The results of power flow analysis help to know The present ststus of the power system required for continuus monitoring, alternative plans for system expansion to meet the ever increasing demand and the normal steady state operation of power system.
The mathematical formulation power system problem consist of Non-linear algebraic equation
Relation between Z bus and Y bus matrix is Inversely proportional
In single line diagram does not represents: Neutral wire of transmission lines
Per unit = Actual value / base value
Base current in amperes is mathematically expressed as: Base KVA / √3 Base KV (line to line)
On slack bus _________ and ___________ are specified: Voltage Magnitude, Phase angle
Which of the following is a sparse matrix? Both Jacobian matrix and Y bus matrix
At a load bus the quantities specified are: P and Q
Which one is the main drawback in NR method? A large memory allocation is required to store the jacobian matrix
Which among the following is the main assumption to solve a load flow problem by GS method? All the buses are to be considered as PQ bus excluding the slack bus.
The Gauss Seidel load flow method has following disadvantages. Tick the incorrect statement. A good initial guess for voltages is essential for convergence
Which of the following fault results into a three phase faults? Fault due to all the three phases to earth.
The ratings of circuit breakers are generally decided on the basis of symmetrical faults
Fault level is also called as Fault MVA
When a short circuit occurs in a power system The voltage at fault point is zero and a very large current flows in the system and it result in over heating of equipment
Three phase short circuit MVA to be interrupted by a circuit breaker in a power system is given by √3 x pre fault line voltage in kV x SC current in kA
Which of the following is correct? X"d < X'd < Xd
Which one of the most common faults occur in the power system network Single line to ground fault
What is the value of zero sequence impedance in line to line faults? 0
What is the value of (1+ a + a2)? 0
What is the value of negative sequence impedance? Same as positive sequence
What is the value of the letter ‘a’ or ‘α’ which is commonly used in symmetrical components? 1 ∠ 120°
In what direction does the phasor get rotated if it is multiplied by the operator ‘a’? Anti clockwise
What information does the swing curve provide? Stability of the system.
What kind of swing equation in the following options? Non linear second order
Under what condition the system should be stable in equal area criterion? The area under the curve Pa – δ curve must reduce to zero.
Which stability information is obtained from the equal area criterion? Absolute stability
Which one is the correct: Mthods to solve the swing equation? Both Modified Euler's method and Range-Kutta method
What does the swing equation describe? The relative motion of the rotor with respect to stator field as a function of time.
In load flow studies PV bus is treated as PQ bus when Reactive power goes beyond limit
For accurate load flow calculations on large power systems, the best method is N-R method
Which of the following quantities are to be calculated for generator bus? Q and δ
Which among the following reactance have a greater value? Synchronous reactance
In which portion of the transmission system is the occurrence of the fault more common? Transmission lines
If all the sequence voltages at the fault point in a power system are equal, then the fault is a Double line to ground fault
In which type of fault, all the three components Ia0, Ia1, and Ia2 are equal Ia0 line to ground fault
What is the value of transient stability limit? Lower than steady state stability limit.
What does the steady state stability of a power system signify? Maintaining a synchronism between machines and tie-lines
The equal area criteria of stability is used for: One machine and infinite busbar
A 50 MVA,33/11 KV,50 Hz single phase transformer has primary and secondary leakage reactance each of j0.918
A generator rated at 30 MVA,11 KV has a reactance of 20%. Calculate its per unit reactance for a base o j0.4033
If the reactance is 15 ohms, find the p.u. value of reactance for the base of 15 KVA and 10 KV. j0.0225
Consider the following statements in respect of load flow studies in power systems: 1 and 3
Consider the following quantities :
1. Real power
2. Reactive power
3. Power factor
4. Input current 1, 2, 5 and 6
5. Bus voltage magnitude
6. Bus voltage phase–angle
For the purpose of the load flow studies of a power system, each bus or node is associated with which
one of the combinations of the above four quantities?
Buses for load flow studies are classified as: (i) Load bus (ii) PV bus and (iii) Slack Bus. Which one of th P ,Q, P, | v |and P, δ
An isolated synchronous generator with transient reactance equal to 0.1 pu on a 100 MVA base is connecte 500 MVA
A power system network with a capacity of 100 MVA has a source impedance of 20% at a point. The fault 500 lev MVA
The p.u synchronous reactance Xs (at rated MVA) of a turbo generator comes in the range 1 to 2
What percentage of faults occurring is single line to ground fault? 70%
The following sequence currents were recorded in a power system under a fault condition Ipositive = j1.653 Line
p to line to ground
For a single line to ground fault the zero sequence current is given by j3 pu. The current carried by the neut
j9 pu
Which one is correct for the term power system stability? The ability of the power system to regain the state of operating equilibrium point when the system is subjected to any disturbances.
A 50 Hz, four pole alternator rated 100 MVA, 11 KV has an inertia constant of 5 MJ/MVA. Determine the st500 MJ
Which one is correct formula for critical clearinf time?
2 Hf
The per unit value of a 4 Ω resistor at 100 MVA base and 10 kV base voltage is 4 p.u ( cr (0 ) )
Pf fP P(m 0crcr cr0 ) 0
Tick out the correct statement Themnegative
f Pmm and zero Sequence voltages are maximum at the fault point and decrease towards the neutral
Which one of the following is true Steady State Stability limit is greater than Transient Stability limit
For the fault analysis in power system, symmetrical components are used because Sequence network do not have mutual coupling
When a fault occurs in a power system the zero sequence component of current becomes zero. The type of Line to line fault
The load flow studies is performed using Y bus matrix rather than Z bus matrix. This is because Y bus is sparse matrix
The specified variables in Generator bus are |V| and δ
The number of iterations required for solving load flow problems in Gauss Seidel and Newton- Raphson mDirectly proportional to number of buses and independent of number of buses,respectively
The equal area criteria of stability is used for: One machine and infinite busbar
What does the steady state stability of a power system signify? Maintaining a synchronism between machines and tie-lines
The base impedance and base voltage of a 345 kV system are chosen to be 3000 A and 300 kV,respective 100 Ω
Let a 10 kVA,400/200-V transformer be approximately represented by a 4 Ω reactance refered to low voltag 1 p.u
Zero sequance current of fault current is 100 A, then the SLG fault current is 300 A
Which one of the following is true Steady State Stability limit is greater than Transient Stability limit
Which of the following quantities are to be calculated for load bus? IVI and δ
The per unit impedance of an alternator corresponding to the base values 13.2 kV and 25 MVA is 0.18 p.u.0.395 p.u
Which of the following quantities are to be calculated for load bus? P and Q
Which one of the following statements is correct? Normally ZBUS matrix is a Full matrix
The per unit impedance of a circuit element is 0.15. if the base kV and base MVA are halved, then the new0.6
What will be the per unit impedance of a synchronous motor having a rating of 100 kVA, 13.2 kV and havin0.043 pu
For load-flow solution, among these four, the number of quantities to be specified is
Consider the following statements in respect of load flow studies in power systems: 1. Bus admittance m 1 and 3
What percentage of buses in the power system are generator buses? 10%
Why load flow studies carried out? For planning the power system
In load flow analysis, the load connected at a bus is represented as constant real and reactive drawn from the bus
Advantages of gauss siedel method is/are Advantages of gauss siedel method is/are
For n bus power system size of Y bus matrix is n×n
The value of off diagonal elements is which is connected between bus i and bus j with negative sign
Which among the following reactance have a greater value? Synchronous reactance
Zero sequence fault currents are absent when the fault is Line to line
What are the types of unsymmetrical faults? All of these
The positive sequence current of a transmission line is Equal to negative sequence current
when a short circuit occurs in a power system All of above
the vector sum of positive sequence currents is Zero
Fault calculation using computer are usually done by Z bus method
The following sequence currents were recorded in a power system under a fault condition Ipositive = j1.653 Line
p to line to ground
For a single line to ground fault the zero sequence current is given by j3 pu. The current carried by the neut
j9 pu
Which one is correct for the term power system stability? The ability of the power system to regain the state of operating equilibrium point when the system is subjected to any disturbances.
A 50 Hz, four pole alternator rated 100 MVA, 11 KV has an inertia constant of 5 MJ/MVA. Determine the st500 MJ
Which one is correct formula for critical clearinf time? 2 Hf 2H
2H H 0cr
( cr(( )) 0 )
A 50 MVA,33/11 KV,50 Hz single phase transformer has primary and secondary leakage reactance each of j0.918
P cr
mff fP
PmPm 0 cr
A generator rated at 30 MVA,11 KV has a reactance of 20%. Calculate its per unit reactance for a base o j0.0311m
If the reactance is 15 ohms, find the p.u. value of reactance for the base of 15 KVA and 10 KV. j0.0445
Consider the following statements in respect of load flow studies in power systems: 1 and 3
Consider the following quantities :
1. Real power
2. Reactive power
3. Power factor
4. Input current 2, 3, 5 and 6
5. Bus voltage magnitude
6. Bus voltage phase–angle
For the purpose of the load flow studies of a power system, each bus or node is associated with which
one of the combinations of the above four quantities?