DA Chart
DA Chart
DA Chart
In the Office Memoranda cited above, Government of India sanctioned revised rate
of DA/DR to Central Government employees, Pensioners and family pensioners with effect
from 01.07.2010.
2. On the basis of above orders, the rates of Dearness Allowance payable to State
Government Employees, Teachers, Staff of Aided Schools, Private Colleges and
Polytechnics, Full Time employees borne on the contingent and work charged
establishments and employees of Local Bodies will be revised w.e.f. 01.07.2010 as shown
4. The additional expenditure on this account in respect of Local Bodies will be met
by them from their own funds.
5. The revised rate of DA will be applicable to part-time teachers and part-time
contingent employees also on the basis of pay drawn by them.
6. The employees of State Public Sector Undertakings/Statutory
Corporations/Autonomous bodies on State DA pattern, are also eligible for the enhanced
rate of DA, subject to the following conditions:
iii) Those organizations which are already on State D.A. can release the
revised rates of D.A. to their employees without reference to
Government. However, a decision on this has to be taken by the Board
of Directors of the organization, keeping in mind the ability of the
organization to pay for the increase from their own resources. If the
organization cannot meet such expenses on their own, and has to get
funds from the Government for this, prior approval of the Government
should be taken. (Orders in Government can be issued by the
Administrative Department only in consultation with Planning &
Economic Affairs (BPE) Department and Finance Department.) The
condition that those organizations which require funds from the
Government to pay the DA instalments need to take prior Government
approval will not apply to organizations such as Universities, Kerala
Water Authority, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and
Environment etc. where more than 90% of the salary expenses are met
by Non Plan grant from the Government. They can release DA
instalments without prior approval of the Government but with
the approval of the Board/Executive Committee etc.
7. For those who are continuing in the 1997 pay scales even after 01.07.2010,
DA will be sanctioned (up to the date of effect of option under Pay Revision 2004) as
i. The condition mentioned under clause (h) above will be applicable "mutatis
mutandis" to Provident Fund other than General Provident Fund also. In regard
to Contributory Provident Fund, however, there will be no matching contribution
from the Government in respect of the arrears of D.A.
10. In the bill as well as in the PF schedule the arrears of D.A. from 01.07.2010 to
31.12.2010 may be indicated separately. Accordingly, the amount of arrears of D.A. to be
credited to Provident Fund Account should be shown as a separate entry in the Provident
Fund schedule as shown below:
Subscription proper Refund of Advance Arrears of Amount
Amount Month to No. of Amount Month to From Total
which it instalments which it 01.07.2010
related relates to
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)