I. S. Zaine, A. N. Alias, A. M. M. Ali and S.H. Khalid
I. S. Zaine, A. N. Alias, A. M. M. Ali and S.H. Khalid
I. S. Zaine, A. N. Alias, A. M. M. Ali and S.H. Khalid
Abstract. The study of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is necessary for
future manipulation of the material. In this study, the MWCNTs was functionalized by refluxing
commercial MWCNTs (a-MWCNTs) in concentrated HNO3/H2SO4 (3:1 v/v) at 100oC for 6 hours.
The dispersion of a-MWCNTs and functionalized MWCNTs (f-MWCNTs) were observed after 1
hour sonication in ethanol. Both samples were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy for dispersion
behavior. The dried f-MWCNTs and a-MWCNTs were characterized by Raman spectroscopy to
estimate the defect level. The morphology of the samples were analyzed by Transmission Electron
Microscopy (TEM). The f-MWCNTs was well dispersed in ethanol within 2 weeks of observations
period. The colloidal stability of a-MWCNTs was low as it was easily sediment after 24 hours. The
UV-vis spectra of f-MWCNTs show maximum absorbance at 250 nm meanwhile no absorbance was
observed for a-MWCNTs. Analysis from Raman spectrum shows that the f-MWCNTs have relative
intensity of 1.101 which is higher than a-MWCNTs that have relative intensity of 0.935. The image
from TEM revealed that the f-MWCNTs have structural defects and the absence of amorphous
carbon on sidewall meanwhile the a-MWCNTs indicate otherwise.
Among carbon nanotubes (CNTs) family, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have received
special interest as a sensor [1], supercapacitor [2], medical implant [3] and solar cell [4] since
discovered by Iijima in 1991. MWCNTs are known to be chemically inert against common chemical
reactions. This nature restricts their dispersion into desired surfactant and become one of the factors
that decreased the unique properties of MWCNTs. The nanotubes tend to agglomerate in nearly all
surfactant due to the multiple van der Waals forces and π-π interactions. Therefore, it is essential to
functionalize the MWCNTs to enhance its dispersion into desired surfactant. Functionalization is a
chemical process that inserts functional groups on the sidewall of carbon nanotubes [5]. Through
functionalization, the interactions between the nanotubes become weak and allow the formation of
hydroxyl and carboxyl groups on the surface of nanotubes. Due to simple and low cost method, wet
oxidation [6] has been widely accepted to functionalize carbon nanotubes instead of plasma oxidation
[7]–[10], ozone oxidation [11] and air oxidation [12], [13]. The wet oxidation is commonly made by
refluxing MWCNTs in oxidizing agents such as HNO3 and H2SO4, in ratio 1:3 v/v. In this study, the
dispersion of functionalized MWCNTs in ethanol after refluxing in HNO3/H2SO4 (3:1 v/v) at 100oC
for 6 hours was investigated. The effects of the oxidation agents on MWCNTs were studied via
Raman spectroscopy and TEM. All the data obtained were compared to commercial MWCNTs.
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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 661 9
UV-vis spectroscopy was recorded using spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Lambda 35) operating between
220 and 800 nm. The defect formed in the structure of f-MWCNTs was measured using inVia Raman
microscope spectrometer (Renishaw). For Raman measurements, the sample was excited with HeNe
laser at 633 nm (1.961 eV). The morphological characterization was examined by using transmission
electron microscope (Phillips CM12).
B) UV-vis spectroscopy
The UV-vis spectra can be used as scientific evidence to support the dispersion analysis. This is due
to the fact that the individual CNTs are active in the UV-vis region meanwhile the bundle CNTs are
hardly active in the wavelength between 200 and 1200 nm [14]. According to the literature, there
exist a relation between the amount of CNTs individually dispersed in surfactant and the intensity of
the corresponding absorption spectra [14], [15]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the UV-vis spectra of
f-MWCNTs after 1 hour sonication shows an absorbance with a maximum value occur at 250 nm
before gradually decreases. For a-MWCNTs there was no absorbance observed within UV-vis
spectra. The a-MWCNTs exist as big aggregates and bundles in ethanol although after sonication due
to the absence of functional group. From the other side, it is suggested that the energy provided during
sonication also was not enough to overcome the van der Waals forces in the MWCNTs bundles.
These arguments are in parallel with the dispersion analysis.
C) RAMAN spectroscopy
The Raman spectra of the a-MWCNTs and f-MWCNTs are presented in Fig. 3. For both sample, two
peaks were appeared at around 1330 cm-1 (D-band) and 1580 cm-1 (G-band). The D-band corresponds
to the disordered or sp3-hybridized carbons in the CNTs wall and the G-band is assigned to vibrations
of sp2-bonded carbon atoms in graphene-like structures, such as the CNTs [8]. This result indicates
that the oxidation agents did not destroy the graphitic structure of CNTs since the peaks were not
shifted after the oxidation process. An increase in the D-band intensity has been shown to be an
indication of side-wall sp2→sp3 hybridization from covalent binding of functional various moieties
The relative intensities of the D-bands and G-bands were widely used for characterizing the presence
of defects at sidewall of nanotubes. As shown in Table 1, the f-MWCNTs have the highest values of
ID/ IG ratios as compared to the a-MWCNTs, which indicate that some defect presence at sidewall of
carbon nanotubes after oxidation process. The sidewall defects can present in the form of rotated
bonds, vacancies and sp3 defects that is carbon atoms in the sp3 configuration and determinated by –H
or various functionalities [17]. The change of the ID/IG ratio also could be due to the changes in the
MWCNTs geometry caused by the binding of new functional groups or an electrophilic addition at
hexatomic-hexatomic boundaries [18]. The other used of ID/IG ratio is to estimate the in-plane crystal
size, La. In this work, La was calculated by formula proposed by Cancado et al. for nanographitic
material [19]. It found that La for MWCNTs was decrease after oxidation process suspected due to the
removal of impurities and amorphous carbon on sidewall of nanotubes.
D) TEM analysis
Fig. 4 illustrates the morphology of a-MWCNTs and f-MWCNTs magnified at 50 nm and 100 nm
resolutions. It found that MWCNTs are random in size for both samples. Fig. 4 (a)-(b) revealed the
presence of amorphous carbon attached on the nanotube surface highlighted by circles. After
oxidation process, the overall level of amorphous carbon was reduced since it hardly seen the
amorphous on Fig. 4 (c)-(d). Comparing with a-MWCNTs, the morphology of f-MWCNTs seems
affected by oxidation process especially for smaller nanotubes due to the introduction of structural
defects at the outer sidewall. This defects as indicated with arrow in Fig. 4 (c)-(d) were in parallel
with the prediction from Raman spectra analysis mentioned earlier. The defects have found to cause a
distortion in the linearity of the MWCNTs structure. The distortion also could be due to removal of
amorphous carbon attached on the nanotube surface [20] and heptagon-pentagon pairs [21]. While
comparing this with Raman spectroscopy results, the functionalized nanotube in general still
maintaining its graphitic structures.
Fig. 4: TEM image of (a)-(b) a-MWCNTs and (c)-(d) f-MWCNTs. Amorphous carbon is highlighted
by circles and sidewall defects is indicated with arrows.
The MWCNTs was well dispersed in ethanol after refluxing MWCNTs in concentrated
HNO3/H2SO4, which is necessary for future manipulation of the material such as fabrication of
composite film through electrophoretic deposition technique. Further investigations of the
f-MWCNTs revealed that the absorbance range fall within the UV-vis region which illustrates the
nanotubes become active after oxidation process. Analysis from Raman spectroscopy and TEM
showed that f-MWCNTs had some defects which provide a lot of active sites for further
functionalization. Finally, the wet oxidation is still a relevant process, that offer a simple and yet low
cost approach to functionalize MWCNTs, enhance its dispersion and at the same time remains its
graphitic structure.
12 Applied Solutions of Engineering Science
The work has been supported by the Malaysia Ministry of Education through its Research
Acculturation Grant Scheme (RAGS/2013/UITM/SG02/2).
Corresponding Author
Intan Syaffinazzilla Zaine
E-mail address: intan.zaine@ppinang.uitm.edu.my
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Applied Solutions of Engineering Science