Anti Diabetic Activity of Diplococus Palmatus IJPER Paper
Anti Diabetic Activity of Diplococus Palmatus IJPER Paper
Anti Diabetic Activity of Diplococus Palmatus IJPER Paper
Centre for Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shobhit University, Modipuram, Meerut
The anti-diabetic activity of methanolic extract of seed of Diplocyclos palmatus Linn. (Cucurbetaceae) was evaluated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.
Methanolic extract of the seed (150 mg/kg body weight), was administered orally to male Swiss albino mice. Streptozotocin was used to induce diabetes
mellitus. The anti-diabetic potential was assessed by determining oral glucose tolerance, fasting blood glucose, urine glucose, liver glycogen content, serum
lipid profile, change in body weight and histopathology. Methanolic seed extract was administered to normal and experimental diabetic mice for 15 days.
Significant (p < 0.001) reduction in fasting blood glucose levels was observed in the treated diabetic animals from day 7 onwards. In oral glucose tolerance test,
reduction of fasting blood glucose levels was noted after 60 min of extract administration. After 15 days of treatment with extracts the maximum reduction in
fasting blood glucose (53.87%) was observed in diabetic mice treated with methanolic extract 150 mg/kg. Serum lipid levels reversed towards near normal and
the loss of body weight was controlled in treated mice as compared to diabetic control. The extract treatment also showed a significant increase in the liver
glycogen content and gradual decrease in level of urine sugar level. Microscopically examined pancreas section of mice treated with 150 mg/kg methanolic
extract showed normal architecture of pancreas. The results demonstrate that seed of Diplocyclos palmatus possesses significant anti-diabetic activity. The
results suggest that Diplocyclos palmatus has anti-diabetic activity, thereby justifying its traditional use. The plant may be used in present day systems of
medicine as an anti-diabetic drug.
Keywords: Diplocyclos palmatus, Seeds, Streptozotocin, Diabetes.
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 352
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
Herbarium of National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Drug solution: The extract was emulsified in 0.5% w/v
(NBPGR) Pusa Campus, New Delhi. Seeds of plant were air aqueous solution of tween-80. Glibenclamide (Aventis
dried in the shade and coarsely powdered in a grinder. Pharma Ltd. Goa) was used as a standard drug. Streptozotocin
Preparation of extract:: The aqueous, methanolic and was dissolved in citrate buffer (pH 4.5).
petroleum ether extracts were prepared by extracting 100 gm Induction of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
of air dried powder in a Soxhlet apparatus (Perfit, India) (NIDDM): NIDDM was induced in overnight fasted mice
which were further subjected to successive extraction using weighing 20-30 g by intraperitoneal administration of
petroleum ether (40-60°c), methanol and distilled water. streptozotocin (Sigma chemical Co. USA) solution prepared
Subsequently, the extracts were filtered; concentrated and in 0.1 M citrate buffer pH = 4.5 at the dose of 60 mg/kg body
dried using Rotary Vacuum Evaporator (Perfit, India) under weight. Diabetes was confirmed by the determination of
reduced pressure at ≤ 50°c temperature (yield 2.88, 3.62, fasting glucose concentration on the third day post
4.33 % respectively) and the residue was stored in desiccator administration of streptozotocin. Blood samples were
till subsequent use. collected after 1h of administration of streptozotocin on 1st, 4th,
Preliminary phytochemical screening: Preliminary 7th, 10th and 15thday. Elevation in blood glucose level was
phytochemical screening was carried out according to the found to be constant throughout 15 days. Serum glucose level
was determined by glucometer. Mice having serum glucose
method described by Kokate, et al8.
level between 300-400 mg/dl were selected for further study.
Animals: Swiss albino mice of either sex, weighing 25-30 g
Oral glucose tolerance test: The oral glucose tolerance test
were procured from Indian Toxicological Research Centre,
was performed in overnight fasted (18 h) normal mice. Mice
Lucknow. They were housed individually in polypropylene
divided into three groups, each consisting of six mice were
cages, maintained under standard conditions (12 hours light/
administered distilled water (10 ml/kg), glibenclamide (10
12 hours dark cycle, 25 ±1, 45-55% relative humidity). The
mg/kg, p.o.), MESDP (150 mg/kg, p.o.). Glucose (Central
animals were fed with standard rat pellet chow (Ashirwad
Drug House New Delhi) (2.5 g/kg, p.o.) was fed 0.5 h after the
Animal Feed Industries, Punjab, India) and tap water ad
administration of extract. Blood samples were collected by
libitum. All the animals were acclimatized for seven days
the tail-vein method just prior to the drug administration
before the study. The experimental protocol was approved by
Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) (normal fasting) and at the time intervals of 0, 30, 60 and 120
1279/ac/09/CPCSEA/05. m after glucose loading. Blood glucose level was measured
immediately by using glucose oxidase-peroxidase reactive
Sample collection: After completing the treatment of 2 strips and a glucometer (Dr. Morepen, Tai Doc Technology
weeks, the mice were anesthetized by diethylether and Corporation, Taiwan).
sacrificed. Blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture
method and intermediately by tail vein method and blood Assessment of anti-diabetic activity of methanolic seeds
glucose levels were estimated using Dr. Morepen Glucometer extract of Diplocyclos palmatus: Mice were made diabetic by
(Tai Doc Technology Corporation, Taiwan). For intraperitoneal administration of streptozotocin at the dose of
histopathological studies, pancreas and the liver were 60 mg/kg. Treatment with plant extract was started 48 h after
dissected out immediately and transferred into 10% formalin. streptozotocin injection. Blood samples were withdrawn at
three day intervals till the end of study (i.e. 2 weeks).
Experimental design: All the animals were randomly divided
into the four groups with six animals in each group. Group I, Effect of methanolic seeds extract of Diplocyclos palmatus
II, III were administered vehicle (10 ml/kg distilled water), (MESDP) on lipid profile: Blood samples were collected by
diabetic agent {streptozotocin (60 mg/kg, i.p.)} + vehicle (10 the cardiac puncture method, in the centrifuge tubes and
ml/kg, p.o. distilled water), standard {glibenclamide (10 allowed to clot for 30 m at room temperature. Blood samples
mg/kg, p.o.)} respectively. Pilot study was carried out for were centrifuged (R-8C Laboratory centrifuge, Remi India) at
selection of dose of methanolic extract. Group IV was treated 3000 rpm for 20 m. Serum was separated as supernatant and
with STZ (streptozotocin) + MESDP (methanolic seeds stored at – 20°c until analysis.
extract of Diplocyclos palmatus). The experimental group determination of triglyceride levels: Triglyceride was
was subdivided in such a manner that all sub groups estimated by method of Wako and the modifications by
concurrently received STZ (60 mg/kg, i.p.) and either McGowan and Fossati method using Accurex, triglyceride
methanolic extract of Diplocyclos palmatus seeds (150 determination kit. Working reagent was prepared by
mg/kg, p.o.) or the glibenclamide (10 mg/kg, p.o.) or vehicle. dissolving contents of reagent 2 enzymes [lipoprotein lipase,
The above treatment was given daily for 2 weeks. glycerol kinase, glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase, peroxidase, 4-
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 353
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 354
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
the most reliable results. To each tube, 5 volumes of 95 Where, DU = Optical density of the unknown, DS = Optical
percent ethanol were added with careful blowing. This was density of the standard, 0.1 = mg of glucose in 2 ml of standard
checked by noting the absence of an interface. The tubes were solution, 0.9 = factor for converting glucose value to glycogen
capped with clean rubber stoppers and allowed to stand value.
overnight at room temperature. After precipitation was
Histopathological studies: Isolated pancreas was preserved
completed, the tubes were centrifuged at 3000 r.p.m. for 15 m.
in 10 % formalin for 24 h. Pancreas was fixed in Bouin's fluid
The clear liquid was gently decanted from the packed
and cut in section of 3–5 μm thickness and stained by
glycogen and the tubes were allowed to drain in an inverted
hematoxyline-eosin stain. The photomicrographs of each
position for 10 m.
tissue section were taken using electron microscope.
The glycogen was dissolved by adding 2 ml of distilled water,
Statistical analysis: Values are presented as mean ± standard
the water being added in a manner that was washed down the
deviation for groups of six animals. The results were analyzed
sides of the tube. Blank reagent was prepared by pipetting 2
by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post
ml of water into a clean centrifuge tube. A standard was
hoc Dunnett's multiple comparison test. Differences between
prepared by pipetting 2 ml of standard glucose solution,
means were considered to be statistically significant at (p<
containing 0.1 mg of glucose, into a similar tube. At this point
10 ml of anthrone reagent was delivered into the centre of the
each tube with vigorous, but consistent, blowing to ensure RESULTS
good mixing. As each tube received anthrone reagent, it was Phytochemical testing: Preliminary phytochemical
tightly capped with an air condenser and placed in a cold tap screening revealed that saponins were present in all extracts
water bath. After the temperature of all tubes had reached the while alkaloid, carbohydrates, flavanoids, triterpenoids and
temperature of cold water, they were immersed in a boiling phenolic compounds were present in methanolic extract.
water bath to a depth a little above the level of the liquid in the Amino acids were present only in aqueous extract. Fat and
tubes for 15 m and then removed from water bath and cooled fixed oils were found only in petroleum extract.
to room temperature. The tubes and stoppers were wiped dry
and the contents of each tube were transferred to a calorimeter Fasting blood glucose determination: The effect of
tube and the absorbance was read at 620 nm after adjusting the treatment of the extracts on fasting blood glucose levels is
calorimeter with the blank reagent. Care was taken to avoid depicted in Table No. 1. Glibenclamide (GBC) treated
introduction of lint or contaminating carbohydrate into the diabetic mice of standard group III showed significant
anthrone reaction. The calculation of glycogen content was reduction in blood glucose values on day 1, 4, 7, 10 and 15
respectively in comparison to diabetic control group II. This
done by using the following formula13.
indicated that the GBC treatment successfully reduced the
blood glucose levels in the diabetic mice towards the normal
level in 15 days. Similarly, MESDP treated diabetic group IV
DU Volume of Extract
showed significant reduction in blood glucose values on day
x 0.1 x x 100 x 0.9 = mg. of glycogen per 1, 4, 7, 10 and 15 respectively as compared with diabetic
DS 100gm. of Tissue
100gm. of tissue control group II. This indicated that the MESDP treatment
could reduce the blood glucose levels in the diabetic mice
towards the normal level in the 15 days of study.
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 355
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
Keys: (+) = mild, (++) = moderate, (+++) = higher, (++++) = severe, MESDP = methanolic extract of Diplocyclos palmatus seed,
STZ = streptozotocine, GBC= glibenclamide.
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 356
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
Change in body weight: The body weight was slightly Histopathology: Photomicrographs showed normal
increased (28 ± 1.22 g) in the normal control group I as architecture of pancreas with acini of serous epithelial cells
compared to initial body weight. Whereas in diabetic control along with nest of endocrine cells separated by
group II, there was marked decrease (24.5 ± 0.5 g) in the body fibrocollagenous, stroma into lobules of vehicle-treated mice
(Fig.1a). Extensive damage to the acini of serous epithelial
weight. Group III treated glibenclamide and the group IV
cells and islets of langerhans (Fig.1b), restoration of normal
pretreated with MESDP increased body weight significantly architecture of pancreas with acini of serous epithelial cells by
to 27.5 ± 1 g (p< 0.01) and 27.58 ± 0.58 g (p< 0.05) glibenclamide (Fig.1c) are also shown. The partial restoration
respectively. Although there was a marginal reduction in the of normal cellular population and normal architecture of
body weight of animals in these groups, compared to the final pancreas with acini of serous epithelial cells along with nest
weight of normal control mice (Table No.6). of endocrine cells separated by fibrocollagenous, stroma into
a. Control: Distilled water (10 ml/kg, p.o) b. Diabetic control: STZ (60 mg/kg, i.p.)
Ind J Pharm Edu Res, Oct-Dec, 2012/ Vol 46/ Issue 4 357
Jaynarayan Tripathi et al. Anti-diabetic activity of Diplocyclos palmatus
lobules was shown by methanol extract. No fibrosis or reached its maximum at 120 m. Administration of the extract
inflammation was noted (Fig. 1d). to diabetic mice showed a significant decrease in the fasting
blood glucose. Hence, the possible mechanism of anti-
hyperglycemic action of MESDP is the potentiation of the
The aim of present study was to investigate the anti-diabetic insulin effects of plasma by increasing either the pancreatic
potential of methanolic extract of seed of Diplocyclos secretion of insulin from the existing beta cells or by its
palmatus (MESDP), using STZ-induced diabetic mice release from the bound form.
model. Hyperglycaemia produced by STZ exhibited marked
The decrease in hepatic glycogen content in diabetes is
increase in serum triglycerides and total cholesterol. Under
probably due to lack of insulin in the diabetic state which
normal conditions, the enzyme lipoprotein lipase hydrolyses
results in the inactivation of glycogen synthase enzyme15. The
triglycerides. Diabetes mellitus results in failure to activate
significant increase in the glycogen content of the treated
this enzyme thereby causing hypertriglyceridemia. Elevated
groups may be because of reactivation of the glycogen
serum total cholesterol, triglycerides and decreased high
synthase enzyme. Hence, improvement of glycogenesis may
density lipoprotein level were observed in diabetic control
be another probable way of anti-diabetic action16. The anti-
mice. Chronic administration of the extract for 15 days to the
hyperglycemic activity caused by glibenclamide and MESDP
STZ-induced diabetic mice significantly (p < 0.05) produced
in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice indicates
a fall in blood glucose level and lipid profile. Hence the
normalization of serum lipid profile and stimulation of insulin
methanolic extract may be considered to have good anti-
secretion from beta cells. Flavonoids, sterols/triterpenoids,
hyperglycemic activity and did not cause any hypoglycemic
alkaloids and phenolic compounds are known to be bioactive
effect unlike insulin and other synthetic drugs. Normalization
anti-diabetic principles17. Flavonoids are known to regenerate
of the blood glucose level resulted in significant reduction in
the damaged beta cells in the alloxan-induced diabetes in
the level of serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The anti-
rats18. Phenolic compounds are found to be effective anti-
hyperglycemic activity caused by glibenclamide and MESDP
in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice indicates hyperglycemic agents19. The anti-diabetic effect of MESDP
normalization of serum lipid profile and stimulation of insulin may be due to the presence of more than one anti-
secretion from beta cells. The observed hypolipidaemic effect hyperglycemic constituent and their synergistic properties.
may be because of decreased cholesterogenesis and fatty acid CONCLUSION
synthesis. Significant lowering of total cholesterol and
It is thus concluded that Diplocyclos palmatus (MESDP) has
elevation of HDL cholesterol are very desirable biochemical
promising anti-diabetic effect, which potentially improved
states for prevention of atherosclerosis and ischemic
abnormalities of diabetic conditions in streptozotocin-
induced diabetic mice. The probable hypoglycemic effect of
In diabetic control group, the characteristic loss of body MESDP may be attributed to increase in serum and pancreatic
weight is caused by an increase in muscle wasting and loss of insulin levels. However, longer duration studies on chronic
tissue proteins14. The difference in the body weight observed models are required to elucidate the exact anti-diabetic
during the period of treatment of the mice treated with mechanism of action. As well as there is a need to isolate
MESDP was less as compared to the diabetic control group, bioactive principles which can be developed as potent anti-
which may be due to its protective effect in controlling muscle diabetic drug.
wasting, i.e. reversal of gluconeogenesis and may also be due REFERENCES
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