Optimization and Comparison of M-PAM and
Optimization and Comparison of M-PAM and
Optimization and Comparison of M-PAM and
2 Academy of Advanced Optoelectronics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
3 Reserach Department, Signify (Philips Lighting) Research, 5656 Eindhoven, The Netherlands
ABSTRACT Illumination LEDs, but also infrared LEDs have limited bandwidth. To achieve high through-
put, one needs to modulate the LED significantly above its 3 dB bandwidth. Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular modulation technique to cope with the frequency selectivity of the
LED channel. In this article, we challenge whether its large Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio (PAPR) and
resulting large DC bias are justified. We compare systems using the same power and derive how PAM and
OFDM variants reach their optimum throughput at different bandwidths and differently shaped spectral
densities, thus at very different Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) profiles but nonetheless the same transmit
power.When corrected for the path loss and normalized to the noise power in the 3 dB bandwidth of the
LED, we call this the Normalized Power Budget (NPB). OFDM can exploit the low-pass LED response
using a waterfilling approach. This is attractive if the NPB exceeds 60 dB. OFDM will then have to spread
its signal over more than ten times the LED bandwidth and requires a DC bias of more than 4 times the
rms modulation depth. Second-order distortion and LED droop may then become a limitation, if not com-
pensated. At lower power (NPB between 30 and 60 dB), DCO-OFDM outperforms PAM, provided that
it significantly reduces its bias and only if it uses an appropriate adaptive bit and power loading. Without
adaptive bit loading, thus using a frequency–constant modulation order, for instance made feasible by a
pre-emphasis, OFDM always shows lower performance than PAM; about 2.5 dB at a NPB around 60 dB.
Below 30 dB of NPB, even waterfilling cannot outweigh the need for a larger bias in OFDM, and PAM
should be preferred. We argue that a mobile system that has to operate seamlessly in wide coverage and
short–range high–throughput regimes, needs to adapt not only its bandwidth and its bit–loading profile,
but also its DCO-OFDM modulation depth, and preferably falls back from OFDM to PAM.
INDEX TERMS LED, VLC, IR, PAM, OFDM, waterfilling, pre-emphasis, optical wireless communication.
largely interference–free bandwidth, a high degree of spatial costs extra electrical power that can deteriorate the over-
reuse, secure connectivity, and absence of electromagnetic all system efficiency and has to be limited. Thus, for VLC,
interference. extra consumed power is the key constraint, rather than total
The output optical flux of commercial Light Emitting electrical power [13]. Particularly for IR, human eye safety
Diodes (LEDs), illumination or IR LEDs, is modulated in can limit the average optical power to be transmitted by the
an Intensity Modulation Direct Detection (IM/DD) OWC LED [14].
system. This optical channel, typically, exhibits a low–pass To have a fair comparison of PAM and DC-biased Optical
frequency response with a 3 dB bandwidth that is dominated OFDM (DCO-OFDM) under certain constraints, one needs
by LED properties which are not optimized for commu- to operate both systems at their particular optimum. A proper
nication purposes. This low–pass nature, in particular the framework includes for OFDM:
LED junction capacitance attenuates higher frequencies in • optimum sub-carrier–dependent bit and power loading,
the intensity-modulated spectrum [3], [5]–[8]. In this respect, • optimized total bandwidth, and
line-of-sight OWC differs from Rayleigh or Rician distri- • optimum bias current and modulation depth, in relation
butions in radio communication where frequency-selective to the optimally tolerated clipping level, considering
fades are sufficiently narrow to be overcome by coding a realistic non-linear LED model (clipping, static and
and interleaving, employed in IEEE 802.11a/g standard. In dynamic higher–order terms),
OWC, excessive attenuation occurs in too wide portions of includes for PAM:
the bandwidth to rely on coding.
• pre-emphasis, with associated back-off to adhere to the
To handle the low-pass nature of LEDs, Orthogonal
power constraint and
Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) yet adapted for
• optimum bandwidth and modulation order as, in con-
optical applications (denoted as Optical OFDM, O-OFDM)
trast to non-dispersive AWGN channels adhering to
is popular [9], [10]. There is a persistent debate on whether
Shannon limits, we see that for the LED channel, the
multi-carrier OFDM outperforms carrier–free modulation,
optimum does not necessarily lies at the smallest con-
such as Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) over an OWC
stellation (e.g., 2-PAM) and using the corresponding
low-pass channel. In fact, O-OFDM allows one to optimize
large bandwidth,
the distribution of the available modulation power among
the sub-carriers and to select the bit load independently on and for both modulation methods addresses
every sub-carrier to maximize the data rate [5]. However, the • the type of (extra) electrical or optical power constraint
OFDM composition of multiple frequency components has imposed by the application, and
a high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that increases • the low-pass LED response.
the power consumption. A large DC bias needs to accommo- The comparison of different modulation schemes was stud-
date peaks in the signal. OFDM also requires highly linear ied extensively. For instance, [11], [12], [15] and [16] com-
amplifiers, which are inefficient. In an OWC link, a pre- pare OFDM variants with a PAM scheme, while [17], [18]
emphasis filter can be used in front of the LED to flatten address OFDM variants. In fact, with respect to the above
the channel frequency response. In this case, OFDM might listed aspects, previous papers known to us lack at least
no longer be needed. In such a flattened channel, using one aspect or do not generalize their findings into generic
the simpler PAM modulation with lower PAPR reduces the expressions that extend outside the simulation range. We
biasing power waste [11], [12]. A comparison involves con- summarize the comparison between prior art and this work
sideration of many aspects, which we further extend in this in Table 1.
article. DCO-PAM, thus level-shifted, non-negative PAM was
Depending on the application, the constraint on the chan- found in [11] to outperform all variants of OFDM in terms
nel differs. For VLC, the DC power is already available for of optical power efficiency (including DC bias power) over a
the illumination and the modern LEDs are designed to have range of spectral efficiencies. In [11], a Decision Feedback
a high wall-plug-to-lumen efficiency. However, modulation Equalizer (DFE) was used to combat the LED low-pass
• We quantify clipping for DCO-OFDM as it raises the LED channel model in Section II. Section III presents the
perceived noise floor and thereby limits the usable DCO-PAM model, its performance over an OWC channel
modulation order, even in a further noise–free channel. and the DC penalty required. DCO-OFDM is discussed
Following arguments in [5], [11], [17], [30], [31], we in Section IV. Both the continuous (for theoretical pur-
conclude that for modern LEDs, a saturation peak limit poses) and discrete (practical case) modulation orders are
does not accurately model the behavior. We use and discussed. This section also presents the optimum waterfill-
extend the clipping noise model of [17] which con- ing approach results for the comparison. The DC penalty and
sidered one-sided clipping of the LED current. This the clipping noise associated with DCO-OFDM is discussed
extends our previous bit loading evaluations in [5], in Section V. In Section VI a proper measure is given to
which assumed clipping-free DCO-OFDM, leading to choose a proper DC bias for the LED based on the modula-
more complete, realistic model. tion order. Furthermore, this section includes the distortion
• We compare constrained optical power (related to the power due to clipping (to reduce the DC penalty) of the LED
average LED current), the extra electrical power (related current in the throughput and modulation bandwidth require-
to the variance of the current caused by modulation) ment. Section VII compares DCO-OFDM and DCO-PAM
and the total electrical power (related to a combina- in three different contexts, VLC, IR and average–optical–
tion of DC current and AC variance, weighted by the power constrained channels. The computational complexity
LED (say, bandgap) voltage and the dynamic resis- of DCO-OFDM and PAM is discussed in Section VIII.
tance, respectively). While previously published works, Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section IX.
e.g., [11], [12], [15], and [16], often report outspoken
preferences for the choice of modulation, we conclude
that there is not always simple unique answer to the
Various LED models are used in scientific literature. This
question whether OFDM and PAM is performing better,
section elaborates on our LED model, that considers non-
depending on which constraint applies.
negativity, junction voltage and LED junction capacitance
• We show that in a VLC context, where the extra power
and resistances. So, in fact following [5], we consider LED
needs to be far below the illumination power, there is
low–pass nature and one–sided clipping. We model that elec-
no difference in performance between pre-emphasized
trical power consumption not only grows with the DC bias,
but also with the modulation variance. In contrast to this,
with waterfilling outperforms DCO-PAM.
the average optical power only relates to the biasing, while
• For IR, where the bias or the mean DC light has to be
modulation comes for free, in the sense that DC-free mod-
paid for from the communication power budget, PAM
ulation does not affect the average current. We denote the
with an appropriate high-boost and a carefully cho-
LED current to consist of ILED (t) = ILED + iled (t), where
sen bit rate and bandwidth outperforms pre-emphasized
iled (t) is the zero–mean (AC) modulation current and ILED
OFDM. Our model of the impact of clipping artefacts
is the DC current of the LED to ensure ILED (t) ≥ 0. The
allows us to optimize the choice of the modulation
DC power consumption of the LED is, PDC = VLED ILED .
depth for OFDM. In fact, one can intuitively interpret
Here, the DC voltage VLED can be expressed as
our results as a quantification that the power penalty
incurred for the DC bias in pre-emphasized DCO- VLED ≈ V0 + RLED ILED , (1)
OFDM is not compensated by the ability to adaptively
load sub-carriers over a certain NPB range. For high where V0 can be interpreted as the turn-on limit and RLED is
power budgets, say NPB above 30 dB, however, OFDM the dynamic plus parasitic resistance of the LED [32], [33].
with waterfilling and optimum choice of LED bias cur- So the total electrical power consumed by the LED is,
rent outperforms PAM. Here, OFDM can fully exploit
the adaptive bit and power loading. For high power Ptot = V0 ILED + RLED I2LED + RLED σmod
, (2)
budgets one can afford a large back-off of the modula- η
tion depth to avoid clipping of the OFDM signal, the where σmod
2 is the variance of LED AC current iled (t) and
latter conclusion disagrees with [12]. We show that the where η is the modulation LED power amplifier efficiency,
crossover point where OFDM with waterfilling outper- used in a Bias-T setting [34]. An extensive study [34] into
forms PAM moves to higher power budget values when the power efficiency of a series transistor modulator revealed
LED is biased at higher currents. If, instead, more LEDs a total power consumption of Ptot ≈ (V0 + 2RLED ILED )ILED
were used to boost coverage, this would not happen. where factor 2 is due to an extra voltage headroom
• We propose a simple rule of thumb and an algorithm RLED {max ILED (t)} required to operate the modulating series
to optimize the modulation order and the modulation transistor [34]. More generically, a versatile power constraint
bandwidth of M-PAM, which works for both VLC and is the weighted sum of moments of the probability of the
IR applications. signal
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We start
with a short introduction to the OWC link and the realistic Ptot = PDC + Pext = β1 ILED + β2 σmod
+ β3 I2LED , (3)
Sx ( f ) = κ 2f /f0 , (8)
fx The BER is expressed as [37]
where κ is the pre-emphasis back-off to satisfy the con- 2 M−1 6N
. (14)
straint (7) and fx is the modulation bandwidth over which log2 M M M 2 − 1 N0
the Sx ( f ) is spread. Inserting (8) into (7), the coefficient κ
is calculated as Thus, the average energy requirement of a M-PAM scheme,
normalized to N0 and denoted as X(M) for a pre-determined
ln(2)fx /f0
κ= . (9) BERM is
2fx /f0 − 1 2
M2 − 1 −1 M log2 M
If, for PAM, instead of a pre-filter, a linear post-equalizer X(M) = Q BERM . (15)
6 2(M − 1)
is used, the transmit current density is uniform, or fully
determined by the pulse shaping. However, the receive filter We list X(M) in Table 2 and extend it to M 2 -QAM by inter-
will then boost the noise in every sample by κ. That is, the preting QAM as just a 2D variant of M-PAM. We explicitly
SNR for every PAM sample is the same for either a pre or use a different symbol X(M) to represent a fixed system
post equalization (κ applies). property, while N /N0 is a property of the incoming sig-
nal, subject to optimization and may even be frequency
Within a Nyquist bandwidth of fPAM , a system reaches a
PAM requires a flat frequency response for Inter–Symbol throughput RPAM of
Interference (ISI) free communication. To repair the low–
pass LED frequency response, as in (4), a linear equalizer RPAM = 2fPAM log2 M. (16)
can be used to boost high frequency components [35], [36].
According to Nyquist theory, a baseband PAM signal with A. PAM BIAS PENALTY
a bandwidth fPAM can accommodate 2TfPAM symbol dimen- For PAM as in (11), a DC-bias of at least (M − 1)dM is
sions in a time interval T. For a symbol duration Ts needed to make the LED signal non-negative. We define a
(Ts = 1/(2fPAM )), we multiply the numerator of the SNR parameter z to be the ratio of the bias current over the LED
in (6) by 2Ts fPAM , thus by unity, to get rms current. For PAM,
2SPAM ( f )|H( f )|2 fPAM Ts ILED (M − 1)dM M−1
SNRPAM ( f ) = =
. (10) z= = = 3 , (17)
N0 N0 σmod M −1
2 M+1
3 dM
where N is the average received symbol energy per dimen- where the variance of the
modulation σmod can be calculated
sion. For PAM, the energy per symbol s equals N , while from (11), as σmod = dM (M 2 − 1)/3. For such DCO-PAM,
for two-dimensional QAM, as used in OFDM, s = 2 N . the parameter z depends on the modulation√ order M. It equals
In (bi-polar) M-PAM, input data are mapped into a zero- z = 1 for M = 2 and approaches z = 3 for M → ∞. We
mean sequence of symbols chosen from M discrete levels, will use this parameter in the later sections to compare PAM
uniformly spaced by distance 2dM , so with OFDM.
sm = mdM , m ∈ {±(M − 1), ±(M − 3), . . . , ±1}. (11) B. THROUGHPUT OF DCO-PAM OVER LOW-PASS
The average energy per symbol (at the receiver), s , is
Inserting (8) into (6) with κ given in (9) and the channel
M/2 model (4), the SNR( f ) for PAM becomes
2dM M2 − 1 2
s = N = m2 = dM . (12) σmod
2 H2
M 3 SNRPAM ( f ) = 0
· f /f . (18)
N0 f0 2 PAM 0 −1
The distance dM can then be expressed as a function of N To benchmark our results, we also relate it to the NPB
as follows: defined in (5),
3N ln(2)
dM = . (13) SNRPAM ( f ) = γ f /f . (19)
M2 − 1 2 PAM 0 −1
where BER is the total bit error rate, BER ≈ 2BERM . The by (32), respectively. Practical algorithms such as Hughes-
number of bits b( f ) per dimension that can be delivered is Hartogs (HH) [21], [22] provide an iterative, discretized
algorithm to calculate the optimum bit and power loading
1 2N ( f )
b( f ) = log2 (M( f )) = log2 1 + . (27) distribution. In [5], a good match between the theoret-
2 N0
ical throughput and the throughput achieved by discrete
Inserting (23) and (6) results in constellations using HH is shown. It optimizes the through-
put, however, with high complexity and large overhead in
1 1 Sx ( f )|H( f )|2
b( f ) = log2 1 + . (28) communicating the used constellation on all sub-carriers.
2 N0
The throughput1 over a modulation bandwidth [0, fx ] is C. OFDM WITH PRE-EMPHASIS
obtained by integrating all the rate contributions, given A simpler implementation is to pre-emphasize the chan-
by (28), nel and to use the same constellation for all sub-carriers.
fx Pre-emphasizing implies a forced inversion of the chan-
R= 2b( f )df nel response at the transmitter to compensate its low–pass
fx behaviour. This is often referred to as a bandwidth exten-
1 Sx ( f )|H( f )|2 sion, but comes at a penalty. Such pre-emphasis tends to
= log2 1 + df . (29)
0 N0 defeat the advantage of OFDM to load every frequency bin
The factor 2 reflects the two dimensions per second per Hz optimally, thus is counterproductive. Nonetheless, we see
of QAM. This expression looks like a misused Shannon limit IEEE 802.11bb standardization proposals to reuse WiFi-like
for AWGN channels, which repeatedly was argued not to be OFDM schemes with constant constellations for OWC, to
valid for optical channels. However, here (28) and (29) come use existing IC designs. Our results will show that repairing
just as a consequence of inverting the BER expression. the frequency response to support a fixed constellation can
be reasonable in the lower NPB ranges, but the transmit
bandwidth needs to be made adaptive to the NPB.
In practice, the constellation size M can only take values 1) ARBITRARY MODULATION CONSTELLATIONS:
from the discrete set {2, 4, 8, . . .}. However, for theoreti-
A filter inverts the LED low–pass response in the frequency
cal derivations it is convenient to assume that M can take
range [0, fp ]. The throughput Rp is derived from (29) and (8)
any arbitrary positive value, including a non-integer one.
with the back-off κ given in (9):
As argued in [5], regardless of the choice of β1,2,3 , any
optimized power spectral loading is equivalent to applying Rp fp γ ln 2
constraint (7) to choose the transmitted Sx ( f ) to maximize = log2 1 + f /f
. (33)
f0 f0 2p 0 −1
the throughput (29). Lagrangian optimization leads to the
well-known waterfilling solution with Sx ( f ) adhering to [20] The optimum modulation bandwidth, denoted by fmaxp , to
+ maximize the throughput is calculated from dRp /dfmaxp = 0,
N0 N0 which depends only on γ , f0 and [5].
Sw ( f ) = − , (30)
|H(fmaxw )|2 |H( f )|2
where the subscript w refers to waterfilling and fmaxw is the
maximum modulation frequency for which Sw ( f ) is non- Using discrete M, in (33), we cannot get tractable expressions
zero. The optimal power allocation of (30) shows that low for the derivatives w.r.t. spectral density. As an alternative
frequency sub-carriers that experience a good channel quality optimization track, we exploit the fact that all sub-carriers
are assigned more power than those at higher frequencies. carry the same constellation size M. In the previous sub-
Substituting (30) into (7) and solving the integral relates the section, we implicitly assumed a continuous-valued M,
optimum modulation fmaxw to the NPB γ : but in this section, we assume an M 2 -QAM modulation
that can only take integer values of an even power of 2
ln(2)fmaxw fmaxw /f0 (M = 2, 4, 8, ..) and identical on all sub-carriers. We use
γ = 1+ −1 2 . (31)
ln(2) f0 the relation (23) to express N /N0 in terms of SNR( f ), as
The maximum throughput is calculated by inserting (30) in (6) but with a pre-emphasized spectral density (8),
into (29) and integrating over [0, fmaxw ]: 2N ( f ) σ 2 H2 ln 2
= mod 0 . (34)
Rw 1 fmaxw |H( f )|2 1 fmaxw 2 N0 (
N0 f0 2 p 0 ) − 1
f /f
= log2 df = . (32)
f0 f0 0 |H(fmax )|2 2 f0 Our optimization tests various M and for each M value, the
optimum modulation bandwidth fp is taken such that N /N0
For a given γ , the optimum modulation bandwidth and the just exceeds X(M). This results in
throughput are implicitly given by the inverse of (31) and
fp γ ln(2)
= log2 +1 , (35)
1. Gross rate before coding. f0 2X(M)
1728 VOLUME 1, 2020
which is identical to (22). The throughput for pre-emphasized electron-hole pair is the highest. This is far below any
OFDM employing M 2 −QAM modulation scheme on all sub- clipping point or breakdown rating. At higher currents,
carriers is calculated from the LED efficiency only gradually reduces (LED droop).
Rp fp This justifies a single-sided (non-negative) clipping
= · log2 M 2 , (36) model [5], [11], [17], [31]. Similarly, many practi-
f0 f0
cal electronic drivers do not allow a negative current
which reduces to (16). In conclusion, for the same NPB through the LED.
γ , thus not yet considering the bias penalty on a pre- • Droop: Above their most efficient point, the LED
emphasized channel, both PAM and pre-emphasized OFDM becomes somewhat less efficient. This ‘droop’ leads to
schemes demand the same optimum modulation bandwidth invertible second–order distortion, inherent to non-linear
and provide identical throughput and, therefore, the modu- photon generation rates [38]–[40].
lation bandwidth and throughput plots of Figure. 1 are also
In this article we focus on the second model, but we also
applicable for DCO-OFDM employing M 2 -QAM.
discuss the consequences of droop, as in the third model. In
Figure. 1 also includes the required modulation bandwidth
OFDM, the LED AC current, iled (t), has in good approxima-
and the throughput for pre-emphasized OFDM (blue lines)
tion a Gaussian probability density. It has rms modulation
and for waterfilling (black lines) with continuous modulation
depth σmod . To ensure that the signal remains in the lin-
order M at BER = 10−4 . As expected, waterfilling pro-
ear region, a DC bias ILED is needed for the LED. Further,
vides the maximum throughput. Pre-emphasis comes with a
the LED imposes a low-pass nature, but studying memory
penalty in throughput, which increases with NPB but is small
effects in distortion is beyond the scope of this article.
for low NPB. However, pre-emphasis requires less band-
width. This can reduce the sampling rate, hence it consumes
less power in analog-to-digital conversion and in digital sig- A. CURRENT CLIPPING
nal processing. Furthermore, pre-emphasis avoids the need The choice of z (defined in (17)) needs to ensure that the clip-
to exchange the bit loading profile, thus it reduces signalling ping noise stays below the maximum tolerable noise floor.
overhead. From arguments in [5], [17], [31], we conclude that modern
In Figure. 1(b), we see a small artefact due to simplifying LEDs clip negative currents but are not peak limited in their
: OFDM with discrete M (red line) cannot outperform operational range. The clipping noise per sample is zero
OFDM with continuous M (blue line). This artefact is small. if the signal iled (t) ≥ −zσmod (or ILED ≥ 0) and equal to
Comparing the maximum normalized modulation bandwidth, iled + zσmod otherwise. Using a Gaussian pdf for ILED with
continuous M does not show any jump in the optimized mean value zσmod and variance σmod 2 and integrating over
modulation bandwidth, which was also observed in [5]. ξ = iLED − zσmod , the i-th moment of the clipping is
Fixing the bandwidth means operating on a point on a (ξ + zσmod )i ξ2
horizontal line in Figure. 1(a). For operational points on μi = √ exp − 2 dξ. (37)
this line, the link collapses if it is above the curves of the −∞ 2π σmod 2σmod
calculated maximum supportable fmax . As an example, if a The effective noise variance of the distortion is σD2 = μ2 −μ21
system with an LED of f0 = 10 MHz fixes the transmit and is calculated as
bandwidth to 40 MHz, it operates on the horizontal line of
a normalized modulation bandwidth of 4. Below an NPB of σD2
= z 2
+ 1 Q(z) − zg(z) − (g(z) − zQ(z))2 , (38)
about 25 dB, it uses a bandwidth broader than what PAM or σmod
pre-emphasized OFDM can support (the point of operation where Q(.) and g(.) are the tail distribution function and pdf
is above the plotted curves). Nonetheless, a well-performing of the standard normal distribution, respectively. For ease of
link would be feasible if the system were allowed to scale notation, we introduce cz = σD /σmod .
back the bandwidth, rather than to aggressively push symbol Clipping also attenuates the signal, particularly if z < 2.
rates beyond the 3 dB LED bandwidth. Below z = 1, where the signal level is multiplied by az =
0.84 [17], the effect becomes pronounced. While we refer
V. CLIPPING AND DISTORTION MODEL the reader to [17] for expressions that relate z and az , we
The modelling of clipping and distortion is subject to use az in following throughput equations.
improving insights [31]. In the following we discuss three We argue that the clipping spectrum is limited to fx and
models does not significantly spill over to empty sub-carriers far
• Double sided clipping: In the early days, LEDs had above fx : A signal spectrum limited to fx , creates time–
to be designed for maximum power output. Above a domain signals that are highly correlated in a period fx−1 /2.
certain current level, the LED would thermally break Every clipping event causes an error signal that has a typical
down. This justified a model in which the LED current duration of about fx−1 /2. By virtue of properties of Fourier
is both non-negative and peak-limited [18]. Transforms and as we confirm by simulation, this leads to
• Clipping of the current: Today’s LEDs are operated at a clipping noise spectrum that is mainly restricted to (0, fx ).
a set point where the photon output per recombining Oversampling, and using an oversized FFT with broader
FIGURE 2. PSD of an OFDM signal (black) and clipping noise (gray), for bias ratio
of 0.5, 1 and 2. LED low-pass response not included. FIGURE 3. Bias ratio z versus number of bits b = log2 M per sub-carrier in one
dimension. Noise-free (r = 1) and leaving a 3 and 6 dB power margin (r = 2 and r = 4,
respectively) to operate over a noisy channel. Solid line: clipping limit. Dashed line:
invertible distortion limit. For distortion–limited z, we used r = 1.
bandwidth (fs fmax ) sees clipping artefacts that span
multiple time samples, but oversampling does not increase
their bandwidth. Multiple independent clipping events add where σ2D 2 is the variance of the second–order distortion
incoherently on a particular victim sub-carrier. Here, we and we used that, for a Gaussian distribution, E{i4led } =
refine the clipping noise model of [12], [17] that considers 3(E{i2led })2 = 3σmod2 and inserted z2 = I2LED /σmod 2 . Based on
low-pass filtering of flat (spectrally white) clipping artefacts our observations, the second–order distortion is the dominant
in the LED. Figure. 2 shows the PSD of 64-QAM (M = 8) distortion in LEDs for z > 2, hence we can neglect the term
on the 64 lower sub-carriers in an OFDM system with 128 α3 and the distortion caused by the third order non-linearity.
sub-carriers thus with an IFFT size of 256. The PSD of The distortion i2led is uncorrelated with the LED modulation
the clipping noise is shown in Figure. 2 for z = 0.5 (overly current iled , i.e., E{i2led · iled } = 0 . Its spectrum, N2D ( f ) can
aggressive clipping), z = 1 and z = 2. This plot confirms our be calculated by the convolution of the modulation spectrum
argument that the clipping noise is mostly confined within of iled by itself.
the modulation bandwidth of the signal where it may have
two or three dB variations. Also, the clipping PSD raises VI. EFFECT OF CLIPPING AND DISTORTION ON OFDM
with lowering z. For the signal in Figure. 2, z ≥ 2.2 is In the following, we discuss two different approaches to
required to achieve a simulated BER of < 10−4 . handle the clipping noise.
As clipping noise raises the noise floor, we model
N0 − → N0 + ND ( f ). We approximate the simulated clip-
ping spectra by a rectangular function within the modulation
bandwidth fx :
A pragmatic (but not optimum) approach is to ensure the
σ2 c2 σ 2 |H( f )|2 clipping noise spectrum falls below the receiver noise level.
ND ( f ) ≈ D |H( f )|2 = z mod . (39) This can be translated into a requirement on the Signal-to-
fx fx
Distortion Ratio (SDR),
The hard clipping model of the LED needs refinement as SDR = = 2z ≥ 2rX(M), (41)
ND cz
other (invertible) non-linearities may dominate for high z.
Electrons and holes recombine at a rate governed by the for all f , where r is a design (power) margin. This, with (38)
ABC formula [38]–[40]. For a brief discussion here, we gives the maximum modulation order M that can be used
simplify the dynamic model [30], [31], [39] by describing for a given z. Thus, for a target modulation order M (for
the light output φ as a function of LED current, M 2 -QAM), it specifies the minimum required LED bias.
Figure. 3 shows the minimum z as a function of number of
φ = α1 ILED + α2 ILED
+ α3 ILED
. bits per sub-carrier in one dimension for margins r = 1, 2
Modulating with ILED = ILED +iled , the signal φ sees second– and 4. It can be seen that for a typical modulation order
order distortion with a relative strength of 64-QAM (M = 8), z ≥ 2.15 (compared to the simulated
z ≥ 2.2 in Section V) and z ≥ 2.4 are needed for r = 1 and
σ2D2 (α2 + 3α3 ILED )2 E i4led r = 2, respectively.
α1 + 2α2 ILED + 3α3 I2 LED E i2led The optimum modulation bandwidth and the throughput
2 follow from (35) and (36), if the distortion can be assumed
α2 3α3
α1 + α1 ILED I LED
3 to be negligible compared to receiver noise. This requires the
= 2 2 (40) modulation depth and constellation size to satisfy (41) for
z 3α3 2
1 + 2α 2
α1 LED + I
α1 LED the given z with an adequate margin factor r ≥ 1. However,
Ep is the average energy of the photons transmitted
by the LED and q is the unit electron charge. According
to (51), constraining the average optical power is equivalent As an example, for an LED with f0 = 10 MHz bandwidth,
to constraining the LED DC current via β1 (β2 = 0, β3 = 0). to reach a throughput near a gigabit (Rp /f0 = 100), z = 4
As we compare DCO-PAM and DCO-OFDM for the same is needed, but that significantly jeopardizes the through-
LED DC current, their variances differ. The variance σmod 2 put for more distant receivers (with lower available NPBs)
is related to ILED via z in (17). To reflect this, we use γopt where z < 3 needs to guarantee range. In another exam-
as a variant of γ that addresses the optical power limit: ple, to provide a throughput of 60f0 , DCO-PAM requires
an about 2.5 dB lower NPB compared to pre-emphasized
q2 P2opt H 2 DCO-OFDM while z = 4 is used for OFDM. Keeping the
γopt = 2 · 0 . (52) bias ratio of OFDM at z = 4, at a lower throughput of 10f0 ,
Ep N0 f0
the NPB difference between DCO-PAM and pre-emphasized
Then from (51), (52) and using the definition of z, the optical DCO-OFDM increases to about 5 dB while a lower z, e.g.,
NPB relates to γ via z = 2.5 shows only 1.6 dB NPB difference. We acknowl-
edge that if pulse shaping of PAM is needed, the advantage
γopt = z2 γ . (53) shrinks, as z rises.
Interestingly, DCO-PAM also outperforms DCO-OFDM
DCO-PAM has a lower PAPR, thus allows a smaller z than
with waterfilling at low optical NPBs. Waterfilling performs
DCO-OFDM, hence gets a better γ for the same γopt . This
better when the optical NPB increases, say γopt above 32 dB
implies a horizontal shift that differs per modulation set-
for z = 2.5 (equivalent to γ more than 24 dB) and above
ting. This changes the cross-over points for the choice of
50 dB for z = 4 (equivalent to a NPB γ of more than
modulation that performs best for a given NPB. Using (17)
38 dB2 ). The cross-over point for waterfilled DCO-OFDM
for M-PAM with M = 4, 8, 16 and 32, 1/z2 is equivalent to
to outperform PAM moves to higher NPBs when a higher z is
horizontal shifts of 2.55, 3.68, 4.23, and 4.5 dB, respectively.
selected. However, at large NPBs of 50 dB, the theoretically
For OFDM, the bias ratio z is subject to optimization.
optimum modulation bandwidth for DCO-PAM is around
We see in Figure. 5 that for pre-emphasized OFDM with
7f0 . In practice, these large bandwidth extensions impose
a fixed z the throughput converges to a constant for large
difficulties in the implementation.
γopt , thus when clipping dominates over the noise floor. On
the other hand for small γopt , when distortion is negligible, 2) LOW NORMALIZED POWER BUDGETS
increasing z just leads to a reduction in the received SNR.
At low NPBs, it may be attractive to use dedicated non-
Hence, at low γopt , the throughput curves of pre-emphasized
negative OFDM variants, such as ACO-OFDM or Flip
DCO-OFDM are horizontally shifted copies of each other;
the distance between the curves for z = 2.5 and z = 4 is 2. which is equivalent to a received electrical SNR of 23 dB in the
significant: 4 dB. modulation bandwidth of fmaxw ≈ 7.5f0 [5].
TABLE 3. Quick comparison of the linear and quadratic terms in the power
consumption and a penalty on the SNR for flat channel (low NPB, small modulation For PAM, however, z can be as low as 1 (for M = 2) and
the approximation β2 σmod
2 ≈ 0 results in about 10% error
(0.46 dB) in the total electrical power. The total electrical
power can reasonably be approximated by the LED DC
power consumption:
OFDM, to avoid the power losses in the DC bias. Flip To acknowledge that z2 σmod
2 rather than σmod
2 itself is con-
OFDM carries the signal with variance σmod 2 , however, sam- strained, let us compare systems for the total NPB γtot
ples with positive polarity are transmitted in a first block, including bias losses as
negative samples are transmitted in flipped polarity in a
second block. This ensures that a signal sample is always γtot = z2 σmod
· . (55)
transmitted, thus it retains σmod
2 , but the transmission time N0 f0
doubles. During reception, two blocked are folded back into This γtot = z2 γ is identical to the definition of (52). In this
one block to recover the full signal. It has been noticed [19], case, the curves of Figure. 5 also apply to electrical-power
[41]–[43], that this operation collects noise from two blocks, limited channel if the x-axis is read as γtot axis. Alternatively,
thus reduces the SNR by one half. This, to a large extent, it can be shown that, the electrical power model by [17],
defeats the gain obtained from trying to avoid the DC-bias. taking β2 = β3 and β1 = 0 would lead to γtot = (z2 + 1)γ
At high NPBs, these non-negative OFDM variants are which we do not consider in this work.
outperformed by DCO-OFDM, also because at high SNR, a
spectrum efficiency loss is incurred in Flip-OFDM by trans-
mitting a second block: This demands higher constellations
to squeeze more bits into fewer dimensions [19]. At low At constant total power, lowering z boosts the signal σmod2 ,
NPBs, where LED bandwidth is adequate to carry a low- thus enhances N and γ , but it also increases distortion.
rate signal, the lower mean value of Flip-OFDM appears For example, systems optimized for large coverage spread
beneficial [19]. The signal in the collapsed block has an their optical power over a large area, thus often have to
effective symbol energy jointly equal to σmod 2 but is pro- operate with relatively small γtot , say of about 30 dB. Then
cessed over a single block time. The mean value of the z = 2.5 is more attractive than z = 4. The latter can improve
√ the throughput for short range or for systems with nar-
signal is 2/π σmod ≈ 0.80σmod . Table 3 lists the resulting
linear and quadratic factors in the power consumption (3). row beams by 65% (from 4.2f0 to 6.9f0 ) and 50% (from
For optical–power limited channels, we take β2 = 0. Flip R = 4.2f0 to 6.2f0 ) improvement for waterfilling and pre-
OFDM3 provides the maximum available σmod within a con- emphasis, respectively. The point where higher z (e.g., z = 4
strained β1 . Despite the 50% drop in the SNR of ACO/Flip to avoid clipping) preforms better than boosting the signal
OFDM, these appear to be slightly more attractive than strength (say, z = 2.5) is around a γtot of 46 dB for pre-
PAM for large M: The FFT shapes the almost uniform 2D emphasis and of 62 dB for waterfilling. For a high speed
PAM signal probability density into a one-sided Gaussian, link (several hundreds of Mbit/sec or several Gbit/sec) with
which appears to be beneficial. However, large modulation an LED with a typical 3 dB bandwidth of f0 ≈ 10 MHz, a
order are not suitable for weak links, which demand small large γtot (e.g., more than 70 dB) is needed. In this range, a
M. For small and moderate M, straight PAM appears bet- large fraction of the electrical power is burnt in DC biasing
ter than ACO-OFDM. From Figure. 3, we further see that to limit the distortion. From Figures. 5(b) and (d), we learn
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z. It severely clips, but 4-QAM (M = 2) DCO-OFDM is rate of more than 80f0 . Moreover, mitigating second-order
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