Steel End/Base Plate & Anchor Bolts Analysis & Design

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Per AISC 14th Edition Manual (LRFD) and ACI 318-11 Appendix D e = M/P 1. Program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 14th Edition Manual (LRFD) & ACI 318M-11 Appendix D
For Shear, Axial Tension or Compression with or without Moment 2. Program uses a "cubic equation" method of solution for column base plates subjected to axial compre. or tension load with major axis column bending
Job Name: Boiler Building Subject: CP3 as presented in "Design of Welded Structures" - by Omer W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation), pages 3.3-6 to 3.3-10.
Job Number: 5439-SFMCJ-B08.02 Originator: R.G Checker: M.Y 3. The total number of anchor bolts on both sides of the column flanges is 'NY'. Anchor bolts must be in only 4 rows, one row only outside of each column flange.
f 4. Permitted anchor bolt diameters are: M10, M12, M14, M16, M18, M20, M22, M24, M27, M30, M33, M36, M39, M42, M45, M48, M52, M56, M60, M64, M68.
Input Data: Ca1 SX 5. For case of concentric axial compression load without moment:
General Properties: P = -P (which was input) for use in equations below
Column Section UC 203x203x46 Ca2 fp = P/(N*B) , m = (N-0.95*d)/2 , n = (B-0.8*bf)/2 , n' = √(d*bf)/4 , x = 4*fp*d*bf/((d+bf)^2*Fp) < 1.0 , l = 2*(1-√(1-q))/√(q) <= 1.0
Column Shape Box Section tp = 2*c*√(fp/fy) , where: c = maximum of: m, n, or ln'
Pedestal, ha= 1700 mm 6. For case of axial load (compression or tension) plus moment resulting in anchor bolt tension, with eccentricites (e) as shown below:
Pedestal, f'c= 45 N/mm2 Vu SY tp P = -P (which was input) for use in equations below
Tension Rft. Yes D.5.2.9 ABS(e) = M/P > N/2-Xc/3 (for P = compression) , ABS(e) = M/P > N/2-ED1 (for P = tension)
Shear Rft. Yes D.6.2.9 fpmax G = Es/Ec = 200000/(4700*√(f'c)) , As = (NY)*Ase
Base Plate, fy= 345 N/mm2 nY = 2 Xc 3 2
Xc + 3(e-N/2)Xc + 6AsMR/B(f+e)Xc - 6AsG/B(N/2+f)(f+e) = 0 , and solve cubic equation for Xc
Plate Thick, tp= 32 mm T/NY T = -P(N/2-Xc/3-e)/(N/2-Xc/3+f) , Tb = T/(NY) , fp(max) = 2(P+T)/(XcB)
Anchor Bolt/Rod Data: N 7. Plate bending is calculated due to both plate bearing stress and anchor bolt tension, where effective plate width used for anchor bolt tension is as follows:
hef= 375 mm Column Properties: Column Properties: be = Minimum of: (m-EDX) or (B-2EDY)/(2(NY-1)) + Minimum of: (m-EDX) or (B-2EDY)/(2(NY-1)) or EDY (Note: NY = either 2, 3 or 4 bolts)
Ca1= 150 mm A = 5.9E+03 mm2 A = 29000 mm2 EDX 8. For interaction of anchor bolt tension and shear, this program follows the ACI 318M-11 Appendix D.7
Ca2= 150 mm d = 203.2 mm d= 500 mm 9. tp min = max(m/4 or n/4) to insure a rigid base plate assumption is valid
SX= 300 mm tw = 7.200 mm tw = 30 mm be n 10. The anchors furthest from the edge perpendicular to the shear force are subjected to 100% of shear
SY= 300 mm bf = 203.600 mm bf = 500 mm 11. Anchors washer shall be tack-welded to The plate to transfer shear to all anchor bolts, the breakout prism could be assumed to form from the back anchors per RD6.2.2
E.DX= 100 mm tf = 11.000 mm tf = 30 mm 12. Predominantly high cycle fatigue or impact loads are not covered
E.DY= 100 mm B 0.8b 13. Base plate and anchors layout is symmetric about each major axis
e'V = 0 mm Ase= 817 mm2 Ase= 561 mm2 14. Sleeveless Anchor bolts/studs
eh= 135 mm Abrg= 2100 mm2 Abrg= 1458 mm2 n 15. Un-Torqued Anchors are used
Anchor Type Headed Bolt futa= 520 N/mm2 futa= 820 N/mm2 16. When anchorage Rft. option is used, the programe will exclude the concrete shear breakout capacity from interaction check, assuming that The required Rft. will be designed to satisfy fVr < fVn
Bolt Head Type Heavy Hex 17. When anchorage Rft. option is used, the programe will exclude The concrete tension breakout capacity from interaction check, assuming that The required Rft. will be designed to satisfy fNr < fNn
da= M36 mm m 0.95d m
Ase= Auto
Abrg= Auto
futa= Auto Ignore side-face blowout since hef < 2.5Ca1 or Smax > 6Ca1 D5.4.1
Anchor Steel Ductile Reduce spacing btw. bolts to act as a group for II concrete breakout in shear
Bolt Grade Grade 55.0 N/mm2 Reduce spacing btw. bolts to act as a group for T concrete breakout in shear
Design Reduction Factors: Case 1: No supplementary reinforcement, or edge
Grout Pad Yes reinforcement smaller than 12mm bar.
Case 2: Supplementary reinforcement of 12mm bar or
Supplement Rft. Yes D.4.3, D6.2.7
greater between the anchor and the edge.
Concrete Type Normal Case 2 Case 3: Supplementary reinforcement of 12mm bar or
Conc. Cracked Yes D.5.2.6, D5.3.6, D.6.2.7 greater betwwen the anchor and the edge, with the
SDC > C Yes D.3.3.1-D.3.3.7 supplementary Rft. enclosed withing stirrups spaced at not
E > 0.2U Yes D., D. more than 100mm
Tensile Faliure Option D D.
Shear Faliure Option C D.

Column Loads Base Plate Design Summary Anchor Design for Tension Summary Anchor Design for Shear Summary
Load Maximum Load Condition Eccentricities Bearing Pressure Check Plate Thk. Check Steel Strength in Tension Breakout Strength in Tension Pullout Strength Side-Face Blowout Strength Steel Strength in Shear Breakout Strength in Shear Pryout Strength in Shear
Combination Axial Shear Moment Eccentricity Brg Length fpmax Fp S.R. = tp S.R. = f fNs S.R. = f fNcbg S.R. = f fNpn S.R. = f fNnsbg S.R. = f fVsa S.R. = f fVcbg S.R. = f fVcbg S.R. = S.R. =
P V M e Xc actual allowable fpmax/Fp req'd tpreq'd/tp Nu/fNs Nu/fNcbg Nu/fNpn Nu/fNnsbg Vu/fVsa Vu/fVcbg Vu/fVcbg (Vu/fVr)

kN kN kN-m mm mm MPa MPa mm kN kN kN kN kN kN kN +(Nu/fNr)
237 U05 DW01P 501 3 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 28.4 0.89 0.75 318.6 0.39 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.32 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.21
237 U05 DW01P 424 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 26.1 0.82 0.75 318.6 0.33 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.27 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
221 U04 W01P 418 3 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 25.9 0.81 0.75 318.6 0.33 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.26 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.16
221 U04 W01P 313 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 22.4 0.70 0.75 318.6 0.25 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.20 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
412 U07 DEH12 173 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.7 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.14 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.04
416 U07 DEH16 173 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.7 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.14 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.04
428 U07 DEH28 173 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.7 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.14 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.04
432 U07 DEH32 173 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.7 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.14 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.04
411 U07 DEH11 169 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.5 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.13 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
415 U07 DEH15 169 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.5 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.13 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
427 U07 DEH27 169 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.5 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.13 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
431 U07 DEH31 169 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 16.5 0.52 0.75 318.6 0.13 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.11 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
410 U07 DEH10 125 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 14.2 0.44 0.75 318.6 0.10 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.08 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
414 U07 DEH14 125 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 14.2 0.44 0.75 318.6 0.10 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.08 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
426 U07 DEH26 125 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 14.2 0.44 0.75 318.6 0.10 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.08 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
430 U07 DEH30 125 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 14.2 0.44 0.75 318.6 0.10 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.08 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
409 U07 DEH09 112 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 13.4 0.42 0.75 318.6 0.09 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.07 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
413 U07 DEH13 112 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 13.4 0.42 0.75 318.6 0.09 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.07 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
425 U07 DEH25 112 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 13.4 0.42 0.75 318.6 0.09 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.07 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
429 U07 DEH29 112 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 13.4 0.42 0.75 318.6 0.09 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.07 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
411 U07 DEH11 71 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 10.7 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.06 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
415 U07 DEH15 71 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 10.7 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.06 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
427 U07 DEH27 71 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 10.7 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.06 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
431 U07 DEH31 71 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 10.7 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.06 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
62 U06 EH12 60 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.01
66 U06 EH16 60 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.01
78 U06 EH28 60 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.01
82 U06 EH32 60 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.01
412 U07 DEH12 59 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
416 U07 DEH16 59 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
428 U07 DEH28 59 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A

by Mohd Yousef
Column Loads Base Plate Design Summary Anchor Design for Tension Summary Anchor Design for Shear Summary
Load Maximum Load Condition Eccentricities Bearing Pressure Check Plate Thk. Check Steel Strength in Tension Breakout Strength in Tension Pullout Strength Side-Face Blowout Strength Steel Strength in Shear Breakout Strength in Shear Pryout Strength in Shear
Combination Axial Shear Moment Eccentricity Brg Length fpmax Fp S.R. = tp S.R. = f fNs S.R. = f fNcbg S.R. = f fNpn S.R. = f fNnsbg S.R. = f fVsa S.R. = f fVcbg S.R. = f fVcbg S.R. = S.R. =
P V M e Xc actual allowable fpmax/Fp req'd tpreq'd/tp Nu/fNs Nu/fNcbg Nu/fNpn Nu/fNnsbg Vu/fVsa Vu/fVcbg Vu/fVcbg (Vu/fVr)

kN kN kN-m mm mm MPa MPa mm kN kN kN kN kN kN kN +(Nu/fNr)
432 U07 DEH32 59 -1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.8 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.05 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
61 U06 EH11 55 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.4 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.04 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
65 U06 EH15 55 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.4 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.04 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
77 U06 EH27 55 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.4 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.04 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
81 U06 EH31 55 -2 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 9.4 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.04 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.04 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
238 U05 DW01N 35 -3 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 7.5 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.03 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.02 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.00
244 U05 DW04N 35 -3 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 7.5 0.23 0.75 318.6 0.03 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.02 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 0.00
205 U03 LRW01P 30 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 7.0 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.02 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.02 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
239 U05 DW02P 20 5 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.7 0.18 0.75 318.6 0.02 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.02 0.00
241 U05 DW03P 20 5 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.7 0.18 0.75 318.6 0.02 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.02 0.00
60 U06 EH10 18 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.3 0.17 0.75 318.6 0.01 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
64 U06 EH14 18 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.3 0.17 0.75 318.6 0.01 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
76 U06 EH26 18 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.3 0.17 0.75 318.6 0.01 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
80 U06 EH30 18 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 5.3 0.17 0.75 318.6 0.01 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.01 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
59 U06 EH09 5 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 2.8 0.09 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
63 U06 EH13 5 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 2.8 0.09 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
75 U06 EH25 5 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 2.8 0.09 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
79 U06 EH29 5 1 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 2.8 0.09 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
240 U05 DW02N 2 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 1.8 0.06 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
242 U05 DW03N 2 0 0.0 0.0 0.00 29.84 0.00 1.8 0.06 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 126.8 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
241 U05 DW03P -3 2 0.0 500.0 0.01 29.84 0.00 1.4 0.04 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
239 U05 DW02P -3 2 0.0 500.0 0.01 29.84 0.00 1.5 0.05 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
243 U05 DW04P -22 2 0.0 500.0 0.09 29.84 0.00 4.0 0.12 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
222 U04 W01N -51 -3 0.0 500.0 0.20 29.84 0.01 6.1 0.19 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
228 U04 W04N -52 -3 0.0 500.0 0.21 29.84 0.01 6.1 0.19 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
244 U05 DW04N -53 0 0.0 500.0 0.21 29.84 0.01 6.2 0.19 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
238 U05 DW01N -53 0 0.0 500.0 0.21 29.84 0.01 6.2 0.19 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
223 U04 W02P -66 4 0.0 500.0 0.27 29.84 0.01 7.0 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
225 U04 W03P -67 4 0.0 500.0 0.27 29.84 0.01 7.0 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
61 U06 EH11 -69 1 0.0 500.0 0.28 29.84 0.01 7.1 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
65 U06 EH15 -69 1 0.0 500.0 0.28 29.84 0.01 7.1 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
77 U06 EH27 -69 1 0.0 500.0 0.28 29.84 0.01 7.1 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
81 U06 EH31 -69 1 0.0 500.0 0.28 29.84 0.01 7.1 0.22 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
251 U05 DW08P -80 1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.6 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
224 U04 W02N -80 0 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
226 U04 W03N -81 0 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
62 U06 EH12 -81 -1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
66 U06 EH16 -81 -1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
78 U06 EH28 -81 -1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
82 U06 EH32 -81 -1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
205 U03 LRW01P -81 1 0.0 500.0 0.32 29.84 0.01 7.7 0.24 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
403 U07 DEH03 -90 -2 0.0 500.0 0.36 29.84 0.01 8.1 0.25 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
407 U07 DEH07 -90 -2 0.0 500.0 0.36 29.84 0.01 8.1 0.25 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
419 U07 DEH19 -90 -2 0.0 500.0 0.36 29.84 0.01 8.1 0.25 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
423 U07 DEH23 -90 -2 0.0 500.0 0.36 29.84 0.01 8.1 0.25 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
404 U07 DEH04 -96 -2 0.0 500.0 0.38 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
408 U07 DEH08 -96 -2 0.0 500.0 0.38 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
420 U07 DEH20 -96 -2 0.0 500.0 0.38 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
424 U07 DEH24 -96 -2 0.0 500.0 0.38 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
249 U05 DW07P -96 1 0.0 500.0 0.38 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
245 U05 DW05P -97 -1 0.0 500.0 0.39 29.84 0.01 8.4 0.26 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
227 U04 W04P -105 2 0.0 500.0 0.42 29.84 0.01 8.8 0.27 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
402 U07 DEH02 -111 1 0.0 500.0 0.44 29.84 0.01 9.0 0.28 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
406 U07 DEH06 -111 1 0.0 500.0 0.44 29.84 0.01 9.0 0.28 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
418 U07 DEH18 -111 1 0.0 500.0 0.44 29.84 0.01 9.0 0.28 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
422 U07 DEH22 -111 1 0.0 500.0 0.44 29.84 0.01 9.0 0.28 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
225 U04 W03P -118 2 0.0 500.0 0.47 29.84 0.02 9.3 0.29 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
223 U04 W02P -118 2 0.0 500.0 0.47 29.84 0.02 9.3 0.29 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
247 U05 DW06P -118 0 0.0 500.0 0.47 29.84 0.02 9.3 0.29 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
251 U05 DW08P -123 11 0.0 500.0 0.49 29.84 0.02 9.5 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.02 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.03 N/A
245 U05 DW05P -127 7 0.0 500.0 0.51 29.84 0.02 9.7 0.30 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.02 N/A
401 U07 DEH01 -132 2 0.0 500.0 0.53 29.84 0.02 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
405 U07 DEH05 -132 2 0.0 500.0 0.53 29.84 0.02 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
417 U07 DEH17 -132 2 0.0 500.0 0.53 29.84 0.02 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
421 U07 DEH21 -132 2 0.0 500.0 0.53 29.84 0.02 9.8 0.31 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
402 U07 DEH02 -153 2 0.0 500.0 0.61 29.84 0.02 10.6 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
406 U07 DEH06 -153 2 0.0 500.0 0.61 29.84 0.02 10.6 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
418 U07 DEH18 -153 2 0.0 500.0 0.61 29.84 0.02 10.6 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
422 U07 DEH22 -153 2 0.0 500.0 0.61 29.84 0.02 10.6 0.33 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.01 N/A
247 U05 DW06P -157 0 0.0 500.0 0.63 29.84 0.02 10.7 0.34 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
249 U05 DW07P -161 11 0.0 500.0 0.64 29.84 0.02 10.9 0.34 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.02 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.03 N/A
228 U04 W04N -167 0 0.0 500.0 0.67 29.84 0.02 11.0 0.35 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
222 U04 W01N -167 0 0.0 500.0 0.67 29.84 0.02 11.1 0.35 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
249 U05 DW07P -169 1 0.0 500.0 0.68 29.84 0.02 11.1 0.35 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A
247 U05 DW06P -171 7 0.0 500.0 0.68 29.84 0.02 11.2 0.35 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.01 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.02 N/A
202 U31 LTP -174 0 0.0 500.0 0.70 29.84 0.02 11.3 0.35 0.75 318.6 0.00 0.75 70.3 N/A 0.70 793.8 0.00 0.75 N/A N/A 0.65 530.2 0.00 0.75 72.7 N/A 0.70 315.6 0.00 N/A

by Mohd Yousef
Per AISC Design Guide 1 2nd Edition and "Design of Welded Structures" (O. Blodgett)
For Axial Tension or Compression with or without Moment
Job Name: Boiler Building Subject: CP3 Base Plate Design
Job Number: 5439-SFMCJ B08.02 Originator: R.G Checker: M.Y

Input Data:
Column Size:
Section: UC 203x203x46 Column Properties:
Box Section Column Properties:
Column Loadings: A = 5870.00 mm2 102 mm2
Axial Load, Pᵤ = 501 kN d = 203.200 mm 219.1 mm
Shear, Vᵤ = 270 kN tw = 7.200 mm 6 mm
Moment , Mᵤ = 0 kN-m b = 203.600 mm 219.1 mm
Design Parameters: tf = 11.000 mm 6 mm
Base Plate Length, N = 500 mm
Base Plate Width, B = 500 mm
Pedestal Length, Lpₓ = 600 mm
Pedestal Width, Lpᵧ = 600 mm
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 345 N/mm2
Plate Yield Stress, Fyₚ = 345 N/mm2
Weld Yield Stress, Fyw = 480 N/mm2
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 45 N/mm2
Anchor Bolt Data: nY = 2
Bolt Diameter, db = 36 mm
Bolt Edge Dist., EDₓ = 100 mm
Bolt Edge Dist., EDᵧ = 100 mm
Eccentricity, Bearing Length, Bearing Pressures and Bolts Tension:
Eccentricity = 0.0 mm e = M/P Where G= 6Es/EcAs/B
Xc = 0.0 mm Xc³+3(e-N/2)Xc²+G((N/2-f)+e)Xc-G(N/2+(N/2-f)((N/2-f)+e) = 0
Tb = 125.3 kN/bolt Tb = -P*(N/2-EDₓ-M/P)/(2*(N/2-EDₓ))/nᵧ
Fp = 29.84 N/mm2 Fp = 0.65*0.85*f'c*√(A2/A1) <= 1.70*f'c
fp(max) = 0.00 N/mm2 fp(max) = 0 Fp >= fp(max), O.k.
fp(min) = 0.00 N/mm2 fp(min) = ABS(P)/(N*B)*(1+6*e/N)
Base Plate Thickness:
max of: tp = √(4 fpmax Xc/2 (m-Xc/3)/(0.9Fy))
tp = √(4 Tb (m-EDₓ)/(be*0.9Fy))
EDₓ=100 N=500

EDᵧ=100 n=169
Where: bₑ = min[ m-EDx, (B/2-EDy)/(nᵧ-1)] +
min[m-EDx, (B/2-EDx)/(nᵧ-1), EDy] = 107
m = (N-0.95d)/2 = 153.5 mm B=500 0.8b
n = (B-0.8d)/2 = 168.6 mm
#VALUE! bₑ n=169
m=153 0.95d m=153
tp(req'd) = 28.4 mm
tp(used) = 32 mm O.k.
Column to Base Plate Welding:
ω= 8 mm (size)
Aω = 6.90E+03 mm2 Aω = 0.707*ω*(4*bf-2*tw+2*bw)
Sω = 3.21E+05 mm3 Sω = (b+2*0.707*ω)(d+2*0.707*ω)²-b*d³/(6*(d+2*0.707*ω))
fx = 39.1 MPa fx = Vᵤ / Aω
fy = 72.6 MPa fy = Pᵤ / Aω + Mᵤ / Sω
fv = 82.5 MPa fv =√(fx2 + fy2)
fv allowable = 216.0 MPa fv allowable = Ф 0.6 Fyω O.k.
ω(min) = 5.0 mm ω(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4 O.k.

by Mohd Yousef
Per ACI 318-11 Appendix D
For Shear, Axial Tension or Compression with or without Moment
Job Name: Boiler Building Subject: CP3 Anchor Bolts Design
Job Number: 5439-SFMCJ-B08.02 Originator: R.G Checker: M.Y

Input Data:
Loadings: Ca1 SX
Pu = 418 kN
Vu = 270 kN Ca2
Mu = 0 kN-m
General Properties:
ha = 1700 mm Vu SY
f'c= 45 N/mm2
Anchor Bolt/Rod Data:
hef = 375 mm nY = 2
Ca1 = 150 mm
Ca2 = 150 mm Reduce spacing btw. bolts to act as a group IN concrete breakout in shear
SX = 300 mm
SY = 300 mm
E.DX = 100 mm Ase= 817 mm2 Ase= 561 mm2
E.DY = 100 mm Abrg= 2100 mm2 Abrg= 378 mm2
e'V = 0 mm futa= 520 N/mm2 futa= 1000 N/mm2
eh= 162 mm
Anchor Type Headed Bolt Notes:
- The anchors furthest from the edge are subjected to 100% of shear
Bolts Head Heavy Hex
- Anchors washer shall be tack-welded to the plate to transfer shear
da = M36 mm
- Predominantly high cycle fatigue or impact loads are not covered
Ase = Auto mm2 - Base plate is symmetric about each major axis
Abrg = Auto mm2 - Sleeveless anchor bolts/studs
futa = Auto N/mm2 - When anchorage Rft. are required the programe will exclude the concrete
breakout capacity from interaction check, assuming that the required
Anchor Steel Ductile
reinforcement will be designed to satisfy Vu > fVr
Bolts Grade Grade 55.0 N/mm2
Design Reduction Factors:
Grout Pad Yes
Case 1: No supplementary reinforcement, or edge
Supplement Rft. Yes D.4.3 ( c )
reinforcement smaller than 12mm bar.
Concrete Type Normal Case 2: Supplementary reinforcement of 12mm bar or
Cracked Yes D.5.2.6, D5.3.6, D.6.2.7 Case 2 greater between the anchor and the edge.
SDC > C Yes D.3.3.1-D.3.3.7 Case 3: Supplementary reinforcement of 12mm bar or
greater betwwen the anchor and the edge, and with the
E > 0.2U Yes D., D.
supplementary reinforcement enclosed withing stirrups
Tensile Faliure Option D D.
spaced at not more than 100mm
Shear Faliure Option C D.

Steel Strength of Anchor in Tension: D.5.1
f= 0.75
Ns = 424.84 kN Nsa = nAsefuta D.5.1.2 (D-2)
fNs = 318.63 kN > T1 = 104.5 kN O.k.
Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Tension: D.5.2
f= 0.75 D.5.2.9
h'ef = 100.00 mm max[ (S1+Ca1)/1.5, Ca,max/1.5 or Smax/3 ] D.5.2.3
Anc = 3.60E+05 mm2 (Stb+1.5h'ef+min[Ca1,1.5h'ef])(SY+2*min[Ca2,1.5h'ef])
Anco = 9.00E+04 mm2 9h'ef2 D.5.2.1 (D-5)
e'N = 0.00 mm SXT2/Nu
Yec,N = 1.00 1/(1+ 2e'N/3hef) < 1 D.5.2.4 (D-8)
Yed,N = 1.00 1 for Cmin > 1.5hef D.5.2.5 (D-10)
Yc,N = 1.00 for anchor in cracked section D.5.2.6
Nb = 56.36 kN kf'c1/2h'ef3/2,3.9f'c1/2h'ef5/3 * k = 10 for cast-in anchor D.5.2.2 (D-6/7)
Ncbg = 225.46 kN Anc/Anco Yec,NYed,NYc,NNb D.5.2.1 (D-4)
fNcbg = 126.82 kN < Nu = 418 kN Anchor Rft. Required

by Mohd Yousef
Per ACI 318-11 Appendix D
For Shear, Axial Tension or Compression with or without Moment
Job Name: Subject:
Job Number: Originator: Checker:

Pullout Strength of Anchor in Tension: D.5.3

f= 0.70 D.4.3 (c)
Yc,P = 1.00 Cracks anticipated in concrete D.5.3.6
Npn = 756.00 kN Headed Stud or Bolt= 8Abrgf'c, Hooked Bolt= 0.9f'cehda D.5.3.4 (D-14)
fNpn = 793.80 kN f nYc,PNpn > T1 = 209 kN O.k.
Concrete Side-Face Blowout Strength of Headed Anchor in Tension: D.5.4
Ignore side-face blowout since hef < 2.5Ca1 or Smax > 6Ca1 D.5.4.2
f= 0.75 D.4.3 ( c )
N sb = 599.45 kN 13ca1Abrg1/2f'c1/2 D.5.4.1 (D-16)
Nsbg = 799.26 kN (1 + SY/6ca1)Nsb D.5.4.2 (D-17)
fNsbg = 449.58 kN > T1 = 209 kN O.k.
Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear: D.6.1
f= 0.65
Vsa = 1019.62 kN 0.6 nYAsefuva for cast-in headed bolt anchors D.6.1.1 (D-29)
fVsa = 530.20 kN > Vu = 270 kN O.k.
Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear: D.6.2
f= 0.75 D.6.2.9
C'a1 = 450.00 mm min[ Ca1+ SX, max[Ca2/1.5 or ha/1.5 or SY/3] ] D.6.2.4
Avc = 4.05E+05 mm2 min[ nYAvco, (2*min[1.5C'a1,Ca2]+SY)*min[1.5C'a1,ha] ] D.6.2.1
Avco = 9.11E+05 mm2 4.5(C'a1)2 D.6.2.1 (D-32)
le = 288.00 mm min[ 8da or hef ] D.6.2.2
Yec,V = 1.00 1/(1+ 2e' v /3C a1) < 1 Distance from the inner surface of the shaft(D-36)
D.6.2.5 to the outer tip of t
Yed,V = 0.77 0.7 + 0.3 Ca2/(1.5C'a1) for Ca2 < 1.5Ca1 D.6.2.6 (D-38)
Yc,V = 1.20 for anchor in cracked seciton Case 2 D.6.2.7
Yh,V = 1.00 max[ (1.5ca1 / ha)1/2 , 1.0 ] D.6.2.8 (D-39)
Vb = 236.93 kN min[ 0.66(le/da)0.2da1/2f'c1/2(C'a1)1.5, 3.7f'c1/2(C'a1)1.5 ] D.6.2.3 (D-35)
Vcbg = 96.88 kN Avc/AvcoYec,VYed,VYc,VYh,VVb D.6.2.1 (D-31)
fVcbg = 72.66 kN < Vu = 270 kN Shear Rft. Required
Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear Parallel to Edge: D.6.2
C'a1 = 150.00 mm min[ Ca2, max[Ca1/1.5 or ha/1.5 or SX/3] ] D.6.2.4
Avc = 1.35E+05 mm2 min[ nXAvco, (2*min[1.5C'a1,Ca1]+SX)*min[1.5C'a1,ha] ] D.6.2.1
Avco = 1.01E+05 mm2 4.5(C'a1)2 D.6.2.1 (D-32)
Yec,V = 1.00 1/(1+ 2e'v/3C1) < 1 D.6.2.5 (D-36)
Yed,V = 1.00 1.0 for Shear Parallel to Edge D.6.2.1 (c)
Yh,V = 1.00 max[ (1.5C'a1 / ha)1/2 , 1.0 ] D.6.2.8 (D-39)
Vb = 45.60 kN min[ 0.66(le/da)0.2da1/2f'c1/2(C'a1)1.5, 3.7f'c1/2(C'a1)1.5 ] D.6.2.3 (D-35)
Vcbg = 145.91 kN 2*Avc/AvcoYec,VYed,VYc,VYh,VVb D.6.2.1 (c)
fVcbg = 109.43 kN < Vu = 135 kN Shear Rft. Required
Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear: D.6.3
f= 0.70 D.4.3 ( c )
Kcp = 2.00 2.0 for h'ef > 65mm D.6.3.1
h'ef = 100.00 max[ Ca max/1.5 or max[S1,S2]/3 ] D.5.2.3
Anc = 3.60E+05 min[(SY+2min[Ca2,1.5h'ef])(SX+2min[Ca1,1.5h'ef]),(Ancontotal)]
Anco = 9.00E+04 9h'ef2 D.5.2.1 (D-5)
Yec,N = 1.00 1/(1+ 2e'N/3hef) < 1 D.5.2.4 (D-8)
Yed,N = 1.00 1 for Cmin > 1.5hef D.5.2.5 (D-10)
Yc,N = 1.00 for anchor in cracked section D.5.2.6
Nb = 56.36 kN kf'c1/2hef3/2,3.9f'c1/2hef5/3 - k = 10 for cast-in anchor D.5.2.2 (D-6/7)
Vcpg = 450.91 kN kcpNcbg D.6.3.1 (D-41)
fVcpg = 315.64 kN > Vu = 270 kN O.k.
Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: D.7
(Nua/fNr)5/3 + (Vua/fVr)5/3 = 0.93 < 1 O.k. RD.7

by Mohd Yousef
Per AISC Design Guide 7 2nd Edition & ACI 318-11
For Tension & Shear Concrete Breakout
Job Name: Boiler Building Subject: CP3 Anchorage Reinforcement
Job Number: 5439-SFMCJ-B08.02 Originator: R.G Checker: M.Y

Input Data:
Loadings: nv: number of bars effictive in tension, where the
Nu = 501.00 kN distance btw. bars & Anchor < hef/2
Vu = 270.00 kN Ca1 S1
Anchor Bolt/Rod Data:
hef = 375 mm
da = 42 mm Ca2
n= 2
Ca1 = 200 mm
Ca2 = 150 mm S2
Tension Reinforcement:
db = 25 mm
nv = 12
bar shape Hook
Ties at < 3db Yes Hook
Side Cover Sc = 55.00 mm
Top Cover hc = 50.00 mm
Bar Spacing = 100.00 mm
dmax = 50 mm
Shear Reinforcement:
ds = 10 Shear Rft.
nLeg = 4
nLayer = 3
Design Parameters:
fy = 420 N/mm2
f 'c = 45 N/mm2 Tension Rft.
Lightweight No
Epoxy Coated No
SDC > C Yes D3.3.2-3.3.7

Anchor Reinforcement for Tension Breakout Resistance:

Ld = 290 mm max[ 1/5.4 fy/√f'c db or max[ 8db, 150mm ] ] 12.5.2, 21.7.5
min hef = 373 mm Ld+hc+dmax /1.5 < hef = 375 O.k. 12.5.1
As,min = 1590 mm2 Nu/(0.75fy) < As, prov = 5890 O.k. D.5.2.9
fNn = 1855.00 kN fsfynvAsla/ld > Nu = 501 O.k. D.3.3.4/.5.2.9
Anchor Reinforcement for Shear Breakout Resistance: A.3.2 (A-3)
Strut-and-Tie model is used to anlyze the shear transfer and to design the required tie reinforcement
le = 336.00 mm min[ 8da or hef ]
q= 53.1 tan-1(Ca1/Ca2)
dh = 122.5 mm Ca1 - Cc - ds - db/2
dv = 72.5 mm Ca2 - Cc - ds - db/2
dt = 108.85 mm (dh2+ dv2)1/2 - db/2 - da/2
Abrg, vertical bar = 11644 mm 2
(le + 1.5dt - da/2 - db/2)db
Abrg, bolt = 14112 mm2 leda
ffce = 28.69 N/mm2 f0.85f'c > Vu|bolt/Abrg= 9.57 O.k.
Cs = 108.00 kN Vu|bolt sinq < ffceAbrg= 334.04 O.k.
eh = 45.00 mm min[ 4.5ds or 75 ]
Thook = 9.89 kN min[ 0.9fsf'cehds , fsAs tiefs ] D.5.3.5 (D-15)
fTt = 29.67 kN fsfyAs tie D.
fVn = 356.08 kN fTtnLegnLay > Vu = 270 O.k.
As,min = 857 mm2 Vu/(0.75fy) < As, prov = 942 O.k.

by Mohd Yousef

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