optical carrier by OOK method and finishes wireless access. In this
line terminal (OLT) is one dual-wavelength fiber laser, which can scheme, ONU need not microwave source which is the carrier
implement two wavelength channel of WDM-PON with polariza- signal in wireless communication.
tion multiplexing, and the DPSK coded 10 Gbit/s Ethernet signal As the amplitude of DPSK modulated optical signal is steady-
modulates the optical signal through LiNbO3 modulator. Using going, the side-band of CSRZ-DPSK signal can be re-modulated by
5 GHz radio signal, which is synchronize with the clock of DSPK OOK modulation. The third part of downstream CSRZ-DPSK
data and LiNbO3 modulator achieve CSRZ modulation. The optical optical signal is filtered by tunable narrow optical filter, which
signal of CSRZ-DPSK modulated can be described as: the central wavelength is 1550.76 nm and 3 dB bandwidth is
0.02 nm. The optical gain of the RSOA is 10 dB when it is biased at
Eout ðtÞ ¼ AEin ðtÞf½cosðoc os Þt þ fðtÞ þ½cosðoc þ os Þt þ fðtÞg ð2Þ
40 mA. The RSOA is then directly modulated by 10 Gb/s non
where oc and Ein ðtÞ are frequency and amplitude of input optical return-to-zero signals with a pseudorandom bit sequence. The
signal, which corresponds to 1550.8 nm and 1551.11 nm. os is the amplified and OOK modulated optical signal transmits to the
frequency of radio signal which equals to 5 GHz, fðtÞ ¼ ð0 or pÞ is receiver of OLT through optical circulator and fiber. Through this
the instant phase of DPSK signal. The output signal of point (c) in wavelength re-modulation, ONU can save the cost of laser source.
Fig. 2 becomes a CSRZ-DPSK signal, which has a periodic amplitude The wavelength of upstream signal can be controlled by OLT,
with a phase shift varied according to the sign of the signal data (t), which means the WDM-PON is colorless.
1bit Delay 3R Ethernet Wire
MZI and O/E Generator Processing Access
PBS (e) (f)
(c) Fiber Power
Electrical Electrical
1550.8nm Splitter Filter Modulator
5GHz Signal Wireless
CSRZ Access
Modulation Optical
Services RSOA RAU
10G Ethernet (h) (g)
(b) Upstream data
LiNbO3 Fiber
Dual-Wavelength Optical (i)
Fiber Laser Receiver
Fig. 4. (a) One output of fiber laser, (b) DPSK modulated optical signal, and (c) CSRZ-DPSK modulated optical signal.
304 W. Ji, J. Chang / Optics & Laser Technology 49 (2013) 301–306
4. The results and analysis the produced radio signal is 10 GHz, which is shown in Fig. 6(a).
Fig. 6 also gives that the produced RF signal has narrow frequency
Fig. 4(a) gives the one of the outputs of dual multi-wavelength spectrum and steady property in time domain. It is the basis of
fiber laser, corresponding to the point (a) in Fig. 3. The wave- successful wireless access.
length is 1550.8 nm, the polarization of which parallels to the fast
axis of polarization maintaining fiber. Fig. 4(b) is the spectrum of
optical signal modulated by 10 Gbit/s DPSK electrical signal and
the result of CSRZ modulation is shown in Fig. 4(c), which
correspond to point (b) and (c) in Fig. 3.
The filtered downstream optical signal and amplified, modu-
lated upstream optical signal are shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b), which
correspond to point (h) in Fig. 3. According to Fig. 5, the filtered
optical signal has narrow optical spectrum and steady modulation
property. After transmission back to the OLT, the upstream signals
are detected by an optical receiver, which also consists of a PIN
detector, low band pass filter and 3R generator.
Fig. 6(a) and (b) gives the frequency and time domain of the
directly O/E converted downstream CSRZ-DPSK optical signal, cor-
responding to point (e) in Fig. 3, which is filtered by electrical filter.
The results achieved by Tektronix 492BP spectrum analyzer and Fig. 7. Eye diagram of (a) received downstream optical signal and (b) received
Agilent SDA-11000 oscilloscope. As os ¼ 5 GHz, so the frequency of upstream optical signal which are obtained by TEK 11801B/SD-22.
Fig. 5. (a) Filtered downstream optical signal and (b) modulated upstream signal.
Fig. 6. (a) Frequency of wireless carrier signal and (b) time domain of wireless carrier signal.
W. Ji, J. Chang / Optics & Laser Technology 49 (2013) 301–306 305
Fig. 8. (a) Modulated wireless signal and (b) eye diagram of received wireless signal which are obtained by TEK 492BP and 11801B/SD-22.
5. Conclusions
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