Demo Lesson Plan - Finalrevise
Demo Lesson Plan - Finalrevise
Demo Lesson Plan - Finalrevise
Department of Education
Division of Mindoro
(Formerly Bansud National High School)
Pag-asa, Bansud
A. Preparatory Activities
Classroom Management
Checking of attendance
Checking of assignment
1. What is sandwich?
2. To whom is sandwich named after?
3. When was the first written record of the sandwich?
4. What are the types of sandwich?
5. Why do people eat sandwiches?
B. Motivation
1. Activity 1- “Who Am I”
The students will guess the type of sandwich as the teacher posts the description on
the monitor.
I am a small fancy sandwich. You can cut me into square, rectangular, oblong, and other
shape you want. My fillings and spread are just the same like the can͂apes. Who am I?
C. Presentation
1. “Word-Search-Puzzle”
Provide the students with crossword puzzle. Ask them to find the names of
the ingredients in making clubhouse sandwich. The teacher will give them five minutes to
find as many words as they can. Write down the words and classify them according to the
components of sandwich.
D. Lesson Proper
“Teacher Demonstration”
Students will be asked about some important reminders before preparing clubhouse
The teacher will demonstrate the steps in making clubhouse sandwich.
Students will prepare the ingredients in making clubhouse sandwich by group.
They will be given reminders to do the activity silently.
Rubrics will also be discussed on how they will be rated.
V. Generalization
What are the steps in making clubhouse sandwich?
What are the health benefits that we can get from eating clubhouse
How can you relate the topic in your real life situation?
The outputs of the activity will serve as the evaluation and is rated using rubrics.
2. Application of Manifests very clear Manifests clear Manifests Manifests less Learne
procedures understanding of the understanding of understanding understanding rs
step- by-step procedure the step- by-step of of the step- by- refused
procedure the step-by-step step procedure to
Works independently procedure but needs particip
with ease and Works but sometimes assistance ate
confidence at all times independently with seeks most of the
ease and assistance time
confidence most
of the time Works Works
independently independently
with ease and but seek
sometimes with assistance
confidence most of the
3. Cooperation All learners Some of the Few of the Teacher’s Learne
demonstrated learners learners intervention is rs
willingness to complete demonstrated demonstrated needed to help refused
the tasks and willingness to willingness to the learners to to
participated very well complete the tasks complete the cooperate with particip
throughout the whole and some are tasks and few the group. ate
process of preparation participated well are participated
throughout the throughout the
whole process of whole process
preparation of preparation
3. Safety work Observes safety Observes safety Observes safety Most of the Learne
habits precautions at all times precautions most precautions time safety rs
of the time sometimes precautions refused
were not to
observed. particip
Vll. Assignment
1. List down the steps in making submarine sandwich.
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