Mark Nevvit Climate Change and Unsc
Mark Nevvit Climate Change and Unsc
Mark Nevvit Climate Change and Unsc
Mark Nevitt*
Is climate change a threat to international peace and security? If so, what
actions, if any, should the United Nations Security Council (“Council”) take to
combat the climate crisis? Scientists and security professionals alike predict
massive climate destabilization this century to include climate migration,
competing resource wars, and violent conflict. And four island nations will be
uninhabitable by mid-century, threatening their territorial integrity and very
sovereignty. In this Article I argue that climate change can no longer be
conceptualized as a future environmental and sustainability issue that the
Council can ignore. Rather, climate change is a complex security threat that will
increasingly stress and test international institutions and existing governance
models. Yet is a “Climate-Security Council” truly realistic in light of the Council’s
institutional design and current political paralysis? What could spark Council
climate action? And how should the Council respond to the climate crisis?
Mark Nevitt, Associate Professor of Law, Syracuse University College of Law (Summer 2020).
Prior to academia, he served for 20 years in the U.S. Navy as both a tactical jet aviator and
environmental lawyer in national security assignments throughout the world. He previously served
as the Sharswood Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Class of 1971
Distinguished Professor of Leadership & Law at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
He especially thanks Professors Maryam Jamshidi, Craig Martin, Jean Galbraith, Eric Jensen,
Thomas Lee, Robert Knowles, Diane Amman, Harlan Cohen, General Charles Dunlap, Lieutenant
Jonathan Todd and participants in the First Annual 2020 National Security Scholars Workshop
and the 2020 Duke Law, Ethics, and National Security Conference for their helpful feedback.
We must make no mistake. The facts are clear. Climate change is real, and it is
accelerating in a dangerous manner. It not only exacerbates threats to
international peace and security; it is a threat to international peace and
1 Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Remarks to the Security Council on the Impacts of Climate
Change on International Peace and Security, United Nations Secretary General, Jul. 20, 2011,
climate-change-international-peace (last visited Jul. 31, 2020).
2 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Global Warming of 1.5 Celsius, Summary for Policy
Makers 6 (2018) [hereinafter IPCC 1.5 Report]; Nat’l Climate Assessment [hereinafter NCA 2018].
Full report available online at: And the scientific estimates keep getting
worse. In July 2020, scientists from the Center of Excellence for Climate Extremes projected that
climate change will cause average temperatures to rise 4.1 to 8.1 degrees if trends hold, a massive
and catastrophic change to the physical environment. See S. Sherwood et. al, An Assessment of
Earth’s Climate Sensitivity Using Multiple Lines of Evidence, REVIEW OF GEOPHYSICS, (Jul. 22,
2020), available at:;
For a discussion of climate change’s “super wicked” problems see Richard Lazarus, Super Wicked
Problems and Climate Change: Restraining the Present to Liberate the Future, 94 CORNELL L.
REV. 1153 (2009).
3 U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, Adoption of the Paris Agreement, U.N. Doc.
FCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1 (Dec. 12, 2015)[hereinafter Paris Agreement]. See also Jean Galbraith,
Two Faces of Foreign Affairs Federalism and What they Mean for Climate Change Mitigation,
112 AJIL UNBOUND 274 (2018) (highlighting federalism challenges within the U.S. system to
address climate change).
4 President Bolsonaro was sworn in as Brazil’s President in January 2019. He campaigned to
massively roll-back environmental and climate regulations to include deforestation. See, e.g.
Franklin Foer, The Amazon Fires are More Dangerous than WMDs, THE ATLANTIC, Aug. 24, 2019.
5 See, e.g., Ishaan Tharoor, World’s Climate Catastrophe Intensifies as Focus Remains on Virus
Pandemic, WASH. POST. Jun. 30, 2020. Brady Dennis & Chris Mooney, Global Greenhouse Gas
Emissions Will Hit Another Record this year, Experts Project, WASHINGTON POST, Dec. 3, 2019.
6 The 2018 IPCC report highlighted an emissions gap where there must be dramatic reductions in
GHG emissions prior to 2030 to maintain temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius. See also Abrahm
Lustgarten, Refugees Flee from the Earth, N.Y. TIMES MAGAZINE, 11, 18-19 Jul. 26, 2020
(highlighting that 150 million people will be displaced by rising sea levels by 2050).
7 For an overview of climate change’s destructive impacts on civilization, see Kurt M. Campbell and
as appropriate and within their respective mandates, to identify their efforts in considering and
addressing climate change, including its possible security implications.” U.N. Gen Assembly
63/281 Climate Change and its Possible Security Implications, (Jun. 11, 2009)[hereinafter Climate
Security 2009]
9 It is estimated that four atoll Small Island Developing States — Maldives, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the
Republic of the Marshall Islands — may be uninhabitable by mid-century, threating their very
sovereignty. See Storlazzi et. al, Most atolls will be Uninhabitable by the mid-21st century because
of sea level rise exacerbating wave driven flooding, 4 SCIENCE ADV. 4 (2018), available at: [hereinafter Storlazzi] Kiribati recently
purchased land in Fiji as part of a potential climate relocation plan. Sara Reardon, Pacific Island
to Buy Piece of Fiji as a Climate Plan, NEW SCIENTIST, Mar. 13, 2012. This also raises core human
rights issues that are beyond the scope of this paper. See generally John H. Knox, Linking Human
Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations, 33 HARV. ENVT’L. L. REV. 437 (2009).
10 U.N. Charter art. 24, para. 1. (“In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United
Nations, its Members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance of
international peace and security and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility
the Security Council acts on their behalf.”) For an outstanding overview of many of the potential
tools available to the UN Security Council in addressing climate change, see CLIMATE CHANGE AND
THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL (Shirley V. Scott & Charlotte Ku ed., Edward Elgar) (2018) [hereinafter
CLIMATE SECURITY]; Pierre Thielberger, Climate Change and International Peace and Security:
Time for a Green Security Council? in FROM COLD WAR TO CYBER WAR (H.J. Heintze & P.
Thielberger eds) (2016). See also Craig Martin, Atmospheric Intervention, 44 COLUM. ENVT’L L.
REV. 331 (2020).
11 U.N. Charter art. 24, para 1 (stating that “Members confer on the Security Council primary
responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and agree that in carrying
out its duties under this responsibility the Security Council acts on their behalf”). See also U.N.
Charter art. 1, para. 1 (stating that the purpose of the United Nations is “to maintain international
peace and security and . . . to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of
threats to the peace . . .”).
12 As I discuss below, I do not argue (nor do I envision) that the Council should turn to its Article
42 military authorities to combat climate change’s impacts at this time or within the foreseeable
future. U.N. Charter art. 42.
13 Lazarus, supra note 2.
14 Dan Bodansky, The Legitimacy of International Governance: A Coming Challenge for
International Environmental Law?, 93 AM. J. INT’L L. 596 (1999); David Caron, The Legitimacy of
the Collective Authority of the Security Council, 87 AM. J. INT’L L. 552 (1993). “Climatizing” the
Council exposes the Council to criticism that it is overstepping its historic mandate
15 U.N. Charter art. 27, para 2-3. And independent of climate action, there is a rich scholarly
literature critiquing the Council as hierarchical, anti-democratic, static, and reactive. For a critique
of the Security Council, see Ken Conca, Joe Thwaites, & Gouen Lee, Climate Change and Global
Security: What Role for the Security Council?, 1 PERSPECTIVE (Oct. 2017).
16 The United States, Republic of China, Russia, United Kingdom, and France, are all P5 Members.
At the time of this writing, the United States is the largest historical emitter of GHG emissions while
China emits more GHG emissions on an annual basis than any Member Nation.
17 See, e.g., S.C. Res. 1625, pmbl. U.N. Doc. S/RES/1625 (September 14, 2005).
18 See supra note 1, at 606-637 (highlighting climate change’s international effects). See also
Kirsten Davies & Thomas Riddell, The Warming War: How Climate Change is Creating Threats
to International Peace and Security, 30 GEO. ENVT’L L. REV. 47 (2017)
19 Political calculations by each Security Council member will play an outsized role in casting a vote
for climate action. Witness the Council’s slow response to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis. But
there are increased calls for increased Security Council action and that may be changing. See Rob
Berschinski, What the UN Security Council Can Do on Coronavirus: A Global Goods Coordination
Mechanism, JUST SECURITY, Mar. 24, 2020. And Professor Hathaway and others have highlighted
that we need to re-think how we define and face national security threats in the face of the
20 It is estimated that four atoll Small Island Developing States — Maldives, Tuvalu, Kiribati, and
the Republic of the Marshall Islands — may be uninhabitable by mid-century, threating their very
sovereignty. See Storlazzi, supra note 9.
21 See United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1771 U.N.T.S. 107 (May 9, 1992)
[hereinafter Framework Convention],
22 See, e.g., Mark P. Nevitt, Climate Change: Our Greatest National Security Threat?, JUST
SECURITY, Apr. 28, 2019 (referring to the 21st century as “the climate-security century).
23 See supra note 1 (highlighting recent studies that predict an increase in global temperatures up
SECURITY, APR. 7, 2020 (arguing that we should broaden the security lens to include pandemics,
other public health threats, and climate change).
25 REUTERS, California Wildfire that Killed Nearly 85 People Nearly Contained, Nov. 25, 2018,
available at:
26 Dakin Andone, Death Toll From Hurricane Michael Rises to 36, CNN.COM, Oct. 20, 2018
27 REUTERS, Hurricane Florence Death Toll Rises to 51, Oct. 2, 2018,
28 CAMPBELL, supra note 7. see also Emily Atkin, Climate Change is Aggravating the Suffering in
Empirical Analysis on the Links Between Climate Change and Violent Conflict, INTERNATIONAL
STUDIES REVIEW (2017) (summarizing the existing empirical literature, noting that a “majority of
studies find evidence that climate variables are associated with higher levels of violent conflict”).
30 For example, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a report acknowledging
the global human security challenge posed by climate change. See, e.g., DANIEL R. COATS, DIRECTOR
U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 21-23 (Jan. 29, 2019),
31 EXTREME EVENTS STUDY, supra note 35.
32 There is a broad literature on what to call people displaced by climate change (environmental
refugees, climate refugees, or climate migrants?). I use the broader term of “climate migrants”
throughout the paper as it best captures the numerous reasons—all driven by climate change—why
people flee their homes. For a helpful discussion of this academic debate, see Philip Dane Warren,
Note: Evaluating Climate Change Displacement, 116 COLUM. L. REV. 2103, 2109-10 (2017).
33 Nicholas St. Fleur, Two-Thirds of the World Faces Severe Water Shortages, N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 12,
water-shortages.html. U.N. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, Figures At A Glance, (last visited Aug 4, 2020)
34 See F. De Châtel, The role of drought and climate change in the Syrian uprising: Untangling
the triggers of the revolution, 50 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, 521-535, available at:
35 For an outstanding discussion of the gaps in international law as it related to refugees, see Jill
Goldenzeil, The Curse of the Nation-State: Refugees, Migration, and Security in International
Law, 48 ARIZ. ST. L. J. 579 (2016); see also Lustgarten, supra note 6, at 11-23.
[hereinafter CNA 2014]. In addition, former Secretary of State John Kerry referring to climate
change as a “weapon of mass destruction” and former Defense Secretary William Perry comparing
it to a slowly unfolding “nuclear war.” See, e.g., Jeff McMahon, Former Defense Secretary
Compares Climate Change to Nuclear War, FORBES, Dec. 9, 2018.
44 See IPCC 1.5 Report, supra note 1.
45 See AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Explaining Extreme Events of 2017 from a Climate
“national security” issue. For a discussion of this debate, see Maryam Jamshidi, The Climate
Change Crisis Is a Human Security, Not a National Security Issue, 93 S. CAL. L. REV. POSTSCRIPT
36 (2019).
47 The COVID-19 crisis, while not directly related to climate change, may foreshadow future global
health risks as climate change increases the risk posed by vector-borne diseases. See NCA4, supra
note 1, at 616 (describing climate change’s role in exacerbating vector-borne diseases such as Zika
and West Nile virus that are transmitted by mosquitos).
48 U.N. Charter arts. 39-51. Chapter VII, “Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of
the Peace, and Acts of Aggression.” For a discussion of the role of the Security Council in the face
of climate change, see Trina Ng, Safeguarding Peace and Security in our Warming World: A Role
for the Security Council, 15 JOURNAL OF CONFLICT & SECURITY LAW 275 (2010) (arguing that climate
change threats are “tantamount to threats to international peace and security given the evolution
of threats since . . . 1945”).
49 U.N. Charter art. 23, para 1-2. The Charter outlines criteria for election to the Security Council,
noting “due regard” is paid to Members contributing to the maintenance of international peace and
security and to “equitable geographical distribution.” Id. In 1965, Council non-permanent
membership was increased from 6 to 10 members. Security Council membership has held steady
at 15 since then (10 non-permanent, 5 permanent).
50 U.N. Charter art. 23, para. 1.
51 The SIDS group accounts for fully 20% of the nation’s eligible for election as non-permanent
Council Members. The Charter is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its
Members. As a structural matter, this bolsters Small Island Developing States as a powerful voting
bloc. U.N. Charter art. 2, para 1.
52 Perhaps not surprisingly, Greta Thunberg and other climate activists scrutinized the climate
policies of both Norway and Canada during the most recent Council election in 2020. See discussion
infra Part I.B.2.
53 U.N. Charter art. 27, para 2-3. Id. The Charter is silent on the legal import of abstaining from a
vote, but from the Council’s first meetings permanent member abstention was not treated the same
as a veto. This has been the operating consensus ever since. See Ian Hurd, The UN Security Council
and the International Rule of Law, THE CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS 11 (2014).
54 U.N. Charter, art. 25.
55 And the Security Council has shown the ability to act relatively quickly in using its powers. In the
aftermath of September 11th, the Security Council passed a resolution.
56 U.N. Charter art. 1, para 1.
57 U.N. Charter art. 2, para 1.
58 U.N. Charter art. 2, para 1 (emphasis added). In the climate change context, GHG emissions
directly causes global warming which, in turn, can threaten the territorial integrity and sovereignty
of vulnerable nations such as Small Island Developing States, discussed infra. Discussion of climate
change’s security impacts is absent from the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change treaty.
59 U.N. Charter art. 24, para. 1. “In order to ensure prompt and effective action by the United
Nations, its members confer on the Security Council primary responsibility for the maintenance
of international peace and security and agree that in carrying out its duties under this responsibility
the Security Council acts on their behalf.” Id (emphasis added).
60 U.N. Charter art. 39. In practice, “threat to peace” is the most common determination that the
Council uses in making an article 39 determination, disfavoring “acts of aggression” and “breach of
the peace.”
61 U.N. Charter art. 1, para. 1. And it is unclear whether this is subject to International Court of
Justice (ICJ) review. U.N. Charter art. 24, para. 2. The ICJ has historically not reviewed Security
Council decisions.
62 U.N. Charter art. 2, para. 7.
63 Pierre Thielberger, Climate Change and International Peace and Security: Time for a Green
Security Council? in FROM COLD WAR TO CYBER WAR (H.J. Heintze & P. Thielberger eds) (2016).
64 U.N. Charter art. 39.
65 U.N. Charter art. 39. See also Christopher K. Penny, Greening the Security Council: Climate
scope of this article to thoroughly address. For an outstanding overview of legal legitimacy, see TOM
TYLER, WHY PEOPLE OBEY THE LAW (2006); Oren Gross, Chaos and Rules: Should Responses to
Violent Crises Always be Constitutional?, 112 YALE L. J. 1011 (2003).
67 Hurd, supra note 53, at 8.
68 Bodansky, supra note 14.
69 Id. at 601-02.
70 Megan Darby, Greta Thunberg looks to U.N. security council election for leverage on climate,
the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation,
enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or
agreements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.”). Id.
74 U.N. Charter art. 34 (emphasis added).
75 U.N. Charter art. 35, para. 1.
76 U.N. Charter art. 35. The Security Council’s Chapter VI authorities are largely drafted in a
manner to resolve disputes between Member Nations. Climate change and its corresponding
security implications are a multivariate, collective action problem among all 193 Member nations.
77 U.N. Charter art. 37.
78 U.N. Charter art. 99.
79 U.N. Charter art. 96, para. 1.
80 Professor Gerrard has stated that seeking an ICJ advisory opinion on principles of international
law in the mitigation context is not a fruitful path. See Statement of Michael B. Gerrard, Security
Council Open Arria Formula Meeting: The Role of Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier for
Global Security, Jun. 30, 2015.
81 See Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States),
1986 I.C.J. 392 (resulting in the U.S. withdrawal from ICJ compulsory jurisdiction).
Of the three possible Article 39 determinations—(1) threat to the peace; (2) breach
of the peace; or (3) act of aggression, the Council heavily relies upon “threat to the
peace” when addressing non-traditional security threats.86 “Threat to the peace”
is undefined within the Charter—the Council is granted broad discretion in making
this determination. 87 If the Council makes an Article 39 determination, its
powerful Chapter VII authorities are then actuated—a legally expedient approach
82 In 2020, the United Nations Human Rights Counsel recently addressed climate security arising
from an asylum seeker from a Small Island Developing States. While it remains to be seen how this
ruling will be implemented by different nations, it nevertheless demonstrates climate change’s
threats posed to developing nations. Rob Picheta, Climate Refugees cannot be sent back home,
United Nations rules in landmark decision, (Jan. 20, 2020)
83 U.N. Charter arts. 39-51. Any Council action must be consistent with the UN Charter, Chapter I,
environmental and climate security, gender security, and the threats posed by non-state actors. As
I discuss infra Part II.A, the Council has shown a willingness to address such threats.
87 See Bodansky, supra note 14. See also Anna M. Vrandenburgh, The Chapter VII Powers of the
United Nations Charter: Do They Trump Human Rights Law?, 14 LOY. L.A. INT’L & COMP, L. REV.
175, 178 (1991).
88 This chapter is titled “Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and
Acts of Aggression” and is addressed in Articles 39-51.
89 U.N. Charter art. 40.
90 U.N. Charter art. 41. I borrow the term “climate rogue states” from Professor Martin to describe
Security Council, 59 TENN. L. REV. 787, 794 (1992) (stating that sanctions often punish the citizens
of the target state more than its leaders).
92 Martin, supra note 10.
93 U.N. Charter art. 42.
94 U.N. Charter art. 51. It is beyond the scope of this paper to fully flesh out the legal standard
associated with “armed attack: and the inherent right of self-defense under the U.N. Charter. See,
95 This makes it exceedingly difficult to invoke Article 51 to pierce the jus ad bellum regime.
96 Adam Betz, Preventive Environmental Wars, JOURNAL OF MILITARY ETHICS (2019) (arguing that
the “scope and scale of prospective harms threatened by climate change are such that that, were
they to result from an armed attack, there would unequivocally be a just cause for war”). Professor
Betz acknowledges that while environmental war may be justified in principle, there are challenges
in practice. Id. at 20.
97 See Martin, supra note 10, at 41-50.
98 Id.
99 Id.
100 See, e.g., S.C. Res. 2349 ¶ 26, S/RES/2349 (October 14, 2017). (recognizing climate change’s
adverse effects in water scarcity, drought, and desertification in the Lake Chad Basin region). The
Lake Chad resolution was followed up by Council references to climate security in four Security
Council Resolutions in Somalia, Darfur, West Africa and the Sahel, and Mali.
101 See, e.g, S.C. Res. 1625, pmbl. U.N. Doc. S/RES/1625 (September 14, 2005) (addressing the
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s destruction of the oil fields was inextricably
linked to the Council’s Resolution and action in an international armed conflict.
102 Prosecutor v. Tadic, Establishment of the International Tribunal, IT-91-1-AR72, 35 ILM 32, ¶
29 (Oct. 20, 1995).
103 Hurd, supra note 53, at 3.
104 See supra Part I.B.3; see also Thomas Franck, The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations (1990).
105 S.C. Res. 687, U.N. Doc. ¶ 16 S/RES/687 (1991). This marked the first time that the Council
determined that a state was liable for harm to the environment itself, apart from injury to people
and property. Catherine Tinker, supra note 91, at 789.
106 U.N. SCOR, 3406th mtg., at 143, U.N. Doc S/P 3046 (Jan. 31, 1992). For a brief discussion of the
Council’s approach to soft threats, see Mark P. Nevitt, The Commander in Chief’s Authority to
Combat Climate Change, 37 CARDOZO L. REV. 492-95 (2015).
In 2005, the Council reaffirmed that it was prepared to address the root cause of
armed conflict—in the context of conflict’s disparate effects on women and gender
issues more broadly— in an effort to “adopt a broad strategy of conflict
prevention.”109 In 2006, Secretary Annan followed up his earlier pronouncements
on environmental security, stating that “global climate change must take its place
alongside [the] threats of conflict, poverty and the proliferation of deadly weapons
that have traditionally monopolized first-order political attention.”110
2. The Legislative Council: Terrorism (2001) and the Spread of
Weapons of Mass Destruction (2004)111
107 The panel noted, “ . . . [i]f climate change produces more acute flooding, heat waves, droughts,
and storms, this pace [of natural disasters] may accelerate.” High Level Panel on Threats,
Challenges, and Change, A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility, ¶ 53 U.N. G.A.O.R.,
59th Session, U.N. Doc. A/59/565 (Dec. 2, 2004).
108 Kofi Anan, In Larger Freedom: Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All
109 S.C. Res. 1625, pmbl. U.N. Doc. S/RES/1625 (September 14, 2005).
110 UN SECRETARIAT Nairobi Framework, n.80 (2006).
111 For a discussion of the Security Council as a legislative body, see Eric Rosand, The Security
Council as “Global Legislator”: Ultra Vires or Ultra Innovative?, 28 FORDHAM INT’L . L. J. 542, 544
(2005). Alexandra Knight, Note: Global Environmental Threats, 80 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1549, 1569,
n.97 (2005). For a discussion within the international relations literature of the Security Council’s
role in combatting climate change, see CONCA ET. AT. Climate Change and the UN Security Council:
Bully Pulpit or Bull in a China Shop? 17 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS 2 (MAY 2017).
112 S.C. Res. ¶ 3 U.N. Doc. S/RES/1373 (September 28, 1991).
113 Id. at ¶ 5.
114 Id. at ¶ 10.
115 Id.
116 S.C. Res., 1540, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1540 (Apr. 28, 2004).
117 Id.
118 Id; see also Shirley V. Scott & Roberta C.D. Andrade, The Global Response to Climate Change:
Can the Security Council Assume a Lead Role?, 18 BROWN. J. WORLD AFF. 215, 220-221 (2012).
Some security experts have linked climate change to an uptick in terrorist activity and developing
nations have analogized climate change to both terrorism and WMDs. See CNA 2014, supra note
43. Acknowledging this reality, the President of Nauru recently compared the threats posed by
climate change to the threats posed by nuclear proliferation and terrorism.
119 S.C. RES., 1908, UN Doc. S/RES/1908 (July 17, 2010).
120 Id.
121 Id.
122 See generally EXTREME WEATHER, supra note 35.
123 S.C. Res. 1308, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1308 (July 17, 2000).
124 Id.
125 Id.
126 Id.
127 Id.
128 S.C. Res. 1983, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1983 (June 7, 2011).
129 S.C. RES. 2177, ¶ 6, UN Doc. S/RES/2177 (Sep. 18, 2014) (emphasis added)[hereinafter S.C. Res.
2177]. For an outstanding discussion of the global emergency powers implicated in the Ebola
response, see J. Benton Heath, Global Emergency Power in the Age of Ebola, 57 HARV. INT’L L. J.
1, (2016) (arguing that the “expert nature of international bureaucracies fits awkwardly with the
political decision making required of crisis managers”).
130 S.C. RES. 2177, supra note 135, at ¶ 28-31 (2014). The Council stopped short of using its most
and sufficient expertise, staff and supplies, laboratory services, logistical, and transport and
construction support capabilities . . .”
135 Storlazzi et. al, supra note 9.
136 David W. Redding et. al Impacts on Environmental and Socio-economic Factors on Emergence
and Epidemic Potential of Ebola in Africa, 10 NATURE COMMUNICATION 4531 (2019),
137 Id. (“Recognizing that the peacebuilding and development gains of the most affected countries
concerned could be reversed in light of the Ebola outbreak and underlining that the outbreak is
undermining the stability of the most affected countries concerned and, unless contained, may lead
to further instances of civil unrest, social tensions and a deterioration of the political and security
climate”) (emphasis provided). The Ebola crisis also undermined food security, similar to climate
change. Id.
138 This included a complex web of actors to include the United Nations General Assembly,
Economic and Social Council, Peacebuilding Commission, World Health Organization, and the
broader Global Health Security Agenda. At the time of S.C. Resolution 2177’s passage, the Secretary
General was planning on convening a meeting to urge an exceptional and vigorous response” to
Ebola at the sixth-ninth General Assembly. The Council also had to navigate the ongoing efforts of
several first-line responders such as Doctors Without Borders and multinational organizations to
include the African Union and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) S.C. Res.
2177, supra note 135.
139 See, e.g., Jolie Myers & Ali Shapiro, UN Chief: Security Council Gridlock Blocks Effective
global legislator, see Eric Rosand, The Security Council as “Global Legislator”: Ultra Vires or Ultra
Innovative?, 28 FORDHAM INT’L . L. J. 542, 544 (2005).
144 S.C. Res. 1540, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1540 (April 28,2004).
145 S.C. Res. 1908, UN Doc. S/RES/1908 (January 19, 2010).
146 S.C. Res. 1983, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1983 (June 7, 2011).
147 S.C. Res. 2177, ¶ 6, UN Doc. S/RES/2177 (Sep. 18, 2014)
148 S.C. RES. 2532, ¶ 13 U.N. Doc. S/RES/2532 (Jul. 1, 2020).
149 For a summary of Security Council actions on environmental and climate-related matters, see
generally Dane Warren, Possible Roles for the UN Security Council in Addressing Climate Change,
150 High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change, A More Secure World: Our Shared
Responsibility, ¶ 53 U.N. G.A.O.R., 59th Session, U.N. Doc. A/59/565 (Dec. 2, 2004).
151 See Warren, supra note 149, at 1-5.
152 Leila Mead, UN Security Council Addresses Climate Change as a Security Risk, INT’L INST. FOR
REV. 29 (2007).
156 Papua New Guinea, a Small Island Developing State, declared that “the impact of climate change
on small islands was no less threatening than the dangers guns and bombs posed to large nations.”
SC/9000 (2007), Statement of Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Pacific Island Forum.
157 See Ken Conca, Is There a Role for the UN Security Council on Climate Change?, 9 (2019),
158 Id.
159 U.N. Secretary General, Climate Change and Its Possible Security Implications, U.N. Doc.
this writing, Germany chairs the Council’s rotating presidency and has expressed a desire to address
climate security matters before the Council.
162 The full transcript of the 2011 debate is available at U.N. SCOR, 66th Sess. 6587d mgt., U.N. Doc.
163 Warren, supra note 149, at 3-4. The Caribbean SIDS diverged from their Pacific counterparts in
siding with the Group of 77, in part because climate change’s impacts are more acutely felt by the
Pacific SIDS. Outside the climate change context, the Group of 77 has been generally skeptical of a
greater Council role in international governance. As discussed infra Part III, all four atoll nations
that face extinction reside in the Pacific. Id.
164 U.N. Security Council Presidential Statement, S/PRST/2011/15.
165 S.C. Res. 2349, S/RES/2349 (October 14, 2017).
166 See, e.g., S.C. Res. 2408, S/RES/2408 (March 27, 2018).
167 UNITED NATIONS, Addressing Security Council, Pacific Island President Calls Climate Change
Defining Issue of Next Century, Calls for Special Representative on Issue, Dec. 17, 2018 [hereinafter 2018 Council Debate]
168 Id.
169 Id.
170 Id.
171 Id. The U.N. Development Program Administrator called on the Security Council to “recognize
the science and empirical evidence, leverage all possible measure that can slow global warming,
and invest in climate adaptation and risk reduction for the millions of people already suffering from
the effects of climate change.” Id.
172 See U.N. News, Climate Change Recognized as ‘threat multiplier’, UN Security Council debates
science and empirical evidence while building it capacity for future action. In addition to the four
open debates, the Security Council hosted several more informal “Arria-Formula Meetings.” Once
again, Russia and China took a stand against any substantive Security Council role in addressing
climate change, while the Pacific SIDS described climate change’s immediate impacts.
176 For a further discussion of these Arria-Formula discussions, see Camilla Born, A Resolution for
a Peaceful Climate: Opportunities for the UN Security Council, SIPRI Policy Brief, Jan. 2017.
177 This table does not include aforementioned Council-sponsored “Arria-Formula” closed debates
that “the impact of climate change on small islands was no less threatening than the dangers of
guns and bombs posed to large nations.” See Moztfeldt Kravik, The Security Council and Climate
Change — Too Hot to Handle?, EUR. J. INT’L L. TALK!, Apr. 26, 2018.
179 Because of China and Russia’s insistence that the Council was not the right forum for climate
change, Presidential Statement was significantly watered down, merely stating that “the possible
adverse effects of climate change may, in the long run, aggravate certain existing threats to
international peace and security.” UN SECURITY COUNCIL PRESIDENTIAL STATEMENT
180 Lake Chad has shrunk by more than 90 percent since the 1960s, impacting 45 million people.
The relevant text states, “[The Security Council] recognizes the adverse effects of climate change
and ecological changes among other factors on the stability of the Region, including water scarcity,
drought, desertification, land degradation and food insecurity, and emphases the need for adequate
risk assessment and risk management strategies by governments and the United Nations relating
to these factors.” S.C. Res. 2349 ¶ 26 (2017).
181 2018 Climate Debate, supra note 167.
182 S.C. Res. 2408 (2018). In addition, S.C. Resolutions 2408 reiterated its continued concern “at
the high number of refugees and internally displaced person, including persons newly displaced by
the drought . . .” S.C. Res. 2408 ¶ 25 (2018).
183 This meeting was initiated by the Dominican Republic, at the time a non-permanent member of
the Security Council. See Stella Schaller & Benjamin Pohl, Security Council Debates how Climate
Disasters Threaten International Peace and Security, WILSON CENTER NEW SECURITY BEAT, Feb. 4,
184 See U.N. NEWS, Climate Change Recognized as ‘threat multiplier’, UN Security Council debates
Antarctica ice sheet (holding more than 80 percent of the Earth’s water) is much closer to collapse
than previously thought. Charlotte Hartley, Antarctic ice sheet collapse could add 3 meters to sea-
level rise, SCIENCE MAG., Jul. 23, 2020. For a discussion of the black swan effect, see NASSIM TALEB,
THE BLACK SWAN (2010). The term “green swan” pertains to an unprecedented environmental
186 Literature, too, can play a powerful role in raising consciousness about collective action
problems. See, e.g. RACHEL CARSON, THE SILENT SPRING (1962) (documenting the widespread use
of pesticides, helping to spark a grassroots environmental movement).
187 Supra note 1.
188 Paris Agreement, supra note 3, at art. 14 (1)-(2) (2015).
189 See generally CAMPBELL, supra note 7.
190 Id.
191 For a discussion of the challenges facing the Marshall Islands, see generally J. Chris Larson,
Racing the Rising Tide: Legal Options for the Marshall Islands, 21 MICH. J. INT’L L. 495 (2000).
192 Storlazzi, supra note 9.
193 CONCA ET. AL, supra note 117, at 11 (highlighting that the specter of “stateless” U.N. member
194 In finding a threat to international peace and security in the 1998 Kosovo crisis, the UN Security
Council previously recognized that the massive flow of refugees contributed to a deteriorating
security situation. S. C. Res. 1199, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1199 (Sep. 23, 1998).
195 Of the Security Council’s ten non-permanent members, two seats are filled by the Asia Pacific
Regional Group. Vietnam and Indonesia are currently the two Asia Pacific Members on the
196 The Pacific SIDS are part of the Asia-Pacific Group, comprised of 53 Member States in Asia and
197 See generally Eric Posner & Cass Sunstein, Climate Change Justice, 96 GEO. L. J. 165 (2008).
198 Complicating matters, the Pacific Small Island Developing States have differed from the
Caribbean Small Island Developing States in seeking Security Council action. The Caribbean Small
Island Developing States has previously endorsed the G77 opinion that the Council must “refrain
from encroaching on the functions and powers that the Charter and tradition have placed within
the purview of the General Assembly.” Conca, supra note 117, at 11.
199 U.N. Charter art. 2, para 1. The United Nations is “based upon the principle of the sovereign
204 Climate Security 2009, supra note 8, para 4.
205 The Charter is also difficult to amend. See U.N. Charter art. 69.
206 Framework Convention, supra note 21. Climate Security 2009, supra note 8, para 4. This
resolution also noted the respective responsibilities of the principal U.N. organs.
207 Warren, supra note 149.
208 See Neil MacFarquhar, U.N. Deadlock on Addressing Climate Shift, N.Y. TIMES, Jul. 20, 2011.
209 Ash Murphy, Climate Change is a Security Threat, so Where is the Security Council? THE
States is the world’s largest historic emitter of GHG emissions. The United States has recently
publicly stated that natural disasters causing widespread displacement should be within the
Council’s ambits. UNITED NATIONS PRESS COVERAGE, Addressing Security Council, Pacific Island
scope of this paper. For a fuller discussion of the constraints, restraints, and incentives of Council
decision-making, see generally Conca, supra note 117.
212 Security Council action to assist developing nations is consistent with the core international law
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities between developed and developing nations.
Common but differentiated responsibilities is a core international environmental law principle as
set forth in the Rio Declaration and the Framework Convention on Climate Change. See Framework
Convention, supra note 11, at ¶ 7.
213 The current U.N. Secretary General has called the coronavirus pandemic “the most challenging
Grave Threat, but the Security Council is Mum, N.Y. TIMES at A5, Apr. 5, 2020. The General
Assembly has also addressed the current coronavirus crisis, adopting a resolution expressing
support for a strong, unified response to the coronavirus pandemic. Yet the General Assembly lacks
the broader security and enforcement mandate enjoyed by the Security Council.
215 Framework Convention, supra note 21, at art. 3 (1) (“The Parties should protect the climate
system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind, on the basis of equity and
in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.”)
216 The Paris Climate Accord does state that there is a “need for an effective and progressive
response to the urgent threat of climate change . . .” (emphasis provided). Under Article 8.4, the
Paris Agreement identifies areas of cooperation to include emergency preparedness, early warning,
risk management and slow onset events. The Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and
Damage is the UNFCCC-mechanism to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects
of climate change. Paris Agreement, supra note 3 at art. 8 (3).
217 Of note, the Paris Climate Accord does not address security concerns directly, referring only to
the problem of climate change’s impact on food security as one of its adverse impacts and highlights
the need for “an effective and progressive response to the urgent threat of climate change.” See
Paris Agreement, supra note 3, pmbl. (2015); see also Mark P. Nevitt, The Commander in Chief’s
Authority to Combat Climate Change, 37 CARDOZO L. REV. 437 (2015).
218 High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, A More Secure World: Our Shared
Responsibility, 27 U.N. GAOR, 59th Sess., U.N. Doc. A/59/565 (Dec. 2, 2004) [hereinafter Our
Shared Responsibility].
219 Id.
220 Richard Lazarus, Super Wicked Problems and Climate Change: Restraining the Present to
the danger of the over-reliance on putting all our eggs in one “climate basket.”
OF 1.5°C (2018), [hereinafter IPCC 1.5 Report]; See also WALLACE-
WELLS, supra note 72 (summarizing the leading scientific evidence governing climate change).
223 Climate Security 2009, supra note 8, para 7 (1).
224 S.C. Res. 1625, pmbl. U.N. Doc. S/RES/1625 (September 14, 2005).
225 U.N. Charter art. 39.
226 Paris Agreement, supra note 3, at art. 8.1-8.5.
227 Paris Agreement, supra note 3, at ¶ 8.4. Under the loss and damage report, “Parties recognize
the importance of averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage associated with the
adverse effects of climate change, including extreme weather events and slow onset events, and the
role of sustainable development in reducing the risk of loss and damage.” Id. at 8.1
228 Dena P. Adler & Daniel C. Esty, Changing International Law for a Changing Climate, 112 AM.
J. INT’L L. UNBOUND 279, 281 (2018).
229 Id. at 284.
230 U.N. Charter art. 2, para. 4.
231 U.N. Charter art. 2, para. 1.
232 See Trail Smelter Arbitration (United States v. Canada), 3 U.N. Rep. Int’l Arb. Awards 1905
(1941). The Trail Smelter principle is reiterated in the Framework Convention on Climate Change:
“States have in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principle of international
law. . . the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause
damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.”
Framework Convention, supra note 21, at ¶ 9.
233 To be sure, in the United States and elsewhere, there is a vocal climate-denial community that
dismisses human activity and anthropogenic climate change. Scholars such as Wharton’s Professor
Sarah Light have argued that linking climate change with national security may assist in bridging a
highly partisan issue. See Sarah Light, Valuing National Security: Climate Change, the Military,
and Society, 61 UCLA L. Rev. 1772 (2014). For a similar argument, see generally Mark P. Nevitt,
On Environmental Law, Climate Change and National Security, 44 HARV. ENVT’L L. 321 (2020).
234 See U.N. Charter art. 39.
235 S.C. Res. 2532, UN Doc. S/RES/2532 (Jul. 1, 2020) (emphasis provided).
236 The next COP is scheduled for Glasgow, Scotland in 2021. “ . . . ordinary sessions of the
Conference of the Parties shall be held every year unless otherwise decided by the Conference of
the Parties.” Framework Convention, supra, note 21, at art. 7, para. 4.
237 Alternatively, Council climate discussions could follow the release of key IPCC climate reports.
The Sixth Climate Assessment is scheduled to be released in 2022.Doing so would also eliminate
the need for a second round of air travel, sending a message about the importance of reducing GHG
238 Paris Agreement, supra note 3, at ¶ 10. The Paris Accord already references climate change’s
adverse effects on food security and hunger, an issue that directly relates to the Security Council’s
239 S.C. Res. 2349, S/RES/2349 (October 14, 2017).
240 S.C. Res. 2408, S/RES/2408 (March 27, 2018).
241 For a similar argument, see Moztfeldt Kravik, The Security Council and Climate Change — Too
243 S.C. Res. 1625, pmbl. U.N. Doc. S/RES/1625 (September 14, 2005).
244 Karl Mathiesen and Natalie Sauer, UN Security Council Members Mount New Push to Address
the global human security challenge posed by climate change. See, e.g., DANIEL R. COATS, DIRECTOR
U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 21-23 (Jan. 29, 2019)
246 U.N. Charter art. 34 (emphasis added).
247 U.N. Charter art 99.
248 U.N. Charter art. 35.
249 U.N. Charter art. 35. Recall that in the Security Council’s response to the Ebola crisis, the
Presidents of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea requested that the UN Secretary General take action
to coordinate and respond to the Ebola outbreak. S.C. RES. 2177, supra note 135, at ¶ 28-31 (2014).
In September 2011, Palau and the Republic of the Marshall Islands announced plans to seek an
advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice to determine “whether state have
obligations under international law to ensure activities in their territory do not harm other states.”
Davies and Riddell, supra note 18, at 70.
250 U.N. Charter art. 35, para. 1.
251 This idea was proposed by Professor Michael Gerrard of Columbia Law School’s Sabin Climate
Center. See Michael Gerrard, America is the worse climate polluter in the world, we should let
climate change refugees settle here, WASH. POST., June 25, 2015,
252 Some scholars have intimated in other contexts that Chapter VI measures can be binding. See,
e.g., Rosalyn Higgins, The Advisory Opinion on Namibia: Which UN Resolutions are Binding
under Article 25 of the Charter? 21 INT’L & COMP. L. Q. 270 (1972).
253 See Camilla Born, A Resolution for a Peaceful Climate: Opportunities for the UN Security
255 U.N. Charter art. 39.
256 See supra Part II.A.
257 Benjamin Ewing & Douglas A. Kysar, Prods and Pleas: Limited Government in an Era of
Unlimited Harm, 121 YALE L.J. 350 (2011).
258 S.C. Res. 687, U.N. Doc. ¶ 16 S/RES/687 (1991).
259 U.N. Charter art. 40.
260 Warren, supra note 149, at 10.
261 Id.
262 I borrow this term from Professor Craig Martin and his work on “atmospheric intervention.” See
263 U.N. Charter art. 41.
264 At least one commentator has proposed a five-prong analytical framework for determining when
the Application of Article 41 is appropriate and legal. Knight, supra note 117, at 1571-84.
265 According to the Climate Accountability Initiative, Aramco has produced 4.38% of worldwide
GHG emissions from 1965-2017. Matthew & Jonathan Watts, Revealed: The 20 Firms Behind a
Third of all Carbon Emissions, THE GUARDIAN, Oct. 19, 2019.
266 Council action could also include targeted sanctions could also be imposed against individuals
and private entities; this occurred in both the terrorism context and against individuals associated
with Iran’s nuclear program. S.C. Res. 1737, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1737 (December 23, 2006)
(imposing targeted sanction on individuals associated with Iran’s nuclear program). To be sure,
there are no shortage of states, corporations, and entities that are engaging in harmful climate
behavior. I highlight Saudi Aramco based upon its aggregate GHG emissions, weak Saudi
environmental laws, and its unique nature as a state-owned corporation.
267 See, e.g, Devon Whittle, The Limits of Legality and the United Nations Security Council:
Applying the Extra-Legal Measures Model to Chapter VII Action, 26 EUR. J. INT’L. L. 671 (2015).
268 See Christina Voigt, Security in a “Warming World”: Competencies of the U.N. Security
271 See discussion, infra Part II.A.
272 See, e.g., Daniel Joyner, Non-Proliferation and the United Nations System: Resolution 1540
and the Limits of the Power of the Security Council, 20 LEIDEN J. INT’L L. 489 (2007); see also Paul
C. Szasz, The Security Council Starts Legislating, 96 AM. J. INT’L. L. 901 (2002) (describing the
debate about the Council’s legislative authority under international law).
273 U.N. Charter art. 42.
274 It is beyond the scope of this Article to provide a thorough discussion of the Responsibility to
Protect Doctrine as applied to climate change, but for a thorough discussion of Responsibility to
Protect (R2), its embrace by the human rights community and its evolution from Kosovo to present,
see generally SAMANTHA POWERS, EDUCATION OF AN IDEALIST (2019); see also MARTIN, supra note 9,
at 37-41 (discussing humanitarian intervention in the event of “atmospheric intervention”).
Professor David Luban has separately argued for a “Responsibility to Humanity” (R2H). David
Luban, R2H and Threats to Peace: An Essay on Sovereign Responsibilities, 37 BERKELEY J. INT’L
L. ___ (2020)(forthcoming).
275 The military also releases an enormous amount of GHG emissions. See Neta C. Crawford,
Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, and the Costs of War, Brown University Watson Institute for
Int’l and Public Affairs 2 (Nov. 2019) (highlighting that the U.S. military alone ranks as the
#55th largest emitter of GHG, larger than many European nations).
276 Critics of Security Council action on climate change date back until at least 1991. See Tinker,
277 Cf. Benjamin Ewing & Douglas A. Kysar, Prods and Pleas: Limited Government in an Era of
Unlimited Harm, 121 YALE L.J. 350 (2011). See also Mark P. Nevitt & Robert V. Percival, Could
Official Climate Denial Revive the Common Law as a Regulatory Backstop?, 96 WASH. U. L. REV.
441 (2019).
278 I use the term “action” here but also note that there is likely a legitimacy concern for UNSC
High, and High). I base my ranking by looking to any record of past practice on the specific UNSC
action, public pronouncements from both UNSC Members and non-Members on the UNSC action,
and underlying principles of international law. The actual legitimacy concern will depend heavily
on the precise nature of the Council’s action.
280 Ideally, the development of this early warning system and risk analysis would be integrated into
the Paris Accord’s Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage, which may include early
warning systems, emergency preparedness, slow onset events, events that may involve irreversible
and permanent loss and damage, comprehensive risk assessment and management, climate risk
insurance facilities, non-economic losses, and resilience of communities, livelihoods, and
ecosystems. Paris Agreement, supra note 3, at art. 8 (4)(a)-(h). The Pacific Island President from
Nauru requested the Appointment of a “Special Representative of the Security General on Climate
& Security” in Dec. 2018 in order to fill a “critical gap in the United Nations system and provide
the Council with the information it needs.” UNITED NATIONS PRESS COVERAGE, Addressing Security
Council, Pacific Island President Calls Climate Change Defining Issue of Next Century, Call for
Special Representative on Issue, Dec. 17, 2018
This “climate-security century” will increasingly demand bold and
innovative legal solutions. 284 We will need to think boldly about all the legal,
policy, and technological tools at our disposal to address climate change’s
multifaceted international peace and security challenges. 285 Due to current
political realities the Council may not take immediate, legally binding action on
climate change today. But it can no longer ignore advances in climate science that
show a clear linkage between human-caused climate change and threats to peace
and security. A logical first step is to simply acknowledge what the science
demonstrates: climate change is a threat to international peace and security,
similar to pronouncements on terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and Ebola.
The Council is the international forum to address security matters—fully
averting its eyes to non-traditional security threats such as climate change is an
abdication of its responsibility that it exercises on behalf of all 193 Member
Nations. As such, the Council must play a measured role that walks a legitimacy
tightrope” that balances its authority while ensuring that it does not stray from its
governing security mandate. As a scientific and policy matter, we already know
281 This may depend, in part, on the impetus for the investigation and its subject matter.
282 This could also entail declaring a specific climate impact a threat to the peace. I assess this
action to be medium based upon historica practice (The Ebola determination that it is a threat to
the peace).
283 The legitimacy of this action depends heavily upon the nature and scope of these measures.
284 See generally Lazarus, supra note 2.
285 Mark Nevitt, Military Planning for the Climate Century, JUST SECURITY, Oct. 19, 2017,
286 S.C. Res. 2177 (2014).