Entrepreneurship MaE, Muhammad Ahmed Zaheer, BSME18-22
Entrepreneurship MaE, Muhammad Ahmed Zaheer, BSME18-22
Entrepreneurship MaE, Muhammad Ahmed Zaheer, BSME18-22
Muhammad Ahmed Zaheer
BSME 18-22
When we start a business there would always be some unforeseen challenges that
would arise. For this I prepared a business plan. A business plan does not help when
starting a business but it allows us to analyze the funding options that we have, making
crucial business decision, and also helps to understand the industry and market.
There were not many major problems. Although starting business in Middle East is
easy getting good trustworthy partners, proper documentation visa formalities, papers
to be approved by labour were time consuming processes. Choosing of company
name was also an issue as it had to be approved by the Chamber of commerce. Catchy
names are important to business. In service world what works are catchy name &
quality products & services.
Profit from the Consulting Company was used in the new venture that sorted out the
financial problems that arose when starting the business. As this company was
introduced in Dubai they got the name that we wanted.
During the initial stages we just kept on investing in the company and managing the
expenses. We cannot fully think about profit. It takes 2 to 3 years to get surplus amount
from the business. At this stage maximum jobs, synchronize the processes that will
help you in long run.
What special steps did they take or are they taking at the
moment possibly due to business slump?
If the company has proper number of jobs coming in & proper flow of money then
even in business slumps the business can stand well. But if the situation is going worse
we can have to talk to the employees and make them understand that company will
not be able to provide them with the same salary packages. Instead of sending them
on long leaves or firing them we could reduce the salary in that case, still the employee
would have some earnings. At this stage the company should also avoid unwanted
investments and the money that comes in should be stocked up for future use.
If you are from a business family and are planning to start a new business then do take
advice from your parents who are already into business. Analyze the industry that you
are interested in, plan everything and then invest. But if your decision is wrong then it
would show a very negative impact on your family business and would be a negative
publicity for the other organizations.
The most important advice is don’t get depressed due to failures. Failures are the initial
stages to success.