Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Generic name: Morphine Oploid agonist analgesic Mechanism of Action Indication: Flushing, tachycardia, bradycardia, -Dilute administer slowly IV to
Sulfate Principal opium alkaloid -Relief moderate to severe arrythmia, palpitations, hypertension minimize adverse effects.
acts as agonist at specific acute and chronic pain. -Avoid alcohol, anti
Brand name: Astramorph, oploid receptors in the CNS -Analgesics adjust during histamines, sedatives,
Daramorph, Epimorph to produce analgesia, anesthesia. tranquilizers during
euphoria, sedation -Intaspinal use with medication.
Ordered Dose: 2 mg 1-2 microfusion devices for the -Report severe nausea,
hrsprnpain relief of intractable pain. vomiting, shortness of breath.
Contraindicated to patients
with hypersensitivity to
opoids. Use cautiously with
acute asthma, corpulmonale,
hypoxia, hypercapnia