Use Foam Concrete in Construction Works

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International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2455-0876
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.44
Volume 4; Issue 2; May 2018; Page No. 15-20

Use foam concrete in construction works

Ali Kadhim Sallal
Department of Hydraulic Structures/ College of Water Resource Engineering, Lecturer at Al-Qasim Green University, Al-Hula, Iraq

Foam Concrete can be defines as a type of aerated lightweight concrete; it doesn’t contain coarse aggregate (gravel) and can be
regarded as an aerated mortar. Foam Concrete can be produce by two methods (Inline Method and Pre-foam Method) where the
Foam liquid is added to slurry to form the Foam. The function of Foam liquid is to create an air bubbles in cement–based slurry.
The Foam is generated separately by using Foam generator, where the Foaming agent is diluted with water to create the Foam. The
Foam Concrete mixture becomes too stiff with lower content, causing bubbles to break, whereas the mixtures becomes too thin to
hold the bubbles with high water content, leading to the separation of bubbles from the mixture, water-cement (w/c) ratio usually
ranges from (0.4–1.25). The Foam Concrete can be designed to have any density within the dry density range of (300–1850
kg/m3). This project includes study many application of form concrete in construction works.

Keywords: foam concrete, lightweight concrete, cement–based slurry, foam generator

1. Introduction A detailed study on Foam concrete concerning on the

Foam concrete is the concrete that can be used for a variety of composition, physical properties and the production of
purposes and in different locations of the building and its Foamed Concrete was first carried out in the (1950 s -1960 s).
[3, 4, 5]
lightweight concrete because of its low density. One of the Following this research, new admixtures were developed
most important characteristics of Foam Concrete, its high in the late (1970 s) and early of (1980 s), which led to the
ability to prevent the leakage of heat, sound and fire through commercial use of Foamed Concrete in the construction
the slab, walls and floors and lack of absorption of water in projects.
addition to being cheaper than normal concrete and it will
reduce the overall density of building. 3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Foam Concrete
Foamed Concrete can have a range of compressive strengths 3.1 Advantages
(1-15) Mpa and its typically consists of slurry of cement, 1. Using Foam Concrete walls in the superstructure, the
water with fly ash or fine sand may be added at a uniform rate weight will reduce and cause decrease in the amount of
for the purpose of obtaining specific density, compressive steel reinforcements that required for slabs, columns,
strength and according to the purpose used for it although beams and foundation due to lesser load.
some suppliers recommend pure cement and water with the 2. Using Foam Concrete walls in multi-story buildings,
Foaming agent for very lightweight mixes. This slurry is Earthquake resistant will be lessening due to lesser weight
further mixed with synthetic aerated Foam in a concrete of building that built from lightweight Foam Concrete.
mixing plant. The Foaming agent used must be able to 3. Foam Concrete suitable for buildings in the hurricane,
produce air bubbles with a high level of stability, resistant to cyclone and flood affected areas as the damage caused by
the physical and chemical processes of mixing, placing and Foam Concrete walls and roofs are minimal compared to
hardening. Water is an important element in foam the Foam conventional concrete based structures.
Concrete, its mixes with materials and reacts to obtain a foam 4. Foam Concrete material reduced the cost of raw materials,
cement mixture, and is added to the concrete after several tests by adding air, enclosed in Foam bubbles, the volume of
to ensure that the (W/C) ratio is (50-60%). water can be concrete can be increased at very low cost [6].
increased or decrease in the mixture depending on materials 5. Cost reduction for transportation because of lightweight
additives that used. Foam Concrete mixture may be poured or materials, very efficient Foam concentrate.
pumped into the molds or directly into the structural elements. 6. Foam Concrete faster for construction by using the cast-in-
situ application
2. History 7. Foam Concrete improved the thermal insulation: it’s can
The history of Foam Concrete dates back to the early of (1920 achieve the same insulation results as compared with
s) and the production of autoclaved aerated concrete, which normal concrete with only (20%) of the weight and (10%)
was used mainly as insulation [2]. Initially, Foam Concrete was of raw materials.
used in the Netherlands for filling the voids and for ground 8. Foam Concrete improved the fire protection: for example,
stabilization also it used in Sweden as a 1923 invention for use a wall of (130 mm) thickness and (1,250 kg/m³) can
as a dielectric, and its use was limited in this area until 1954. withstand a fire for (5 h) also a wall of (100 mm) thickness

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

and only (400 kg/m³) achieves the same result, due to the void system and density
air enclosed in the cellular concrete. 3. Mechanical properties to identify the compressive
9. Foam Concrete has low investment: Just one simple strength, flexural and tensile strengths and modulus of
machine required. elasticity
10. Foam Concrete has high flowing capability: Can fill 4. Thermal properties to classify the thermal conductivity,
hollow spaces. thermal expansion, specific heat and flammability
11. Foam Concrete has low water absorption: Only (10–15)%, 5. Strength prediction models
if the specific Foaming agents are being used in 6. Durability of Foamed Concrete such as permeation
combination with silicon oil in the cement slurry, the water characteristics and resistance to aggressive environment
absorption rate can be decreased to only 1% [6]. 7. Functional characteristics for instance thermal insulation,
acoustical properties, and fire resistance.
3.2 Disadvantages [7] Lightweight Foamed Concrete depends on many
1. Foam Concrete very sensitive with water content in the characteristics for its different applications in the building
mixtures construction. There are some guidelines on production and
2. Foam Concrete difficult to place and finish because of the processes to produce the best lightweight Foamed Concrete.
porosity and angularity of the aggregate. In some mixes,
the cement mortar may separate the aggregate and float The Strength of Lightweight Foamed Concrete Can Be
towards the surface Increase By [9]
3. Mixing time of lightweight Foam Concrete is longer than 1. By decreasing the porosity (less foam),
normal concrete to assure proper mixing 2. By using finer sand (Fine Aggregate), less than (5 mm)
3. By introducing or providing small air bubbles between
4. Types of Foam Concrete Properties as [9] (0.1 mm and 1.5 mm) with uniform distribution
1. Fresh state properties to be familiar with the consistency 4. By using the fly ash and silica fume for pozolanic reaction,
and stability 5. By air curing (compared to sealed/ water curing)
2. Physical properties to recognize the drying shrinkage, air- 6. usage of polypropylene.

Table 1: Typical properties of Foamed Concrete based on British Concrete Association (BCA)
Dry Density (kg/m3) Compressive strength (N/mm2) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Modulus of Elasticity (kN/mm2) Dry Shrinkage (%)
400 0.5 – 1.0 0.10 0.8 – 1.0 0.30 – 0.35
600 1.0 – 1.5 0.11 1.0 – 1.5 0.22 – 0.25
800 1.5 – 2.0 0.17 – 0.23 2.0 – 2.5 0.20 – 0.22
1000 2.5 – 3.0 0.23 – 0.30 2.5 – 3.0 0.15 – 0.18
1200 4.5 – 5.5 0.38 – 0.42 3.5 – 4.0 0.09 – 0.11
1400 6.0 – 8.0 0.50 – 0.55 5.0 – 6.0 0.07 – 0.09
1600 7.5 – 10.0 0.62 – 0.66 10.0 – 12.0 0.06 – 0.07

5. Production Methods mixing process is more controlled and greater quantities can
Foaming admixtures is based on (BS8443: 2005). Barnes 2009 be easily produced. There are two types of processes
and Ramamurthy 2009 discussed the method of producing the depending on whether the wet method or dry method is used.
Foam, known as Wet method and Dry method [9]. In wet method, the base materials are the same as those used
A. Wet Foam has a large loose bubble structure. Although the in the pre-foam system but are generally wetter. The base
stable, isn’t recommended for the production of Foamed material and the Foam are fed through a series of static inline
Concretes with densities below (1000 kg/m3). It involves mixers where the two are mixed together. The Foam and the
spraying a solution of the agent and water over a fine base materials are blended together and continuously
mesh, leading to Foam with bubbles of size between (2 – monitored by an on-board density monitor. The output volume
5) mm isn’t governed by the size of the pre-mix concrete truck but by
B. Dry Foam is extremely stable. The stability is a the density of the Foamed Concrete, where (18 m3) delivery
characteristic that has become increasingly important as of base material can produce (35 m3) of a (500 kg/m3)
the density of the Foamed Concrete reduces. It’s produced Foamed Concrete [9].
by forcing a solution of Foaming agent and water through
restrictions whilst forcing compressed air into the mixing ii) Pre-Foam Method
chamber. The resulting bubble size is smaller than wet In pre-Foam method, pre-mix concrete truck delivers the base
foam, i.e. less than (1 mm) in diameter. materials to site and then the pre-formed Foam is injected
After the Foam is stable, it can be mixed into the concrete by directly into the back of the truck whilst the mixer is rotating.
two methods (Barnes 2009), i.e. the inline method or pre-foam The advantage of this method is that, relatively small
method [9]. quantities can be ordered. However, it does rely on the mixing
action of the concrete truck. Densities in the range of (300 to
i) Inline Method 1200) kg/m3 can be achieved. Typically Foamed air in this
Cement, fine aggregate (sand) and the water are placed into a method is in the range of (20% to 60%) of air [9].
same unit where they are blended together with the Foam. The

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

6. Foam concrete can be classified according to its density reinstatement, roof insulation and others.
1. Foam concrete density (300-600) kg / m3 used in thermal In Practice, Applications of Foam Concrete Can Be
insulation, sound and soil replacement and support and Divided Into Three Uses
installation are also used in the floors and ceilings and 1. Precast Units: Foam concrete is poured directly into
settlement and fill of blanks and bridges and supports molds or in metal casings. After the foam is poured, the
instead of soil and the rules of subways and in the molds are removed and concrete molds are left to dry. This
applications of drilling and mining. method is used in wall and ceiling panels. The excellent
2. Foam concrete density (600-1200) kg / m3 used in the insulation properties of low-density foamed concrete
production of lightweight blocks and the production of (foam concrete containing a large amount of bubbles) are
finished panels and in the decoration and decoration of the of great use for buildings, where the light weight of walls
gardens. and panels is very suitable for roofs and surfaces. The
3. Foam concrete with density (1200-1600 kg / m3) used in various sizes of foam concrete are used extensively for
the production of prefabricated panels and in the works of walls and facades and are easy to use.
floors and walls loaded and sound barriers are also used as 2. Building Blocks: Block is a known form of foam concrete
boards in highways and walls of walls and bullet proof in its production. Foam concrete can be poured directly
Figure 4 shows some applications of foam concrete. into the molds of the small size block. The bricks can also
be poured into large molds and then cut off after casting
7. Application of Foam Concrete them from the molds. Desired sizes.
Foam concrete has several and always increasing applications 3. Site Casting (Floors, Insulating Ceilings and Wall
in all types of construction work. Generally the application of Fillings): Foam concrete is suitable for use as an
foam concrete is depend on its density. The application are additional layer of flooring, as it helps to level the floors in
commonly for constructions, houses, highway constructions, addition to noise insulation. Foam concrete mixtures are
blinding, void filling, footing, tunnel lining, trench also used as a heat insulating layer for flat roofs.

Fig 1: Different applications of Form Concrete

8. Case Study 5. A solid base (Raft foundation) of (40 cm) was casted
8.1 Use foam concrete in the project of the city of above cleaning layer
residential architecture in the province of Maysan in 6. Iron (BRC) was used in the casted the walls
southern of Iraq. 7. The iron (BRC) was connected with the base (Raft
foundation) by reinforcing steel (Dowels)
Details of project 8. Two layers of Wire mesh were used in casting the walls
1. The project consists of (800) houses 9. (20 cm) thickness of each wall
2. Building area of one house (60 m2) 10. The molds are placed to form a full house where the house
3. A (10 cm) thick cleaning layer was casted is casted as one section
4. (Ø 12) and (Ø 8) steel reinforcement was used in the Raft 11. The molds remain for (20 days) and then are opened
foundation 12. Fibers were used to increase concrete resistance

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

Fig 2: Details of steel reinforcement and casted the foundation

Fig 3: Put the Molds before the casting Fig 4: Casting the house

Fig 5: Open the Molds after (20 days)

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

Fig 6: Details of Form Material used in Maysan project

8.2 Production of Bricks from Foam Concrete consumption of electricity, by reducing the work of
1. The use of bricks made of foam concrete will contribute to cooling and heating devices and the use of expensive and
reducing the use of cement in construction by up to 40%. multiple condoms,
The components of this type of bricks are 40% of cement, 3. This type of bricks do not drown in water, but floats on the
40% sand, 10% foam and 10% special materials. The cost surface of the water, whatever the size of the block
of producing bricks is very low, as it is limited to 40% of 4. This type of brick is characterized by high durability and
cement. strength of hardness 20 kg / cm 2 at density 600 kg / m 3
2. Other advantages of this type that it will be insulating to to 300 kg / m 3 at the density 800 kg / m 3.
heat, fire, humidity, salts and sound, which reduces the

Fig 7: Blocks product from Foam Concrete

8.3 Use the Foam Concrete in the Waffle Slab to the percentage of foam that is added to the mortar.
Recently, most countries in the world has used the Waffle slab 2. Foam Concrete is an economical material because it
instead of the traditional slab. A blocks are product from foam reduces the total cost of the concrete used in the building
concrete of low density are used as a stuffing of the roof because Foam Concrete is cheaper than normal concrete
nerves resulting from ordinary concrete in order to reduce the 3. The use of Foam Concrete in the construction works helps
load on columns and foundations of buildings in addition to to reduce the load on the foundations, columns and beams
reducing the costs of these slab and for the benefit of the because of its density ranges from (300 - 1600) kg / m3
property thermal and acoustic insulation of these concrete while the density of normal concrete ranges from (2200 -
blocks. 2600 kg / m 3)
4. The Compressive Strength and Density of Foam Concrete
9. Conclusions increases with the age
1. The Density of Foamed Concrete is inversely proportional 5. The Compressive Strength of Foamed Concrete increases

International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology

with increase in the Density.

6. The Strength gain for foamed concrete is higher than that
of normal concrete because used the Fiber

10. References
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