Precision Approaches Web
Precision Approaches Web
Precision Approaches Web
during final approach.
he methods and operational procedures that
This evolution and rationalization have been
have been defined by airframe manufactur-
achieved schematically in three steps since 1970:
ers, airlines and other operators for pilots
to fly non-ILS (instrument landing system) • First step, 1970s — NPAs;
approaches have evolved over the past 35 years.
• Second step, 1980s — constant descent
The evolution of these procedures has been angle/stabilized NPAs; and,
dictated by the following factors:
• Third step, 1990s onward — precision-like
• The way nonprecision approaches (NPAs) approaches.
or precision-like approaches are defined;
Main Factors Involved in NPAs
• The navigation sensors used aboard the
airplane; and, Any type of instrument approach procedure
(IAP) to a runway is a lateral and vertical trajec-
• The on-board instruments provided to fly tory defined so as to be flown by airplanes in
the approach and monitor the approach. instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)
down to the applicable minimums, where visual
The combination of these factors has enabled references must be acquired by the pilots in or-
rationalization of the methods and procedures, der to safely continue the approach and landing.
from the traditional step-down approaches — Instrument approaches are supported by
also known as “dive-and-drive approaches” — to various navigation systems and may be divided
the constant descent angle/stabilized approach into two types:
This rationalization has significantly • The ILS — or, more generally, a landing
improved the safety level of these approaches; system (LS) approach — provides lateral
indeed, the latest procedures — when appli- and vertical beams down to the runway,
cable — have suppressed the main causes of allowing precision approaches and auto-
unstabilized approaches and, thus, minimized land procedures; and,
• The non-ILS approaches — that is, NPAs, These approaches are called nonprecision
area navigation (RNAV) approaches and approaches because the overall performance of
precision-like approaches — provide a these approaches is dictated by:
lateral course or pattern supported by
a radio navigation aid (navaid), with • The performance of the navaid, itself. The
the vertical path of the approach being typical accuracies of the navaids are:
defined in a more-or-less discontinuous – NDB, plus/minus 5 degrees;
– VOR, plus/minus 3 degrees;
With the availability of advanced naviga-
tion sensors and airborne navigation systems – LOC, plus/minus 0.2 degree; and,
—including the inertial reference system (IRS),
global positioning system (GPS) and flight – DME, 0.2 nm or 2.5 percent of distance;
management system (FMS) — the RNAV • The location of the navaid on the air-
point-to-point method of navigation, which is field or close to the airfield relative to the
not dependent on the position of ground-based extended runway centerline. The loca-
navaids, has allowed more flexibility in the defi- tion affects the approach pattern and the
nition of the final approach lateral and vertical difficulty of flying the approach — and,
paths. therefore, the flight accuracy. Typical
In all cases, the final approach starts at a navaid locations include the following:
final approach fix (FAF) and ends at the missed
approach point (MAP) or at the MDA(H) – On the airfield and on the extended
(minimum descent altitude/height) or DA(H) runway centerline, allowing a straight-
(decision altitude/height). in approach with no offset (Figure 1,
Traditionally, the final segment of most page 3);
instrument approaches has been straight-in. – On the airfield, abeam the runway and
However, during the last decade, with the avail- associated with an approach pattern,
ability of high-performance navigation and on- such as a teardrop procedure turn
board flight management and guidance systems, (Figure 2, page 4), with an offset final
segmented and/or curved final approaches have segment; and,
been defined.
The methods and procedures provided to – Abeam the extended runway centerline,
aircrew by manufacturers, operators and airlines associated with a significantly offset fi-
to fly instrument approaches in IMC have varied nal approach trajectory — for example,
over time because they depend upon two main more than 30 degrees — usually due to
factors: the “nature” of the approach and the on- surrounding terrain (Figure 3, page 5);
board equipment.
• The availability of DME as part of the ref-
The Nature of the Non-ILS Approach
erence navaid — for example, VOR/DME
Traditional NPAs in the 1970s — or of a system providing the airplane’s
These approaches are referenced to a ground distance to the runway threshold — for
radio navaid used to define the final approach example, an RNAV computer — signifi-
trajectory or pattern. Over the last 30 years these cantly enhances the capability of the pilot
navaids typically have included the nondirec- to know the airplane’s position along the
tional beacon (NDB), VHF omnidirectional radio lateral path of the final approach. Fur-
(VOR) and localizer (LOC) — often colocated thermore, the distance information allows
with distance measuring equipment (DME). better adherence to the intended vertical
• Navigation;
• Guidance; and,
• Display.
information from the best pair of DME stations geographic trajectories. The importance of
within range or using a VOR/DME within defining “geographic” legs will be illus-
range. Consequently, the FMS could provide a trated further when discussing the design
good airplane position, along with an estimate of curved RNP RNAV approaches in a
of its accuracy. mountainous environment; and,
The FMS then and today provides lateral
and vertical flight planning functions, which • Whenever required, the descent angle
means that it can string together all the legs of a assigned to a leg — for example, during
flight plan, including all the legs constituting the approach — also is included in the FMS
The FMS is able to assign crossing altitudes Le Ceiba — NDB DME Runway 07
at various waypoints of the approach as well as
a descent angle for certain legs such as the final
approach leg.
As a result, the FMS processes the airplane’s
position and provides an estimate of its accuracy
and the lateral/vertical deviations which may
exist between the airplane’s position and the
flight plan. Figure 7, page 9 shows typical FMS
progress and flight-plan pages.
Third step, the 1990s onward: The major
step forward in this period is the advent of
GPS, because of its remarkable accuracy, its
capability to properly confirm performance,
its quasi-worldwide and quasi-permanent
availability, and its capability to monitor its
GPS is used as a primary navigation sen-
sor by the FMS, which also displays navigation
performance as estimated error or ANP.
The resulting FMS-computed position
is very accurate, which explains the shift in
terminology from “nonprecision approach” to
“precision-like approach” when flying an instru-
ment final approach using GPS as the basic
navigation sensor.
The navigation databases used by the
FMS have been upgraded and rationalized as
database, for a better determination of the First step, the 1970s: In IMC, the pilot used
approach profile. the conventional attitude director indicator
(ADI) and horizontal situation indicator (HSI)
Figure 8, page 9 shows a typical FMS progress as references to fly the airplane. In order to
page with “GPS primary” data and a position- control a descent or climb gradient, he/she used
monitor page. the vertical speed indicator (VSI) as well as the
Guidance Functionalities: The guidance func- Most commercial airplanes were equipped
tionalities are those used by the pilot to fly the with an autopilot (AP) and a flight director (FD)
airplane during approach. with more or less advanced modes, such as:
• Heading (HDG);
• VOR/LOC; and/or,
© Naverus
Figure 5
FMS PROG (Progress) and F-PLN Pages — FMS PROG Page with GPS Primary/DATA
Typical POS MON Page — Typical
© Airbus © Airbus
Figure 7 Figure 8
© Airbus
Figure 9
performance provided by GPS, which has al- Consequently, most non-ILS approaches can
lowed extension of operational capabilities, now be flown as precision-like approaches, pro-
including reduction of aircraft separation mini- vided the appropriate information is displayed
mums and reduction of approach minimums. for crew situational awareness. Furthermore,
© Airbus © Airbus
Figure 10a Figure 10b
the development of the RNP concept has led to Methods and Procedures
specific requirements in terms of monitoring. The methods and procedures recommended to
The evolution of display functionalities can fly non-ILS approaches depend upon:
be summarized as follows:
• The nature of the non-ILS approach, ranging
• On the PFD, lateral deviation scales tai- from the traditional NPAs of the 1970s to the
lored to RNP requirements; RNP RNAV approaches of today; and,
• On the PFD and ND, displays adapted to • The on-board equipment, from the ADI/
IAN or FLS modes (Figure 14, page 11); HSI/RMI and very basic AP/FD modes
of the 1970s to the current glass cockpits
• Vertical situation display (VD) added at
with FMS/GPS and LNAV/VNAV-capable
the bottom of the ND, for enhanced verti-
cal situational awareness (Figure 15, page
12). Additional factors that affect non-ILS approach
procedures include the following:
FLS — Virtual Beam–Anchor Point
• The position of the FAF, which is either a
geographical point on a straight-in approach
or a position estimated by the pilot at the
FLS beam end of a procedure turn such as a “teardrop”;
Anchor point
• The position of the MAP, which defines the
threshold/TCH end point of the final approach at which a
missed approach must be conducted by the
pilot if visual navigation is not achieved.
Slope The MAP may be located at, before or
FAF beyond the runway threshold; and,
© Airbus
Figure 12
Airbus EFIS PFD — FINAL APP Mode acquired, in order not to “duck under” the
(V/DEV shown) MDA(H) (Figure 17, page 13).
Figure 13
Airbus EFIS ND — Vertical Situation Display minimizes crew workload and facilitates moni-
toring the procedure and flight path. During
non-ILS approaches, autopilot use allows better
course and vertical path tracking accuracy,
reduces the probability of inadvertent deviations
below flight path and is therefore recommended
until suitable visual reference is established on
final approach.”
Control of the airplane’s lateral flight path
called for the following unique method:
• Level off at the next step-down altitude(s); FAF D5.0 VDP MAP
Kathmandu — VOR DME Runway 02 — Multi-stepdown Approach Consequently, the acquisition of visual referenc-
es and the perspective view of the runway were
affected by the airplane’s pitch attitude, which
was significantly greater than the nominal pitch
attitude observed when the airplane is estab-
lished on a 3-degree glide path. Furthermore,
when acquiring visual references beyond the
VDP, the pilot might be tempted to continue
the final, visual segment of the approach, which
could result in a high descent rate.
The technique led to unstabilized approach-
es which, as line experience showed, led to
off-runway touchdowns, tail strikes and runway
The preceding discussion is illustrated
by the VOR/DME approach to Runway 02 at
Kathmandu, Nepal (Figure 19). Until recently,
most operators flew this approach using the
traditional step-down procedure. The typical
result was that, during most of the approach, the
airplane was not stabilized, which was the cause
of a number of CFIT accidents and approach-
and-landing incidents/accidents.
Regarding the second method, the constant
descent angle, Boeing states in the 737 FCTM:
“The methods which provide a constant angle
approach reduce the exposure to crew error and,
thus, CFIT accidents. These methods also make
it much easier for the crew to achieve a stabilized
approach to a landing, once visual reference to
the runway environment has been established.”
This method requires the crew to compute
an adequate V/S to fly from the FAF to the VDP
on a constant descent angle (Figure 20, page 15).
This V/S is a function of the average ground-
speed of the airplane during the approach.
On some approach charts, constant descent
Figure 19
angle tables, showing V/S versus groundspeed,
• The airplane was never stabilized dur- are provided. If such tables are not provided, the
ing the final approach; the pitch attitude pilot estimates the time between the FAF, at the
needed to be changed even at low alti- FAF altitude, and the VDP, at the MDA(H) or
tudes; thus, thrust and pitch had to be DA(H), and establishes the adequate V/S.
continuously adjusted; and, Consequently, no later than during the inter-
mediate approach, the pilot:
• The airplane reached MDA(H) in quasi-
level flight either before the VDP or after • Estimates the average groundspeed for the
the VDP. final approach;
• Determines from the published table or by Constant-angle Approach Method — With MDA(H) or DA(H)
computation the constant V/S to be flown
during the final approach; and, Decision before MDA(H)/VDP or at DA(H)/VDP:
tDescent from VDP
• Estimates the position of the VDP, if not or
Reaching the FAF, the pilot:
• Selects the AP/FD V/S mode on the flight MDA(H) or DA(H)
control unit (FCU) or mode control panel
(MCP) and enters the V/S target previ-
ously determined; for airplane models not
featuring a V/S mode, the pitch mode is
used and the pitch attitude is adjusted to Figure 20
obtain the desired V/S; and,
Second step, the 1980s: Non-ILS approaches
• Monitors the descent using either the included the traditional NPAs as well as RNAV
altitude/distance check points, if a DME is approaches.
available, or the elapsed time from the FAF The on-board equipment was upgraded with:
to a given altitude, with increased monitor-
ing when approaching the MDA(H)/VDP. • Glass cockpits featuring EFIS;
© Airbus
Figure 22
As a second precaution, the pilot had to corresponds with the FMS F‑PLN, use
check the quality of the FMS navigation data- the NAV mode; if ATC provides radar
base, in order to ensure that the final approach vectors, use the HDG or TRK mode and
inserted in the FMS F‑PLN by the pilot was the direct-to (DIR TO) mode to inter-
correct. The final approach could not be modi- cept the inbound radial or course on the
fied by the crew when the airplane was between FMS;
the FAF and the MAP.
In other words, the crew had to check that – Monitor the interception, using the ND
the series of waypoints that defined the final in ARC or MAP display mode; and,
approach route, the crossing altitudes and the – During a vectored approach, when ATC
FPAs of the various legs provided on the FMS clears the airplane to intercept the final
multifunction control display unit (MCDU) approach course, press the approach
route legs (RTE LEGS) or F‑PLN page were (APPR) pushbutton on the FCU or arm
consistent with the published procedure. the NAV/LNAV mode on the MCP.
If the two precautions were satisfied, then
the FMS, its associated guidance modes and • Final approach:
display functionalities could be used to com-
plete the final approach. – Ensure that the airplane is established in
On some airplanes, the FPV was provided landing configuration at Vapp prior to
on the EFIS PFD. The FPV was selected during the FAF;
non-ILS approaches because it was the best – Upon reaching the FAF, check that the
adapted flying reference for a constant descent LNAV/VNAV or FINAL APP mode
angle stabilized segment of trajectory. engages, or select VNAV if applicable;
The constant descent angle approach tech-
nique can be summarized as follows: – Set the missed approach altitude in the
• Initial approach:
– Monitor to ensure that the airplane is
– Check the FMS navigation accuracy and properly guided along the FMS final
select the reference navaid raw data on approach, using the ND in the ARC or
the ND; MAP display modes and V/DEV on the
PFD; and,
– Check that the final approach inserted
on the FMS MCDU matches the pub- – When reaching DA(H), if visual refer-
lished procedure; ences are acquired, disengage the AP
and hand-fly the visual segment, usually
– Select the FPV, if available, as the flying
maintaining the same descent path; if
reference; and,
visual references are not acquired, initi-
– Check the DA on the flight mode annun- ate a missed approach.
ciator (FMA), as inserted in the FMS.
Note: In some cases, the final approach verti-
• Intermediate approach: cal path is not properly coded in the database;
this can be detected by the check done during
– Decelerate and configure the airplane in the initial approach. In such a case, the AP/FD
the landing configuration; modes used to fly the approach should be NAV/
FPA, FPA being selected to the final approach
– Intercept the final approach radial; if descent angle, when approaching the FAF.
the air traffic control (ATC) clearance Published MDA(H)s may be used as DA(H)s if
• Energy, with thrust being maintained close • Is more fuel-efficient and reduces noise.
to the setting required to fly the final ap-
proach descent path at the final approach Consequently, it can be stated that the non-ILS
speed. approaches — traditional NPAs and RNAV
Initial Approach:
v FMS navigation accuracy check
v Check FMS final approach vs published procedure
v Select FPV
v Select appropriate navaids
w IF
Intermediate Approach:
v Decelerate to VAPP and select landing configuration
v Intercept final approach as per ATC clearance
(NAV if along F-PLN, HDG if radar vectors with DIR
Figure 23
• FPA is set to 3.1 degrees in the FCU or Third step, the 1990s onward: The advent
MCP at 0.2 nm from NOPEN; of GPS has affected the way non-ILS approaches
are flown and has allowed full implementation
• FPA is set to 6.1 degrees — and speed of the RNP concept.
brakes are extended due to the higher de- Furthermore, the enhancement of display
scent angle — at 0.2 nm from D10.0; and, functionalities — VD, for example — and guid-
ance functionalities — LNAV, VNAV, FLS, IAN,
• FPA is set to 3.2 degrees — and speed
HUD, for example — has further reinforced the
brakes are retracted — at 0.2 nm from
constant descent angle/stabilized final approach
This multi-segment constant descent angle Thus, all non-ILS approaches can now be
technique is, by far, more “friendly” than the flown like ILS approaches and, due to GPS, may
traditional multi-step-down technique; it sig- be considered as precision-like approaches.
nificantly enhances the vertical situation aware- Two methods/flying techniques are cur-
ness of the crew. rently recommended, depending upon the