ActivityofDPP IVInhibitor
ActivityofDPP IVInhibitor
ActivityofDPP IVInhibitor
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Bandung, Indonesia, 2Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biology Research Group, University of General
Achmad Yani, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Po. Box. 148 Cimahi, Indonesia. Email:
Received: 01 February 2016, Revised and Accepted: 03 February 2016
Objective: The focus of this research is to determine the inhibitory activity of ethanol extracts from 20 plants that have been used traditionally in
Indonesia for the treatment of diabetes for dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory activity.
Methods: A crude drug was extracted by reflux methods using 96% ethanol for 1 hr. The assay was performed with modification methods of Al Masri
et al. using 96 micro well plates, and the absorbance was measured at 380 nm using the microplate reader. Sitagliptin was used as a standard inhibitor
Results: About 5 of 20 ethanol extracts showed the ability to inhibit DPP-IV activity in vitro at a concentration of 2.5 ug/ml. The active extract was
obtained from pomegranates rind, bungur leaves, brotowali stem, bodhi leaves, and fenugreek seeds. The inhibitory percentage of the fifth extract was
58.79±2.23, 60.22±2.01, 65.86±0.02, 68.98±1.95, and 71.29±0.33. The IC50 value of sitagliptin was 1.104 ug/ml.
Conclusion: The results of in vitro assay showed that some extract inhibited DPP-IV. The fenugreek seed showed the highest inhibition to DPP-IV.
INTRODUCTION inhibits the formation of glucagon and can slow gastric emptying.
GLP-1 to stimulate the regeneration and differentiation of pancreatic
Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem that requires serious beta cells [1,7,8]. The treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus based on
treatment. Based on the predictions of the International Diabetes incretin hormone is growing, especially sitagliptin. Sitagliptin has some
Federation (IDF), patients with diabetes around the world will increase advantages compare to other diabetes therapies such as lowering the
from 366 million, in 2011, to 552 million, in 2030. In Southeast Asia, it risk of hypoglycemia, weight loss and the potential for regeneration and
was predicted to increase from 71.4 million diabetics, in 2011, to 120. differentiation of pancreatic beta cells [7-9].
9 million, in 2030. Diabetes conditions that are not handled properly
quite serious complications such as cardiovascular disease, blindness, Plants as traditional medicine have been used in Indonesia for
and kidney damage; therefore, it requires a fairly serious treatment [1]. generations. Some herbs were known to be used in treating diabetes, and
some researches were carried out Coctus speciosus Smith, Arthocarpus
Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV, EC. was found, in 1966, under heterophyllus Lamk, Momordica charantia L., Ficus religiosa BL.,
the name glycylprolyl ß-naphthylamidase, which releases glycylprolin Annona squamosa L., Pterocarpus indica Willd, Allium sativum L., and
that produces ß-naphthylamine which can be detected by a colorimetric Trigonella foenum-graecum L. [9]. Some herbs that have been studied
method. DPP-IV is a group of serine proteases and present in high as an inhibitor of the enzyme DPP-IV in vitro include the leaves of
concentrations in the luminal membrane of intestinal epithelial cells. mango (Mangifera indica L.) and the bark of Berberis aristata [10,11].
DPP-IV work very rapidly degrades the incretin hormones which play However, a few experimental study report on the DPP-IV activities from
a role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. It is a peptide incretin Indonesian medicinal plants that had been used to lower blood glucose
hormone secreted by the intestinal epithelium and respond to oral level traditionally. In this research, screening inhibitory activities of
glucose. Incretin will increase insulin secretion by activation of a specific DPP-IV from 20 ethanol plant extract that has traditionally been used to
receptor on pancreatic beta cells. Glucagon-like-peptide-1 (GLP-1) and lower blood glucose levels. The assay was performed as Al Masri et al.
glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are metabolized with slight modifications, using 96 micro well plates and sitagliptin was
into an inactive form rapidly by the enzyme DPP-IV (about 1-2 minutes), used as a standard inhibitor.
and only about 10-15% of circulating actively stimulate the pancreas.
Activation of the GLP-1 receptor will cause a reduction in glucagon METHODS
secretion, inhibiting gastric emptying and induces a satiety [2,3].
A total of 20 plants of Indonesian traditional medicines were collected
The development of antidiabetic that works by activating the GLP-1 from several place in West Java, Indonesia. Euphorbia hirta L. from
was having problems, because GLP-1 is very rapidly degraded and Cianjur, Punica granatum, F. religiosa L. from Dago, Bandung. Swietenia
deactivated by the enzyme DPP-IV [4-6]. mahagoni King, Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall, Tithonia
diversifolia (Hemsley) A. Gray, M. charantia Descourt, Azadirachta indica
Inhibitor DPP-IV group is now widely used for treating type 2 diabetes A. Juss, Pterocarpus indicus Willd, Persea americana Mill, A. heterophyllus
mellitus. The FDA has approved sitagliptin as an important new therapy Lamk, Ruellia tuberosa L, Euphorbia cotinifolia, Lagerstroemia loudonii
for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, in 2006. DPP-IV inhibitors Teijsm & Bin, Tinospora crispa (L.) Miers, Smallanthus sonchifolius,
act by stimulating insulin secretion indirectly by increasing incretin C. speciosus, Merremia mammosa Hall.f., Physalis angulata L., from
hormones, GLP-1, and GIP. GLP-1 stimulates insulin biosynthesis, Manoko Garden, Lembang, and T. foenum-graecum L. A part of plant
Riyanti et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 2, 2016, 375-377
collecting based on empirical usages. The plant materials were washed, of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase. Compounds
dried, and grounded to small pieces. responsible for these activities were pentacyclic triterpenoids (oleonic
acid, arjunolic acid, asiatic acid, maslinic acid, corosolic acid, and
Chemical material 2,3-hydroxyurosolic acid). Traditionally, genus Lagerstroemia has
DPP4 from human, Gly-Pro-p-Nitroanilide (GPPN), Tris-HCl Buffer, all been used to treat several diseases such as diabetes, inflammation
chemicals purchased from Sigma. Sitagliptin standard (PT. Kimia Farma and hypertension [17,18]. Phytochemical screening of L. loudonii
Tbk, Indonesia). Teijsm. & Binn leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, quinones,
monoterpenoid and sesquiterpenoids, steroids and triterpenoids,
Preparation of extracts saponins and polyphenols. Oxidative stress is one of the major
Each crude drug was extracted by reflux methods using 96% ethanol etiologies in the pathogenesis and complications of type 2 diabetes.
for 1 hr. Reflux process was repeated up to 3 times; the extract was Antioxidant activities of the bungur leaves using 2,2-diphenyl-1-
evaporated to obtain a thick extract. picrylhydrazyl showed excellent result with EC50 14.63 μg/ml
and quercetin as a standard antioxidant have EC50 3.64 μg/ml.
DPP-IV assay (in vitro) Based on the biologycal activity and traditionally used in treating
The assay was performed based on Al Masri et al. [12] with slight diabetes of the genus Lagerstroemia and chemotaxonomic approach,
modifications. The assay was performed in micro well plates with 96 bungur (L. loudonii Teijsm & Binn) will continue to further research.
holes and read using microplate reader. Sitagliptin as a standard of Lagerstroemia, especially extract of L. speciosa L. showed in the in vivo
inhibitor DPP-IV was made in various concentrations (0.2; 0.4; 0.8; study are quite good as antidiabetic and can help you lose weight.
1.6; and 3.2 ug/ml) in a 50 mM Tris HCl buffer (pH 7.5) the volume Tannin molecules contained in L. speciosa extract, known as Banaba
used was 35 µl, The substrate was chromogenic GPPN (0.2 mM in Tris extract an estimated charge of its activity as a stimulator Insulin-like
HCl buffer pH 7.5), cleaved by DPP-IV a serine protease that releases Glucose Transport [19-21]. Sitagliptin as a standard DPP-IV inhibitor
paranitroanilide (pNA) a yellow colored product which was measured that is used as a therapeutic option in the treatment of type 2 diabetes
at 380 nm. The enzyme solution of DPP-IV (0.05 units/ml) 15 µl was mellitus has advantages to other diabetes therapies, which lowers the
added in micro well plates, and 35 µl of sample extracts with varying
concentrations were then incubated for 15 minutes at 37°C. Substrate
Table 1: List of plants and percentage of inhibitory activity of
GPPN 50 µl (0.5 mM) was added to the mixture solution and then
incubated for 30 minutes at 37°C. Glacial acetic acid 25% (25 µl) was dipeptidyl peptidase‑IV
added to the mixture to stop the enzymatic reaction; the absorbance
Name of plants Part of % Inhibition
was measured at 380 nm using the microplate reader. The total volume
of the solution in the micro-well plate is 125 mL. The results were
then compared with a negative control (without inhibitor). Tests were Cecendet (Physalis angulata L.) Leaves 13.94±4.08
performed for 3 times. One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the Pacing (Costus speciosus [J.Koning] sm) Leaves 25.92±21.60
amount of enzyme that catalyzed the release of 1 μ mol of pNA from the Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Herb 37.03±0.65
substrate/min in the experimental conditions. [Burm.f.] Wall. Ex Nees)
Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni King) Semen 38.88±22.25
Bidara Upas (Merremia mammosa Hall.f.) Rhizome 17.12±1.95
The percentage of inhibition was calculated using the following formula:
Paria (Momordica charantia Descourt) Semen 41.66±1.63
Mimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) Leaves 17.78±1.02
[absorbanceof control-absorbanceof inhibitor] Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) Laves 25.0±27.16
%inhibition= ×100
abssorbanceofcontrol Alpukat (Persea americana Mill) Semen 6.48±0.32
Nangka (Artocaarpus heterophyllus Lamk) Laves 30.55±4.90
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Kencana wungu (Ruellia tuberosa L.) Leaves 30.09±1.30
Mala (Euphorbia cotinifolia) Leaves 23.61±3.27
DPP-IV inhibitor Brotowali (Tinospora crispa Miers ex Hoff.f) Stem 65.86±1.02
The 20 plant extracts were determined for DPP-IV inhibitory activity. Bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. Laves 60.22±2.01
Some of the extracts gave good activities to inhibiting DPP-IV. Some & Bin)
parts of the plant used in this study were the leaves, fruits, seeds, Yakon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Laves 52.84±2.01
stems, and rind. The plants are selected based on empirical use in the Klabet (Trigonella foenum‑graecum L.) Semen 71.29±0.33
community in dealing with diabetes. The result of DPP-IV inhibition Bodhi (Ficus religiosa L.) Leaves 68.98±1.95
activity of 20 plant extracts was summarized in Table 1. The highest Paitan (Tithonia diersifolia (Hemsley) Leaves 16.8±1.34
inhibitory percentage was given by the ethanol extract of fenugreek A. Gray)
seeds of T. foenum-graecum L., followed successively by bodhi leaf Delima (Punica granatum) Rind 58.79±2.23
Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L.) Herb 33.52±0
F. religiosa L., brotowali T. crispa Miers ex Hoff.f, bungur leaves of
Sitagliptin 74.77±0.3
L. loudonii Teijsm. & Binn, and pomegranate rind P. granatum L.
The results explained inhibitory activities on DPP- IV and may have Value are given as mean±SD. SD: Standard deviation
therapeutic potential on type 2 diabetes. Other plant extracts exhibited
a very weak inhibitory activities. Inhibitory percentage of sitagliptin as Table 2: Standardization of crude drugs and extracts of
a standard inhibitor was 74.77±0.3 with IC50 1.104 µg/ml trigonelline
Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. & Binn leaves
is the major component of alkaloid fenugreek which has been used in
the treatment of diabetes traditionally. The phytochemical constituent Determination Result
present in Ficus can impart a significant antidiabetic effect, including
phytosterols, flavonoids, tannins and furanocoumarin derivatives Crude drugs Extract
(bergapten and bergaptol) [13,14]. Pomegranate is commercially (%w/w) (%w/w)
cultivated for its edible fruit. The some part of the pomegranate Content of total ash 9.51±0.54 2.31±0.43
plant has been investigated as antidiabetic effect. Components in Water‑soluble ash 2.58±0.19 2.24±0.28
pomegranate (punicalagin and ellagic, gallic, oleanic, ursolic and Acid‑insoluble ash 3.39±0.16 0.82±0.68
uallic acids) were found to have antidiabetic effect [15,16]. Bungur Cotent of water 6.13±0.80(v/w) 14.27±0.84 (v/w)
(L. loudonii Teism. & Binn) belongs to the genus Lagerstroemia and Water‑soluble extractable 17.48±0.53 ‑
family Lythraceae. Other species from the same genus is L. speciosa L. Ethanol‑soluble extractable 14.32±0.83 ‑
was investigated as antidiabetic and capable of inhibiting the activity Value are given as mean±SD. SD: Standard deviation
Riyanti et al.
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