Student Result Management System DBMS Project
Student Result Management System DBMS Project
Student Result Management System DBMS Project
A Project Report on
“Student Result Management System”
Project Report submitted upon the completion of Mini Project
for the 5th Semester’s
Database Management System Laboratory (18CSL58)
Submitted by
Aishwarya R Kulkarni 2JR18CS003
Apeksha Panchagavi 2JR18CS009
This is to certify that the project work entitled “STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”
carried out by Ms. Aishwarya R Kulkarni ,USN 2JR18CS003, and Ms. Apeksha
Panchagavi , USN 2JR18CS009, bonafide students of Jain College of Engineering
and Research , Belagavi , in partial fulfillment for the Mini Project in the subject
Database Management System Laboratory in Computer Science and Engineering
department of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year
2020-2021. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal
Assessment have been incorporated in the Report deposited in the departmental library.
The project report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in
respect of Project work prescribed for the said subject.
Contents :
1. Introduction
2. Literature Survey
4. Methodology
5. Tables.
6. Screens.
7. Source code.
8. Results.
9. Conclusion.
10. References.
Student Result Management System is a user friendly web page /website which is used by students to
check results.
This project includes features of a database i.e, adding ,deleting, modifying and searching of required
result. Developed using XAMPP ,server and using basic programming of php, java , ajax, and mysql, c#.
This project handles the complete database of student results. It also enables us to store /add new results
of the students.
The search facility provides a faster and easiest way of viewing the results . this website is password
protected which stands as who tries to enter into our website .
The high degree of emphasis on adding, deleting , manipulating in a user friendly manner, yet enginity,
inspired the instinctive environment.
Chapter 1
The main purpose of database systems is to manage the data. Consider a university that keeps
the data of students, teachers, courses, books manage this data we need to store this
data somewhere where we can add a new data, delete unused data, update outdated data,
retrieve data, to perform these operation on a data we need a Database management system
that allows us to store the data in such a way so that all these operations can be performed on
the data efficiently.
SQL is a Standard-BUT…
Although SQL is an ANSI/ ISO standard, there are different versions of the SQL language.
However, to be compliant with the ANSI standard, they all support atleast the major commands (such
as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE) in a similar manner.
In keeping view of student result database requirement. I had developed this project using a software
server package XAMPP as a server that contents the following forms for storing the details as follows :
Left Bar : It is used to display an select the Dashboard, students classes , subjects ,students,
results. And it also provides the province to admin for changing the password.
Create Class : This page is used to create classes by adding class Name, class name in
numeric and section.
Manage Class : It is used to edit or update the classes.
Create Subject : This used to create subject by adding subject name and subject code .
Manage Subject : It is used to manage/edit the subject to its subject code.
Add Subject Combination : It is used to combine the class with subject .
Mange Subject Combination : It is used to delete or edit the subject combination.
Chapter 2
And they also state that, educators and teaching institutions use technology to assist with education.
Most equip labs and classrooms with laptops or desktops. Some even provide computers or mobile
devices to students. Many require students to have a mobile computer or mobile device to access
the school’s network or Internet wirelessly, or to access digital-only content provided by a textbook
And educators may use a Course Management System (CMS), sometimes called a Learning
Management System (LMS), which is a software that contains tools for class preparation, distribution,
and management.
For example, through the course management system, students access course materials, grades,
assessments, and a variety of collaboration tools.
Many schools offer distance learning classes, where the delivery of education occurs at one place
while the learning occurs at other locations. Distance learning courses provide time, distance, and place
advantages for students who live far from a campus or work full time.
Referencing Wallace (2015), the LMS is an information system used to track student progress, and
manage educational records. Many offer other features, such as online registration, assessment tools,
collaborative technologies, and payment processing. They also offer tools for creating or importing
And she also states that, people are so accustomed to social networking and other web applications that
it is an easy step to build these tools into an online platform or environment.
And referencing Wundenberg (2015), LMS characterizes a complex, often web based software system
which pools multiple task specific subprograms under a shared User Interface (UI).
• School administration;
• Information management;
However, it is important to underline that incorporation of a wide range of activities in the LMS
per se does not seem sufficient to enhance the teaching learning process. These kind of learning
platforms (e.g., Blackboard, Formare, Moodle, Teleformar, WebCT) should be seen as an
opportunity for institutions to develop learning materials, online courses, tests and evaluations,
databases and to online monitor students’ progress.
Furthermore, Wundenberg (2015) states that, an LMS also has to represent a number of
characteristics to satisfy the stakeholders’ needs:
According to Foreman (2018), an LMS differs from other information systems and it has its own
features that allows schools and institutions to manage users and courses and administer the system.
The user management features of an LMS include user account creation, authentication,
user profiles, and roles and permissions.
The course management includes managing lessons and assignments, post a course syllabus,
learning goals, and schedule, provide interactive activities such as surveys, quizzes, and polls,
upload and download multimedia course materials, conduct web conferences, send
instructor-student messages and messages among students and establish student groups.
The academic features are those that require special permission and, generally, are not
accessible to students. They include class rosters and gradebooks, reports, analytics and
statistics, and tools for developing courses and lessons in the system.
Moreover, the current research focuses on the section where the professors and students are registered
into the system and are enrolled in respective subjects, allowing the professors, to grade the
students and monitor their progress. And allows the students to view their own progress or results on
each enrolled course.
Chapter 3
XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by
Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for
scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. Since most actual web server deployments
use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live server
XAMPP's ease of deployment means a WAMP or LAMP stack can be installed quickly and simply on
an operating system by a developer, with the advantage that common add-in applications such as
WordPress and Joomla! can also be installed with similar ease using Bitnami.Though it is a heavy app
for most of the operating systems even when owing to its less size it takes a load on the processor speed.
The term XAMPP is an apparent acronym. However, there is no official acronym expansion specified
on the Apache Friends website. Their homepage header reads "XAMPP Apache + MariaDB + PHP +
Perl", indicating that this abbreviation is a recursive acronym.
MySQL was replaced with MariaDB on 19 October 2015 and beginning with XAMPP versions 5.5.30
and 5.6.14, effectively altering the meaning of the acronym.
While both letters P are de facto interchangeable, convention used at the Apache Friends website
indicates that the first letter P is short for PHP and the latter letter P is short for Perl.
XAMPP requires only one zip, tar, 7z, or exe file to be downloaded and run, and little or no
configuration of the various components that make up the web server is required. The Windows version
of XAMPP requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable.
XAMPP is regularly updated to the latest releases of Apache, MariaDB, PHP and Perl. It also comes
with a number of other modules including OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin, MediaWiki, Joomla, WordPress
and more. Self-contained, multiple instances of XAMPP can exist.
Student Features:
Student can search their result using valid rollid.
Here, Student can check their results by entering Roll id. Admin can create & manage
Classes, subjects.Add & Manage students and Declare Results. This project is done in
PHP. It’s easy to operate and understand by users.The design is pretty simple and
user won’t find it difficult to understand, use and navigate.
LOGIN : It’s a multiple login interface where you can login as ADMIN .
ADMIN: The admin will have the privileges to access all the functions in the applications.
MANAGE STUDENT : The Manage Student module will contain two Sub Modules, that is
Manage Existing Student and Add new Student. In Manage Existing Student Module we can
manipulate the Existing Student Information’s and Update. In Add new Student Module we
can add the new Student to the Database.
MANAGE SUBJECT : In Manage Subject Module we have two Sub Modules. In Manage
Existing Subject Module we can manipulate and update the Existing Subjects. In Add new
subject Module we can add the New Subjects which contains the Subject name, Subject Code
and the Department in which the subject related to.
REPORT : This Module Contains the All Reports related to the Students such as Student
Details, Marks of Student etc,.
SETTING : In this Module every users can Change their password and the User Name.
BACK UP : This module deals with backing up of data for future references or to recover
the database tables.
Chapter 4
Table Creation
4.1 Total Tables in Database
Chapter 5
Admin Login_
Create Subject -
Add Student -
Manage Students
Add Results
Manage Results
Student Login -
Result Display
Conclusion :
The project titled “STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” developed under
windows environmental using XAMPP server is an example to implement the proposed system.
The main objective of the project is to display and maintain the Student result system.