Subtitle Analysis of Translation Procedures in "Avangers Endgame" Movie
Subtitle Analysis of Translation Procedures in "Avangers Endgame" Movie
Subtitle Analysis of Translation Procedures in "Avangers Endgame" Movie
Submitted to English Education Study Program of Suryakancana University in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
Sofia Latifah
Movie title translations may seem simple to the layperson, but filmmakers and
translators knows full well that every word carries meaning, weight and imagery. A
good title has impact and local cultural relevance and that’s decide to see the movie,
making of movie for sure using English and for the reason Indonesian will feel difficult
to understand the meaning of the dialogue because of a different language. So, the
translation of the language of the movie is needed. Movie is a product of art work that
research, the writer concerns with the translation study, that is the translation
Endgame” Movie and to find out the most dominant translation procedure that the
translator used in translating this this case translation of movie subtitle is
needed because it was released is different countries. This study used qualitative
research to explore the objectives of the research, The data were the script in the
This chapter presents the introduction of the research. It discusses the background of
the research, research questions, aims of the research, clarification of terms significant
In this modern era Hollywood movie have dominated movie industry almost in
every country, including Indonesia. The success that has been obtained by the
Hollywood industry that is liked by all people, from adults, teenagers, to children. Not
only because of the image quality but also the plot of the story and the actor or actress
who played in the movie made this Hollywood movie even more increasing liked by
Indonesian people. Making of this film for sure using English and for the reason
Indonesian will feel difficult to understand the meaning of the dialogue because of a
different language. So, the translation of the language of the movie is needed (Syahrani
et al., 2019)
In this research, the writer chooses to analyze the subtitle of a movie script because
usually an audience chooses to read translated subtitle to understand the story of the
rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author
intended. Hence in many types of text (legal, administrative, dialect, local culture) the
Language) as possible.” in the translation activity of course there are some things that
need to be considered, one of them is word choice, it is very important to make the
translation results are not read ambiguously. Maurits (1990) stated that “translation into
There are two types of movie translation. There are dubbing and subtitling. Dries
(1995 cited in Szarkowska 2005) states that dubbing “refers to the method in which
foreign dialogue is adjusted to the mouth and movement of the actor/actress in the film
and thus makes it familiar to the target audience.” As for subtitling, it refers to
translation of the film dialogue in text and it usually appeared in the bottom of the
screen. Both of them have a same purpose that to make the audience understand and
can enjoy the whole movie by listening or by reading the text in target language. This
study focuses on identifying and classifying the translation procedures and the most
by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the direct sequel to Avengers: Infinity
by Anthony and Joe Russo and written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely,
by Thanos in Infinity War.
There are some researchers that use movie as the object of their research. They are
Maryun (2012) and Iqbal (2009). Maryun focuses her study on procedure in translating
vocative expression. This research result is the most dominant procedure used for
expression and Literal and synonym procedures were in the second position after with
25 (15%) expression. The third procedures were reduction with 23 (14%) expression.
The next procedures were expansion with 8 expressions (5%). It was followed by
transference with 5 (3%) Compensation with 4 (3%) expression and the last procedure
is Couplet with 3 expressions (1%). Meanwhile, Iqbal focuses his study on translating
idiomatic expression. This research result shows that types of idioms mostly used in the
film entitled Tropic Thunder are slang (43%), figures of speech (18%), English phrasal
compounds (17%), substitute (13%), proper names (7%), and abbreviation (2%). The
result of this research also indicates that several methods were applied in translating the
Based on the previous study, there are differences from both research . The
expression in Harry Potter‟s movie and classifying the rank of most translation
procedure used and the research by Iqbal (2009) is focusing in idiomatic expression and
conversation in this movie. The researcher will also find out the most dominant
Endgame Movie ?
2. What is the most dominant translation procedure that the translator used in
A. To find out the types of translation procedures are applied in the subtitle of
the movie
B. To find out the most dominant translation procedure that the translator used
The research will complete and give more information abouttranslating the literary
work generally and translating movie especially for the writer herself and for the
To avoid misunderstanding in this chapter, the researcher has clarified some of the
terms below.
1. Molina L and Hurtado Albir (2002:499) (PUTRI, 2017) stated that translation
procedures described the result and it can be used to classify various solution of
translation. According to them, translation procedures as a procedure which is used
2. Subtitle is words that translate what is said in a film or movie into a different
language and appear on the screen at the bottom. Subtitles are also used, especially
interpreted by the researcher to give voice and meaning around an assessment topic
(Bowen, 2009)
Chapter II, Theoretical Foundation, in this chapter the writer explains the theories
that are discussed on this study are Translation, Theories of Translation, Translation
Chapter III, Methodology, in this chapter the writer explains how to feed the body
of this research by the data. There are Research design, Data Source, Datta
the result of document analysis. The data were used to answer all the research
Chapter V, Conclusions and Suggestions, this chapter is divided into two parts. The
first part tells the conclusion of this study and the second one discusses the
This chapter focuses on literature review which provides the basic theory in conducting
the research. There are seven main points that will be elaborated in this chapter as
B.1 Translation
the form of source language to the form of receptor or target language. In general,
literary, scientific, and philosophical texts in another language and thus making
rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author
intended the text. In line with that theory, Munday (2001:5) states that translation
refers to the changing of an original source text of one language into a target text in
a different language.
signs through other signs of the same language. This translation is similar
of the class and the students make a note from what he says.
verbal signs through the same and other signs some other languages. For
written text were translated, for example, a film version of a novel and an
Meanwhile, Hatim and Munday (2004:6) in Munday (2009:7) define translation as:
2. The written product, or TT, which results from that process and which
translation is not just the transfer of texts from one language into another, but also
a process of negotiation between texts and cultures. It means that translation is not
only transmitting a language, transferring the meaning, and conveying the
Besides that, (Nida et al., 1982) postulate that translation is reproducing the
receptor language from the closest natural equivalent of the source language
message, meaning aspect is the first concern as well as the importance of form and
style, because translation is not merely changing one language to another, but also
have more than one translation procedure. Newmark (1988), Vinay and Darbelnet
(2001), Delisle, Lee-Jahnke & Cormier (1999), and Harvey (2003) divided the
1. Literal Translation
equivalent, but the lexical words are translated word by word. Dryden
(2000:86) in Munday (2001:57) say that the translator may judge literal
2. Transference
maintains the same forms, typically with names of people and places.
3. Naturalization
4. Adaptation
reference when a situation in the source culture does not exist in the
other words, Delisle, Lee-Jahnke & Cormier (1999) use this term to
replace a socio-cultural reality from the SL with a reality specific to the
5. Cultural Equivalent
and proverbs. In ,other words, the language describes the same situation
6. Functional Equivalent
Harvey, 2003:2).
7. Descriptive Equivalent
- TL: Revolver.
8. Synonym
Synonym is a procedure which is used when a precise equivalent for
TL may or may not exist. Therefore, the translator uses the sense of a
appropriate where literal translation is not possible and because the word
9. Through – Translation
- SL: A year and a half had passed in what Dad called “suspended
- TL: Sudah satu setengah tahun lewat yang ayah sebut animasi yang
11. Modulation
Modulation is a procedure that changes the semantic and the point of
way. There are eight types of modulation that are proposed by Vinay
d. reversal of terms,
h. change of symbols.
(Newmark, 1988:90).
14. Compensation
- SL: Son of a bitch!
- SL: Set.
proposes the term “Expansion” and uses the term “Condensation” and
1988:90). In other words, Delisle, Lee-Jahnke & Cormier (1999) use the
- TL: Karena kamu sekarang sudah ada di alam, apa yang akan kita
17. Paraphrase
- SL: Notifying them that Chris' abandoned car had been identified by
- TL: Yang beritahu bahwa mobil yang dibuang Chris terlacak oleh
up and the manager said that Chris had moved out at the end of May.
Notes, additions, and glosses are the procedures where the translator
20. Denominalization
21. Explicitation
Explicitation is used to introduce precise details into the TT for
from either the context or the situation. Becher (2011:18) says that
22. Implicitation
- SL: Be sure the iron is unplugged from the electrical outlet before
1. Choosing a method of approach whether the translator will translate the source
text sentence by sentence for the first paragraph or chapter, to get the feel and
the feeling tone of the text; or translate the source text after reading the whole
text two or three times, and finding intention, register, tone, mark the difficult
words and passages, then start translating when the translator has taken their
a. The SL text level (the textual level). In this level, the translator starts to
grammar (clauses and groups) into the TL equivalents, then translates the
b. The referential level. In this level, the translator visualizes and builds up the
essential parts of the text, both of the comprehension and the reproduction
process. In other words, the translator gains the perspective from the language.
c. The cohesive level. This level follows both of the structure and the moods of
the text. At this level, the translator reconsiders the lengths of paragraphs and
sentences, the formulation of the title, and the tone of the conclusion to
certain situation. In other words, the translation product is making sense and
3. Revising the procedure of the translation which constitutes at least half of the
complete process.
a. Movie
b. Subtitle
c. Avangers : Endgame
the authors include several aspect used to cunduct research on Subtitle Analysis of
employed because the data of this research are in the form of words, phrases and
clauses. Descriptive method is used to describe the findings of the research, which
are the procedures used in translating the movie subtitle. In this research, the writer
only collect, classify and analyze the data, and in the end, draw conclusion based
on the data and total of analyzed the data will attached in appendix. As Creswell
(Chu, PH. and Chang, 2017) stated that “Qualitative research is an approach for
inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the researcher making
The data of this research the transcript of the dialogue in Source Language,
English, and the subtitles in Target Language, Bahasa Indonesia. Both of the data
because both of them are well-matched with the dialogues in the movie.
technique to collect the data, the writer would not acquire the data that appropriate
with the needed to answer research. The writer also needs instruments as a tool in
collecting data. In this research, the writer use document analyzed as a technique
First, Avangers:Endgame movie subtitles are taken as the data source of this
study. Both English and Bahasa Indonesia script are found on a web named
subscene. com. Second, the movie dialogues and the subtitles are matched in
order to write the whole translation of the movie subtitle. The entire subtitle in the
movie is written, both Bahasa Indonesia and English subtitle. Third, After writing
down the subtitles of the movie, the writer matches them with their translation in
Bahasa Indonesia. Then, the data are analyzed to find out the translation
1. To start, the writer reads the subtitle of Avangers: Endgame both in English
procedures, The writer will look for the type and the most dominant
3. Then, the result can be interpreted by displaying the data in a form of table. If
the result is not matched to the category of analysis, the data should be
4. Conclusion is drawn
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