Farmakoterapi LN - 4
Farmakoterapi LN - 4
Farmakoterapi LN - 4
Diabetes is a disease in which the body’s respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, causing abnormal
metabolism of carbohydrates as a result of which glucose level elevated in the blood. Three types of diabetes
are there:
(1) Type 1- It is chronic medical condition where the pancreas produces small or no insulin
(2) Type 2- It is chronic medical condition that the body becomes resistant to insulin
(3) Gestational diabetes - This condition is due to insulin-blocking hormones produced during pregnancy. [1]
According to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation) report, India, china and United states have higher
rates of most cases of Diabetes. Around 470 million adults (18-80 years) worldwide were living with Diabetes.
The total number of diabetes patients is likely to be more than double in 2040. [2]
Alloxan which is an organic compound also known as 5, 5-dihydroxyl pyrimi-dine-2, 4, 6-trione, a urea
derivative, cytotoxic and carcinogenic glucose analogue. The molecular formula of this compound is C4H2N2O4
and a relative molecular mass of Alloxan is used to introduced diabetes in mice. [3, 4] Kalmegh (Andrographis
paniculata) is commonly known as “king of bitter” and it is belonging in family Acanthaceae. It is used to treat a
variety of infectious and chronic diseases as well as Diabetes. A. paniculata is one of the most commonly used
medicinal plants and it is found in part of Asia and European countries. This local plant that are potentially
developed as antidiabetic agents. [5] This study was aimed to explore antidiabetic effect of herbal extract of A.
paniculate in alloxan-induced mice. Diabetic condition was introduced with an intraperitoneal injection of
120mg/kgBW alloxan monohydrate in the mice. After constant diabetic condition, the mice were administered
with the extract for 10 consecutive days. Andrographis paniculata is known for its curative and preventive
properties as whole plant is used such as stem, roots and leaves, which is the source of several diterpenoids of
which andrographolide is important constituent which shows the Antidiabetic activity. Recent experiments
have also shown that it’s has some antibiotic and antityphoid activity. The aerial part and leaves of plant are
used in treatment of diabetes, jaundice, liver disease, fever, diabetes, snake bite, dysentery, sore throat and
chronic malaria. [4]
In India, the whole plant is used to acquire andrographolide, the most important pharmacologically active
compound. Having such a broad geographical distribution and important medicinal value of this plant all over
the country, its undiscriminating collection from wild sources without compensating any attention towards its
II (120mg/kg ip) 89± 2.83 210±6.37 270± 3.40 274±1.78
III (Alloxan +Glimipride) 92 ±1.86 190±13.26 154± 2.31 98± 2.90
(5mg/kg i.o)
IV (Alloxan + A.paniculata) 86± 2.13 182± 3.86 110±2.49 81± 2.26
(400mg/kg i.o)
Values are expressed as Mean SEM; (n=5); Significance relative to control: ***p< 0.001
Figure -1: Effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of Andrographis paniculata in Alloxan induced rat at ‘0’days
Figure -2: Effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of Andrographis paniculata on Alloxan induced rat ‘3’ days
Blood glucose level(mg/dl)
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ab Di
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7 days of Treatment
Figure -3: Effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of Andrographis paniculata on Alloxan induced rat ‘7’ days
Figure -4: Effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of Andrographis paniculata in Alloxan induced rat at ‘10’ days