Project Outline: Managing People and Change To Achieve Lasting Improvement Using Six-Sigma
Project Outline: Managing People and Change To Achieve Lasting Improvement Using Six-Sigma
Project Outline: Managing People and Change To Achieve Lasting Improvement Using Six-Sigma
Project title:
Six-Sigma is an extremely popular improvement focused program that and has evolved and developed
from the past quality programs. The basic objective of six-sigma is to try and reduce the variation to as
small as possible in order to make all the products and services provided meet and hopefully exceed the
expectations of the customer. The results of a successful six sigma project include improved profits for
businesses while always improving the customer satisfaction. While attempting to achieve
improvement, there is bound to be a lot of change involved and as result of which, there arises a need
to manage the process of change. The importance of managing the change in any organisation, in
whichever scenario, cannot be over emphasised. In this dissertation, I hope to relate and review both
these management concepts from the available information from books, thesis, etc and also supplement
this review with a real world industrial experience if possible.
Research Objective/Question:
What is the objective of the dissertation and what I hope to achieve on completion?
Available Literature:
Six-Sigma was developed in the 1980’s at Motorola. As technology developed, the existing benchmarks
and ideas about the acceptable levels of quality became outdated resulting in this new quality
methodology. Motorola’s launch of six-sigma in the mid 80’s and the awarding of the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award to Motorola in 1988 brought Six Sigma to the forefront.
The term sigma is a Greek word that means standard deviation. The basic objective of six-sigma is to try
and reduce the variation to as small as possible in order to make all the products and services provided
meet and hopefully exceed the expectations of the customer. In order to achieve these objectives, small
incremental improvements are useless. What is required are breakthroughs in all aspects of the
operation. Six-sigma provides the desired benefits for everybody, right from the customers, to the
employees to the shareholders while always continuously delivering and meeting the continuously
changing needs of the market and its customers.
Six -sigma minimises wastes and resources by continuously designing and monitoring everyday activities
resulting in improving the profits of businesses all the while increasing customer satisfaction. If the aim
is to achieve six-sigma that means that your process delivers only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
Hence Six-sigma is not only a quality symbol but is also a methodology and is used for measurements
with the goal being achievement of perfection.
DMAIC is a common model followed to implement the six-sigma process, consisting of a set of phases
that need to be implemented sequentially.
To start the six sigma process it is necessary to start by clearly defining the problem faced. This phase of
the improvement process establishes the boundaries and provides clarity for the process of
improvement along with providing the plan for the improvement process. What are the results of this
A business case with explanation as to why this particular problem is chosen with clear
definition of the problem and the scope of the problem
Players and roles in the process need to be clearly defined like team members, champions,
Process map needs to be traced out with required details and information.
Constraints and Assumptions understood with the development of estimates of costs,
limitations, available resources etc.
Listening to the voice of the customer and understanding the needs of the internal and external
key process customers.
Some of the tools used in order to achieve this are Brainstorming, customer interviews, waste audits,
process flow charting
The measure phase follows the define phase and has 2 main objectives: Gathering data in regard to
validating and quantifying the selected problem along with testing available data in order to try and get
clues about possible causes of problems. This phase helps refine the goals and statements created
earlier. Some of the results of this phase are
Understanding the current state of the key performance measures by using existing measures
and also defining new measures where required.
Calculating levels of waste and the financial toll taken by it. This is achieved by observation of
system in operation
Understanding how the critical factors are faring in regard to satisfaction of customers.
Review and refining of the problems based on information from this phase
Some of the tools used include, run charts, control charts, waste audits, pareto diagrams, measurement
plans, etc
This phase deals with identification of potential cause of the problem and their links. All possible types
of causes need to be considered so as to not let past experiences affect the identification. Some of the
main causes usually are the method of doing the work, the material used, machines associated with the
process, natural causes, methods associated with the process, and the people involved. The analyse
phase is the main foundation of the improvement process. The results obtained from this phase are
The key tools involved are cause and effect analysis, control charts, scatter diagram, pareto diagram,
capability analysis, fish bone diagram, designed experiments, histograms, etc.
Improvement is the stage where planning and achieving the results are done. Creative solutions need to
be developed for addressing the problem and this solution needs to be tested, refined and
implemented. Costs and defects are reduced and customers are satisfied as a result of the solutions
obtained from this phase. The key results obtained are:
Key tools involved are cause and effect diagram, brainstorming, process flow charting, Control charts,
pareto diagrams, histograms, etc.
The main objective of the control phase is to prevent the process from reverting back to the old habits.
In order to have a control over the process, not only are the results be monitored and measured but it is
also about selling the idea of the new process to the people involved. This phase creates the condition
for the improved conditions to be maintained as well as built upon for the future. This process could also
involve the standardisation and integration of the process around the organisation. The key outputs are
All elements associated with the process should be documented and flow charts prepared in
order to attain clarity of the new process.
All members of the organisation associated with the process needs to be trained in regard to the
new procedures
These members should be able to provide their feedback in regard to the process, thus
continuously improving the process and eliminating the side effects.
The benefits obtained by the improvements towards the business are calculated.
The process is standardised throughout for all the operators via training, meetings, etc.
Entire process is completed documented and easily available.
The key tools used include documentation, team briefings, benefit analysis etc.
Some of the critical factors for the success of six sigma in practice are as follows
Problems are faced during every stage of implementation in reality. Some of the very common mistakes
committed by organisations are listed below
In order to achieve the objectives, the various sources of information are as follows
Interview: interview related members of the management, from Rolls-Royce to understand their
views and personal experiences.
Case-study of companies in regard to the implementation and changes faced.
Hands on experience: Spend as much time as possible In Rolls-Royce, Derby during the summer
in order to gain an understanding and see the difference from what the books say compared to
what really happens
Journal and material available online
In addition to this, I have requested a meeting with Mr. Ramnik, to discuss the possibility of getting a
contact point in any other manufacturing organisation which might help the project.
The main resource required is access to professionals involved with change and six-sigma.