1) Reinforced concrete piles have replaced timber and metal piles, becoming the standard foundation system. Their development was enabled by advances in concrete reinforcement and pile driving machinery.
2) As land suitable for construction becomes scarce, developers turn to areas with poor soil conditions, increasing demand for pile foundations that can be installed with minimal disruption.
3) Reinforced concrete piles cast in place have advantages over other pile types as they can be installed quietly and without vibration, in long or large diameters tailored to soil conditions, and provide information about soil conditions during installation.
1) Reinforced concrete piles have replaced timber and metal piles, becoming the standard foundation system. Their development was enabled by advances in concrete reinforcement and pile driving machinery.
2) As land suitable for construction becomes scarce, developers turn to areas with poor soil conditions, increasing demand for pile foundations that can be installed with minimal disruption.
3) Reinforced concrete piles cast in place have advantages over other pile types as they can be installed quietly and without vibration, in long or large diameters tailored to soil conditions, and provide information about soil conditions during installation.
1) Reinforced concrete piles have replaced timber and metal piles, becoming the standard foundation system. Their development was enabled by advances in concrete reinforcement and pile driving machinery.
2) As land suitable for construction becomes scarce, developers turn to areas with poor soil conditions, increasing demand for pile foundations that can be installed with minimal disruption.
3) Reinforced concrete piles cast in place have advantages over other pile types as they can be installed quietly and without vibration, in long or large diameters tailored to soil conditions, and provide information about soil conditions during installation.
1) Reinforced concrete piles have replaced timber and metal piles, becoming the standard foundation system. Their development was enabled by advances in concrete reinforcement and pile driving machinery.
2) As land suitable for construction becomes scarce, developers turn to areas with poor soil conditions, increasing demand for pile foundations that can be installed with minimal disruption.
3) Reinforced concrete piles cast in place have advantages over other pile types as they can be installed quietly and without vibration, in long or large diameters tailored to soil conditions, and provide information about soil conditions during installation.
the inside story terrain. This rapid growth of capital industries triggered Developments in pile foundations have important changes to mechanical pile driving systems, come a long way since the days of universal resulting in the invention of steam-driven and, dependence on timber or metal pile ultimately, diesel-engine power for machines. structures alone. The revolution came with the introduction of reinforced concrete Exploiting areas with poor soil techniques. Glyn Dawson of Whitelegg In modern times, high demand for land available for commercial and domestic construction has often led Machines charts the move towards today’s local authorities and development agencies to exploit off-site reinforcing bar prefabrication areas with poor soil characteristics. This limitation systems. has resulted in the development and refinement of pile techniques and pile driving systems. There are specific advantages of reinforced concrete ile foundations have been used as load-carrying piles that are bored and cast in-situ. They can be
P and load-transferring systems throughout history.
In times past, when villages and towns were sited strategically close to rivers and lakes to meet defensive installed with the minimum of noise and little or no vibration to disturb the subsoil and other neighbouring structures. Very long lengths and large diameters are or logistical needs, it was essential to strengthen the achievable and these dimensions can be varied to suit bearing ground of any construction with some form of specific ground conditions. For increased stability piling. in clays, pile end enlargements of up to two or three From the Roman era to the early 18th Century, diameters are possible. An added advantage is that site timber piles were virtually the only option, driven condition information can be gathered from in-situ in to the ground by hand or positioned in dug holes, inspection and testing of the bored-out soil. Finally, which were then filled with sand and stones. The first the choice of actual pile material used is not dependent breakthrough in technique came in 1740, when Swedish upon its handling characteristics or its resistance to pile engineer Christoffoer Polhem invented mechanical pile driving stresses. driving equipment not dissimilar to that in use today. This innovation spurred on the use of more permanent Reinforcing bars piling materials, with cast iron being introduced around As concrete is very strong in compression but relatively 1800 and concrete piles from the beginning of the 20th weak in tension, embedded steel reinforcing bars provide century. tensile strength and compensate for this imbalance. The industrial revolution created the need for larger While steel reinforcement is obtainable in a variety load-bearing structures to house heavy manufacturing of forms of bars and fabric, circular-section rolled bars and processing plant, often in difficult and varied or rods are mostly commonly used for all forms of Lemon Groundworks setting the first tack weld.
strength to a maximum. Greatest advantage is obtained
when a large number of small-diameter bars are used rather than a few larger bars because the surface area in contact with the concrete is thereby increased.
Pile cage assembly
The common method of introducing steel reinforcement for in-situ bored pile casting is in the form of pile cages comprising a tubular or profiled assembly of reinforcing bar lengths connected by rings or wire fixings. With the exception of short-run specialist applications, the manual assembly of pile cages on site GAM machine from MEP. reinforced work. High-tensile rods are also employed for bored pile, cast-in-situ reinforced concrete piles and because of the higher working stress, less steel is is a labour-intensive operation involving steel fixers required to provide the same strength as mild steel. constructing the reinforcing bar cages with rings and by However, in developing its higher strength it stretches wire tacking or hand welding. more than mild steel and any resultant cracks in the The economic alternative is off-site prefabrication concrete around it will be larger. The better the bond the methods, which offer the opportunity to carry out fast, less risk there is of large concentrated cracks developing accurate pile cage assembly, producing automatically and as a means of increasing bond and limiting cracking welded cages from 150mm outside diameter up to to fine well-distributed cracks, deformed bars provide 2000mm o/d and up to as much as 21m long. Such the answer. mechanised methods free-up site operatives for other Deformed bars are produced in a number of ways. specialised duties and at the same time reduce the First, as high-tensile steel bars rolled with projecting casting process time by requiring fewer splicing and ribs or corrugations along the length, or second, coupling operations for pile cage connection. from mild steel bars that are cold-worked to increase the ultimate tensile strength and raise or eliminate Leading innovator the yield-point of the steel, the amount of increase One of the innovators of automatic assembly techniques depending upon the nature of the basic steel and the is an Italian company, MEP – Macchine Elettroniche amount of cold-working. Both stretching and twisting Piegatrici – based in Undine, Italy, which specialises in are used as methods of cold-working and may be applied all aspects of cold steel reinforcement bar processing. to circular ribbed bars or to square bars, which become The company has developed the compact GAM deformed by the twisting process and thus afford better assembly system, the configuration of which is unique bond. in that the spiral welding head moves along the The greater bond stress obtainable makes it possible longitudinal bars. In other systems, machines ‘push’ the to stress the steel to higher limits and thus develop its cage through the welding head, so requiring a 15m cage to have a 30m operational length during its assembly. GAM system in use. The forming operation commences with the chosen number of longitudinal, cage-forming reinforcement rods being loaded and secured into the end indexing plate. The spiral forming coil is fed from an adjacent pay-off coil into the automatic robot weld head, which after the first few manual tacks can be left to rotate and weld automatically via a dedicated programmable logic controller (PLC) unit.
Pitch can be set automatically
The main mobile head moves along the guide rails, carrying the welding unit and the spiral forming mechanism. The spiral pitch can be set automatically and is controlled by the rotation speed of the longitudinal bars. Welding time is adjustable to suit the bar and weld wire diameter and speed of rotation with automatic control giving even, consistent welds. To add to the speed of changeover, the patented tooling can be quickly set for any cage diameter. The PLC automatically calculates the position for the holding bushes, enabling the operator to be sure that the tooling set up is in the correct position first time. One UK steel reinforcement specialist company now using the GAM system is Wickford-based supply and fix expert, Lemon Groundworks. The GAM machine from MEP was supplied through UK agent, Whitelegg Machines, which has a long association with Lemon Groundworks that runs three MEP link benders at two sites in Wickford and Rugby. It all goes to confirm that pile technology has come a long way from the timber methods of old and the original concepts and procedures of the early days of concrete reinforcement development. ●
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