How To Write Think First: Line Graph/ Bar, Pie Chart/graphs, Tables Process Diagrams/flow Chart
How To Write Think First: Line Graph/ Bar, Pie Chart/graphs, Tables Process Diagrams/flow Chart
How To Write Think First: Line Graph/ Bar, Pie Chart/graphs, Tables Process Diagrams/flow Chart
1. Avoid using the phrase: according to the graph. This is because the phrase according to generally
means that the information comes from another person or source, and not from our own knowledge. In
the case of a graph or table that is shown, the information is there right in front of you, the writer and
also the reader, and so you can both “know” it. That is, it does not come from another source.
2. Note that the expressions as can be seen from the graph or as is shown/illustrated by the table do
not contain the dummy subject “it”. Avoid these expressions if you think you are going to forget this
unusual grammar
3. The word presents is best avoided, since it requires a sophisticated summarizing noun to follow. For
example: The graph presents an overview of the population growth of Asia in the last 20 years.
If appropriate, write one or two sentences to sum up the overall trend before describing specific details
Writing the conclusion: Your report may end with one or two sentences which summarizes your report
to draw a relevant conclusion
These are some ways to express changes in the line graph
The highest and the lowest points can be expressed in the following way
The monthly profit reached a peak of… in (December)
hit a peak of…
The figures at (20%)
hit to the highest point of …
The situation peaked at…