Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 1 and 2
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1. According to Bibb Latane and John diffusion of 14. The correlation coefficient ranges -1.0 to 1.0
Darley's theory of _____, the greater the responsibility from _____ to _____.
number of bystanders or witnesses to an
15. Correlation research is: research in which
event that calls for helping behavior, the
the relationship
more the responsibility for helping is
between two sets
perceived to be shared by all the
of variables is
examined to
2. According to the ___________ perspective, humanistic determine whether
we are in control of our lives and have they are
the capacity for positive growth. associated.
3. Akira has declared psychology as his behavior and 16. Darwin, when describing the process characteristics
major. He will be studying: mental of natural selection, claimed that favored by the
processes. environment are
more likely to
4. Allie has developed a theory concerning hypothesis.
test grades. She believes there is a
relationship between her frequency of 17. DeAndre is recording instances of a naturalistic
study and the resulting grade. To test her physical aggression among children in observation.
theory, she has to state a(n) a schoolyard at recess. DeAndre is
5. The approach that views behavior from neuroscience
the perspective of the brain, the nervous 18. Dr. Alvarez studies how the behavioral
system, and other biological functions is degeneration of certain components neuroscience
known as the _____ perspective. of nerve cells in the brain might
contribute to the development of
6. The approach used by psychologists to the scientific
multiple sclerosis. Dr. Alvarez's work
systematically acquire knowledge and method.
BEST exemplifies the _____ subfield of
understanding about behavior and other
phenomena of interest is called:
19. Dr. Ames studies the way groups social
7. As compared to the theories about more formal.
influence the decisions that people
human behavior we all develop in daily
make. She is a ________ psychologist.
life, those formulated by psychologists
are: 20. Dr. Gigliotti is conducting an in-depth, a case study.
intensive investigation of a patient with
8. As compared to the theories about ...
dissociative identity disorder. He uses
human behavior we all develop in daily
psychological tests and interviews to
life, those formulated by psychologists
better understand the patient. Dr.
Gigliotti is undertaking:
9. Beatriz has just received her doctoral A
21. Dr. Growe is reading about a research Social
degree in psychology. All else being college/university
in which psychologists investigated the
equal, in which of the following settings
effect of group size on the conformity
is she most likely to find employment?
of group members. Dr. Growe is most
10. Behaviors, events, or other variables. likely reading the Journal of _____
characteristics that can change in some Psychology.
way are referred to as:
22. Dr. Hart investigates how depressive clinical
11. Cognitive psychology can best be study of higher disorders are related to levels of the neuropsychology.
described as the mental neurotransmitter serotonin in the
processes. brain. Dr. Hart's research falls within
12. The computer metaphor is at the heart cognitive the field of:
of the _____ perspective. 23. Dr. Wade uses PET scans to explain neuropsychology.
13. Contributions of the psychodynamic a way to look at that the difference between a male
perspective include all of the following behavior in a and a female is apparent in the
EXCEPT: more concrete, structure and function of the brain. Dr.
objective fashion. Wade's specialty is
24. Early Structuralism 32. The Gestalt psychologists made perception
researchers substantial contribution to our
from which understanding of:
school of
33. Group A received progressive experimental;
thought asked
relaxation training prior to test taking, control
participants to
while Group B received no treatment.
Group A is the ________ group, while
sensations they
Group B is the ________ group.
experiencing? 34. The group of participants observed in a sample.
research study are referred to as the
25. The emphasis of free will.
the humanistic 35. "I am not as concerned about what is Psychodynamic
perspective is going on in your life today as I am with
on: the upbringing you received." Which
type of psychologist is most likely to
26. Evolutionary how behavior is influenced by our genetic
have uttered these words?
psychologists inheritance from our ancestors.
are especially 36. If a psychologist were to study "love," operational
interested in: she would need to have a(n) ___________ definition for
love. Without this specific information,
27. Evolutionary All of these
the hypothesis could not be tested.
psychology (the traits of living members of a species
maintains that are the result of survival of the fittest. the 37. If Professor Jung wants to be able to Random
traits which one looks for in a potential draw cause and effect conclusions from assignment
spouse are based on characteristics which her research, which of the following is
have allowed humans to survive. some the most crucial aspect of her
behaviors are pre-wired into species as experimental design?
they assist in maintaining the reproductive 38. If you were a psychologist who was structures;
ability of the species.) labeled a structuralist, you would be introspection
28. Experimental treatment; no treatment interested in the ___________ of the mind,
group is to and you would use ___________ as your
control group primary research method.
what _____ is to 39. In a double-blind experiment, neither
_____. researchers nor
29. Experimental cause; association participants know
research is to who is in the
correlational control or
research what experimental
_____ is to _____. group.
30. Experimental at least two 40. In a formal experiment, the group that is control
research NOT subjected to a treatment condition
requires that the is referred to as the ________ group.
responses of 41. In a negative correlation: as the value of
_____ group(s) be one variable
examined. increases, the
31. Fiona helps counseling value of the other
students with decreases.
ADHD develop 42. In an experiment involving a placebo: all the
effective study participants
regimens and receive a
strategies. Fiona treatment.
is most likely
43. In an experiment, the _____ variable is independent
a(n) _____
deliberately manipulated by the
44. In an experiment, the _____ variable is dependent 55. Jean is a psychologist who studies the developmental
measured and is expected to change due changes that take place in people over the
to the experimenter's manipulation. course of their life spans. Jean most likely
specializes in ________ psychology.
45. In order to study mind and behavior, rely on the
psychologists: scientific 56. Kara was surprised to learn that certain cross-cultural
method. hand signals which indicate a "job well
done" in the United States are socially
46. In psychology, William James was highly functionalism.
unacceptable in other countries. This
influential in developing the school of
finding comes from research completed by
thought known as
a ________ psychologist.
47. In what way are the diverse subfields of They ultimately
57. Kevin has just completed his first day of intervene.
psychology related? share a
naturalistic observation at the local high
common goal.
school, and he is concerned about the
48. In which of the following procedures are Random effects his presence in the classrooms is
participants assigned to different assignment to having on adolescent behavior. This is an
experimental groups on the basis of condition important issue since, in truly naturalistic
chance and chance alone? research, researchers cannot
49. Irving has noticed a pattern: The more Correlational 58. Lassandra takes a sip of cola. "Sweet...cold, introspecting.
alcohol people drink, the more aggressive research wet, tingly...slightly bitter," she reports.
they seem to be. Which research method Lassandra is:
is aimed at verifying a relationship
59. Many colleges use students' SAT scores to Predict
between two variables?
determine whom they will accept into their
50. _____ is an early approach to psychology Functionalism programs. Which goal of psychological
that concentrated on what the mind does science are they utilizing?
and the role of behavior in allowing
60. Meaningful results that make it possible significant
people to adapt to their environments.
for researchers to feel confident that they outcome
51. _____ is a procedure used to study the Introspection have confirmed their hypotheses is known
structure of the mind in which subjects are as a _____.
asked to describe in detail what they are
61. Mean, median, and standard deviation are descriptive
experiencing when they are exposed to a
examples of ___________ statistics.
62. Participants in a study listen to a lecture Type of light
52. _____ is the idea that people's behavior is Determinism
either in a lecture hall filled with natural
produced primarily by factors outside of
light or in a lecture hall with no windows
their willful control.
and artificial light. Before leaving the
53. It has been proposed that students have theory; lectures, the participants fill out a mood
difficultly returning to their academic hypothesis survey. What is the independent variable in
schedule after a holiday or break. this study?
Specifically, it has been predicted that
63. Penny is a recovering drug addict. Her behavioral
there will be more student absences on
treatment program emphasizes the
the Monday following spring break than
influence of her environment—"people,
on the Friday prior to spring break. The
places, and things"—on her use of her drug
first statement describes the ___________,
of choice. Her program reflects the _____
while the second is the ___________.
perspective in psychology.
54. Jason is struggling with feelings of Psychodynamic
64. "People with opposite personality traits hypothesis.
resentment toward his new stepmom.
are more likely to be attracted to each
Outwardly she is a pleasant person, but he
other." This is a:
just cannot bring himself to accept her. To
make matters worse, he is experiencing
unprovoked feelings of aggression
towards her as well. His therapist insists
that he has unresolved issues in regards to
his biological mother. Which type of
therapist is Jason seeing?
65. Personality psychology: focuses on the consistency 77. Random assignment of participants is groups have
in people's behavior over important in order to ensure that equal and
time and the traits that balanced
differentiate one person composition.
from another.
78. Recall Watson's quote - "Give me a dozen 9 or 10
66. A pharmaceutical company is The participants in both healthy infants, well-formed, and my own
conducting an experiment to groups did not know if they specified world to bring them up in and I'll
test the effectiveness of a were getting a real or a false guarantee to take any one at random and
tricyclic antidepressant. treatment. train him to become any type of specialist I
Which of the following, if might select—doctor, lawyer, artist,
true, would indicate that the merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-man
experimenters used a and thief, regardless of his talents,
placebo? penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations
and race of his ancestors." Where 1 = extreme
67. A pharmaceutical company The research assistants
nature and 10 = extreme nurture, where
wishes to test the efficacy of would not know which
would you place Watson on the nature vs.
a new antidepressant using a participants were receiving
nurture issue?
double-blind procedure. the new drug and which
Which alternative correctly were receiving an inert pill. 79. Regarding operational definitions, which of For a given
describes the procedure the Also, each patient would not the following statements is most accurate? hypothesis,
company would use? know which type of pill he many
or she was taking. operational
68. The phrase tabula rasa may blank slate.
are usually
be translated as:
69. The placebo effect refers to finding that people feel
80. Researchers who use ___________ attempt to naturalistic
the better simply because they
view behavior without disturbing the observation
believe they are receiving
81. Research has shown human beings to be Cognitive
70. A placebo is intended to participant; experimenter
notoriously bad decision makers in general.
minimize _____ expectations; a expectations
Which type of psychologist was most likely
double-blind procedure
to have carried out this type of research?
minimizes _____.
82. The specialist most likely to have a medical psychiatrist.
71. Prediction is to explanation hypothesis; theory
degree is a(n)
what _____ is to _____.
83. The specific description of a behavior to be operational
72. Psychologists adhering to the behaviorist
studied is referred to as the definition.
_____ perspective are
probably the LEAST likely to 84. Strategies aimed at encouraging one to critical
take a "nature" stance on the examine assumptions, evaluate assertions, thinking
nature vs. nurture issue. and think more carefully are specifically
called _____ techniques.
73. Psychologists rely on critical thinking
___________ which is the 85. The strength and direction of the relationship correlation
process of thinking between the two variables are represented
reflectively and actively, and by a mathematical statistic known as a(n)
evaluating evidence. _____.
74. Psychology is defined as the: scientific study of behavior 86. A team of researchers conduct an a placebo.
and mental processes. experiment to test the effectiveness of a new
drug in treating anxiety disorders. The
75. Psychology majors are highly think critically.
participants in the control group receive
valued by employers
sugar pills without active ingredients, while
because they can:
those in the experimental group receive the
76. Race is to ethnicity what _____ biology; culture new, anti-anxiety drug. In this example, the
is to _____. researchers use:
87. "The problem with drinking coffee in the negative 96. What was innovative about Wundt's early He was the
evening," complained Saundra, "is that it correlation work? first person to
interferes with my ability to fall asleep. introduce the
My mind keeps racing, but my body is so idea of
tired!" Saundra is describing the ________ measuring
between caffeine intake and sleep. mental
88. "This cannot be the real opinion of the a representative
entire student body! She didn't ask me to sample of 97. When asked to define "popularity," Brianna Chrissy's is an
fill out her survey!" Haley complained. responses can offers, "It's when everyone likes you." operational
Her psychology teacher explained that indicate the Chrissy suggests, "It's basically the number definition;
view of the of friends you have." How do the two girls' Brianna's is
majority. definitions differ? not.
89. To guard against participant expectations try to disguise 98. When conducting an experiment, Jamie Jamie has not
biasing the results of an experiment, the the true assigns everybody who arrives before used true
experimenter may: purpose of the noon to the treatment condition and random
experiment. everybody who arrives after noon to the assignment to
control group. What is wrong with this conditions.
90. Using a sample of young adolescents, Dr. Parenting that is
Nguyen finds a correlation of +.55 more neglectful
between scores on a measure of is related to a 99. When cues are transmitted to participants experimenter;
neglectful or uninvolved parenting and higher degree about how they are expected to behave in participant
scores on a measure of delinquent of delinquent particular experimental conditions, the expectations
behavior. Which of the following might behavior. research results may reflect _____
Dr. Nguyen legitimately conclude? expectations. When people develop their
own ideas about the topic of the research,
91. Wallace is engaged in archival research. ...
the investigation's outcomes may be biased
In which of the following projects is he
by _____.
most likely engaged?
100. Which branch of psychology explores the Health
92. Wallace is engaged in archival research. Examining the
relationship between psychological factors psychology
In which of the following projects is he registrar's
and physical ailments or disease?
most likely engaged? records at a
state university 101. Which contemporary perspective is Behavioral
to explore the CORRECTLY matched with its description? perspective;
relationship emphasizes
between SAT observable
scores and behavior and
freshman GPA objectivity
93. We can predict participants' scores on +1.00 102. Which of the following best describes the Genetics has
Variable A with perfect accuracy by impact that nature and nurture have on a a significant
knowing their scores on Variable B. person's psychological characteristics? impact.
Higher scores on Variable A are
103. Which of the following correlation -0.87
associated with higher scores on Variable
coefficients is indicative of the strongest
B. What is the correlation coefficient for
relationship between two variables?
the correlation between Variables A and
B? 104. Which of the following individuals is LEAST Everett, who
likely to be a psychologist? has an MD
94. What does the positive or negative sign Direction of the
of a correlation coefficient indicate? relationship
105. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Results may
95. What is a placebo? A false
a case study? not be
beyond the
106. Which of the following is a The sample may not 120. Who conducted the first Wilhelm Wundt
disadvantage of survey research? be representative of psychological experiment in
the larger population. 1879?
107. Which of the following is not a A detailed 121. Who is demonstrating Lindsey is wondering if you
component of informed consent? explanation of the psychological skepticism? can really improve your
study and its memory over night by taking
procedures. a pill.
108. Which of the following is not one of They are 122. Wilma is undertaking survey Asking a sample of students a
the reasons that college students representative of the research. Which of the series of questions about
are so often used as participants in population at large. following is she probably their sexual attitudes and
psychological research? doing? behaviors
109. Which of the following is the final Communicating the
step in the scientific method? findings
110. Which of the following is the first Identifying questions
step in the scientific method? of interest
111. Which of the following William James
psychologists is associated with
112. Which of the following researchers Dr. Innis, who is
is conducting a case study? investigating in detail
the tactile perception
of a blind woman
113. Which of the following sequences Identify problem →
correctly arranges the steps in the formulate explanation
scientific method from first to last? → carry out research
→ communicate
114. Which of the following statements A population includes
best expresses the relationship a sample.
between a sample and a
115. Which of the following statements A theory is broader
best expresses the relationship than a hypothesis.
between a theory and a
116. Which of the following statements The number of
concerning the representation of minority members
racial and ethnic minorities among entering the field is
American psychologists is TRUE? higher than it was 10
years ago.
117. Which of the following statements The PhD requires a
is TRUE regarding the difference dissertation based on
between the PhD and the PsyD an original
degrees? investigation.
118. Which of the following subfields of Cognitive: examines
psychology is INCORRECTLY how people grow and
matched with its description? change from
conception through
119. Which of the following was a Introspection was not
disadvantage of introspection? truly scientific.