Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Drug Classification Action of Drug Indication and Contraindication Side Effect Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: antipyretics, nonopioid Mechanism of Action Indication: Side Effects Hema: hemolytic BEFORE
Acetaminophen analgesics Inhibits the synthesis of Specific Indication Mild anemia, neutropenia, leukopenia, - Advise parents or caregivers
prostaglandins that may pain Fever pancytopenia Hepa: jaundice to check concentrations of
serve as mediators of pain Metabolic: hypoG GI: HEPATIC liquid preparations. Errors have
Brand Name: and fever primarily in the Contraindication: FAILURE, HEPATOTOXICITY resulted in serious liver damage
Panadol, Tylenol. CNS caloric (overdose) GU: renal failure (high - Assess fever; note presence of
undernutrition. doses/chronic use) Derm: rash, associated signs (diaphoresis,
Ordered Dose: 80mg poq 4 urticaria tachycardia, and malaise).
acute liver failure.
liver problems. DURING:
severe renal - Adults should not take
impairment. acetaminophen longer than 10
a condition where days and children not longer
the body is unable to than 5 days unless directed by
maintain adequate blood health care professional
flow called shock. - Advise mother or caregiver
acetaminophen to take medication exactly as
overdose. directed and not to take more
than the recommended amount.
acute inflammation
of the liver due to hepatitis AFTER
C virus. - Advise patient to consult
health care professional if
discomfort or fever is not
relieved by routine doses of
this drug or if fever is greater
than 39.5 degrees * C * (103
degrees * F) or lasts longer
than 3 days