Exam Booster Preparation For b2 Levelexams SB Answerkey
Exam Booster Preparation For b2 Levelexams SB Answerkey
Exam Booster Preparation For b2 Levelexams SB Answerkey
Answer Ke y
READING ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2...
Task 1.
Unit 1. Travelling ............................................................................................................................................................................................................2...
Unit 2. Relationships ....................................................................................................................... 2..
Task 2.
Unit 3. Education and fashion ........................................................................................................ 2..
Unit 4. Sport .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3...
Task 3.
Unit 5. Leisure and hobbies ............................................................................................................. 3..
Unit 6. Holidays ................................................................................................................................................................................................................4...
Task 4.
Unit 7. People ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................4...
Unit 8. Entertainment .................................................................................................................... 5..
Task 5.
Unit 1. Personality .........................................................................................................................................................................................................5...
Unit 2. Education ............................................................................................................................................................................................................6...
Unit 3. Giving advice ....................................................................................................................... 6..
Task 6.
Unit 4. -ed / -ing adjectives .............................................................................................................. 7..
Unit 5. Modifiers ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7...
Unit 6. Conditionals .....................................................................................................................................................................................................8..
Unit 7. Noun clauses .....................................................................................................................................................................................................8..
Unit 8. Verb patterns ....................................................................................................................................................................................................9..
Task 7.
Unit 1. General overview of writing criteria ................................................................................... 9.
Unit 2. Content ................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 0
Unit 3. Organization of a letter .....................................................................................................................................................................1 1
Unit 4. Register ................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2
Unit 5. Linkers ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 2
Task 1
Unit 1. Travelling
Unit 2. Relationships
Task 2
Unit 3. Education and Fashion
Unit 4. Sport
Task 3
1 Your own answers match text 4, we only know about the are all used without
2 1. In this task you should ability of adults to use the grounds. “to.” Suggested
read the text quickly to get a Their ability to come and go isn’t Answers
general understanding. mentioned. Also, while D looks like 1. You can’t enter the
2.Then, you read the answers it might match text 3, we don’t Fitness Center if you’re under
and underline key words. know that trainers specifically are 18 years old.
3.After that, you read the required. For example, sandals 2. The spa must be
text again and match the may also work. For this reason, entered slowly. 3. You have to
texts to the questions. it’s not the best fit. wear shoes at the
4.Finally, you should check 4 a) are strictly forbidden, do playground.
your answers using your key not…, no running, pushing…, 4. Correct
words. the spa cannot be used 5. Pregnant women
3 1. E b) should not can’t ride the amusement
2. F ride c) don’t park ride.
3. B have to 6. Pregnant women
4. H d) should pregnant shouldn’t use the spa.
5. G women… e) keep arms and 7. Dogs must have
6. C legs inside, you must be 5’6”; leashes in the dog park.
Notes: dogs must be leashed 8. Dogs can’t be taken to
While at first, A seems like it 5 The only phrase or structure the school grounds.
might used with “to” is “have to.” The 6 Your own answers
others 7 Your own answers
8 Your own answers
Unit 6. Holidays
1 Your own answers
2 Your own answers to this camp ourselves. 2. Correct.
3 Your own answers 2. What would happen if 3.If I liked science more, I
4 1. E
you drove would enjoy my chemistry
2. B a car into the side of a brick lessons.
3. A house? 4.If my biology lessons were
4. C 3.If you drank it, would it more fun, I would do my
5. F make you sick? homework more often.
6. B 8 1. In the previous task, 5.I would like football if it
5 Your own answers examples two and three wasn’t so boring.
6 In this sentence, the speaker make questions. Sentence 6.If I were tired, I wouldn’t be
is talking about an one is the only statement. able to pay attention very
impossible situation in the 2. Yes, you can - but when well.
present. the if clause comes first, it 7.If I had more money, I would
7 1. If we were younger, we would needs a comma at the end. go to the cinema more
go 9 1. If I studied harder, I would often.
do better on my tests. 10 Your own answers
11 Your own answers
Task 4. Unit 7. People
Unit 8. Entertainment
Use of English
Task 5
Unit 1. Personality
Unit 2. Education
1 1. B
4 1. Piece of cake 8 People Lecturer, freshman,
2. A professor, undergraduate,
2. Going over your head
3. C teacher, tutor
3. Scraping through
4. C Study activities Write a paper, revise,
4. Fallen behind
5. D take notes, attend,
5. As a matter of
2 1. Piece of cake workshop, lecture, do
routine 6. In leaps research, opportunity,
2. Falling behind
3. Pull my socks and bounds 7. Pull seminar
up 4. Scrape your socks up Feelings Homesick
through 5. Keep 8. Pass tests with
flying colors 9. Keep it up Accomodation Hall of residence,
it up
6. As a matter of from home
5 Your own answers
routine 7. Go over
my head Money Scholarship, fee, loan
8. Pass with flying 6 Your own answers 9 Your own answers.
colors 9. In leaps and 10 Your own answers
bounds 7 Your own answers
3 See ex. 1 on p.40
Task 6
Unit 4. -ed / -ing adjectives
Unit 5. Modifiers
Unit 6. Conditionals
1 Your own answers 5 1. It’s easy to see / we know 3. I’m not sure I’ll buy it.
2 Your own answers 2.We’ll see what they do / it is 4.Do you now how much the
3 1. A; 2. D; 3. A; 4. B; 5. C still unknown new model costs?
4 1. What the intense user 3. We aren’t sure / we can’t 5.I want to see if the new
will appreciate really say model is better than the old
2. How much it will cost 6 The sentences in task four (in one.
3.When it will be / if it the italicized sections) follow 6. Correct.
will be affordable normal word order for sentences. 7.It’s easy to see how it will
4. It’s a good purchase We do not be better than the
5. What they do in the add auxiliaries as we would in a original.
future 6. It’s a work in question. 8. Correct
progress 7 1. I won’t know what time it is. 8 Your own answers
2.I want to see what the 9 Your own answers
weather will be today.
4 Unit 1. General overview of the writing criteria
1 The text corresponds to the
task and all of the points are doctor made when she had a (Kate).
generally covered – although cold. 4. Yes: there are linkers 6. Yes: there is a wide
points 1 and 2 are covered which link range of vocabulary.
more explicitly than point 3. the sentences (such as ‘and’ Yes: there are no significant
2 1. Yes: point 1 is covered and ‘so’), but there are no vocabulary mistakes in the
fully – there are several linkers which link letter
sentences asking the paragraphs. 7. Yes: there are no
friend how he is doing. Yes: there are both simple significant grammar
2.Yes: point 2 is covered fully and complex sentences (such as mistakes.
– there are questions about conditionals). Yes: there are no mistakes
seeing a doctor and what the 5.Yes: the register is with subject-verb
doctor says. appropriate (informal). agreement.
3.Yes: point 3 is covered fully Yes: there is a greeting (Hi Yes: there are no mistakes in
– although inexplicitly – the Jim), an opening remark (Great word order.
writer is asking her friend if he to hear from you), main Yes: there are no mistakes in
wants to know the name of body with three paragraphs, the use of infinitives.
the medicine, and is sharing closing remark (Let me know Yes: there are no mistakes in
how you feel…), and the use of uncountable
suggestions her own
ending (Speak to you soon) nouns.
and a name 3 Your own answers
4 Your own answers
Unit 2. Content
Student A Student B
1. 1.
l your flight plans and when you’re arriving l ask him about his flight plans, and let him know what
l your appearance and how they will recognize you time is best for you
l any activities or places you would like to do or see l ask him about his appearance, and tell him how he
during the trip. can recognize you
l make some suggestions about what to do or see in
your town
2. 2.
Reader A partner school in Reader A pen-friend from
Dublin. Type of writing Formal. Cardiff. Type of writing Informal.
Special features Features of formal writing: no idioms Special features Features of informal writing:
or phrasal verbs, no contractions, extensive use of idioms or phrasal
full sentences and complex verbs, contractions, short sentence,
sentences, features of formal and features of informal register.
register. Arranging to meet your pen-friend
Topic Informing your partner school of
arrival in Dublin, providing them Topic at the airport and suggesting things
with the following info. to do.
Required info Your flight plans and when you’re Required info Asking your friend about his flight
arriving. plans and telling what time is best
Your appearance and how they will for you
recognize you. Asking your friend about his
Any activities or places you would appearance and letting him know
like to do or see during the trip. how he will recognize you
Further Our own notes Suggesting things to do and see
explanation here. in your town.
Further Our own notes here.
3. See the task on 3. See the task on
p.76. 4. Your own p.76. 4. Your own
answer. answer.
Unit 4. Register
1 Your own answers.
2 Your own answers.
Formal Informal
Greeting Dear S ir o r M adam, D ear J ane, Mary, D ear J ane, H i S tas,
Opening remarks Thank you very much for your letter. Thanks for your letter.
Thank you very much for your letter I was unable to write I was so pleased to hear from you.
earlier. With reference to your letter of/about/on... Great to hear from you.
Sorry I haven’t written for ages.
Apologizing I w ould l ike t o a pologize f or... I’m s orry f or...
Sorry for / about / that...
Making a request I would be grateful if you Could you please...?
could... Please can you...
Could you possibly...
Making an offer If you like, I could... . If you wish, I would be happy to... . Would you like me to...? Shall
Closing remarks Please give my best regards to... Write back quickly!
I look forward to hearing from you Say hi to...
soon. It would be nice to meet Hope to hear from you soon.
some time.
Ending Best w ishes, K ind r egards, Best w ishes, S ee y ou,
Name Olena Sol ovyova Jane
4 Suggested answers:
Dear Louise,
Thank you very much for your letter which I received on Friday, and thank you for the invitation. I am sorry, but I wil l
be unable to attend as we have a seminar in biology this weekend. I would be grateful if you could let Mark
know about the new timetable. If you need anything, I would be happy to help – please do not hesitate
to call me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Denise Didier
Unit 5. Linkers
1 Your own answers 3 The letter lacks cohesion – the ideas are
2 • let him know the best time to visit, and what scattered around the text, and there are
time is most convenient for you almost no l inking devices which make the
•tell him about your family so that he knows text link together
what to expect 4 See task 6 on pg. 88
•make recommendations about what to do or 5 Your own answers
see 6 Your own answers
while he staying with yoг 7 Your own answers