RA Bill No.21st & Part: As Per Original Agreement As Per Supplimentory Agreement

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RA Bill no.

21st & Part

Name of work:- "Construction of Roads in Unit-II @ Navanagar,Bagalkot"(INDENT NO.204)
Name of Agency: DRN INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED HUBBALLI. Agreement No.46 Dt.29.11.2013
Supplymentory Agreement No.30/2018-19 Dt.20.07.2018

As per Tender Previously Paid Now to Pay Total Up to Date

Item Suppliment
Description of Items Unit Original
no ory
Qty. Agreemen Qty. Amount Qty. Amount Qty. Amount
t Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth upto
300mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to
be used or auctioned including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thickness complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of
work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and
other incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completation of work.II.By mechanical means:A.In area of
light jungle.Morth.
As per original Agreement Ha 92.75 18670.85 84.17 1571525.00 84.17 1571525.00

As per Supplimentory Agreement Ha 19347.61 3.55 68683.80 0.00 0.00 3.55 68683.80
Excavation for road way in soil by mechanical means including
cutting and pushing the earth to site of embankment upto a
including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross sections complete as
per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of
work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other
incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completation of work.Excavation in Soil with Dozer.
As per original Agreement Cum 605152.55 61.16 63.50 603551.15 36913188.00 603551.15 36913188.00
As per Supplimentory Agreement Cum 63.50 1601.40 101689.00 0.00 0.00 1601.40 101689.00
Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock by deploying a dozer,
80 HP including cutting and pushing the cut earth to site of
embankment trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance
with the requirements of lines, grades and cross sections
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No.301
3 and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completation of
work.Excavation in Ordinary Rock with Dozer.
As per original Agreement Cum 31765.85 103.27 31765.61 3280435.00 31765.61 3280435.00
As per Supplimentory Agreement Cum 107.38 0.24 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 26.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Loosening, levelling and compacting original ground supporting
embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embank
ment, scarified to a depth of 150mm, mixed with water at
OMC and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve
minimum dry density as given in table 300-2 for embankment
construction.complete as per specifications and as directed by
the Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,unloading,all
leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items which are
necessary for the successful completion of work. Case-II: co
mpacting original ground supporting embankment(which inclu
des watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller)

As per original Agreement Cum 231881.04 23.42 45225.17 1059173.00 45225.17 1059173.00
As per Supplimentory Agreement Cum 23.58 170776.42 4026907.99 3326.86 78447.36 174103.28 4105355.35
Construction of embankment with approved material deposited
at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and
foundation of other strucures graded and compacted to meet
requirement of table 300-2 complete as per specifications.
which includes, watering charges & compaction roller and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including,loading,
unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items which
are necessary for the successful completation of work.
As per original Agreement Cum 761497.36 61.35 721872.00 44286847.00 721872.00 44286847.00
As per Supplimentoryl Agreement Cum 61.35 39625.36 2431016.00 0.00 0.00 39625.36 2431016.00
Construction of Sub-grade and eathen shoulder with approved
material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts & leads, transporting to
site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to
meet requirement of table No-300-2 complete as per specifica
tions (including cost of earth, watering charges &compaction
by vibratory roller) and as directed by the Engineer in-charge
6 of work, including loading, unloading, all leads, lifts, labour
and aother incidential items which are necessary for the succe
ssful completion of work
As per original Agreement Cum 437141.16 266.62 83844.78 22354695.00 83844.78 22354695.00

As per Supplimentory Agreement Cum 395.92 353296.38 139877102.37 0.00 0.00 353296.38 139877102.37

Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded

material,mixing in mechanical mix plant at OMC,carriage of
mixed material to work site,speading in uniform layers with
motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density,complete Cum 224532.25 1084.31 1608.88 214390.52 344928614.41 3377.38 5433799.13 217767.90 350362413.55
as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in-charge
of work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and
other incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completion of work.(For grading II material) Plant Mix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Poviding,laying,spreading and compacting graded stone agg
regates to wet mix macadam specifications including pre mi
x the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant
carriage of mixed method of tipper to site,laying in uniform
layers with paver in sub base/base course on well prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the Cum 186295.32 1799.37 186295.32 335214201.58 0.00 0.00 186295.32 335214201.58
desired density complete as per specifications and as direct
ed by the engineer in-charge of work,including loading,unloa
ding,all leads,lifts, labour and other incidental items which
are necessary for the successful completion of work.
Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion
on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of
road surface and spraying primer coat at the rate of 0.60kg
/sqm using mechanical means complete as per specifications
and as directed by the engineer in-charge of work,including Sqm 920162.33 24.82 902774.22 22406856.05 17388.11 431572.89 920162.33 22838428.94
loading,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
Providing and applying tack coat on granular base such as
WMM and WMM surfaces hot bitumen primed at 4 kg per
10 sqm, heating bitumen in boiler fitted with spray set(exclu
ding cleaning of the road) including cost of all materials,labo
10 ur,HOM of machineries complete as per specifications and Sqm 920162.33 16.45 902774.22 14850636.35 17388.11 286034.41 920162.33 15136670.76
as directed by the engineer in-charge of work,including loadi
ng,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and other incidental items
which are necessary for the successful completion of work.

Providing and laying bituminous macadam 50mm thick with

100-120 TPH hot mix plant producing an average output of
75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified
grading premixed with bituminous binder,transported to site,
laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher
to the required grade,level and alignment and rolled as per
11 clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction
complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification No504 Cum 46008.91 5559.70 45248.18 251566306.34 760.73 4229430.58 46008.91 255795736.92
and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.(Using Bitumen 60/70) 50-75 mm compacted thickness
(grading II) with 3.3% bitumen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion
using bitumen 80/100 pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20
kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface
cleaned with mechanical broom complete as per specifications
and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items Sqm 920162.33 8.99 902548.13 8113907.65 17614.20 158351.69 920162.33 8272259.35
which are necessary for the successfulcompletion of work.

Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete 25mm

thick with 100-120 TPH batch type HMP producing an average
output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of
specified grading,premixed with bituminous binder at 5%
of mix and filler,transporting the hot mix to work site,laying
with hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the
required grade,level and alignment,rolling with smooth
wheeled,vibratory and tendom rollers to achieve the desired
13 compaction as per MORTH Specification and directed by Cum 23004.55 6509.86 22612.18 147202125.86 392.37 2554273.77 23004.55 149756399.63
Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,unloading,all lift,
labour and other incidental items which are necessary for the
successful completion of work.complete in all respects as per
specifications.and directed by Engineer in-charge of work
,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other
incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completion ofwork with 60/70 grade bitumen (grading II)

Construction of dry lean cement concrete mix M5 with OPC

cement @ 160 kgs,with 25 mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregate at 0.86 cum and fine aggregate at 0.58
cum subbase over a prepared subgrade with coarse and fine
aggregates confirming to IS:383,the size of coarse aggregate
not exceeding 25mm,aggregate cement ratio not exceed 15:1
,aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1,
cement content not to be less than 160kg/cum,optimum
moisture content to be determined during trial length constru Cum 2799.50 3671.56 2785.71 10227901.41 0.00 0.00 2785.71 10227901.41
ction,concrete strength not to be less than 10Mpaat 7 days,
mixed in a batching plant,transpoted to site,laid with a paver
with electronic sensor,compacting with 8 to 10 tonnes
vibratory roller,finishing and curing complete as per
specifications and as directed by the engineer in-charge of
work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other
incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completion of work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Providing and construction of un-reinforced dowel jointed,plain
cement concrete pavement(M40) over a prepared sub-base
with 43 grade cement @ 400kg per cum, coarse and fine aggr
egate conforming to IS 383 coarse aggregate 25 mm & 12.5mm
Granite/Basalt/Trapped metal & clean sieved approved sand
loading materials to batch mix plant by F E Loader mixed in
cement concrete batch mix plant 175cum/hour as per approved
mix design transported to site in transit truck agitator in 5 cum
capacity,laid with a slip form paver with electronic sensor,com
pacted and finished in continous operation including provision Cum 6998.74 6716.57 6712.52 45085110.46 0.00 0.00 6712.52 45085110.46
of construction,expansion,construction and longitudinal joints,
joint filler,separation membrane,sealant primer,joint sealant
primer,joint sealent,de-bonding strip,dowel bar ,tie rod,admixtu
res curing compound as approved,finishing to required grade,
level and alignment,textured with texturing machine,finishing
and curing including and as directed by the Engineer in-charge
of work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and
other incidental items which are necessary for the successful
successful competion of work.(Compacted thickness) including
cost of materials.
Vaccum de-watering with vaccum pum and suction mat and
compaction with skin floater clubbed with floating disc including
cost of generator,Hom of machinery,sceed vibratory,power
16 floater,blade and discetc.,and as directed by the Engineer Sqm 27994.95 84.04 26850.00 2256474.00 0.00 0.00 26850.00 2256474.00
in-charge of work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts
and other incidental items which are necessary for the
successful completion of work
Providing and fixing per cast solid concrete kerb stones made
out of CC 1:2:4 and finished with CM 1:3 plastering and
finishing cutting etc.,complete and as directed by the Engineer
in-charge of work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts nos 66128 338.02 64441.61 21782553.01 0.00 0.00 64441.61 21782553.01
,labour and other incidental items which are necessary for the
successful completion of work.-do-of size 450X150X500 mm
Construction of median ans island with soil taken from borrow
areas.Construction of median and island above road level with
approved material deposited from barrow pits,spread,sloped
18 and compacted as per clause 400.7 complete as per specifications Cum 7811.39 183.02 6485.42 1186961.57 0.00 0.00 6485.42 1186961.57
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,
unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items which
are necessary for the successful completion of work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic
enamel paint in approved shades on new plastered concrete
surfaces, with materials, labour complete as per specification
19 and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including Sqm 13225.62 45.25 0.00 0.00 8923.90 403806.48 8923.90 403806.48
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
20 proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 2472.80 0 0.00 187 462413.60 187.00 462413.60
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.i) 90 cm equilateral triangle
21 Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 1783.72 0 0.00 197 351392.84 197.00 351392.84
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.ii) 60 cm equilateral triangle
Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 2116.06 0 0.00 196 414747.76 196.00 414747.76
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.iii) 60 cm circular
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 2629.58 0 0.00 141 370770.78 141.00 370770.78
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.iv) 80cm x 60cm rectangular
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 2082.26 0 0.00 194 403958.44 194.00 403958.44
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.v) 60cm x 45 cm rectangular(Hazard)
Retro- Reflectorised Tarffic Signs :- Providing and fixing for
retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory
sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting
wide clause 800. 1. 3 fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5
mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x
75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of
26 proparly designed foundation with M 15 grade cement nos 200 3129.02 0 0.00 154 481869.08 154.00 481869.08
concrete 45 cm x45 mx 60 cm, 60cm below ground level as
per approved drawing complete as per specification and as
directed by the Engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading, all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.vii)90 cm high octagon
Providing and laying of a reinforced cement concrete pipe
duct,300mm dia,across the road(new construction),extend
ing from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slo
pe in fills,constructing head walls at both ends,providing a
minimum fill of granular material over top and sides of RCC
pipe as per IRC:98-1997,bedded on a 0.3m thick layer of
granular material free of rock pieces,outer to outer distance
of pipe atleast half dia of pipe subject to minimum 450mm
35 in case of double and triple row ducts,joints to be made leak rmt 6156.00 4876.12 2580.33 12581998.31 0.00 0.00 2580.33 12581998.31
proof,invert level of theduct to be above higher than ground
level to prevent entry of water and dirt, all as per IRC:98-19
97 and approved drawings complete as per specifications
and as directed by the engineer in-charge of work,including
loading,unloading,all leads, lifts, labour and other incidental
items which are necessary for the successful completion of
work.Case- III: Triple row for three utility services.

Earthwork in excavation of foundation of structures as per

drawing and technical specification,including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing,removal of stumps and
other delaterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom,back
filling the excavation earth to the extent required and utilising Cum 2715.00 44.59 565.30 25206.73 0.00 0.00 565.30 25206.73
the remaining earth locally for roadwork complete as per
specification sand as directed by the Enginee in-charge of
work,includingloading,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
other incidentalitems which are necessary for the successful
completion of work in ordinary soil by mechanical means.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix
M10 with OPC Cement @ 220kgs,with 40 mm and down
sizegraded granite metal coarse aggregates @ 0.892 cum
and fineaggregates @ 0.465 cum machine mixed,concrete laid
in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,well compacted in found
ation and plinth,including cost of all materials, labour,HOM of Cum 2711.10 5013.38 19.24 96457.43 0.00 0.00 19.24 96457.43
machinery,curing complete as per specifications and as direc
ted by the Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,unlo
ading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items which are
necessary for the successful completion of work.

Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete

of design mix M-20 with OPC Cement at 320kgs,with 20 mm
and downsize graded granite metal coarse aggregates 0.878
Cum & fine aggregates 0.459 Cum with super plastisiser at 3
Lts conforming to IS 9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,machine
mixed,concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,
vibrated for all works in foundation plinth and ground floor
level for roof slab,staircase,lintels,retaining walls,return walls,
41 walls(any thickness) including attached plasters,columns,piers, Cum 562.30 5816.42 334.65 1946464.95 0.00 0.00 334.65 1946464.95
abutments,pillars,posts,struts,buttresses,string or lacing courses,
parapets,coping,bed blocks,anchor blocks,plain window cills,
fillets etc.,including cost of all materials,labour,HOM of
machinery,curing complete as per specifications and as direc
ted by the Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,
unloading,all leads,lifts,labour and other incidental items which
are necessary for the successful completion of work.

Providing and removing centering,shuttering,strutting,propping

etc.,and removal of formwork for foundations,footings,bases
of columns for mass concrete including cost of all materials,
labour complete as per specifications and as directed by the
Engineer in charge of work,including loading,unloading,all Sqm 28.96 211.03 28.96 6111.43 0.00 0.00 28.96 6111.43
leads,lifts, labour and other incidental items which are neccess
ary for the successful completion of work.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Providing and removing centering,shuttering,strutting,propping
etc.,and removal of formwork for flat surface such suspended
floors,roofs,landings,balcanies and likes,thickness upto 200
mm including cost of all materials ,labour complete as per
specifications and as directed by the Engineer in-charge of Sqm 134.26 286.67 29.54 8468.23 0.00 0.00 29.54 8468.23
work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and
other incidental items which are necessaryfor the successful
completion of work.
Providing and removing centering,shuttering,strutting,propping
etc.,and removal of formwork for vertical surface such as
walls at any thickness,including attached pilasters,buttresses,
plinth and string courses cost of all materials ,labour complete
as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in-charge Sqm 813.88 270.79 813.88 220391.00 0.00 0.00 813.88 220391.00
of work,including loading,unloading,all leads,lifts, labour and
other incidental items which are necessary for the successful
completion of work.
Providing TMT steel reinforcement for RCC work including
straightening,cutting,bending,hooking,placing in position,lappi
ng and/or welding whenever required,tying with binding wire
and anchoring to the adjoining members whenever necessary
complete as per design(laps,hooks and wastage shall not be
measured and paid) cost of materials,labour,HOM of machin qtl 674.76 5642.84 136.50 770247.66 0.00 0.00 136.50 770247.66
ary complete as per specifications and as directed by the
Engineer in-charge of work,including loading,unloading,all lea
ds,lifts,labour and other incidental.items which are necessary
for the successful completion of work
Providing and laying HDPE 110 mm dia 4kg/cm pipe duct in
position for communication cablesand complete as per specifi
cations.including all leads,lifts,loading,unloading other inciden M 231066.00 170.88 4920.00 840729.80 0.00 0.00 4920.00 840729.80
tal items which are necessary for the successful completion of
workas directed by the Engineer in-charge of work.

Total in Rupees. 1477289015.00 16060869.00 1493349884.00

This is to certify that the contractor executed the work satisfactorily as per
Tender specifications and the work is taken up as transperancy act and contr
actor has used the tested material at his own cost.

Contractor Section Officer Assistant Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer,

BTDA, Sub-Division No.6, BTDA, Division No.2,
Bagalkot. Bagalkot.
5.03 97318.48
12552.59 295990.07

6764.35 10883027.428
0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00


0.00 0.00
0.00 -0.04

0.00 0


13.79 50630.81
286.22 1922416.67

1144.95 96221.60

1686.39 570033.55

1325.97 242679.03
3575.67 17435396.00

2149.70 95855.12
2691.86 13495317.0868

227.65 1324108.01

0.00 0
104.72 30020.08

0.00 0

538.26 3037315.06

226146.00 38643828.48

1493349884.00 88219674.66



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