Mozambique Country Report: Green Growth Potential Assessment
Mozambique Country Report: Green Growth Potential Assessment
Mozambique Country Report: Green Growth Potential Assessment
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Copyright © May 2018
Photo credits
Cover page: Driving through Mozambique on the way to Vilankulos. By evenfh (Shutterstock).
Page 17: Wüstenstrom. By Simon Kraus (Adobe Stock).
Page 22: Mozambique road. By Yury Birukov (Shutterstock).
Page 41: The view from the helicopter. Mozambique. By Oleg Saenko (Adobe Stock).
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Green Growth Potential Assessment
Mozambique Country Report
May 2018
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Executive Summary
The Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA) is a diagnostic tool developed by the Global Green
Growth Institute (GGGI) which consists of a combination of data analysis and stakeholder consultation
in order to identify and prioritize a country’s opportunities for green growth. Based on these priorities,
specific recommendations are developed, building on scientific evidence, successful examples from
other countries, considering existing policy documents and technical analysis. This report presents the
findings of the GGPA of Mozambique, detailing the recommendations underfed by a solid rationale, for
each of the green growth priorities.
Data analysis and stakeholder consultation identified five priorities for green growth in Mozambique.
Three of these priorities can be described as technical or economic challenges. These are:
• Improve agricultural productivity,
• Support renewable energy to improve rural livelihoods, and
• Reduce the depletion of natural resources (including forests, water, fish stocks, etc.).
The remaining two priorities represent cross sectoral challenges and participants regarded them as
enablers to make advances in the first three areas. These are:
• Good governance, and
• Education.
The identified green growth priorities served as the basis for this report. GGGI was asked to focus on
rural development in its assessment. Therefore, this report addresses two essential aspects to foster
rural development and increase agricultural productivity, i.e. the use of renewable energy and more
efficient use of natural assets. Recommendations were developed for both aspects, considering how
education and good governance can work as enablers. The analysis was informed by existing policy
documents, technical analysis, and a series of interviews with a wide range of technical experts in
The recommendations discussed in this report are meant to guide national, sectoral and sub-sectoral
planning as well as investment activities toward sustainable development and economic growth. For
example, the assessment aims to support the implementation of the Green Economy pillar of the 5 Year
Plan (2015-2019), the Sustainable Rural Development Program (2015-2030), as well as other sectoral
plans and strategies over the short and mid-term. The report highlights specific interventions on how
to achieve some of the existing targets. Furthermore, the recommendations are also intended to
support the Government of Mozambique (GoM) to achieve its international commitments, such as the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
First, the report recommends for the GoM to promote the use of off-grid electricity from renewable
sources. The use of off-grid electricity from renewable sources has a large range of benefits. First, it
allows for increased electricity access, particularly in rural areas as electrification through off-grid
solutions is cheaper than extending the grid to remote areas. Second, the extensive use of biomass and
charcoal is associated with considerable environmental costs, particularly for forests and soils. The use
of renewable energy sources allows protecting these natural assets and helps mitigating Mozambique’s
GHG emissions. Third, the use of renewable energy sources allows mitigating health risks from indoor
air pollution as a result of burning biomass and charcoal in closed environments. Finally, electricity from
renewable sources can save money, with renewable energy solutions already being a cost-efficient
alternative to fossil fuels, such as kerosene for lighting.
To realize these benefits from renewable energy the report recommends strengthening the role of the
private sector. The participation of private sector in the off-grid market is essential to achieve rural
electrification targets. The private sector can provide much-needed investment and reduce the burden
on public finances. The presence of several private companies instead of a single state business will
strengthen competitiveness, improve quality of equipment and service, and bring down costs. The
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private sector can make modern renewables technology more accessible. It would allow end-users to
take advantage of the latest improvements in equipment efficiency, instead of relying on a single
provider, particularly when opening the market was combined with the introduction of quality standards
for equipment. Finally, the private sector can also help to address the current maintenance and
operation problems, support the creation of a skilled labor force, and thereby increase rural income
The renewable energy industry has identified financial, political, and regulatory risks as the most
significant barriers for the deployment of renewable energy projects. Therefore, in order to strengthen
the role of the private sector, the report elaborates on a set of specific recommendations reducing these
risks. Specifically, to strengthen regulator certainty it is recommended to (1) increase policy coherence
and developing operational plans, (2) clarify the roles and responsibilities among government
institutions related to renewable energy, (3) establish an independent regulator, (4) create a tariff system
that allows to cover operational costs and provides a return on investments, and (5) reform taxes and
import duties related to renewable energy equipment. To facilitate access to finance for private
investors, the report recommends for the Government of Mozambique to (6) reduce capital controls,
(7) improve access to local finance, and (8) open up access to international funds for private off-grid
Second, the Mozambique is endowed with a large amount of natural assets such as arable land, forests,
fisheries, wildlife, water and mineral resources. However, many of these assets are under pressure.
Forests play a central role for maintaining many of the country’s other natural assets. Forests provide
essential ecosystem services from carbon sequestration and storage, to soil fertility, water quality and
regulation. They also play an important role in mitigating and adapting to the adverse impacts of
climate change, constituting important carbon reservoirs and reducing the probability and impact of
natural disasters related to climate change. Furthermore, forests play an important role in
Mozambique’s economy and the livelihoods of the country’s rural population, with the forest sector
contributing about 3-4% to GDP. Finally, fuelwood and charcoal are critical to meet household energy
needs, with more than 70% of the population depending on them for cooking.
Given the central role of forests in Mozambique, recommendations focus on conserving forests and
addressing the drivers of deforestation. As an essential first step for forest conservation, it is
recommended (1) for the Government of Mozambique to define forests consistently considering user
rights. Currently, there is no consistent definition that clearly distinguishes between different categories
of forests – considering their use. The lack of a coherent definition renders forest inventories largely
useless, as the extent of forest cover has been reported differently in various sources and over time.
This has led to high uncertainty regarding levels of deforestation as it is impossible to identify whether
existing discrepancy are due to real changes or changes in classification. Distinguishing between
different types of forest is essential to assess the forest sector, design and track conservation efforts,
determine use, determine the mitigation potential for GHG emissions, assess opportunities and
constraints for commercial use, develop legislation for forest management, and divide responsibilities
between different government branches involved in forest management.
In order to reduce the deforestation caused by itinerant agriculture, it is recommended for the
Government of Mozambique to (2) support agroforestry and (3) small-scale irrigation schemes to
extend cultivation periods, reduce depletion of soils, improve yields, and enhance food security for
subsistence farmers. To reduce deforestation as the result of legal and illegal logging, the GoM should
(4) introduce certification as a means to access more lucrative markets for timber. This would allow to
reduce the overdependency on a single market. Adherence to international certification schemes is also
a precondition to access global carbon funds through the REDD+ scheme. Furthermore, certification
provides opportunities for improved governance and transparency, for strengthening forest laws and
regulations, and to attract technical assistance for sustainable forest management. Finally, to reduce
demand for fuel as a driver of deforestation, the report recommends for the GoM to (5) support the
sustainable production and use of fuel wood and charcoal, and (6) support the use of clean cooking
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
List of Abbreviations ix
Acknowledgements xii
1. Introduction 14
2. Methodology 15
2.1. Data Analysis 15
2.1.1. Resource-Efficient Growth 15
2.1.2. Eco-Friendly Growth 16
2.1.3. Climate Resilient Growth 16
2.1.4. Socially Inclusive Growth 16
2.2. Stakeholder Consultation 17
2.3. Country Report 17
3. Agriculture and Rural Development 18
4. Renewable Energy 23
4.1. Promote the Use of Off-Grid Electricity from Renewable Sources 23
4.2. Strengthen the Role of the Private Sector 29
5. Natural Assets 42
5.1. The Central Role of Forests 44
5.2. Forests Cover Loss 45
5.3. Forest Conservation 47
6. Conclusion 58
References 61
Appendix 72
Mozambique: GGPA Workshop Report 72
GGPA Indicators 84
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List of Tables
Table 2 Distribution of household use of energy sources for lighting (%) ........................................................ 24
Table 3 Fiscal impact, national and household benefits of the tax exemption policy ................................... 39
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List of Figures
Figure 1 Overview of the GGPA Process 14
Figure 9 Total Primary Energy Supply and Total Final Consumption in 2015 23
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List of Abbreviations
ALER Lusophone Renewable Energy Association
AfDB African Development Bank
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
APA NEWS African News Agency
AQUA National Agency for Environmental Quality Control
ARENE Energy Regulatory Authority
BERF Business Environment Reform Facility
BNE Global Energy Balance
BNEF Bloomberg New Energy Finance
BoM Bank of Mozambique
BoP Bottom of the Pyramid
BRILHO DFID’s off-grid energy programme in Mozambique
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CDM UN’s Clean Development Mechanism
CEAGRE Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources Studies
CIP Public Integrity Centre
CNELEC National Electricity Council
CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent
DALYs Disability-adjusted life years
DFID UK’s Department for International Development
DINAF National Directorate of Forests
DINAT National Directorate of Land
DUAT Acquisition of Land Use Rights
EAC East African Community
EDENR Strategy for New and Renewable Energy Development
EdM Electricidade de Moçambique (public utility company)
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIU The Economist Intelligence Unit
EnDeV Energising Development
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FEWS NET Famine Early Warning Systems Network
FONERWA Rwanda's Green Fund
FUNAE Fundo de Energia (Energy Fund)
GADM Global Administrative Areas database
GAN a business anti-corruption portal
GDP gross domestic products
GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
GGGI Global Green Growth Institute
GGPA Green Growth Potential Assessment
GHG Green House Gas
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
[German society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH]
GoM Government of Mozambique
GWp Giga Watt Peak
ha hectares
IEA International Energy Agency
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IIM Institution Industrial de Maputo
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IIP National Institute of Fisheries Research
IMF International Monetary Fund
INAE National Inspectorate for Economic Activities
INE Mozambique’s National Statistics Institute
IDA International Development Agency
Inter. Interview
IPCC The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
LIC Low Income Countries
KCIC Kenya Climate Innovation Center
KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Reconstruction Credit Institute, a German
government-owned development bank)
KNOEMA a search engine for data connecting public and private sources
kt kilotons
kWh kilowatt-hour
LED Light Emitting Diodes
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
MASA Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MITADER Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development
MIREME Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy
MozFIP Mozambique Forest Investment Project
MVA Mega Volt Amp
MW Mega Watt
MWp Mega Watt Peak
MTCS Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme
MZN metical
M-KOPA Kenyan solar energy company
NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions
NES National Electrification Strategy
NGO non-governmental organization
NNV Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature
OECD Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development
PARPA Programme for Reduction of Absolute Poverty
PAYG Pay-As-You-Go
PEDSA Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agrarian Sector
PES Economic and Social Plan
PM2.5 particulate matter of 2.5 micrometers or less in diameter
PNISA National Investment Plan of Agrarian Sector
PROFOR Program on Forests
PV Photovoltaic
RBF Result Based Financing
REFIT Tariff Regime for New and Renewable Energies
RECP Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme
REDD+ Reduction in Deforestation and Degradation
SADC Southern African Development Community
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SEforALL Sustainable Energy for All
SHS Solar home system
SNV Stichting Nederlandse Vrijwilligers (Netherlands Development Organisation)
tCO2 Tons of carbon dioxide
TFC Total Final Consumption
TIB Tanzanian bank
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TJ terajoule
TPES Total Primary Energy Supply
TVM Television of Mozambique
UEM Eduardo Mondlane University
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
UNIQUE United Nations Info Quest
UT-REDD Technical Unit of REDD
WFP World Food Programme
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature
VAT Value Added Tax
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This publication was prepared by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as part of the Scaling up
Pro-poor Renewable Energy in Mozambique program. GGGI and the project team would like to express
their gratitude to the Government of Mozambique (GoM) and in particular the Ministry of Land,
Environment and Rural Development (MITADER).
The following MITADER officials played a key role in guiding and facilitating the Green Growth Potential
Assessment (GGPA): Yolanda Gonçalves, Director, Directorate of Planning and Cooperation (DPC), and
Marcus Eugénio Sapateiro, Head of Department, Directorate of Planning and Cooperation (DPC),
Mr. Jan Stelter, Senior Analyst (GGGI) was the project leader responsible for the overall development of
the assessment. Mr. Feelgeun Song, Modelling Officer (GGGI), supported data compilation and
visualization. The project was also supported by a team of consultants including Dr. Ana Bénard da
Costa, Ms. Monique Da Cunha, and Ms. Nabeelah Yunus Mussá.
The work also benefited from the expertise of GGGI colleagues, in particular:
Dr. Pranab Baruah Principal Specialist
Mr. Marshall Brown Program Development Officer
Mr. Brendan Coleman Energy Analyst
Mr. Mark Gibson Land Use Principal
Mr. Stephan Gill Country Portfolio Officer
Administrative and coordination support from Mr. Joao Carlos Fernando and Ms. Militetsega
Gebreselassie is also gratefully acknowledged.
The study benefited from input provided by numerous experts who participated in the expert interviews
conducted in Mozambique from October to November 2017, organized in partnership with MITADER.
In particular:
Hortêncio Lopes Executive Director
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Safety (MASA)
Delfim Vilissa Head of Department of Economic and Political Analysis
Sara Guibunda Official, Department of Economic and Political Analysis
Ministry of Economy and Finance
Angelo Nhalidede Head of Department, Department of Sectorial Areas
Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC)
Zulmira Macamo National Director, National Directorate of Internal Trade
Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER)
Oligário Banze National Director, Directorate of Rural Development (DNDR)
Xavier Sailors National Director, National Directorate of Forestry (DINAF)
Américo Mata Official, National Directorate of Rural Development (DNDR)
Emido Bié Official, National Directorate of Rural Development (DNDR)
Tania Paco Environmental and social safeguards specialist, National Sustainable
Development Fund (FNDS)
Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, National Directorate of Energy
Aly Sicola Impija Executive Board Member, Board of Directors, Electricidade de
Moçambique (EdM)
José Muchanga Coordinator of Solar Systems, Energy Fund (FUNAE)
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Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources
Cremildo Manhique Finance Manager, National Water Directorate
Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher and Professional Training
José Fiilimone Deputy National Director, National Directorate of Professional
Technical Education
Ministry of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries
José Halafo Researcher, National Institute of Fisheries Research (IIP)
Ministry of State Administration and Public Service
Teodoro Vales Head of National Department, National Directorate of Territorial
MOÇITALY/ELIOPOLIS - Photovoltaic Energy
Emilio Cipollini Former owner of MOÇITALY/ELIOPOLIS - Photovoltaic Energy
Moz Agri, Lda.
Filipa Serfrontein Farmer
National Company of Science and Technology Parks
Fabião M. Alfredo Cumbe Professor (PhD), SOLTRAIN project, Science and Technology Park of
National Union of Peasants
Dionísio André Mepoteia Farmer
Portucel (Plantation forestry company)
Francisco Nobre Director of Sustainability
Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
José Mingocho Consultant, Support for vocational training, Portugal Africa
Foundation and Camões I.P.
Rural Environment Observatory
João Mosca Professor (PhD), Executive Director
João Feijó Professor (PhD), Researcher
United Nations Development Programme
Amaya Olivares Technical Adviser, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Fátima Amade Governance Expert, Specialist Program
University Eduardo Mondlane
Arsénio Jorge Professor (PhD), Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering
Boaventura Cuamba Professor (PhD CPHys, MinstP), Energy Research Center/CEP
Luís Artur Auxiliary Professor (PhD), Faculty of Agronomy
Manuel Chenene Auxiliary Professor (PhD), Faculty of Science, Department of Physics,
Renewable Energy Physics Group
Verde Azul Consult Lda.
Kemal Vaz General Director
Aissa Mamade Agronomist, Project Manager
World Bank
Isabel Ramos Climate Change Specialist
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1. Introduction
There are many ongoing efforts to plan and implement green growth in Mozambique. However,
currently there is no shared understanding of green growth or a clear national agenda. To address these
needs, the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) has requested the support
of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) to undertake an evidence-based and results-oriented
assessment as the first step in setting its green growth priorities and targets.
As part of this work, GGGI conducted a Green Growth Potential Assessment (GGPA). The GGPA is a
diagnostic tool which consists of a combination of data analysis and stakeholder consultation in order
to identify and prioritize a country’s opportunities for green growth. The GGPA process consists of the
following three stages: (1) a preliminary assessment based on quantitative data analysis; (2) a validation
of the preliminary assessment and consultation with stakeholders; and (3) a sector analysis and the
development of recommendations (Figure 1). This design aims to ensure that the assessment process is
systematic, objective, and participatory.
The GGPA identified green growth interventions offering the greatest potential for a more sustainable
development of Mozambique. This report presents the findings of the GGPA process, detailing the
recommendations for the identified priorities, each of which is underfed by a solid rationale. This set of
recommendations is meant to guide national, sectoral and sub-sectoral planning as well as investment
activities toward sustainable development and economic growth. For example, the assessment aims to
support the implementation of the Green Economy pillar of the 5 Year Plan (2015-2019), the Sustainable
Rural Development Program (2015-2030), as well as other sectoral plans and strategies over the short
and mid-term periods.
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2. Methodology
2.1. Data Analysis
To analyze Mozambique´s current performance on green growth, the country was compared to the
average score of Low Income Countries (LIC) and a selected group of peer countries, including Malawi,
Tanzania and Zambia. This comparison is based on 33 indicators across four green growth dimensions,
namely Resource-Efficient Growth, Eco-Friendly Growth, Climate Resilient Growth, and Socially Inclusive
Growth. (Figure 2) A list of the indicators with details on their definition and sources is provided in
Appendix A1.
Source: GGGI
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2.1.2. Eco-Friendly Growth
According to the indicators used for the GGPA, Figure 4 Eco-Friendly Growth
Mozambique performs well in natural resources
depletion, soil health and air quality when
compared to the LIC average. However, it should
be noted that the results for soil health are
misleading as the data on which the indicator is
based is largely outdated.
In general, Mozambique scores lower than its
peers regarding the sustainability of the county’s
natural assets and biodiversity, including fish
stocks and threatened species. Individual
comparisons with Malawi and Zambia showed
that water stress is also an area of concern.
Finally, loss of forest cover though comparable
to other countries in the region scores low when
considered on a global scale.
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2.2. Stakeholder Consultation
An essential part of the GGPA is to gather input from a broad range of stakeholders through an
interactive Delphi-based workshop. This workshop serves to validate and/or revise the initial findings of
the preliminary assessment. Presenting the results of the data analysis, coupled with a systematic
participatory process, is essential to ensure broad stakeholder consensus on green growth priorities.
The GGPA consultation workshop was held on 11 October 2017 in Maputo, bringing together about 40
participants, representing different ministries and departments of the Government of Mozambique
(GoM) as well as developing partners, NGOs,
Figure 7 Identified Priority Areas
academic institutions, and the private sector.
Participants identified five priorities for green
growth in Mozambique (Figure 7). Three of
these priorities can be described as technical or
economic challenges:
• Improve agricultural productivity,
• Support renewable energy to improve
rural livelihoods, and
• Reduce the depletion of natural
Participants explicitly pointed out the linkages
between increasing agricultural productivity by
using resources more efficiently.
The remaining two priorities represent cross
sectoral challenges. Participants regarded them
as enablers for advances in the first three areas:
• Good governance, and
• Education.
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3. Agriculture and Rural
Rural areas play a central role for the development of Mozambique as a whole. As of 2018, more than
30 million people live in Mozambique, of which about two thirds live in rural areas (United Nations
2017a).1 Mozambique’s rural population has grown from about 13 million people in 2000 to more than
20 million in 2018 and is projected to continue growing at about 2.5% per year.2 In 2014/15, poverty
levels in rural areas stood at more than 50%, compared to about 40% in urban areas. 3 Unemployment
was high at nearly 17% (UNECA 2016).
Agriculture and particularly subsistence farming play a vital role in rural areas. In 2016, the agriculture
sector contributed more than a quarter to Mozambique’s GDP and about 80% of the country’s
population were employed in the sector (FAO 2018a). Subsistence agriculture plays a dominant role as
a source of food and income to the majority of the rural population (UNECA 2016). Some 3.2 million
According to preliminary results of 2017 census published by the National Statistics Office (INE 2017),
the total population of Mozambique in that year stood at close to 30 million people. The United
Nations (2017a) estimated a population of more than 30 million people in 2017. It is noted that this
estimate is consistent with the 1980, 1997, and 2007 censuses and adjusted for under-enumeration,
fertility, mortality, and international migration.
. At the time of writing, the INE had neither published disaggregated data from the 2017 census on the
share of the rural population nor any projections for population growth. Projections for population
growth are based on World Bank estimates (World Bank 2017b)
UNECA (2016) does not state how poverty it defined. However, since it is an official UN document,
poverty likely refers to the international poverty line of USD 1.90 per day.
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smallholder farmers account for 95% of the country's agricultural production, with roughly 400
commercial farmers producing the remaining 5% (FAO 2018b).4
Over the past decade agricultural output has shown solid growth of 5% per year on average (FAO
2016a). However, this increase in output is not the result of higher productivity. Rather, it reflects the
expansion of cultivated areas and a growing workforce employed in the sector (Fenita and Abbas 2017;
Abbas 2015; World Bank 2011; Uaiene, 2012). Agricultural productivity is among the lowest in the world.
The main cause behind the low levels of agricultural productivity is the dominance of itinerant
subsistence agriculture relying on dryland farming, 5 which is characterized by an insufficient use of
fertilizers, irrigation, improved seeds, pesticides, animal traction and machinery (Uaiene, 2012; World
Bank, 2011).6
Rural development and improving agricultural productivity faces a number of challenges. First, the
practice of itinerant agriculture has become unstainable due to the large increase in the rural population.
Second, the lack of infrastructure and services such as roads, storage facilities, irrigation systems, and
electricity undermines productivity and reinforces the negative impacts of itinerant agriculture. Third,
several other factors prevent the negative consequences arising from itinerant agriculture and lack of
These numbers appear to be roughly in line with the Agro-Livestock Census 2009-2010 (INE 2011).
The census found that, of the 3,827,797 inventories of agricultural holdings, 99% have an average area
per farm of 1.4 ha, occupying 96% of the total cultivation area.
The literature on the topic refers to “itinerant agriculture”, “shifting agriculture” and “shifting
cultivation”. These terms are largely used synonymously. As the Portuguese term “agricultura
itinerante” is widely used to describe the practice in Mozambique, this report will use the English
equivalent of “itinerant agriculture” when referring to this practice.
Only about 4% of the smallholder farmers are using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 10% of farmers
use improved maize seeds (World Bank 2011). Levels of animal traction (12%) and use of machinery
were also low with less than 2% of farms reporting the use of tractors and ploughs (Uaiene 2012).
According to FAO (2016c) “[t]he smallholder “family” sub-sector accounts for about 98 percent of the
area under production and produces almost all the food crops, such as maize, cassava, rice and beans.
It is characterized by small areas (1.8 ha each on average), low inputs, inadequate equipment and low
yields and returns."
Based on 118,000 hectares of total agricultural area under irrigation divided by the product of 0.24
hectares of cultivated land per capita and a total population of 25 million people. All numbers refer to
the period 2011-2012 (FAO 2016a).
Data is based on the most recent agricultural census, conducted in 2009 and 2010.
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infrastructure to be addressed. These include poor quality of extension services, limited access to
finance, low levels of education, absence of necessary governance, and the adverse impacts of climate
First, conversion of forests to agricultural land as a result of itinerant subsistence practices is the
dominant driver of deforestation in Mozambique, accounting for about two thirds of total deforestation
(MITADER 2016c, CEAGRE and WINROCK 2016). Under this practice, an area is cultivated for 4-6 years.
The natural characteristic of the dryland combined with a lack of using fertilizers or other retention
techniques for improving soil fertility reduces productivity over time. Therefore, the cultivated area is
abandoned for a fallow period of a similar duration. During that fallow period, soil fertility and nutrient
levels are restored as the natural vegetation recovers in the area. However, due to the considerable
growth in rural population, such agricultural practices have become increasingly unsustainable, with an
increasingly large land area being needed for agriculture and ever shorter fallow periods (MITADER
2016a, 18).
Second, lack of infrastructure and services undermines productivity and perpetuates unsustainable
agricultural practices and unsustainable use of natural assets. Examples include missing access to
electricity, a lack of irrigation, and inadequate storage. Less than 6% of the rural population have access
to grid electricity, relying primarily on biomass for cooking and lighting (ALER 2017; GGGI, 2017). While
estimates for the potential area that could benefit from irrigation vary considerably, 10 many existing
irrigation schemes predominately benefit large-scale farmers and companies involved in cash crops
production for the export market (CARE 2017, 10).
Post-harvest losses are estimated to be as high as 30% (WFP 2017). Such losses are directly related to a
large range of activities in the market chain, including the lack of adequate conservation and storage,
transportation, processing and access to market. To give just one example, nearly half of the smallholder
farmers in Mozambique rely on storage practices that contribute to the deterioration of the products,
such as keeping the harvest in sacks (UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, 2013). Recognizing the
impact of high postharvest losses, the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agrarian Sector, 2011-
2020 (PEDSA) sets out numerous targets to reduce post-harvest losses. However, these targets are often
not translated into actions, mainly due to lack of funds. In recent years, only 1.5% of the funds for
agriculture have been allocated for storage and public stockholding (CARE 2017, 35).11
Third, there are several factors that
The adoption of agriculture technology is low, perpetuate the negative consequences
they still use archaic techniques and structures arising from itinerant agriculture and
for the capture of water are from colonial times. lack of infrastructure, preventing them
(In-country interview) from being addressed effectively.
These factors include the poor quality
of extension services, limited access to finance, low levels of education, insufficient governance, and the
adverse impacts of climate change.
Sousa et al. (2017) estimate that about 3 million hectares are suitable for irrigation. However, World
Bank (2016b) estimates the potential for irrigation more than ten times lower at about 200,000
This 1.5% share of the agriculture budget translates roughly into USD 10 million (or MZN 200 million).
This estimate is based on the following calculation. According to the Ministry of Economy and
Finances (2018), the total national budget for agriculture in 2018 is about USD 213 million (or MZN
13,232.8 million). Applying the 1.5% (CARE, 2017, 35) to the total budget, means that about USD 10
million are spent for storage and public stockholding of agricultural products.
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Extension is a central theme in Mozambique’s agricultural policies, prioritized in the PNISA 12 and the
PEDSA, and together with research also prioritized in the budget. Nevertheless, existing funds are
insufficient, with only one out of ten small-scale farmers being able to profit from extension services
(CARE 2017, 10). As a result, despite following progressive approaches such as conservation agriculture
and the establishment of farmer field schools, the implementation of these approaches often fails due
to the lack of proper extension services, as well as roads, means of communication, value chains, and
market access (Cammaer 2016).
Extension staff lack the means and incentives to perform well in their role. Extension workers often live
in precarious conditions with no access to decent housing. Few staff dispose of transportation means
other than bicycles, preventing them from reaching the poorest farmers, which are scattered across
large areas not serviced by main roads. There are few opportunities for career development. As a result,
extension services cannot compete with other careers to attract well-educated staff, leading to low levels
of education among extension workers, perpetuated by poor access to training (Francisco, A., et. al.
Very few smallholder farmers have access to credit and those who do face high interest rates in both
real and nominal terms. (CARE 2017, 16) Very few banks possess branch offices in rural areas as the cost
of having a physical presence in sparsely populated areas is too high. The few financial services that
exist are directed towards large-scale farmers, traders and processors (World Bank 2006). Similarly, many
of the donor funded projects to improve access to finance in agriculture focus on medium- and large-
scale farmers, not on small-scale subsistence farmers (CARE 2017, 16).
Education, training and
good governance play For rural development formal education is essential,
crucial roles in enabling including schools in rural areas up to 10th grade basic
sustainable development in education, followed by professional education. Training
rural areas. Lack of either is
13 the trainers is also essential.
a major obstacle for rural (In-country interview)
development. Education
levels in rural areas are very low. More than half of the rural population cannot read or write (56.6%),
less than 2% have completed secondary education, and fewer than 1% have a university degree (INE
2015). Strengthening the education system is intertwined with improving governance. However, efforts
towards improving governance face numerous challenges of their own.
Generally, complex institutional arrangements are a major impediment to policy making and
implementation. In addition, while implementation of policies is highly decentralized to the local level,
poor working conditions and low qualification of staff undermine policy implementation and
enforcement of regulations. Furthermore, even though a relatively well-established legal framework is
in place, corruption is widespread in Mozambique. Clientelism still dominates the political sphere, giving
rise to poor governance and endemic graft as well as small-scale corruption (OECD 2016), particularly
in public procurement as well as in the tax and customs administrations. Donor countries have shown
dissatisfaction over the country's anti-corruption efforts (GAN 2016).
Mozambique’s land law highlights some of those governance challenges. Mozambique’s 1997 Land Law
established a right to use land. 14 It has specific provisions on protecting local communities from
National Investment Plan of Agrarian Sector (PNISA), 2013-2017.
In particular, the importance of formal education was mentioned repeatedly during the in-country
The 1997 Land Law together with the 1995 National Land Policy and the 1998 Land Law Regulations
constitute the legal framework upholding Mozambique’s land tenure system. The land use right is
known under its acronym DUAT, Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento dos Terras (‘right of use and
21 | P a g e
expropriation, including a requirement for fair indemnification and/or compensation, as well as an
obligation for investors acquiring land to consult with the current occupants. However, in practice, most
smallholder farmers have traditionally occupied land but lack documented ownership. They face
unsecure land tenure rights and cannot legally challenge investors’ land acquisitions. Furthermore,
although consultation with local communities is part of the statutory process for land allocation
foreseen in the Land Law, this process has been widely criticized for being conducted without sufficient
preparation or representation on the part of the community. In many cases, only the local elites have
been involved in the consultation process. In some communities, leaders have personally approved
investment projects despite strong community objections (CARE 2017, 30).
Finally, many of the challenges in rural areas are exacerbated due to the adverse impacts of climate
change. Mozambique is highly vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events (FAO 2018b),
ranking third among the African countries most exposed to risks from multiple weather-related hazards
(GFDRR 2017). The country’s geography combined with the limited capacity to prevent and mitigate
damaging losses are major causes for the high levels of risk. Over 25% of the population is exposed to
natural hazards. The cost of inaction on climate change was estimated at a staggering USD 450 million
per year (Climate Investment Funds 2012).
Based on observed trends and future scenarios, climate change will increase current weather variability,
leading to more intense droughts, unpredictable rains, cyclones, floods and uncontrolled fires. These
phenomena will particularly affect the agricultural sector and rural livelihoods, reducing productivity
while increasing poverty and food insecurity. (CARE 2017, 19; FAO 2016a, 6).
benefit of land’). While the DUAT does not confer full ownership, it is a renewable long-term user
right that covers a period of up to 50 years. It is comparable to a lease. The Land Law is meant to
provide communities and local people with a secure title to land. Furthermore, it gives the state the
authority to allocate land concessions to commercial businesses, providing security to investors.
(World Bank 2008).
22 | P a g e
4. Renewable Energy
4.1. Promote the Use of Off-Grid Electricity from Renewable Sources
The use of renewable energy sources allows for increased electricity access, particularly in rural
While a large majority of Mozambique population lives in rural areas (around 70%), electrification rates
in rural areas are very low. The country’s Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) is dominated by biomass,
accounting for more than 70% in 2015, followed by hydro power (11.3%), oil (8.8%), and natural gas (5.8
%) (IEA 2018a, Figure 9). Only a quarter of the country’s households rely on grid electricity for lighting,
the share being much lower in rural areas (5.7%) (ALER 2017, 82). Around 80% of the country’s 30 million
inhabitants rely on biomass for cooking, lighting and heating (ALER 2017; GGGI, 2017).
Figure 9 Total Primary Energy Supply and Total Final Consumption in 2015
4% 11%
23 | P a g e
Table 2 Distribution of household use of energy sources for lighting (%)
Households Electricity Generator Solar Oil Candle Battery Battery Fuel Other
Consumption (grid) (Portable) (Pack) Wood
Rural 5.7 0.1 2.1 13.9 1.,7 2.5 51.9 19.5 2.5
Urban 68.0 0.1 0.3 11.6 4.3 1.3 11.9 2.1 0.3
Total 24.8 0.1 1.5 13.2 2.5 2.1 39.7 14.2 1.9
The use of renewable energy sources allows protecting Mozambique’s natural assets.
The extensive use of biomass and charcoal is associated with considerable environmental costs,
particularly for forests and soils. Estimates suggest that the use of biomass for cooking and lighting
contributes to deforestation by 0.6% (National Forest Inventory data), with contribution to local
deforestation of more than 3%. 15 Replacing the use of fuelwood and charcoal with electricity from
renewable source can reduce deforestation rates significantly.
Promoting electricity from renewable sources will also help mitigating Mozambique’s GHG emissions
(ALER 2017 18, GGGI 2017). Though per capita emissions of CO2 remain comparatively low, emission
levels have been rising by about 12% per year between 1996 and 2013 (World Bank 2018a, KNOEMA
2018). In 2014, emissions from burning biomass amounted to 37,725kt of CO 2, compared to 8,427kt of
CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement for the same year (World
Bank 2018b).16
According to National Forest Inventory data, fuel wood used for cooking results in an annual
deforestation rate of 219,000 ha (0.58%). Studies in particular areas show much higher rates, e.g.
over 3% in the Beira Corridor (IIED 2018).
It should be noted that emissions from the burning of biomass are not counted towards the total
national emissions, as biomass is considered as a renewable energy source. However, given the
unsustainable use of biomass in Mozambique as indicated by the high percentage of forest cover
loss, a considerable amount of the emission from burning biomass is not stored in new forests.
The estimate for CO2 emission from the burning of biomass is based on the following calculation:
The total final consumption of biomass as a fuel amounted to 336,828TJ (2014). This amount was
converted into kilotons of CO2, using a conversion factor of 112,000 kg of CO2/TJ (conversion factor
for wood/wood waste, suggested by the IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories) (IEA 2018b;
IPCC 2006).
24 | P a g e
number of premature deaths that occur each year due to indoor air pollution mostly affect women and
children in rural areas where healthcare facilities and services are almost inexistent.
Total, Bop Shop, Fosera, SolarWorks are examples for such companies.
Pico solar systems refer to a photo voltaic panel smaller of less than 10W capacity. Solar home systems
refer to systems with a higher capacity, capable of powering several lights, phone charging stations,
a radio, and possibly a TV and a fridge (BERF 2016, 16).
The cost estimate includes costs for drilling the well and the installation of all necessary technical
equipment. The estimate was provided during in-country interviews.
This is the cost for a manual pump system that the GoM is providing to rural communities, with about
30 households and an average household size of five persons. The cost figure includes costs for drilling
the well and the installation of all necessary technical equipment. The figure was provided during in-
country interviews.
Cost are comparatively high due to the small market in Mozambique and a number of reasons further
discussed in the following section (see 2. Strengthen the role of the private sector).
25 | P a g e
estimates that the global weighted-average installed costs of utility-scale PV systems could fall by 57%
between 2015 and 2025 while module costs are expected to fall by around 42% over the same period
(IRENA 2016a, 12).
The geographical spread of Mozambique and low population densities in rural areas make it extremely
expensive to achieve universal access to electricity through grid extension alone. The scale of investment
required to achieve the official target of 100% electrification by 2030 to then 8 million households is
beyond the capacity of public finances (World Bank 2015). To meet the universal access target by 2030,
more than 400,000 new connections would be required annually, compared to the current rate of about
120,000 new connections per year (World Bank 2015; DFID 2016).
Even achieving the more modest target, set by MIREME’s 2014-23 electrification strategy, of connecting
50% of households by 2023, would still require large and likely unrealistic amounts of investment. EdM
would need to increase the connection rate considerably (by about 50% to 175,000-185,000 connections
per year), requiring around USD 8-9 billion in investment (compare World Bank 2015; DFID 2016). It
should be noted that these investment projections are largely confined to the cost of extending the
It should be noted that data on the electricity sector is scarce in Mozambique. As noticed in other
reports (ALER 2017, 92), limited official data is publicly available, with EdM and FUNAE publishing
annual reports on their activities. However, the available data is often inconsistent, incomplete and
26 | P a g e
country’s transmission and distribution system. They do not include costs for additional electricity
generation capacity.23
Considering EdM’s weak financial situation and the fact that electricity tariffs remain at sub-commercial
levels (see Establish a more flexible tariff system), achieving 50% electrification – let alone achieving
100% – exclusively via extending the national grid, seems unrealistic.
Therefore, even if the ambitious target of 50% grid electrification by 2030 was to be achieved, 4 million
households in the country are likely to remain without access to electricity. That means there is a clear
need for off-grid electrification in Mozambique, with the added advantage that for a large share of the
country’s rural areas, off-grid electrification comes at a much lower cost than extending the grid.
Solar power is among the most suitable off-grid solutions for Mozambique. DIFD (2016) estimated the
investment costs to electrify four million households via off-grid solutions at about USD 750 million.
The connection cost per household for an off-grid solar system, such as a solar home system is less than
USD 200 in Mozambique – a mere 6% compared to the USD 3,500 required for grid connection (World
Bank 2017a, 36; DFID 2016, 1; GGGI 2017, 3).24
In contrast to extending the national grid, off-grid electrification can be driven by the private sector,
requiring only very small commitments of public funds. Off-grid solutions have a higher potential to
provide electricity access at prices that consumers are willing and able to pay, particularly if the capital
costs are spread through PAYG schemes. A study in Uganda showed that while purchasing a solar unit
can temporarily raise household expenditure, in the longer term the share of household expenditure on
energy declined from 13% to 3% (d.Light et al. 2016). Savings for off-grid households using solar lights
range between USD 20 and USD 40 per year (BNEF and Lighting Global 2016).
There are several other factors that contribute to deployment of off-grid renewables, and in particular
solar power, in Mozambique. First, the country is endowed with large solar energy potential, estimated
at 23,000 GWp (FUNAE 2014, 94). Solar irradiation in Mozambique compares with world’s best,
averaging at around 2000 kWh/m2/year,25 enabling it to take advantage of the low-cost and widely
available crystalline and thin-film solar technologies used in off-grid standalone systems or mini-grids
(GGGI 2017).
In 2015, electricity demand from the residential sector amounted to about 1,600GWh. net exports of
electricity amounted to about 2,300GWh, compared to about 17,600GWh of domestic supply
(including about 3,400GWh of transmission and distribution losses). (IEA 2018a) Assuming that the
number of households connected to the national grid would double with average household demand
remaining stable, the installation of additional capacity for electricity generation can only be avoided
under two conditions. Either net exports are reduced considerably, or transmission and distribution
losses are reduced significantly (in recent years, electricity losses amounted to about 25% (IEA 2018a).
This figure is roughly in line with the investment requirement of 8-9 billion USD identified DFID (2016)
and World Bank (2015).
This is comparable to solar irradiation in California and above levels in Portugal and Spain (both,
about 1700 kWh/m2/year). The numbers refer to Global Horizontal Irradiation, based on irradiation
data from (Global Solar Atlas 2016) and border data from GADM (2018). The program used to calculate
national total is ArcMap.
27 | P a g e
Second, there is an increasing interest from donors in supporting the private sector in the area of off-
grid renewables. Examples include the operationalizing of a renewable energy credit line (KfW/BoM),
setting up an Energy Project Preparation Facility26 and the BRILHO27 program funded by DFID.
Third, with the GoM gradually removing
Diesel is no longer subsidized. Because of this the subsidies for fossil fuels, retail prices
renewable energy is more competitive. for kerosene and diesel are increasing,
making the renewable energy solutions
(In-country interview)
more cost competitive.
Finally, the high penetration of mobile phones (currently at ~85%) offers the potential to introduce
mobile payment services, though sources disagree in how far this potential is already realized (compare
GGGI 2017, 11; GreenLight 2016, 29).
The Energy Project Preparation Facility is an initiative led by the European Union. Its aim is to facilitate
private sector investment in renewable energy to improve access to sustainable and affordable
energy, particularly in rural areas. For that purpose, the facility’s funds are to be used to strengthen
institutional capacity, improving the regulatory framework, and support the development of
investment projects.
A US$ 45 million project (2016-2022) to expand market access of off-grid renewable energy products
and related services to rural communities and businesses in Mozambique. One of the focus areas will
be on promoting technological solutions, such as mobile phone-based pay as you go systems, to
overcome the problem for households of high up-front capital costs of the equipment. BRILHO will
provide support to government and non-state energy providers (private sector and NGOs) and is
expected to leverage a matching amount of investment from the private sector (US$45 million),
implying a total subvention for ‘base of the pyramid’ household energy in Mozambique of US$90
million (DFID 2016, 4).
“There is clear evidence that better access to lighting provides children with opportunities to increase
the quality and time of their study/homework. SolarAid (2012-15) data shows that before solar light
28 | P a g e
Off-grid solutions allow to operate mobile phone chargers, radios, TVs, and laptops, increasing the
access to information. Larger systems offer the possibility to have a refrigerator and preserve food.
Finally, off-grid electricity can increase the sense of safety that night light provides.
Off-grid technologies also benefit rural development by providing electricity for productive use. They
can support a large variety of
economic activities that allow to Off-grid renewable energy could be a solution to
increase agricultural productivity, such increase agriculture production, but it must be
as water wells, irrigation, processing used for productive activities, such as water wells
(e.g. electric mills), storage and and irrigation. This would allow to increase
cooling, and other value-adding production and generate more income.
activities. Such applications allow to
(In-country interview)
increase rural incomes.
In addition, the deployment of off-grid renewables allows for the electrification of social facilities, such
as schools and healthcare centers, improving living conditions and services in rural areas (examples
include night classes, adult education after work hours, conservation of vaccines and other
Finally, off-grid electrification via renewable sources requires maintenance services to sustain the
infrastructure over the medium and longer term. This is an opportunity for developing private sector
businesses in rural areas. (Inter. 3; ALER 2017, 109). It would allow for creating new income-generating
economic activities, stimulating entrepreneurship, rural employment and gender equality. 29 Potential
business opportunities are manifold from selling solar torches, batteries and large equipment to
installing and maintaining the equipment.30
ownership, children were studying for 1.7 hours on average each night and were often constrained by
lack of access to light due to money for kerosene, or candles running out. After purchasing a solar
light, children in the same households were studying for an average of 3.1 hours a night”. (Harrison,
Scott and Hogarth 2016, 15).
UNEP (2014) found that renewable energy deployment is estimated to create 30 jobs for every 10,000
off-grid households connected. With an increasing population and continued economic growth, rural
energy demand will rise further.
For example, the Lojas de Energia project (Energy Shops) supported the establishment of stores where
customers can charge mobile phones and rechargeable solar light batteries and in some to buy energy
saving light bulbs, improved cookstoves, photovoltaic systems, mobile phone chargers, and fridges.
The project was designed to improve the population's access to clean energy in disadvantaged rural
areas of the country. Women are the main target group for managing the stores. In December 2015,
there were already 35 stores at national level, of which 25 were run by women and 10 by men (ALER
2017, 104).
29 | P a g e
it has also largely taken on the role to design, implement and operate projects with donor grants (GGGI
2017), acting simultaneously as promoter, regulator, financier, implementer and manager of off-grid
renewables projects in rural areas.
Besides having its own projects, FUNAE holds public tenders to which the few private companies
currently active in the market apply.31 It owns a factory which can produce solar modules with a total
nameplate capacity of 5 MW per year. The recent NES draft proposes for FUNAE to continue in its central
role in building infrastructure for off-grid electrification (World Bank, 2017). 32 In the current model,
private sector participation is limited to primarily supplying and installing equipment under public
Only one private company is directly targeting private customers (BERF 2016, 18).
EdM is a second potential public player regarding off-grid electricity. The state utility has recently
created (May 2017) a Directorate for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency which includes a division
on isolated systems. However, it remains unclear which role EdM will play concerning off-grid
renewable energy (ALER 2017, 38).
Among others, FUNAE projects have received grants and loans from, Belgium, China, Denmark,
Finland, the European Union, Germany, India, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, UNIDO, and the World
30 | P a g e
is not clear how the aim to provide universal access to electricity, which requires considerable amounts
of investment, can be reconciled with maintaining low electricity tariffs. Furthermore, while official
documents repeatedly urged to strengthen private sector engagement, the fact that acquisition and
maintenance costs are subsidized discourages private sector involvement and undermines the financial
sustainability of the entire off-grid sector (ALER 2017, 103, 147). The mandate of proving universal access
to electricity is still perceived to
be implemented by public In Mozambique, beneficiaries are supported, not the
institutions only, giving the producers. There are not incentives for production.
private sector the limited role Existing policies support schools, sanitary units, etc.
of a sub-contractor. The fact There is no policy that incentivizes the private sectors
that private sector interests can to produce energy.
be directed to deliver public
benefits has not been fully (In-country interview)
Finally, there is an inherent conflict of interests between FUNAE’s role as a fund to promote the
deployment of off-grid renewables and the institutions activities in building solar equipment and
implementing projects. For example, FUNAE’s solar panel factory is not competitive on the global
market, but enjoys protection from foreign competition, ultimately leading to higher prices and
additional subsidies for deployment.34 This conflict of interest is also apparent regarding data sharing.
Public funds were used to map Mozambique’s endowment with renewable energy resources and the
information was consolidated in the Renewable Energy Atlas of Mozambique. However, FUNAE charges
considerable amounts to share the information, to the disadvantage of small entrepreneurs and
investors (ALER 2017, 141).35
The factory is not competitive regarding production costs. At the same time, it has not been able to
keep up with progress in solar technologies, compromising the competitiveness of its panels regarding
performance and efficiency. (BERF 2017, 31-32)
For example, three months online access to the FUNAE-ATLAS website, including access to the
Renewable Energy Atlas of Mozambique (300-pages book) costs MZN 13,500 (USD 227). Access to
preliminary feasibility studies costs between MZN 67,500 (about USD 1,150) for a single project and
MZN 3,375,000 (about USD 56.700) for 50 projects (ALER 2017, 97).
31 | P a g e
provider, particularly when opening the market was combined with the introduction of quality standards
for equipment.
The private sector could provide
It is crucial to come up with a strategy for the essential services for operating and
development of the private sector because this maintaining off-grid renewable
could guarantee maintenance and other infrastructure. Such a service sector
arrangements. Sometimes is just a question of would support rural development by
cleaning the equipment. allowing for local entrepreneurship,
(In-country interview) providing employment, and create
demand for skilled labor. This would
include demand for basic technical skills to maintain the equipment, but also extend to basic skills in
accounting and finance. (ALER 2017, 185).
Finally, the presence of private sector will support the creation of a skilled labor force, either by providing
training to employees and staff or by private and public training institutions, professional schools and
universities reacting to private sector needs.
Strategy for New and Renewable Energy Development (EDENR) 2011-2025, Five-year plan (2015-
2019), Programme for Reduction of Absolute Poverty (PARPA II/III), and annual Economic and Social
Plan (PES, for 2015, 2016, 2017) all state the role of solar PV and private sector participation in for
achieving off-grid energy access and/or rural economic development.
32 | P a g e
coherence and developing operational plans, clarifying the roles and responsibilities among
government institutions related to renewable energy, establishing/strengthening an independent
regulator, creating a tariff system that allows to cover operational costs and provides a return on
investments, and reforming taxes and import duties related to renewable energy equipment.
33 | P a g e
However, it is questionable whether the new plans and strategies will bring such clarity to the mandates
of different government entities. Under the revised provisions, EdM maintains its mandate to run the
national grid and set the national power tariffs (under the supervision of directorates in the Ministry of
Energy). The public utility company is the primary actor driving the national electrification agenda, but
its mandate does not include the off-grid sector. Similarly, in its current form, the NES allows for FUNAE
to maintain multiple roles as developer and implementer of off-grid electrification projects. However,
FUNAE’s original role as a fund to promote off-grid electrification will be taken over by a newly
established Electrification Fund.
In its current form, the NES lacks clarity and detail in respect to off-grid sector coordination. The NES
introduces an Electrification Fund to coordinate the entire electricity sector, including off-grid projects.
However, FUNAE remains the only entity with the authority to propose off-grid projects and to develop
them, while EdM is assigned to take over responsibility for the physical infrastructure once it is
commissioned (World Bank 2017a, 21). The role assigned to the private sector continues to be limited
to “participate as contractor building assets” and to “operate assets outsourced by EdM” (World Bank
2017a, 21).
In the NES proposal, following MIREME planning, the Electrification Fund will decide which EdM and
FUNAE project proposals will be funded and implemented; EdM and FUNAE will prepare projects and
submit them to the Electrification Fund that reviews, prioritize and approve projects, and makes funds
available. EdM and FUNAE will then execute the approved projects (World Bank 2017a).
While the attempt for improved coordination between EdM and FUNAE is commendable, the NES does
not address the need for coordination with other ministries (besides the participation of representatives
of MEF and MITADER in the Board of Directors of the Electrification Fund) and leaves little space for the
private sector. Therefore, a coordinating entity should be given a broader mandate,37 including:
• Raising the off-grid agenda across all ministries and agencies; for example, through a
dedicated focal point for off-grid electrification in each of the relevant agencies;
• Convening of working groups of interagency officials, each developing solutions for
addressing the existing barriers to the deployment of renewables for off-grid
electrification in its area of expertise; and
• Organizing knowledge sharing sessions across key agencies/ministries on relevant
aspects that need to be considered for the deployment of off-grid renewables,
technology, costs, and regional success stories.
It is recommended to maintain EdM’s focus on grid extension and management. However, it is
fundamental that grid extension plans are communicated clearly and coordinated with any plans and
incentive schemes for off-grid investment.
It is further recommended to make it the primary role of FUNAE to mobilize and disburse funds, and
oversee national off-grid programs, instead of being simultaneously promoter, regulator, finance
provider, implementer and manager. Thereby, private sector participation would be extended beyond
the supply and installation of systems under public contracts.
Finally, the roles of MIREME, FUNAE and other governmental entities on different levels (e.g.
municipalities) during the approval process for installing and operating off-grid infrastructure need to
be clarified.
Different proposals for the composition and layout of such a coordinating body exist. See World Bank
2017a, GGGI 2017, ALER 2017.
34 | P a g e
Simplify licensing
It is recommended for the Government of Mozambique to establish a clear and consistent licensing
process for off-grid electrification. This should include regulatory provisions on the integration of off-
grid infrastructure into an expanded national grid.
Off-grid projects are subject either to regulations that are not applied consistently (stand-alone systems)
or regulations that are tightly regulated by complex procedures (mini-grids). Legal provisions on mini-
grids and stand-alone systems currently fall under the Public-Private Partnership Law (2011) and the
Electricity Law (2007). The latter gives EdM the mandate to manage the electricity grid and specifies that
at the local level the private sector can generate and distribute electricity (e.g. through micro and mini-
However, inadequate and unclear
regulation means that private-sector There is a lot of interest by the private sector to
led mini-grids are subject to the same develop solar and renewable energy projects.
regulations governing application to They have to go through the ministry [MIREME]
utility-scale electricity projects. and it takes a year to conclude the process, as
Therefore, obtaining permission to there are so many requests.
build and operate a mini grid is a (In-country interview)
drawn-out process, involving multiples
government agencies.38 The complexity in obtaining a permission makes it virtually impossible for small
private businesses or communities to build and operate their own projects, rather than going through
Stand-alone solar kits fall under permanent electrical installations that generate electricity and with
electrical lines that do not extend beyond the property where they are installed (category 5). They are
subject to a license and annual inspections by MIREME.39 However, although these regulations have
been in place since 2007, they are not applied consistently (BERF 2016, 29).
It is recommended to simply the process of obtaining approval for installing and operating mini-grids.
In this context, it is recommended to move away from the need to go through the complex process for
obtaining a concessions agreement towards a process that is more akin to obtaining a license for stand-
alone installations.
An investor has to apply for a concession, which is granted by MIREME for projects above 1 MVA or
the relevant municipality for projects of less than 1 MVA. Concessions in the electricity sector are granted
in public tenders. Tender bids must specify the technical and financial details of the project and provide
evidence regarding the qualifications of the applicant. As part of the tender process, CNELEC (future
ARENE, see 3.1.4 Establish an independent regulator) issues an opinion on the subject. Projects that
imply the acquisition of land use rights (DUAT) require public consultation and can require an
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Once these steps have been successfully concluded, a decision
by MIREME or the relevant municipality must be issued within 15 days. Such a decision’s effectiveness
may be subject to conditions, such as expropriation or the granting of land use rights. It should be noted
that a common framework for municipalities to issue concessions does not exist, and, given the small
number of investments in this area, capacity and understanding of mini grid setup and viability is almost
non-existent in rural areas (BERF 2016, 29-30).
The request for a license requires the applicant to include a detail plan of the installation and the
technical description of each component, as well as a description of the use.
35 | P a g e
Establish an independent regulator
It is recommended for the Government of Mozambique to establish an independent regulatory
authority. An independent regulator with a clear mandate and the authority to enforce legal provisions
is essential to attract private sector investment for the expansion of off-grid renewable energy. In order
to achieve the agreed goal of increasing access to electricity, the regulator needs the mandate to impose
obligations through licensing, permitting, accrediting, approvals, inspections, fines and other legal
By separating the regulatory function from policy setting and fiscal policy, a regulator is expected to
mitigate market failures at minimum costs as it can:
• Resist pressures to lower or increase prices at the expense of recovering costs and system
• Avoid short-term opportunism linked to political and economic cycles;
• Promote competition by signaling to investors that rules are set and will be followed
without undue preferential treatment of any market participants;
• Assure the protection of the interests of producers and consumers;
• Ensure efficient and profitable services by setting prices which reflect costs; and
• Monitor and enforce quality standards that preserve incentives for long-term
performance while maximizing efficiency (OECD 2016).
Currently, MIREME through the National Directorate of Electrical Energy regulates the power sector. At
the same time, both EdM and FUNAE have taken over functions that should rather fall under an
independent regulator, such as setting mandatory electricity tariffs that apply to the entire sector.
ARENE is being operationalized as a regulator with the stated aim of promoting free competition in
energy services. It is intended for ARENE to have the mandate to set tariffs for all fuels, including off-
grid electricity generation. However, currently no timeline is available for its establishment and the NES
in its current form is vague on ARENE’s role (GGGI 2017, 8). Therefore, it is essential for the final version
of the NES to clarify ARENE’s role and provide it with a strong mandate.
Prior to the creation of ARENE, there has been no independent regulatory body with executive powers. 40
Therefore the recent creation of ARENE is a positive development. Nonetheless, this step will only be
truly effective for market development and private sector participation if ARENE is provided with the
necessary authority and backed by necessary political reforms to liberalize and unbundle the electricity
market. (ALER 2017, 146).
ARENE’s predecessor, the National Electricity Council (CNELEC), mostly served as an advisory body to
the Council of Ministers (GGGI 2017). According to the Electricity Law (that as mentioned is under
revision) CNELEC was meant to “inform on” revision to electricity tariffs proposed by EdM. However,
significant revisions of tariffs since 2014 happened without any public statement from CNELEC (CIP
36 | P a g e
transmission and distribution. Electricity tariffs in Mozambique are among the lowest in the world (BERF
2016, 8).
To mitigate its weak financial situation,41 EdM has significantly increased the tariff rates in recent years.42
Nevertheless, the tariff for low consumption consumers, such as those in off-grid areas, remains
unchanged at about MZN 1/kWh (US¢1.6/kWh). EdM’s operations continue to be heavily dependent on
donor support, and such support continues to be directed towards refinancing its loans and improving
its revenue collection and grid maintenance capabilities (GGGI 2017).
Local mini-grids are obliged to charge the national tariff rates, which are insufficient to cover the
operation and maintenance costs, let alone provide a return on investment (AfDB, 2017). 43 FUNAE
generally charges the national tariff to consumers. However, in some cases, it charges a flat tariff,
independent of actual consumption. While this flat tariff is usually higher than the national tariff, it still
does not reflect actual costs (World Bank 2017a, 28).
There is a clear tension between heavily subsidizing electricity as a way to fulfil the official government
objective of providing universal and affordable access to electricity and promoting private sector
participation which requires a deregulated market, free of distortions. (BERF 2016, 12). The rationale
behind the system of low uniform tariffs is to provide affordable electricity as a universal service and a
means to reduce poverty. Given the low spending power, with a large of the population in rural areas
living on less than USD 2 per day, providing electricity at affordable prices is a challenge that needs to be
addressed. However, the current policy comes at the price of a distorted electricity market, which leaves
little room for private sector activity, and a badly maintained electricity infrastructure which is ultimately
to the detriment of consumers. Recent increases in tariffs 44 and the explicit mentioning in GoM
documents of the importance to involve the private sector in the energy sector are examples for this
This tension is likely to persist in the revised NES and other relevant plans for the electricity sector. While
the NES proposal recognizes that the approach of uniform tariffs may not be the most financially sound,
it suggests maintaining the current system (World Bank 2017a, 28). At the same time, there are several
policy documents under preparation which are meant to clarify the off-grid tariff regime, but which might
be at odds with the NES, such as the Tariff Regime for New and Renewable Energies (REFIT) and the draft
regulation on isolated networks (Licensing of mini-grid power projects) (ALER 2017, 62).
In essence, tariffs must maintain the balance between commercial viability of the electricity system and
be affordable to consumers. First, if more private sector participation is to be achieved in order to increase
EdM’s financial woes are largely due to low tariffs and large areas. Its operating income is not enough
to meet debt payment and interest costs. Analysis done prior to the debt crisis indicates that EdM’s
financial viability will not improve until end of the decade, even with 25% increase over 2015 tariff
(World Bank 2015). EdM’s current arrears – including from large foreign customers and state agencies
–have been tripling each year between 2013 and 2016 to more than USD150 million (GGGI 2017).
In Nov 2016, EdM increased tariffs by 27%-40% for first time in more than 5 years. In August 2017, it
revised tariff levels again by about 30%, which was welcomed by IMF. With this, domestic consumers
up to 300 kWh now pay MZN 6.95 per kWh. Nevertheless, tariffs for consumers using less than 125
kWh, the likely category of rural off-grid household customers, is virtually unchanged for at least last
6 years, and stands at MZN 1.075 per kWh (USD 0.02 per kWh).
From the two off grid options, i.e. autonomous standalone systems and mini-grids, only mini-grids
can be subject of tariff models, as autonomous/standalone systems are supposed to be purchased
and operated directly by the individual owner.
EDM recently approved in August 2017 new tariffs corresponding to a 35% increased. As mentioned
the social tariff did not suffer any increase, to protect the most vulnerable consumers. In November
2015 EDM had already approved a 40% tariff rise (ALER 2017, 53).
37 | P a g e
the population’s access to electricity, off-grid tariffs must at least cover the system’s operating and
maintenance costs and allow for a minimum return on the initial investment (Cuamba et al. 2014).
Second, subsidies – directed towards consumers or producers – are a means to guarantee affordability
where needed. This can either translate into subsidies for private mini-grid operators to make investments
more attractive, or into subsidies for lower tier consumers, in a segmented market and through less
distortive mechanism than universal tariffs, such as voucher systems (BERF 2016,39).
In Mozambique, FUNAE projects are essentially subsidized through grants from donor agencies and with
some contributions from GoM. However, currently there is no subsidy or incentive program to attract
private sector participation in the off-grid electricity sector.
Current values of import duties vary from 0% on imports from SADC countries to up to 20% for
imports from the rest of the world, with an average (based on 2013 trade data) of about 5% (DFID
2016, 5). For instance, static converters: 5%; portable electrical lamps designed to function by their
own source of energy: 20%; non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings, n.e.s.: 20%; photovoltaic system
controller not exceeding 1000V: 7.5%; photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic
cells whether or not assembled or made up into panels; light emitting diodes (excl. photovoltaic
generator): 7.5%. (DFID 2016, 5)
It should be noted that the estimate of $6.5 million fiscal net benefit is rather conservative as it does
not include the impact on economic growth through increased levels of activity from time savings
and productivity improvements at the household level, increased opening hours for small businesses
as well as growth in the household energy supply chain.
38 | P a g e
arise from meeting basic energy needs at a lower cost than before (USD 14 million per year by 2026),
as well as additional income from newly created jobs (DFID, 2016).47 Table 3 provides an overview of
the estimated benefits over a 10-year period.
Table 3 Fiscal impact, national and household benefits of the tax exemption policy
Impact USD millions (2017-2026) Without new policy With new policy
It is recommended that any reduction or removal of VAT and import duties on equipment for off-grid
renewable energy are linked to the equipment's quality standards (ALER 2017, 171). Enforcing such
quality standards for products entering the national market and linking them to preferential treatment
would prevent the adoption of sub-standard equipment as a result of reducing taxes and fees. In turn,
this helps minimize the risk of negative consumer perception and price expectations from cheaper and
inferior technologies at the expense of businesses offering quality (and higher priced) products. (ALER
2017, 171, GGGI 2017)
Currently, there are no quality standards for renewable energy equipment entering the country. In order
to establish quality standards, adequate local testing facilities are required.48 To enforce such standards,
the National Inspectorate for Economic Activities (INAE) requires strengthening to identify and target
sub-standard products. (BERF 2016, GGGI 2017)
The report estimates 2,170 additional jobs by 2026, providing income of around $4 million per year.
Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) and the Institution Industrial de Maputo (IIM) have testing
facilities for pico-solar and solar home systems, respectively. However, these are not equipped to
administer a full-scale quality standards program.
There is no definition of “clean energy” in either the ALER report nor in the SEforALL Africa Hub site.
However, a considerable share of what is considered clean energy should consist of renewable energy.
39 | P a g e
up off-grid ventures. However, in Mozambique, there are currently restrictions on the import and export
of capital with lengthy procedures, considerable costs, and bureaucratic hurdles. Having less restrictive
capital controls can help Mozambique to bring in more foreign private investment into the sector.50
Beyond attracting more foreign capital, the GoM should also encourage more local investment. For that
purpose, high lending costs and limited/unsuited financial services need to be addressed.
First, lending costs are high in Mozambique. Interest rates for commercial loans amount to about 30%
(ALER 2017, 147). In addition, local banks often require 100% collateral for commercial loans. Lending
conditions might be even harsher for renewable off-grid projects as they are perceived as high risk by
local banks. 51 The low-income status and the limited availability to risk-profile data for off-grid
customers makes access to credit even more challenging. PAYG business models have been successfully
applied, in countries like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. They allow poor customers to acquire solar PV
systems with a small upfront payment and a leasing model. Access to local capital to provide such
consumer lease finance and required working capital is critical in a nascent market like Mozambique
(GGGI 2017).
Second, for the time being, the local lending sector is not equipped to cater to the needs of off-grid
renewable ventures (BERF 2016, 48). Local banks lack adequate human resource to deal with areas
outside their core business. This results in high transaction costs in the off-grid sector (USD 10 for pico-
products to USD 250 for mini-grids, GGGI 2017). Additionally, the commonly applied payback period of
about two years does not match the requirements for off-grid project loans. Experience elsewhere in
sub-Saharan Africa has shown that companies selling solar home or pico-solar systems are likely to be
start-up ventures aiming for rapid growth with short funding cycles. They often reinvest their proceeds
into further growth, requiring several funding cycles (BNEF and Lighting Global 2016).
Micro-lending could be developed as a viable alternative to commercial bank loans and PAYG models.
For example, in Bangladesh off-grid solar has expanded rapidly with the help of microfinance where
companies can use cash sales in the absence of PAYG arrangements. However, microfinance is at an
early stage in Mozambique and does currently not represent an alternative. Interest rates from
microfinance institutions are high at 50-60% and no known lending by existing microfinance institutions
has taken place to the off-grid solar sector (GGGI 2017).
Furthermore, donor funding could be made available to absorb part of the risks and the costs associated
with lending to the off-grid renewable energy. Therefore, to address the issue of high lending rates, it is
recommended for the GoM to strengthen FUNAE’s role as a national fund to mobilize and disburse low-
cost finance to off-grid projects led by the private-sector.
FUNAE was set up as the rural electrification fund to pool donor resources and national contributions
for off-grid projects. However, it has largely taken on the role to design, implement and operate projects
with donor grants. It is suggested for FUNAE to focus on its initially envisioned role, leaving more space
for the private sector to develop and operate actual projects. Working with local banks, it is
recommended for FUNAE to provide low-cost loans, loan guarantees, and other financing support to
off-grid ventures. By blending commercial loans with concessional loans and grants (e.g. from the Global
A small step in this direction could consist of helping investors in the Solar PV sector subscribe to the
MIGA investment protection insurance (BERF 2016, 49). The insurance’s transfer restriction coverage
protects against losses arising from an investor’s inability to convert local currency into foreign
exchange for transfer outside the host country. The coverage also insures against excessive foreign
exchange delays caused by the host government’s actions. See MIGA (2007). However, the insurance
only mitigates the effects of current restrictions on capital movements. A better solution to increase
investor confidence would be to relax the current restrictions.
Interviews with farmers in Chokwe district revealed that commercial bank interest rates for loans to
replace diesel powered water pumps to solar powered ones could amount to 40-50%.
40 | P a g e
Climate Fund), FUNAE would be able to reduce the risk associated with private off-grid projects and
reduce the cost of lending.
FUNAE can draw on experiences from existing initiatives in Mozambique and on lessons learned in other
countries. The BRILHO52 program funded by DFID is an example for providing such loans to off-grid
firms (GGGI 2017). Examples in the region include loans from TIB Development Bank to off-grid projects
in Tanzania supported by the World Bank and FONERWA in Rwanda (ibid.).
Additionally, Results Based Financing (RBF)53 could present a means to mitigate the risks associated with
loans for off-grid projects, (SNV, 2016). RBF has been applied successfully to stimulate business
opportunities in the solar PV sector in a number of sub-Saharan countries. In Tanzania, for example, RBF
has not only provided financial incentives to start or upscale market operations but has also helped
leverage third party financing resulting in a substantial uptake of solar deployment through
engagement with new and existing solar companies in Tanzania´s Lake Zone. (BERF 2016, 49-50).
Finally, revenues from extractive
industries represent another potential Investment in extractive industries is necessary
source of finance for off-grid and Mozambique will follow this path, but why
renewables. Allocating a small share of not use the revenues from gas and petroleum
those revenues (e.g. through a levy) to invest in renewable energies? The large oil
would increase available funds and gas multinationals are investing in
considerably. However, it remains to be renewable energy. Why not follow their
seen whether the positive projections, example and use the revenues from natural
such as for natural gas projects, will resources to invest in renewables?
materialize. In the past, high aspirations (In-country interview)
for the natural gas sector did not
translate into project development (AfDB, OECD and UNDP 2016, Deloitte 2016). Projected price
recoveries for LNG from the depressed levels witnessed in recent years might support project
development and open up the opportunity to use some of the revue for enhancing renewable energy.
A USD 45 million project (2016-2022) to expand market access of off-grid renewable energy products
and related services to rural communities and businesses in Mozambique. One of the focus areas is
to promote technological solutions, such as mobile phone-based pay as you go systems, to overcome
the problem for households of high up-front capital costs of the equipment. BRILHO provides support
to government and non-state energy providers (private sector and NGOs) and is expected to leverage
an additional USD 45 million of investment from the private sector (DFID 2016, 4).
The fundamental idea is that payments to a service provider are made contingent on the delivery of
a pre-agreed result, with achievement of the result being subject to independent verification.
41 | P a g e
5. Natural Assets
The Government of Mozambique places emphasis both on the development of the country’s significant
natural resources and on environmental protection. In its position, as both a biologically-diverse and at
the same time low income country, Mozambique needs to find ways to reconcile economic development
with protection of its natural assets on which agriculture and forestry depend (World Bank-IDA 2017,
1). Ensuring the conservation of the country’s natural resource base is critical for sustainable
Mozambique is endowed with a large amount of natural assets such as arable land, forests, fisheries,
wildlife, water and mineral resources. The country is home to important biodiversity hotspots with high
levels of endemism such as Maputaland (coastal forests in southern Mozambique), the humid evergreen
montane forests in central Mozambique, and the coastal dry forests of northern Mozambique. Other
ecosystems include mopane forests in the semi-arid regions (in the valleys of the Limpopo and Zambezi
rivers). Mozambique also has East and Southern Africa’s largest mangrove forest, and the second largest
mangrove area in Africa, at around 357,000 ha. (MITADER, 2017, 5).
Mozambique’s substantial natural capital includes rich flora, with 5,500 plant species (of which 250 are
endemic) and terrestrial fauna with 740 species of birds, 80 species of reptiles and amphibians (of which
28 are endemic), and 3,000 species of insects. Mozambique also has important concentrations of whale
sharks and manta rays, and the only viable population of dugongs in the entire western Indian Ocean
(Biofound 2018). Among the 14 ecological regions that exist in Mozambique, seven are regarded as of
global importance (Biofound 2018).
However, Mozambique’s natural assets are being rapidly depleted.
Wildlife: 366 Mozambique species are listed in the IUCN red list of threatened species as belonging to
the 4 most threatened categories and 2381 species belong to the category of "least concern".
Arable land: The country has 36 million ha of arable land but more than two fifth of the land is degraded
(European Space Agency 2011) and another fifth of the land is undergoing active degradation due to
42 | P a g e
agricultural encroachment and unsustainable use of biomass for cooking and lighting (i.e. fuelwood)
(IFAD 2017). Erosion is pervasive, particularly in the coastal zone. Palalane et al. (2016, 1) point out that
coastal erosion due to natural causes is compounded by human activity, characterized by a lack of
planning or poor planning for coastal developments. As a result, high coastal retreat rates exceeding 1
meter per year have been observed in some places, compared to 0.4 meters per year due to natural
causes (ibid.).
Fisheries: Unsustainable fishing practices, overfishing and destructive fishing techniques in coastal
waters have contributed to declining fish catches and degraded ecosystems in many nearshore areas,
ultimately threatening local livelihoods. Pereira et al. (2014, 10) conclude that almost all fisheries are
overexploited, with overexploited fish stocks accounting for 75% of total fish stocks. An assessment that
reviewed 34 species of small pelagic, demersal fish and crustaceans showed that 60% of these species
are either heavily exploited or overexploited (IIP 2011). Beyond reducing Mozambique’s biodiversity,
such overfishing undermines livelihoods and incomes as these species contribute approximately two
thirds of the total artisanal production.
Water: Both the quantity and quality of water are of concern in Mozambique. Since 2014 levels of
rainfall in the Umbeluzi Basin, that supplies Maputo and other cities and rural areas in the southern
region with water, have been below the historical average. The Pequenos Libombos dam in the south
of the country remained at only 28% of its full capacity, affecting water supply in the cities of Maputo,
Matola, and Boane, as well as irrigation systems along the Umbeluzi River. As a result, restrictions in
water consumption have been put in place in the affected areas.54 Water scarcity is compounded by low
water quality. Sedimentation levels are high (approximately 30% at the Pequenos Libombos dam)
caused by deforestation, farming and extractive industry activities upstream (FEWS NET 2018).
Mineral resources: Mozambique possesses substantial non-renewable resources such as heavy mineral
sands (titanium, ilmenite, rutile and zircon), precious and semi-precious stones, gold, uranium, tantalite,
bauxite and limestone, among others. The mining of gold and gems is still dominated by artisanal mines,
employing approximately 20,000 people. These mines pose the greatest environmental and social risks
(AfDB 2015). Mercury, which is used to recover fine powdery gold through an amalgamation process, is
a major environmental concern. While mercury vapors are very toxic and pose the highest risk to the
operator, during panning and washing, mercury also finds its way into the water supply and ultimately
into the food chain. In addition, arsenic, cadmium, chrome, copper, lead and nickel are often found in
association with gold deposits. During the extraction process, these heavy metals may be released,
polluting surface and groundwater. For example, in Manica district, high levels of arsenic, copper and
nickel have been found in gold deposits (Dondeyne et al. 2009).
Forests: More than half of Mozambique’s land area (approximately 45 million hectares) is covered with
extensive natural forests, consisting mostly of miombo woodlands.55 About half of these natural forests
(almost 27 million hectares) are considered productive forests with potential for commercial timber
The Mozambique’s National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation announced recently (15
February 2018) restrictions on water supply. Since 2014 the levels of rainfall in the Umbeluzi Basin
(that supply Maputo and other cities and rural areas in the southern region) have been below the
historical average (Club of Mozambique 2018a).
Miombo is a term used to describe the vegetation belt that covers great parts of Central, Southern
and Eastern Africa. Miombo forests can be classified based on mean annual rainfall as dry and wet,
where the wet Miombo is characterized by annual rainfall above 1000 mm, canopy height higher than
15 m, and high diverse floristic composition, while the drier Miombo is the opposite. It is generally
characterized by the presence of three tree genera from the Fabaceae family, subfamily
Caesalpinioideae: Brachystegia, Julbernardia, and Isoberlinia. The Miombo woodlands are poor sites
but have high plant diversity (Mate et al. 2014, 538).
43 | P a g e
production and generally located outside of protected areas (BERF 2017; Marzoli 2007; FAO 2010). Over
13 million hectares of forest land are located in conservation areas (MITADER 2017).56
Mozambique has around 7 million ha available for the establishment of forest plantations. However, if
accessibility, current land use (e.g., small farmer or commercial agriculture), land tenure rights of local
communities, and fulfilling the criteria for forest certification are considered, land availability for forest
plantations drops to around 3.5 million ha (BERF 2017; Ministério da Agricultura 2009).
The remaining gap of 5 million hectares is the result of figures coming from different sources, referring
to different years and using different definition of forests. See, recommendation below, Define
different types of forests.
Compared to 8,427kt of CO2e emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of
cement in 2014 (World Bank 2018b).
This excludes the informal sector and local consumption as they are not reflected in the national
This figure is based on a ratio of one worker per 4 hectares of planted area. UNIQUE (2015) points
out that this is considerably higher than the global average of one worker per 20 hectares planted.
44 | P a g e
skilled workers, who are often not available locally (UNIQUE 2015, Bleyer et al. 2015, Sitoe and Sá-
Nogueira 2017).60
Finally, fuelwood and charcoal made from wood extracted from forests are critical for household energy
needs, with more than 70 percent of the population depending on them for cooking. Non-timber forest
products serve as a source of food and medicine and contribute to household income.61
A recent survey conducted in a major forest plantation in Mozambique (Portucel) concludes that most
of the jobs created are seasonal and only 10% are full-time jobs (Sitoe and Sá-Nogueira 2017, 27).
Hedge and Bull (2011) estimate that, in some areas, for example in the Gorongosa district, miombo
woodlands contribute approximately 19 percent of household cash income and 40 percent of
household subsistence (non-cash) income.
Aquino and Fonseca (2017) report annual deforestation rates between 0.23% and 0.35%. MITADER
(2017a) refers to similar losses of 138,000 hectares per year (0.31%). However, BERF (2017) and
MITADER (2018) refer to a rate nearly twice as high at 0.58%, corresponding to about 220,000 hectares
per year. According to FAO (2014) “[d]ifferent forest area estimation initiatives in Mozambique provide
dissimilar data, misleading discussions on forest changes. Due to the different forest definitions used in
subsequent forest inventories, the extent of forest cover has been reported differently in various sources.
It is not possible to identify whether this discrepancy is due to real changes or classification errors. The
extent of forests cover was estimated of 20 million hectares in 1990 (Saket 1994). However, current
estimate of forest cover is 40 million hectares (Marzoli 2007)”. Furthermore, forest degradation is
widespread, albeit not measured systematically (UNIQUE 2016).
Forgone tax revenues were estimated at US$540 million between 2003 and 2013 from unreported
wood exports (mostly logs), mainly to Asian markets (World Bank-IDA 2017)
45 | P a g e
Figure 11 Deforestation in Mozambique
Conversion of forests to agricultural land as a result of itinerant subsistence practices is the dominant
driver of deforestation (shifting cultivation, often resulting in uncontrolled spreading of fires),
accounting for about two thirds of forest cover loss. Commercial agricultural expansion represents a
considerably smaller fraction of deforestation at about 4% (MITADER 2016a). Other prominent drivers
of deforestation include urban expansion and infrastructure development (12%), unsustainable
commercial timber exploration (8%) and extraction of wood to be used as a fuel for cooking and lighting
as well as for the production of charcoal (7%) (CEAGRE and WINROCK 2016; BERF 2017: 8-9).
Subsistence agriculture
4% 3%
7% Urban expansion and
infrastructure development
Commercial timber exploration
In summary, current rates of deforestation are unsustainable, both from an economic and an
environmental perspective (Sitoe and Sá-Nogueira 2017, 2). Deforestation is mainly caused by current
agriculture and forest management practices, which also contribute to low levels of agricultural
productivity, land and forest degradation, and devaluation of natural capital. Protecting forest
landscapes will help communities to secure access to resources they depend on, enhance incomes,
46 | P a g e
improve rural livelihoods and reduce poverty (UNIQUE 2016). Sustainable agriculture practices and
sustainable forest management can translate into profitable agri- and forest businesses, provide
benefits to local communities and generate revenues for the state (ibid.).
The following recommendations are aimed at promoting this objective and addressing the different
drivers of deforestation.
Compare, BERF (2017), Falcão and Noa (2016), MITADER (2018), World Bank (2017b). For example,
the Forest and Wildlife Law (Républica de Moçambique 1999) divides forests in three categories: (1)
conservation forests, consisting of plant formations located in protection zones and subject to special
management arrangements; (2) productive forests, constituted by plant formations of high forest
potential, located outside of protection zones; and (3) multi-use forests: consisting of plant formations
located outside protected areas and with low forest potential. The 2007 National Forest Inventory
(Marzoli 2007) includes the category of protective forests (florestas de protecção) defined as forests
protecting the soil (areas with slopes, mountainous areas) and water (riverbanks, mangroves).
Ministério da Agricultura (2009) refers to conservation plantations as “plantations with emphasis on
the protection of fragile ecosystems (coastal dunes, river basins, mountain areas, mangroves),
biodiversity conservation, forest rehabilitation and environmental preservation”. MITADER (2018)
defines forests on the basis of land use and land cover, including forest plantations defined as “having
exotic species, including pines and eucalyptus”.
47 | P a g e
In turn, absent a clear distinction between forests types, it is equally challenging to determine which
forests can be used commercially. This complicates land use planning and has hampered investments
in the planted forest sector (World Bank 2016a, 70). Most of the land available for plantations is covered
with miombo vegetation in different stages of degradation. Miombo woodland, the most common
forest type in Mozambique, has a canopy cover ranging from relatively open to dense. While there is
no clear definition, any land that is cleared from natural vegetation is likely to be classified as conversion
of natural forests (World Bank 2016a. 15-16).65 As a result, companies are exposed to high reputational
risk, as the conversion of natural forests is incompatible with forest certification standards (World Bank.
2016a). A clear definition of the different types of forests will facilitate meeting the requirements that
many consumer countries impose regarding the origin of wood and wood product imports, allowing to
reduce investment risks. (World Bank. 2016a, 15).
Finally, a clear definition of different forests types is needed to clarify the roles of different government
branches within the forestry sector. First, MITADER is responsible for natural forests and supervising a
number of reforestation activities, including community-based and conservation plantations.66 Second,
MASA regulates plantation forest that can involve natural forests, with the National Directorate of
Agriculture and Silviculture being in charge of agroforest plantations (UNIQUE 2015).
Clear division of roles and avoiding redundancy is also essential within single ministries. Within
MITADER, three key departments are responsible for the forestry sector. The National Directorate of
Land (DINAT) serves as the regulatory authority, charged with holding and organizing the national land
cadaster records. Furthermore, it processes and approves applications for large-scale land use projects
of over 1000 hectares (such as many plantation forests).67 The National Directorate of Forests (DINAF)
is responsible for policymaking, legal and regulatory provisions, establishing norms for licensing,
promotion of processing activities, and promotion of community participation in the management of
natural resources. The National Agency for Environmental Quality Control (AQUA) is responsible for law
enforcement in forestry sector, which was under the auspices of DINAF and DINAT until 2016 (Macqueen
and Falcão 2017).
The government’s national agro-ecological zoning process illustrates this need for clear definition of
different forest types. The zoning process will classify and map areas suitable for productive forests
(World Bank 2016a, 71). However, in that exercise, productive forests are defined as “forests that are
managed to optimize the sustainable harvest of forest products”. This definition includes a range of forest
types, such as commercial plantations, smallholder woodlots, and natural forests. Without having proper
definitions in place, uncertainty around regulation, user rights, and administrative authority will remain.
Support agroforestry to extend cultivation periods and to reduce the spread and negative
environmental impact of itinerant agriculture
Conversion of forests to agricultural land as a result of itinerant cultivation practices is the dominant
driver of deforestation, accounting for about two thirds of forest cover loss in Mozambique (CEAGRE
Past forest inventories used a 10% canopy cover as the threshold between forest and non-forest,
resulting in extensive areas having been mapped as forests (World Bank 2016a. 15-16).
One of the pillars in MITADER’s REDD+ strategy includes “the restoration of forest plantations in order
to establish a favorable environment for increasing forest plantations and forest businesses”
(Kaechele, 2017).
This occurs under Mozambique’s land tenure system (DUAT) which provides the state with the
authority to allocate land concessions to commercial businesses. While the DUAT does not confer full
ownership, it is a renewable long-term user right, comparable to a lease (World Bank 2008).
48 | P a g e
and WINROCK, 2016). Agroforestry systems68 are a means to improve yields and enhance food security
for subsistence farmers, while reducing the spread of itinerant cultivation and as a result decreasing
deforestation. Trees can be planted and managed to address local demand for fuel wood, fruits as a
source of nutrition, and other non-timber products. At the same time, planted trees contribute to higher
agricultural productivity by promoting ecosystem services, such as enhancing organic matter in the soil,
retaining water, and providing a habitat for pollinator agents. Due to increased yields and slower soil
degradation, the frequency of shifting cultivation is reduced. As a result, there is less need to clear
forests for agriculture (World Bank-IDA. 2017, 53).
There are several initiatives that have successfully introduced agroforestry in Mozambique and provide
valuable lessons on scaling up the approach. For example, the Mozambique Forest Investment Project
(MozFIP, 2017-2022), funded by the World Bank, has been launched with the aim of promoting
agroforestry systems on approximately 1,500 hectares. MozFIP targets individual smallholder producers
as well as informal and formal producer groups (including associations and cooperatives) with the goal
of reaching approximately 3,000 producers by 2022. Through the initiative, beneficiaries are provided
technical assistance and agroforestry inputs, such as seeds, tree seedlings, tools and fuel. Nurseries
identified near agroforestry clusters receive technical assistance to ensure that they meet the needs of
the project beneficiaries (World Bank-IDA. 2017, 52-53).
The project is estimated to increase crop yields considerably, with a growth in crop gross margins of
20%.69 This is equivalent to an estimated net present value of USD 0.7 million over 50 years at 6 percent
discount rate (World Bank-IDA 2017, 100). The benefits of the additional carbon sequestration related
to the initiative’s agroforestry activities are estimated to amount to approximately USD 1 million (World
Bank-IDA 2017, 100).70
Strengthening value chains and improving market access for commercial farmers have been identified
as critical complementary elements to agroforestry initiatives to improve rural incomes and foster
sustainability (UT-REDD and MITADER 2016). For this reason, MozFIP provides technical assistance to
beneficiaries to facilitate market access (World Bank-IDA 2017, 53).
Past experiences have identified several elements that are crucial for disseminating and scaling up
agroforestry initiatives. First, suitable approaches should be developed in participation with local
farmers, to test and adjust equipment, technologies and practices. Second, trainings provided by
farmers and farmer-to-farmer exchange visits have proven successful in disseminating the practice
Agroforestry refers to the use of trees as part of agricultural landscapes as they interact with crops,
livestock, wildlife and humans. In this context, trees provide products and services. Tree products
include fruits, nuts, oils, beverages, gums, resins, latex, flavours, leaves for food and nutrition, fodder
for livestock, timber, fuel wood, and medicines. Trees also provide a wide range of ecosystem services
such as being a host to edible insects and pollinators, carbon capture, shelter from wind and sun,
modifying micro-climates, nitrogen fixation, increased soil carbon, erosion control, refugia for
biodiversity, and regulation of water, including groundwater recharge. (ICRAF 2018).
The project targets small-scale farmers who are generally engaged in low gross margin activities in
Cabo Delgado. To estimate the benefits, smallholders were modeled to grow maize, sesame, beans
and cassava. Short-cycle eucalyptus gross margins were assumed to be applicable to the tree crops
in the agroforestry system due to lack of financial information on other species. Under the project,
extension services and agroforestry are means to support farmers transition to higher value crops
such as sesame, soya, beans and tree crops. Annual crop gross margins are estimated to increase by
20 percent. This estimate is found to be in line with international benchmarks for productivity
improvements through agroforestry. (World Bank-IDA 2017, 100)
This estimate is based on a market value of USD 5.5 per ton of CO2 equivalent (World Bank-IDA 2017,
49 | P a g e
beyond a project’s initial beneficiaries (CARE 2017, Linyunga 2004). Finally, the positive impact of
agroforestry on yields and resilience can be enhanced by combining it with other modern agriculture
practices, such as climate smart agriculture which aims at using water more efficiently among others
(UT-REDD and MITADER 2016).
Of the 90,000 hectares of irrigated land, about 20,000 hectares is in southern Mozambique, of which
about 4,000 hectares are located in Maputo Province (Sousa et al. 2017, 706)
Technical factors include the availability of arable land and water resources.
World Bank (2016b) identified 94,000 ha suitable for small scale irrigation and 99,000 ha for large
scale irrigation. Practices for improving water management in rainfed environments were not
included. The assessment excluded barrages, run-of-the-river, and pump schemes. Irrigation potential
associated with schemes that simply divert river water (such as Gezira) or that rely on pumping from
the river (such as Kenana) were not included, as they are mostly associated with large, multipurpose
reservoirs. The construction of such reservoirs is generally driven by considerations other than
irrigation, so that irrigation services are in effect a by-product of the larger infrastructure investment.
This includes ordering agricultural inputs and transport services in bulk to lower costs.
50 | P a g e
farmers, lack of participation in maintenance work and refusal of farmers to pay water fees; all of which
has further eroded trust in the associations and undermined their role (Mwamakamba et al. 2017, Pittock
et al. 2017). A prominent reason for their weakness is that irrigation associations are given the
responsibility but lack the authority to collect fees. This lack of authority is compounded by an unclear
division of responsibilities for maintenance. For example, regarding water distribution infrastructure, it
is unclear where the responsibilities of irrigation associations for headworks ends and where farmers’
individual responsibility for tanks, canals and pipes begins.
The adoption of the Legal Framework of the Irrigators Associations in 2015 was a first step to address
this situation. The framework was meant to clarify the rights and obligations of irrigation associations,
including their responsibilities for the irrigation infrastructure, development of business plans, and
collection of member fees to ensure operation and maintenance of the systems. However, while pilot
schemes have been implemented under the framework, little is known in how far the framework was
able to resolve the underlying problems (Mwamakamba et al. 2017).
Finally, irrigation schemes are complex systems that require multiple, different and complementary
interventions to increase productivity and sustainability. While small-scale irrigation schemes reduce the
complexity to some degree, it cannot be avoided entirely. Therefore, investment is needed in hardware
as much as in people (Pittock et al. 2017). Therefore, as with other recommendations in this report,
training farmers and improving extension services are critical enablers for outcomes to be realized.
Effectively managed small-scale irrigation schemes can enable farmers to farm year-round, increase
cropping, and diversify crops. As a result, small-scale irrigation would allow local communities to
improve productivity, increase food security, raise incomes, and ultimately decrease the pressure to
convert forest areas (IRENA 2016b, Sousa et al. 2017). Small scale irrigation schemes exist in different
parts of Mozambique and could be expanded with technical support and funding (Hanlon 2017). These
schemes generally serve small-scale irrigator associations and cooperatives with plot sizes ranging from
0.5 to 10 hectares, mostly relying on furrow or surface irrigation (Sousa et al. 2017). 75.
A prominent example is the Sustainable Irrigation Development Project (2011-2018) funded by the
GoM, the World Bank and Government of Japan with a total investment of USD 90 million.76 The project
rehabilitates and expands irrigation schemes in the central provinces of Manica, Sofala, and Zambézia
to help farmers grow rice and vegetables. When completed, the project will have irrigated more than
3,000 hectares to the direct benefit of more than 6,000 people (World Bank 2017e ).77
To reap the benefits of higher productivity brought by irrigation, storage facilities, post-harvest handling
practices and market linkages need to be improved (Pittocket al. 2017, 846, Sousa et al. 2017) Given
market conditions and the price volatility of some crops, such as tomatoes and cabbages, increasing
productivity of these crops will not necessarily increase profitability. Therefore, farmers need to be more
integrated in the value chain and their access to markets needs to be improved, both physically through
transportation and commercially through access to information (Sousa et al. 2017).
In addition, two types of large-scale irrigation schemes exist, either constructed by the government
or by private companies. Private companies generally manage the systems constructed by the
government and are responsible for maintenance of the infrastructure as well as water distribution.
Farmers are responsible only for maintaining the canals that convey water to their plots and paying
for water service (Sousa et al. 2017, 706).
Of the USD 90 million, about USD 41 million were spent on irrigation systems and support
infrastructure. Institutional capacity building and participatory irrigation management, cost-sharing
grant for market-led development of production and value chains, as well as project management
and coordination absorbed the rest of the budget.
Of these 3,000 hectares 1,700 hectares are dedicated to rice production, 800 hectares to horticulture,
and 500 hectares to contract production.
51 | P a g e
Introduce certification as a means to access more lucrative markets for timber.
Forest certification is an important non-state regulatory tool. It is “a process through which transnational
networks of diverse actors set and enforce standards for the management of forests around the world”
(Meidinger 2003). Certification is a tool for importing countries and businesses that demand sustainable
production and guaranteed provenance. The Forest Stewardship Council, the Programme for the
Endorsement of Forest Certification, and the International Tropical Timber Organization are
organizations with developed and widely endorsed forest certification schemes.
Currently, Mozambican timber exports are highly dependent on the Chinese market, with more than
80% of all Mozambican wood exports going to China in 2015 (World Bank 2018c). Existing business
models are unsustainable over the longer term. Currently, non-Chinese forest operators rarely, if at all,
export directly to China. Instead, operators sell logs to Chinese owned companies who process and
export timber and timber products. Decisions by producers on what and when to harvest are driven
solely by customer requirements and do not take into account the actual sustainable production
capacity of their forests (UNIQUE 2016).
Large forest plantation companies have expressed interest in becoming certified under internationally
recognized standards of sustainable forest management. Internationally recognized and endorsed
forest certification is a key element in gaining access to high value timber export markets. It is
fundamental to raise awareness among producers that certification will provide access to new markets
and earn higher prices for their products, while making their business model more sustainable (UNIQUE
2016). Certification has become an efficient tool in companies’ reputational management. Furthermore,
certification could help firms to attract investment as it guarantees financiers – who are not necessarily
familiar with the forest sector – that the plantations are responsibly managed and carry a lower
economic risk (World Bank 2016a).
National and private certification schemes are to be viewed with caution. First, the costs of implementing
and monitoring certification are high. Second, national or private certification schemes are likely to lack
international endorsement and, as a result preclude access to international markets that demand
sustainable management of forests. Examples from South East Asia show that national schemes face
severe obstacles in obtaining international endorsement as standards differ (Durst et al. 2006, Global
Forest Atlas 2018). For example, several nationally certified forests, such as those under the Malaysian
Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS), have been criticized for unclear environmental and social
protection standards (Global Forest Atlas 2018).
Adherence to international certification schemes is also a precondition to access global carbon funds
through the REDD+ scheme. Furthermore, certification provides opportunities for improved governance
and transparency, for strengthening forest laws and regulations, and to attract technical assistance for
sustainable forest management. In this context, Macqueen and Falcão (2017), among others,
recommend that certification should be accompanied by incentives related to law enforcement (e.g.
timber tracking, training of forest law-enforcement officers, customs officers and judiciary) and training
operators in sustainable forest management (e.g. strengthening extension services, providing regular
training courses in sustainable forest management).
Several conditions need to be fulfilled for certification schemes to be successful. These include (1)
putting in place a clear definition distinguishing different types of forest by their use (see
recommendation above), (2) strengthening the technical capacity to monitor and enforce regulations,
and (3) enhance enforcement. These conditions are examined in detail below.
First, any certification scheme requires a clear definition distinguishing between different types of
forests, based on compliance with verifiable certification standards. Such distinctions are the foundation
for verifying the origin of timber and timber products, monitor sustainable practices, and ensure
compliance with certification standards (World Bank 2016a, 15).
Second, implementing certification together with the necessary standards, regulations, monitoring and
enforcement requires sufficient technical capacity. Modern forest management requires knowledge in
52 | P a g e
biology, ecology, economics, markets regulations, and policies. Moreover, it necessitates keeping
abreast of evolving technologies in the sector, such as the use of high resolution satellite imagery to
guide forest management and support law enforcement efforts. Currently, such capacity is low in
Mozambique (World Bank 2017f). Legally anchoring certification can be a means to garner local political
support and mobilize resources from donors to improve existing and build new capacities.
Third, enforcement remains an issue. MITADER adopted several provisions to address challenges in the
forest sector, including a participatory audit of all forest concessions, the suspension of new requests
for exploration areas, a ban on log exports, the updating of forest policies and regulations, and a project
called “Floresta em Pé” (Standing Forest), which aims to promote sustainable integrated rural
development though conservation and sustainable management of forests (MITADER 2017). However,
a greater effort in law enforcement is needed (BERF 2017, 15). For instance, the ban on log exports for
all native species, launched in January 2017, has faced several challenges since its inauguration, such as
lack of enforcement personnel and corruption. Several trucks and containers containing logs of native
species have been seized since, suggesting that the ban is porous.78
A first step in addressing the gaps in enforcement would be to equip the newly formed enforcement
agency the National Agency for Environmental Quality Control (AQUA), with a modern internet-based
data system that could monitor real-time flows of timber and prevent easy circumvention or bribery at
law-enforcement checkpoints (Macqueen and Falcão 2017).
MITADER Minister Celso Correia (Club of Mozambique 2018b, quoting Mozambique Television, TVM)
said that both, community leaders and MITADER officials have been involved in facilitating illegal
timber exports. The Minister added that this year, twelve MITADER officials involved in smuggling of
timber were identified and arrested.
This estimate is based on a population growth of about 2.5% per year between 2008 and 2018 (World
Bank 2017b).
For comparison, the establishment of planted forests and substituting other materials with harvested
wood products would sequester an additional 1.8 million tons of CO2e per year. Substitution refers to
harvested wood products displacing products of equal utility but higher emission factors. (World Bank
2017c, 72).
53 | P a g e
deforestation. This would allow for planted forests to sustainably supply fuel wood and reduce the
pressure on natural forests (World Bank 2017c, 71). For that purpose, licenses for charcoal production
need to be accompanied by a formal register that captures the amounts of wood extracted to produce
charcoal (World Bank-IDA 2017, 53).
However, formalizing and commercializing fuelwood and charcoal production will increase the price for
those fuels. In particular rural households are currently relying on (almost) cost-free fuelwood as their
primary source of energy (ALER 2017; GGGI, 2017, World Bank 2016a, 8).81 Therefore, any attempts to
formalize the production of fuelwood and charcoal will need to consider the economic cost for
households and communicate the benefit of the change to local communities in order to obtain their
The aforementioned MozFIP project on agroforestry includes an element of formalizing the sector,
promoting higher efficiency in charcoal production, and thereby reducing deforestation. It promotes
charcoal producer organizations to adopt forest management plans. For that purpose, it supports
partnerships between producers and private operators in the forest sector to integrate charcoal
production into sustainable forest management. In that context, forest associations can be promoted
to enable small businesses involved in charcoal production to benefit from economy of scale effects
and sustainable forest management practices (World Bank-IDA 2017, 53).
Second, processing wood into charcoal more efficiently can also help reduce deforestation. Recent
analysis by civil society organizations in Mozambique show that simple improvements in practices linked
to charcoal production, such as the arrangement of wood within kilns and changes in kiln design (using
the same traditional material), can produce efficiency gains of as much as 100% (World Bank-IDA 2017,
28). These measures require little to no financial investment but yield considerable improvements in
efficiency. Achieving a high adoption rate among charcoal producers is critical. For that purpose, it is
essential to identify the most suitable model for technical assistance which allows replication at a large
scale (World Bank-IDA 2017, 28).
Third, use renewable energy and clean cooking technologies are options to reduce the use of fuelwood
and charcoal. The potential of renewable energy is discussed separately in chapter 4 (See Promote the
Use of Off-Grid Electricity from Renewable Sources). Clean cooking is addressed in a separate
recommendation below.
Support clean cooking technologies to reduce unsustainable use of fuelwood and charcoal.
Access to clean cooking technologies, including improved cookstoves and clean cooking fuels, will
reduce deforestation, associated soil erosion and emissions of greenhouse gases and black carbon.
Improved cookstoves either use biomass more efficiently or replace it entirely by other fuels, such as
LPG and biogas (Loayza and Galimberti 2017, WINROCK 2017).
Total consumption of fuel wood and charcoal was estimated at more than 19 million tons in 2018.82 This
amount is higher than the volume of the permitted annual cut for commercial timber (Sitoe et al. 2012,
Loayza and Galimberti 2017). In addition to deforestation, emissions from combustion of unsustainably
harvested fuel wood and charcoal in inefficient, traditional cookstoves contribute significantly to global
climate change. The burning of both fuels produces significant quantities of emissions that impact the
While fuel wood is nearly cost free, the price of charcoal has rapidly increased over the past years in
Mozambique and can absorb up to 25% of a monthly family income (Broto, Macucule and Smith
This estimate is based on consumption figures of about 15 million tons of fuel wood and charcoal in
2008 and accounting for population growth (Sitoe and Tchaúque 2007, Sitoe et al. 2008, World Bank
2017b, World Bank 2017c).
54 | P a g e
climate in the short-term, including gases such as methane, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides
(Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 2011). 83
Beyond reducing deforestation and the repercussions related to it, improved cookstoves are cleaner
and safer than traditional cookstoves, reducing indoor air pollution and improving health, particularly
of women (Khushk et al. 2005; McCracken et al. 2007; Clougherty 2009, Kuylenstierna 2011). Clean
cooking technologies also allow household to reduce expenses on charcoal.
First, use of improved cookstoves reduces indoor air pollution with a direct effect on health and life
expectancy. Traditional cookstoves emit a range of pollutants such as fine particulate matter (black
carbon, PM2.5) and carbon monoxide (CO) that are damaging to health (Khushk et al. 2005; McCracken
et al. 2007; Clougherty 2009). For example, residential sources, mainly from cookstoves, account for
more than 25% of global black carbon emissions (Bond et al. 2004).
According to WHO (2014), in Africa, 600,000 people a year die from the exposure to indoor air pollution
from cooking with inefficient stoves. In Mozambique, exposure to indoor air pollution is the third leading
cause of death after malaria and AIDS-related illnesses (Loayza and Galimberti 2017). Exposure to indoor
air pollutants has been proven to be linked to acute lower respiratory infections, 84 chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, stroke, ischemic heart disease, cataracts, and lung cancer (WINROCK 2017).
Second, the use of improved cookstoves reduces household expenses on charcoal. In Mozambique, the
price of charcoal has rapidly increased over the past years and can absorb up to 25% of a monthly family
income. Oil and natural gas represent cheaper alternatives to charcoal, particularly in the wake of the
price drop in 2014 (Broto, Macucule and Smith 2017). For example, a study of the costs of different
sources of energy, conducted in the city of Beira, revealed that charcoal compared to electricity and gas
was the most expensive fuel per energy unit (Egas 2006; Loayza and Galimberti 2017).
Third, the introduction and dissemination of improved cookstoves is an economic opportunity,
particularly for women. Selling improved cookstoves creates jobs and empowers women by giving them
a source of income. Furthermore, it allows them to gain a higher profile in their communities by raising
consciousness about environmental and health issues (Loayza and Galimberti (2017).
Loayza and Galimberti (2017) estimate that over 4 million households, of which 1.2 million are in urban
areas and 3.2 million in rural areas, could benefit from using improved cookstoves. However, despite its
promising potential, the uptake of improved cookstoves is limited in Mozambique. The Global Tracking
Framework (2017) indicates that access to clean cooking fuel and technologies increased from 2% to
about 4.5% (or about 300,000 households 85) in 2014. Results from programs such as GIZ’s Energising
In 2014, emissions from burning biomass amounted to 37,725kt of CO2, compared to 8,427kt of total
CO2 emissions for the same year (World Bank 2018b). It should be noted that emissions from the
burning of biomass are not counted towards the total national emissions, as biomass is considered as
a renewable energy source. However, given the unsustainable use of biomass in Mozambique as
indicated by the high percentage of forest cover loss, a considerable amount of the emission from
burning biomass is not stored in new forests.
The estimate for CO2 emission from the burning of biomass is based on the following calculation: The
total final consumption of biomass as a fuel amounted to 336,828TJ (2014). This amount was converted
into kilotons of CO2, using a conversion factor of 12,000 kg of CO 2/TJ (conversion factor for
wood/wood waste, suggested by the IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories).
This includes pneumonia, which is the single leading cause of death in children under five years
(WINROCK 2017)
The number of households with access to improved cookstoves was estimated based on the
Mozambique’s total population of 30 million people divided by an average household size of 5 people
and multiplied by 4.5%. It should be noted that this estimate is optimistic, as household sizes in least
55 | P a g e
Development (GIZ EnDev), which between 2013 and 2016 facilitated sales of 65,000 improved
cookstoves, suggest that adoption of clean cooking technologies is accelerating somewhat (DFID 2016).
Nevertheless, the share of people with access to clean cooking remains low.
The EnDev program works with several implementing partners by supporting their production and
distribution chains, contributing to building and consolidating local know-how and experience rather
than directly subsidizing product prices.
The cookstove project entails teaching people It offers valuable lessons regarding
how to make them (they are made of clay and product marketing, awareness raising,
easy to make) and they use 60% less wood introducing new technologies,
than a normal stove. Those who learn how to establishing and scaling up production
make them can sell them. They are for sale in facilities, and ensuring compliance with
all the markets in Maputo. Stoves made in 2012 product standards (Loayza and
are still being used, they last a long time. There Galimberti 2017).
are also used in social centers and in Manhiça Affordability remains one of the main
there are around 3000 families using them. challenges in the adoption of improved
(In-country interview) cookstoves, as many of the beneficiaries
are among Mozambique’s poorest.
Again, lessons learned from the EnDev program are useful in this respect. To increase affordability,
commercialization of improved cookstoves was combined with the generation and trade of Certified
Emission Reductions (Loayza and Galimberti 2017). This occurs under the Clean Development
Mechanism (within the framework of UNFCCC) through initiatives such as the Gold Standard
Foundation.86 In essence, a project’s emission reductions are certified and sold through global carbon
markets. Selling their Certified Emission Reductions to carbon credit traders makes improved cookstoves
affordable for low-income consumers (Loayza and Galimberti 2017). In addition, DFID (2016)
recommends removing VAT and import duties on improved cookstoves that meet Global Alliance
quality standards as a way to reduce prices and increase dissemination. 87
When assessing the costs and benefits of improved cooking solutions, the choice of fuel and technology
is decisive. Costs and benefits at the household level have to be distinguished from the larger social
benefits.88 Looking at costs and benefits for private households indicates whether households are likely
developed rural areas (those profiting most from improved cookstoves) are likely higher than 5
The Gold Standard Foundation is a standard and certification body with the aim to maximize the
impact of climate and development activities. Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and
other international NGOs as a best practice standard to ensure projects that reduced carbon emissions
under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) also delivered on their dual mandate to foster
sustainable development. It explicitly recognizes carbon finance “as an attractive option to help fund
improved cookstove initiatives” (Gold Standard 2016).
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is an initiative involving governments, companies, UN
agencies, and nongovernmental organizations with the goal to foster the adoption of clean
cookstoves and fuels in 100 million households by 2020. For that purpose, the initiative seeks to
address the market barriers that currently impede the production, deployment, and use of clean
cookstoves in developing countries. The development and promotion of emissions and efficiency
standards for cookstoves as well as rigorous testing protocols is a crucial element of the alliance’s
work (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 2011).
Private costs refer to capital costs for cookstove, operation and maintenance costs, fuel costs, learning
and promotion program costs. Private benefits consist of fuel costs saved, improved health and time
savings. Social benefits refer to improved eco-system services provided by forest, particularly reduced
carbon emissions (Jeuland and Tan 2016).
56 | P a g e
to adopt improved cooking technologies on their own, and which factors are most important to
determine whether households will perceive investing in improved cookstoves as beneficial to them.
The social perspective evaluates the net benefits for society as a whole, by mitigating the negative
externalities generated by use of traditional cookstoves (Jeuland and Tan 2016).
Private net benefits show large variations. Whether they are positive or negative dependents on the
extent of households using improved cookstoves, time savings, fuel costs for the chosen technology,
and fuel efficiency. Including the social dimension, all technologies and fuel options become more
attractive, showing higher net benefits. Nevertheless, due to the prominence of emissions savings in
determining social benefits, they remain highly dependent on the choice of technology and fuel (Jeuland
and Tan 2016). Cleaner fuels including emission-free solar and low-emission LPG and ethanol virtually
eliminate emissions of harmful soot and other toxic gases (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 2011).
Therefore, initiatives to promote
improved cookstoves should consider Country-specific efforts have been the most
the benefits of shifting to cleaner fuels effective when a cross-section of ministries,
and more efficient technologies, rather private sector partners, academics, and non-
than overly focusing on comparatively governmental stakeholders have coalesced
cheaper biomass-burning solutions. around a common strategy or campaign with
Finally, based on case studies covering the resources to sustain the advocacy,
18 projects involving improved outreach, and implementation efforts.
cookstoves in 14 African countries (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 2011, 47)
(including Mozambique), Kapfudzaruwa
(2017), concludes that adequate institutional support is essential for the successful dissemination of
clean cooking technologies. This includes adopting and enforcing regulation and quality standards
concerning the manufacture and import of improved cookstoves (KCIC 2016). It also means that
dissemination and use of improved cookstoves needs to be integrated into broader government policies
and activities on health care, education, environment, and energy. Such coordination is important to
raise awareness of the technology’s advantages among potential beneficiaries and to facilitate needed
financial support (Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves 2011, Kapfudzaruwa 2017).
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6. Conclusion
There are many ongoing efforts to plan and implement green growth in Mozambique. However,
currently there is no shared understanding of green growth or a clear national agenda. Therefore, the
aim of the GGPA process was to identify green growth priorities and recommendations, underfed by an
evidence-based assessment and mapped against existing policies. As a result, two main areas have been
identified as priorities for green growth in Mozambique. These are renewable energy and the
sustainable use of natural assets. For each of these priorities specific recommendations have been
developed, building on scientific evidence, successful examples from other countries, considering
existing policy documents and technical analysis.
It is highly recommended for the Government of Mozambique to consider these priorities and
recommendations not only when establishing the county’s green growth agenda, but also in the context
of implementing the 2016 REDD+ strategy, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and
delivering on the country’s climate change commitments.
First, renewable energy can help to improve electricity access in rural areas. Given the geographical
spread of Mozambique and the low population densities in rural areas, increasing access to electricity
alone by extending the grid is extremely costly. Off-grid solutions based on renewable fuels offer a
cheaper alternative while conserving natural assets and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The role of
the private sector needs to be strengthened in order to take advantage of the opportunities that
renewable energy presents for rural development. For that purpose, this report presented specific
recommendations on how to strengthen regulatory certainty and simplify licensing procedures to
attract investment, strengthen the role of an independent regulator to ensure fair competition and a
level playing field, introduce a more flexible tariff system, reform the VAT taxes and customs duties on
renewable equipment, and improve access to finance.
Second, in terms of using resources and natural assets more efficiently, the possible applications are
manifold. This report focusses on forest conversation given that forests provide essential ecosystem
services – from carbon sequestration and storage, to soil fertility, to enhancing water quality and
regulation – and play an important role for the livelihoods of Mozambique’s rural population. The report
encompasses a wide range of recommendations in this area. Forests need to be defined consistently,
clearly distinguishing the user rights for different forest types to strengthen conservation efforts and to
provide regulatory certainty for legal commercial activities. Agroforestry and small-scale irrigation
schemes should be supported to extend cultivation periods and reduce the spread of itinerant
agriculture. Certification should be introduced to access more lucrative markets for timber and other
forests products, strengthening conservation efforts while increasing income. Similarly, commercializing
the extraction and processing of fuel wood can reduce deforestation while creating new sources of
income, and clean cooking technologies should be supported to reduce the consumption of fuel wood
and charcoal.
Many of these recommendations will directly support the goals set out in Mozambique’s National
REDD+ Strategy, including reducing deforestation, enhancing the resilience of forests to the adverse
impacts of climate change, promoting rural development, reducing CO 2 emissions and increasing
carbon stocks (MITADER 2016a). In this context, the GGPA provides several recommendations on how
to promote sustainable farming methods to curb shifting cultivation and increase productivity, how to
promote access to renewable energy sources and clean cooking technologies as an alternative to fuel
58 | P a g e
wood and charcoal, and how to support conservation by strengthening forest management and
developing livelihood alternatives for rural communities. 89
In addition to supporting sustainable growth and the improvement of rural communities’ livelihoods in
Mozambique, this report serves to strengthen the country’s global engagement. With the Sustainable
Development Goals and the Nationally Determined Contributions (as part of the 2015 Paris Agreement),
the Government of Mozambique has committed the country to a number of targets. The
recommendations outlined in this report can guide the GoM on how best to actualize some of these
Specifically, the Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals (with a total number
of 169 targets) set by the United Nations. The SDGs cover a broad range of social and economic
development issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, climate change, gender equality,
water, sanitation, energy, environment, and social justice (United Nations 2017b). The recommendations
in this report directly support the achievement of Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Beyond that, individual
recommendations support a range of targets included in other goals such as increasing access to
electricity, reducing the impact of climate change, increasing agricultural productivity, increasing water-
use efficiency, increasing the share of renewable energy, developing sustainable and resilient
infrastructure, ensuring conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, and promoting good
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement, aiming at limiting
global warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. NDCs embody efforts by each
country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change (UNFCCC 2018). The
Government of Mozambique intends to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions by about 76.5 megatons
of CO2 equivalent in the period from 2020 to 2030 (MITADER 2017). Reducing the spread of itinerant
agriculture and improving agricultural productivity, using renewable energy and clean cooking
technologies, and introducing forest certification are central means to achieve these goals and discussed
in this report.
Ultimately, it should be clear that there is ample potential for green growth in Mozambique. The GGPA
assessment revealed that the country’s economy not only has a large potential to grow further, but that
All of these elements are highlighted in Mozambique’s National REDD+ Strategy (MITADER 2016a).
The following SDG targets are supported by recommendations in this report:
• Provide access to basic services/access to electricity: SDG targets 1.4 and 7.1;
• Reduce the impact of climate change through change in agricultural practices: SDG targets 1.5,
11.5, 13.1 and 13.2;
• Increase agricultural productivity through change in agricultural practices: SDG targets 2.3 and
• Increase water-use efficiency through change in agricultural practices and promotion of small-
scale irrigation: SDG targets 6.4 and 12.2;
• Increase the share of renewable energy through promoting off-grid renewables and
strengthening the role of an independent regulator: SDG target 7.2;
• Promote the private sector to enhance deployment of renewable energy solutions: SDG target
• Promote conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems through certification of forest
products, commercialization of production and processing of fuel wood, and promotion of
clean cooking technologies: SDG targets 12.2, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.5;
• Promote good governance through strengthening EAC as an independent regulator: SDG
targets 16.5 and 16.6.
59 | P a g e
this growth can be more resource-efficient, climate resilient, and socially inclusive. To help the GoM act
on this potential, this report provides thirteen tailored recommendations.
MITADER will play a central role in advancing Mozambique’s green growth agenda and in implementing
the recommendations outlined in this report. The ministry can act as a coordinator between different
government branches to foster a shared approach for sustainable rural development. In the areas under
its auspices, it is in a strong position to strengthen regulatory certainty to promote conservation and
attract investment. Beyond attracting finance and technical support from donors for specific initiatives,
MITADER can engage with stakeholders (producers, federations, buyers, processors, and financial
intermediaries) that have expressed interest in many areas (forest certification, renewable energy) to
explore business opportunities.
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GGPA Indicators
Energy Intensity indicates of how much energy is used to produce one unit of economic output. It is the ratio between total
Energy Energy Intensity MJ / unit primary energy supply (TPES) and GDP. TPES is defined as energy production plus energy imports, minus energy exports,
Intensity of the Economy GDP minus international bunkers, minus stock changes. GDP is measured at purchasing power parity. (GDP: 2011 USD PPP)
Energy Electricity losses refer to transmission and distribution losses. This includes both technical and non-technical losses.
Efficiency Technical losses are caused by physical characteristics of the grid and the electricity-generating system. The amount of
Transmission and
Resource- Efficient Growth
losses is mainly dependent on the size of the country (length of power lines), voltage of transmission and distribution and
Electricity Distribution quality of network. Transmission and distribution losses comprises all losses due to transport and distribution of electrical
% of output
Losses Loss Losses of energy, including losses in overhead transmission lines and distribution networks as well as losses in transformers which
Electricity are not considered as integral parts of the power plants. Non-technical losses mainly refer to electricity theft.
Material intensity refers to the quantity of material used to produce goods and services. It is the ratio between GDP and the
kg of
total amount of domestically extracted/produced materials (construction/industrial minerals, metal, ores, fossil fuels and
Material domestic
biomass). It does not account for any amounts of imported and exported materials.
Material Intensity SERI
Intensity consumption (flow type "Extraction" flow sub-type "Used" reference parameter "Per
/ unit GDP
GDP", GDP in constant 2005 USD)
Productivity Municipal solid waste is defined as the waste produced by households. It further includes similar waste generated by
commerce, offices and public institutions. The indicator is defined as the ratio between GDP (at constant 2010 USD) and
Municipal Solid
the amount of municipal solid waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities and disposed of through the waste
Waste Waste kg of waste / Dwaste,
management system. The indicator does not capture any informal waste collection.
Generation Generation unit GDP WB
Intensity (for municipal solid waste generation)
84 | P a g e
Recycling rate of municipal solid waste refers to the amount of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) recycled as a proportion of
Waste Recycling Rate of % of waste
total MSW generated and collected within the formal waste sector. Dwaste
Recycling Solid Waste generated
GDP/ m3 of Water productivity indicates how water intense a country’s economy. It is defined as GDP (in constant 2010 USD) divided
Water Water by the total annual freshwater withdrawal.
freshwater WB
Productivity Productivity
Agricultural land productivity is defined as agricultural production divided by total area of arable land under permanent
crops, and under permanent pastures. The economic value of agricultural output has been calculated by multiplying gross
production in physical terms by output prices at the farm gate. Since intermediate uses within the agricultural sector (seed
Land-use FAO
Agricultural Land Unit GDP / and feed) have not been subtracted from production data, this value of production aggregate refers to the notion of "gross
Productivity km2 production”. WB
(Agricultural) (gross production value constant 2004-2006)
Labor productivity is defined as the total volume of output (measured in terms of Gross Domestic Product, GDP) produced
per unit of labor (measured in terms of the number of employed persons) during a given time reference period. The
economically active population comprises all persons of either sex, ages 15 and older who furnish the supply of labor for
the production of economic goods and services as defined by the United Nations System of National Accounts during a
Labor Labor GDP /
specified time-reference period. ILO
Productivity Productivity worker
Indicator: Output per worker (GDP constant 2005 USD)
Logistic performance measures countries’ performance in six areas that capture the most important aspects of the current
Logistics 1 – 5 (higher
Logistics logistics environment (efficiency of customs clearance process, quality of trade- and transport-related infrastructure, ease of
Performance scores WB
Performance arranging competitively priced shipments, quality of logistics services, ability to track and trace consignments, as well as
Index indicate
frequency with which shipments reach the consignee within the scheduled time).
85 | P a g e
Technological readiness is a proxy to measure the agility with which an economy adopts existing technologies to enhance
the productivity of its industries, with specific emphasis on its capacity to fully leverage information and communication
technologies (ICTs) in daily activities and production processes for increased efficiency and enabling innovation for
1 – 7 (higher competitiveness. Whether the technology used has or has not been developed within national borders is irrelevant for its
scores ability to enhance productivity. The central point is that the firms operating in the country need to have access to advanced
Technological products and blueprints and the ability to absorb and use them. Among the main sources of foreign technology, FDI often
Technology indicate WEF
Readiness plays a key role, especially for countries at a less advanced stage of technological development
readiness) The index covers the following areas: (1) technological adoption (availability of latest technologies, firm-level technology
absorption, FDI and technology transfer), and (2) ICT use (internet users, broadband internet subscriptions, internet
bandwidth, mobile broadband subscriptions, mobile telephone subscriptions, fixed telephone lines).
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Coastal shelf fishing pressure is defined as the total catch from trawling and dredging equipment
Coastal Shelf Fishing divided by the total area of a country’s exclusive economic zone.
Fishing Pressure tonnes / km 2
Changes in forest cover capture the annual percent change in forest cover between 2005 and
2015. Forests are defined as land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters
Forest Cover and a canopy cover of more than 10%, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. Areas that
Changes in Forest Cover annual change (%) FAO
Changes are predominantly under agricultural or urban land use is not included.
The baseline water stress index measures water stress is defined as the ratio between total annual
Eco-Efficient Growth
Quantity 0 – 5 (higher scores water withdrawals (municipal, industrial, and agricultural) and total renewable supply. The index is
of Natural Water indicate greater based on a scale ranging 0 to 5. The index serves as a proxy for the level of competition among
Assets Water Stress users and depletion of the resource. Focusing on competition and depletion makes this indicator an
Consumption competition among
users) effective way to measure the hydrological context at the catchment scale.
Natural resource depletion is defined as the sum of net forest depletion, fossil fuel depletion, and
mineral depletion, as a percentage of gross national income (GNI). Net forest depletion is unit
resource rents times the excess of round wood harvest over natural growth. Fossil fuel depletion is
Natural Resource Natural Resource the ratio of the value of the stock of fossil fuel resources to the remaining reserve lifetime (capped
% of GNI WB
Depletion Depletion at 25 years). It covers coal, crude oil, and natural gas. Mineral depletion is the ratio of the value of
the stock of mineral resources to the remaining reserve lifetime (capped at 25 years). It covers tin,
gold, lead, zinc, iron, copper, nickel, silver, bauxite, and phosphate.
Number of threated This indicator serves as a proxy for measuring biodiversity and environmental conservation efforts.
Quality of
Endangered species in a country/ The indicator is defined as the number of threatened species, as defined by IUCN, in a country
Natural Threatened Species IUCN
Species number of threated divided by the number of threatened species worldwide.
species worldwide
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The Water Quality Index uses three parameters to determine the water quality of a country’s fresh
0 – 100 (higher scores water bodies, measuring nutrient levels (Dissolved Oxygen, Total Nitrogen, and Total Phosphorus)
Water Quality Water Quality Index and two parameters measuring water chemistry (pH and Conductivity). EPI
indicate higher quality)
The Trends in Soil Health Index measures the physical part related to loss of soil mass and
0 – 50 (higher scores
Trends in Soil Health structure; and the long-term chemical well-being of the soil in terms of nutrients and absence of
Soil Quality indicate better soil
toxicities built up.
The indicator measures the average exposure to PM2.5, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in
diameter. Three-year rolling population-weighted average of the PM2.5 values are used to calculate
Population-Weighted indicators for national annual average exposure to PM2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter.
Air Quality µg / m3
Population-weighted average exposure values are calculated using population data from the Global
Exposure to PM2.5
Rural Urban Mapping Project (2011) database.
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The CO2 emission trend captures a country’s annual growth rate in national emissions of
CO2 Emissions CO2 Emission Trend annual growth rate (%) CO2 over the latest five years available.
Carbon intensity is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide emissions (stemming from the
burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement) per unit of gross domestic
production (GDP in constant 2010 USD).
Climate Carbon Intensity Carbon Intensity kgCO2 / unit GDP
Renewable Energy Renewable Energy % of total electricity Renewable energy production refers to the share of electricity generated from renewable
Production output sources of energy within total electricity generation, including geothermal, solar, tidal, and
wind power, as well as electrify generated from biomass, and biofuels. It excludes
Annual changes in carbon stock, which is a quantity of carbon contained in a reservoir or
Carbon Stock Carbon Stock in Living annual change in million hydroelectric sources.
system of living forest biomass which has the capacity to accumulate or release carbon. FAO
Changes Forest Biomass tonnes
Climate change exposure indicates the degree to which a society and its supporting
sectors (defined as food, water, health, ecosystem, human habit and infrastructure). is
0 – 1 (higher scores exposed to significant climate change from a biophysical perspective. It is a component of
Exposure Climate Change Exposure vulnerability independent of socio economic context. Exposure reflects projected impacts
indicate higher exposure)
for the coming decades and are therefore invariant overtime.
Adaptation Climate change sensitivity indicates the degree to which a society and its supporting
sectors (defined as food, water, health, ecosystem, human habit and infrastructure) are
0 – 1 (higher scores
affected by climate related perturbations. The factors increasing sensitivity include the
Sensitivity Climate Change Sensitivity indicate higher
degree of dependency on sectors that are climate-sensitive and proportion of populations
sensitivity) sensitive to climate hazard due to factors such as topography and demography.
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Adaptive capacity to climate change reflects the ability of society and its supporting sectors
to adjust in order to reduce potential damage and to respond to the negative
0 – 1 (higher scores consequences of climate events. In ND-GAIN adaptive capacity indicators seek to capture
Adaptive Capacity to a collection of means, readily deployable to deal with sector-specific climate change
Adaptive Capacity indicate lower adaptive
Climate Change impacts. Indicators used for this index include (1) electricity access and (2) disaster
The poverty headcount ration indicates the percentage of the population living on less than
Poverty headcount ratio at
Poverty % of population $1.90 day. WB
$1.90 a day (2011 PPP)
Quality of The Healthy life expectancy (HLE) is used as a proxy to measure the overall health for a
Life population. The HLE indicates the average equivalent number of years of full health that a
Healthy Life Expectancy at
Health and Well-being years newborn could expect to live if they were to pass through life subject to the age-specific WHO
birth, total
death rates and average age-specific levels of health states for a given period.
The net primary enrollment rate is defined as the number of children enrolled in primary
school who belong to the age group that officially corresponds to primary schooling,
Education Net Primary Enrolment Rate % UNESCO
divided by the total population of the same age group.
The Gender Inequality Index measures gender inequality across three aspects of human
development: (1) reproductive health, measured by maternal mortality ratio and adolescent
Inequality Gender Inequality Gender Inequality Index (GII) UNDP
birth rates; (2) empowerment, measured by proportion of parliamentary seats occupied by
females and proportion of adult females and males aged 25 years and older with at least
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0 – 1 (higher scores some secondary education; and (3) economic status, expressed as labor market
indicate greater participation and measured by labor force participation rate of female and male populations
inequality) aged 15 years and older.
The GINI index measures the extent to which the distribution of income (or, in some cases,
0 – 100 (higher scores
consumption expenditure) among individuals or households within an economy deviates
Income Inequality GINI Index indicate greater WB
from a perfectly equal distribution.
The Corruption Perception Index scores and ranks countries/territories based on how
0 – 100 (higher scores corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be. It is a composite index based on a
Corruption Perception Index
Good Governance indicate lower levels of combination of surveys and assessments of corruption, compiled by a variety of reputable TI
corruption) institutions.
Public health expenditure consists of recurrent and capital spending from government
(central and local) budgets, external borrowings and grants (including donations from
international agencies and nongovernmental organizations), and social (or compulsory)
health insurance funds.
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About the Global Green Growth Institute
The Global Green Growth Institute was founded to support and promote a model of economic growth
known as “green growth”, which targets key aspects of economic performance such as poverty
reduction, job creation, social inclusion and environmental sustainability.
Headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea, GGGI also has representation in a number of partner
Member Countries: Australia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guyana, Hungary,
Indonesia, Jordan, Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay,
Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Vietnam
Operations: Cambodia, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Laos, Mexico, Mongolia,
Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Uganda, United
Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Vietnam
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Copyright © 2018
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