Question Bank - Cad Cam Cae
Question Bank - Cad Cam Cae
Question Bank - Cad Cam Cae
Question Bank
Semester VII
Question Bank: CAD/CAM/CAE – Semester VII
1. To introduce new and exciting field of Intelligent CAD/CAM/CAE with particular focus on
engineering product design and manufacturing.
2. To develop a holistic view of initial competency in engineering design by modern computational
Outcomes: A learner will be able to….
1. Identify proper computer graphics techniques for geometric modelling.
2. Transform, manipulate objects and store and manage data.
3. Prepare part programming applicable to CNC machines.
4. Use rapid prototyping and tooling concepts in any real life applications.
5. Identify the tools for Analysis of a complex engineering component.
devices- Velocity & displacement, Machining Centers and its types, Automated
Material Handling & storage Systems like Robots, AGVs and AS/RS etc.
Term Work
Term work shall consist of exercises and a course project in a group of not more than three (3)
students on either computer aided engineering or rapid prototyping and tooling. The distribution of
marks for term work shall be as follows:
Exercises: 15 Marks
Course Project: 05 Marks
Attendance (Theory & Practical): 05 Marks
Internal Assessment
Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on minimum 40% of
curriculum) and the other is either a class test (on minimum 70% of curriculum) or assignment on live
Practical / Oral Examination
Practical examination of 2 hours duration based on any one of the following.
1) Programming for Algorithms, transformations.
2) Part Programming and machining of components.
3) 3D Modeling on software.
4) Analysis of component for optimization
The distribution of marks for oral-practical examination shall be as follows:
Practical Examination …… 15 marks
Oral …… 10 marks
Theory Examination
In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours as mention in the syllabus.
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each carrying 20 marks.
2. Question number 1 will be compulsory and based on maximum contents of the syllabus
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example, if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from other than module 3)
4. Total four questions need to be solved.
Module 1
1. Explain any one Hidden surface and one hidden line removal algorithm, in detail.
2. Explain the concept of ray tracing. Give parametric vector representation of a Ray.
3. Write Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm for polygon clipping and explain the same with the
help of a rectangular clipping polygon and a polygon to be clipped having at least 8 sides.
Show the vertex output list after clipping each edge of the polygon to be clipped in turn
against each edge of the clipping' polygon.
4. List merits and demerits of wire frame, solid and surface modeling.
5. Explain the method of representing an ellipse in parametric form. Also develop the equation
further to calculate the various points on the ellipse by an incremental method. If the ellipse is
at an orientation angle, how would the calculations is done?
6. What are the problems with Beizer curves? How are these taken care of?
7. Compare Beizer and B-Spline curve with reference to number of control points, order of
continuity and surface normal.
8. The coordinates of four control points relative to a current WCS are given by – P 0 = [2 2 0]T,
P1 = [2 3 0]T, P2 = [3 3 0]T and P3 = [3 2 0]T. Find the equation of the resulting Beizer curve.
Also find points on the curve for u = 0, ¼, ½, ¾ and 1.
9. Find the degree of the Bezier curve controlled by three points (4,2), (0,0) and (2,8). Also find
the equation of the Bezier curve in parametric format with parameter ‘u’.
10. List important advantages and disadvantages of NURBS.
11. Explain
i) Cohen Sutherland Algorithm
ii) Painter Algorithm
iii) Area Subdivision Algorithm
iv) B-Spline Curve
v) Cubic Spline curve
vi) Feature based Modeling
vii) Design by feature
viii) Constructive solid geometry
ix) Boundary representation
x) Light and shade ray tracing
Module 2
1. The equation of line (L) is y=1/2x + 2. The vertices of the triangle ABC are given in
homogeneous co-ordinates as A(2,4,1) , B(4,6,1) and C(2,6,1). Find a composite
transformation matrix that will reflect ABC about the line (L), and also find its new co-
2. The pyramid defined by the co-ordinates A(0, 0, 0), B(1, 0, 0), C(0, 1, 0) and D(0, 0, 1) is
rotated 45 about the line L that has the direction V = J + K and passing through point C(0, 1,
0). Find the co-ordinates of the rotated figure.
3. Find the transformed coordinates when a line (3,4), (4,2) is rotated about a Z axis by an angle
of 45 in anticlockwise direction.
4. Justify how reflection is a special case of scaling transformation.
5. Find the transformed coordinates when a square [(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2) and (2, 2)] is scale for –
i) Uniform scaling with a factor of 2 in XY plane.
ii) Non uniform scaling with a factor of 2 and 1.5 in X and Y directions, while anchoring
point (1, 1).
6. Write geometric transformation to magnify a triangle about a point R and find the mirror
image about the line having Y intercept as 8 .The slope of the line is 1.5.The coordinates of
the triangles are P (10, 12), Q (14,13),R (12,16).
7. Find the transformation that converts a triangle C with vertices (-3, 3), (0.3), (0, 5) into an
equilateral triangle ‘D’ with vertices (0, 0), (2, 0) and (1, 3).
9. Explain 3D rotation transformation @ Z axis.
10. Write a program in C++ by ooprogramming method for 2D geometric transformation which
include functions for the following operations:
a) Translation b) Rotation c) Scaling
11. Write a program in object oriented language for 3D geometric transformation which include
functions for the following operations:
a) Translation b) Rotation @ Y axis c) Scaling d) shearing
12. List benefits of using Artificial Intelligence
13. Write short note on
i) Data structures for interactive modeling.
Module 3
1. Explain CNC functions and its advantages.
2. Explain absolute and incremental coordinate system with an example.
3. Write a part program using G and M codes to machine the contour as shown:
i) Incremental positioning system
ii) Suitable tool and name it.
iii) Start and end point as shown in figure.
i) Suitable tool and name them.
ii) Suitable speed and feed for machining.
iii) Show starting point and load/unload point.
iv) The component is 12mm thick.
4. Write a complete APT program to machine the outline of the geometry (Assume suitable
5. With the help of suitable job explain at least 6 G and 3 M codes of manual part programming.
6. Explain machining centers and its types. State their applications.
7. Explain the basic components of AS/RS System. Enlist the types of AS/RS (Explain any one in
detail). What are the criteria to measure the performance of AS/RS Systems?
8. Explain any one velocity and one displacement feedback device.
Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani 10
Question Bank: CAD/CAM/CAE – Semester VII
Module 4
1. Explain the fundamentals of CAE.
a. Parameter optimization
b. Kinematic Analysis
Module 5
1. With neat sketch of CIM wheel, explain the salient features of CIM system.
Module 6
1. Explain rapid prototyping. State its advantages and limitations.