Stuart England in The 17th Century: Essential Questions (Page 1 of 2)

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Stuart England in the 17th Century

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Stuart England in the 17th Century: Essential Questions (Page 1 of 2)

1. What was the nature of the conflict between the English kings and the parliament
in the 17th century?
2. What was the nature of the conflict within the Church of England in the 17th
3. What happened to the English throne upon the death of Elizabeth I in 1603?
4. What were the guiding principles, developments and accomplishments of James I?
5. How did Charles I view his monarchy and the role of parliament in the English
6. How did the Petition of the Right (1628) embody the spirit of the conflict between
Charles I and Parliament?
7. From 1629 to 1640, how did Charles I attempt to rule without calling Parliament?
Why did the period known as his “Personal Rule” end in 1640? How did the
conflict in Scotland contribute to the start of the English Civil War?
8. What were the nature and results of the English Civil War?

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Stuart England in the 17th Century: Essential Questions (Page 2 of 2)

9. Who was Oliver Cromwell? How did he rule England during the Commonwealth?
10. Why did the Commonwealth come to end in 1660? Upon its demise, who took
over the English government?
11. What were the major developments in England under the rule of Charles II?
12. How did James II view his monarchy and the role of parliament in the English
13. What led to the Glorious Revolution? What did it mean for England?
14. Why did William of Orange want to rule England alongside James II’s daughter
Mary Stuart?
15. What were the results of the Glorious Revolution and its corresponding settlement?

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

End of Tudor England: Death of Elizabeth I (1603)

• “The Virgin Queen”

Elizabeth died childless
(she claimed she married
• Elizabeth was the last in
Tudor dynasty
• closest heir was James
Stuart of Scotland, who
became James I of Elizabeth with Time and
England Death looking over her

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Theme #1: Conflict between King & Parliament

Stuart Kings Parliament

• attempted to impose • desired limited,

divine right absolutism constitutional monarchy
• sought absolute control • sought control of
of military & taxation military & taxation;
• NOTE: James II
sought to return • maintain Church of
England to Catholicism England (Anglican)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Theme #2: Religious Conflict within the Anglican Church

Church of England (COE) Anglicans

Puritans Moderates High Anglicans

• make COE more • maintain the • make the COE more

Protestant moderate religious Catholic in
• “purify” COE of settlement organization and
Catholic traditions established by doctrine
• Calvinist influences Elizabeth I

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

James I: Background & Basics
• Scottish relative of Elizabeth I
• first in Stuart Dynasty
• Personal Union of Scotland and
England: England and Scotland not
one country, but both governed by
same person
• justified his reign based on divine right
✓ believed he was God’s representative
on Earth
✓ believed judges were agents of the
king, not servants of the law
✓ Parliament rarely called when James I
James I (1603-25) was in power

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

James I: Divine Right Monarch

“The state of the Monarchy is

the supremest thing upon
Earth; for Kings are not
only God’s lieutenants, and
sit upon God’s throne, but
even by God himself they
are called Gods.”
James I in a speech to Parliament
(21 March 1609)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Stuart England: James I & Charles I
Journal 19: Neither to James I nor to his son Charles I would Parliament grant
adequate revenue because it distrusted both.

––Palmer Chapter 19 • pp. 155-62––

Directions; Using sentences or detailed bulleted notes, identify & explain the evidence Palmer uses to support the thesis listed above.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

James I: Scholar?

• King James Bible--authorized publication of most

famous English version of the Bible
• anonymously published True Law of Free
Monarchies (1598), which argued a divine right
monarchy is free from control of parliament
• wrote treatises on theology, witchcraft & tobacco
• although James considered himself a scholar,
others mocked him. One critic referred to James
as “the wisest fool in Christendom.”
AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

The King James Bible: Reflection On

“The King James Version of the Bible, besides shaping and

invigorating the modern English language, had another rare
distinction. It is perhaps the only literary masterpiece ever written
by a committee...The project was an effort to compromise
differences within the Church of England, to bring together
Puritans and others. After James I gave it his support, forty-seven
approved translators, including the notable Biblical scholars of the
day, were organized into six groups. They worked at Westminster,
Oxford, and Cambridge on the different parts of the Old and New
Testaments assigned to them. When they had completed their
assigned parts, each criticized the work of the others. Then a
representative group of six, meeting daily at Stationers’ Hall in
London for nine months, combined their efforts toward
publication in 1611. They drew on the latest classical and Oriental
scholarship, but willingly followed earlier versions where these
were satisfactory. Although there was not one towering literary
talent in the lot, their product overshadowed all the other works of
literary genius in the language. “

Source: The Discoverers: A History of Man’s Search to Know His World and Himself, Daniel J. Boorstin (New York: Random House, 1983), pp. 523-24.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Exam Skills (ES): Comparison

Compare the creation of the vernacular Bible in the German states with what happened
in England.

the German States England




AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

James I: Major Developments
• alienated Puritans by attempting to
impose moderate Anglicanism on the
Calvinist-leaning Puritans
• conflict with Parliament intensified
throughout James’ reign
✓ over the appointment of James’
✓ over taxation and finances
• supported colonial settlements in
North America
✓ Jamestown (1607)
James I: looking happy ✓ Massachusetts Bay (1620)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


James I: The Gunpowder Plot (1605)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles I: Background & Basics

• personal
✓ son of James I
✓ great supporter of the
✓ known to be vain
• political
✓ believed in divine right
✓ attempted to rule as an
absolute monarch Charles I (1625-49)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


1625 Attempted to
rule with
1629 Parliament

Charles I
Rule” without Timeline

Conflict w/ Parliament intensified;
1642 fought in parliamentary context

English Civil War

1649 Charles’ trial and execution
AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles I: The Struggle with Parliament (1625-29)

• Charles struggled with parliament

✓ taxation: Charles needed money to finance wars in Europe
✓ rights of Parliament
• Charles dissolved Parliament in 1626, but was forced
to recall it in 1628
• Parliament issued Petition of Right (1628)
✓ list of Parliamentary grievances against the king
✓ Parliament demanded safeguards against arbitrary arrest
& taxation
✓ Charles responded by dissolving Parliament, beginning a
period that became known as Charles’ “Personal Rule”

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Charles I: Personal Rule (1629-40)

• Charles ruled without Parliament
✓ raised money by questionable means, such as
reinterpreting the “Ship Money” tax
✓ avoided wars to save money: England only
marginally involved in the Thirty Years’ War
• Charles alienated Puritans
✓ wanted to rid Church of England of Puritan
✓ appointed William Laud as Archbishop of
Canterbury (1633) to enforce religious
‣ dismissed Calvinist-leaning members of the
Anglican clergy
‣ argued that English church architecture
should emphasize the altar
‣ insisted that the Book of Common Prayer
was the basis for the Protestant service in Wiliam Laud: despised Puritans
the Church of England

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles I: Revolt in Scotland (1640)

• Bishops’ Wars: Scottish revolts

against Charles I
✓ Charles tried to impose the Anglican
religion on Calvinist (Presbyterian)
✓ increased Scottish nationalism and
infuriated English Puritans
✓ the impoverished Charles I could not
muster an army suitable for crushing
the revolt
• Charles recalled Parliament (1640)
in hopes of financing an army to Anthony van Dyck’s famous
portrait of Charles I (1634)
crush the revolt in Scotland

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Charles I: The Short & Long Parliaments

• Short Parliament (1640): met briefly but was quickly

dissolved by Charles I
• Long Parliament (1640-1660)
✓ dominated by Puritans
✓ revolutionized the Church of England to make it more Presbyterian
✓ issued “19 Propositions”: proposal for a new government relationship
(a limited constitutional monarchy)
➡ the king would have little power
➡ Parliament would exercise most governmental powers
➡ Charles could not––and did not––accept the 19 Propositions
‣ Charles raised an army
‣ Parliament raised an army

• Conflict elevated to civil war: the English Civil War

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles I’s Divine Right Justification: Reflections On

“We should start with Charles I’s defense of [the]

English monarchy, contained in his ‘Answer to the
Nineteen Propositions of Parliament’ of 1642…He
thought kings rule jure divino; on his theocratic
conception of kingship, the king received his authority
from God, not the consent of subjects. The law of the
land was the king’s law, subject to the enforcement or
relaxation as he chose, Parliament was an advisory body
that he might summon or not, and the citizens’ property
was more deeply his than theirs. He should govern
according to known and settled law, since God ruled
the universe in a predicable, rational way; but the
king’s authority was absolute, personal to himself,
paternal and bequeathable.”

Source: On Politics: A History of Political Thought from Hobbes to the Present, Alan Ryan (New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2012), p. 503.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Exam Skills (ES): Secondary Source Interpretation & Synthesis

According to political theorist Alan Ryan in his book On Politics: A History of Political
Thought from Hobbes to the Present, how did Charles I view Parliament’s “Nineteen
Propositions”? Explain.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles I: The English Civil War (1642-49)

Conflict between King (Crown) & Parliament

Charles & the Royalists Parliament

-------------- --------------
• supporters of Charles • supporters of Parliament
were called “Cavaliers” were called “Roundheads”
• Charles’ “capital” moved • Puritan Oliver Cromwell
from London to Oxford led Parliament’s “New
Model Army”

• sporadic warfare throughout England

• civil war won by Parliament; Charles I arrested
AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Charles I: Trial and Execution (1649)

• brought to trial by Parliament

✓Charles accused of treason
✓Charles found guilty
✓Charles executed
• Parliament’s message: the king is subject to
the law of the land (Charles, as a divine right
monarch, claimed to be above the law)
• after Charles’ execution, England abolished
the monarchy altogether (became a republic)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Nursery Rhyme Inspired by Charles’ Execution

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


The Commonwealth (1649-60): The Republic

• republic: representative
government with no hereditary
• Commonwealth initially was a
government ruled by a noble-
led Parliament
• Commonwealth eventually
evolved into a military
dictatorship ruled by Cromwell,
the “Lord Protector”

Oliver Cromwell

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

The Commonwealth (1649-60): The Republic

“Mr. Lely, I desire you

would use all your skill to
paint my picture truly like
me, and not flatter me at all;
but remark all these
roughnesses, pimples, warts,
and everything as you see
me, otherwise I will never
pay a farthing for it.”
Cromwell to an artist
commissioned to paint his portrait

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


The Commonwealth (1649-60): The Republic

• Cromwell in England
✓ established a strict, Puritan moral code and social
➡ theaters were closed (the Globe Theater had been
demolished by the Puritans in 1644)
➡ public drunkenness was outlawed
➡ many sports were banned
➡ swearing could lead to fine or imprisonment
➡ women were not allowed to wear make-up
✓ Cromwell’s government grew increasingly unpopular

• Cromwell’s control of Ireland: Cromwell

detested the Irish
✓ England further entrenched control of Ireland by
force: thousands of Irishmen were massacred and
deported during the Commonwealth
✓ attempted to enforce Protestantism on Catholic Ireland
Cromwell: not a popular man
✓ English aristocrats took control of significant Irish
in Dublin

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

The Commonwealth (1649-60): The Republic

Development of political groups during the Commonwealth

Levellers Diggers

Group had democratic leanings Group had communistic leanings

• sought universal manhood suffrage • led by Gerrard Winstanley, a religious reformer
• sought equality of representation • sought egalitarian communities in rural England
• sought a written constitution • advocated the collective cultivation of land
• advocated religious toleration • called for an end to private property

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


The Commonwealth (1649-60): The Republic

• Cromwell’s demise
✓ Cromwell’s policies grew increasingly unpopular
and England faced mounting financial problems
✓ Cromwell died in 1658 (urinary infection)
✓ Cromwell’s son Richard became “Lord
Protector” from 1658-59
➡ Richard lacked credibility with the army
➡ Richard unable to deal with the Commonwealth’s
financial problems

• Commonwealth collapsed in 1660

✓ Stuart dynasty restored by Parliament
✓ Charles I’s son Charles II returned from France
to become king Oliver Cromwell’s
✓ NOTE: after 1660, Commonwealth known as the death mask

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles II: Background & Basics

• son of Charles I
• during Interregnum, spent time in
court of Louis XIV
• ruled as a limited monarch
✓ Charles II understood the lesson of
what happened to his father
✓ Charles’ reign would be marked by
an active Parliament
• inaugurated “Restoration England”
✓ wild times socially
✓ flourishing of the arts
Charles II (1660-85) • many believed Charles was a closet

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


The Restoration of Stuart England: Reflections On

“From the start, Charles dated his reign not from the
Restoration but from the death of his father, and firmly
established that his regime was legitimate, its acts
valid in law. In July 1660 an act confirmed that while
the judgements of the courts under the
Commonwealth on all private transactions should
stand (thus embracing the courts’ decisions and the
continuity of common law), no public acts––the
statutes passed by parliament––were endorsed,
because they never had the consent of the king.
Cromwell’s legislation was thus simply wiped off the
record as illegal. In terms of legislation, Charles and
his parliament were transported back in time, to 1641.

This return to the status quo of nineteen years before

meant that all the radical changes that Cromwell’s
parliament had made in the way the kingdom was
governed were swept away….”

Source: A Gambling Man: Charles II’s Restoration Game, Jenny Uglow (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009), pp. 76-77.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Exam Skills (ES): Secondary Source Interpretation & Synthesis

In her book A Gambling Man: Charles II’s Restoration Game, by what justification does
historian Jenny Uglow argue Charles II was able to invalidate the changes that had been
made under Oliver Cromwell? Based on your study of history thus far, what reforms of
the Cromwell era were likely invalidated by Charles II’s restoration?

Charles II’s justification for Cromwell reforms invalidated by Charles II

removing reforms of Cromwell era

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Charles II: Acts Passed by Parliament

• Corporation Act (1660): to be a justice of

peace, one had to participate in Church of
England (COE) services.
• Test Act (1673): all holders of political
offices must take sacrament in COE.
• Habeas Corpus Act (1679): protection
from arbitrary arrest and safeguarding of
personal liberties.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles II: Political Parties in Parliament

Development of political parties during Charles’ II reign

Whigs Tories

• higher aristocracy • lesser aristocracy & gentry

• backed by middle class • suspicious of middle class
• wanted more power for • strong faith in king and
Parliament or aristocracy Church of England

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Charles II: Great Fire of London (1666)

an artist’s interpretation of the 1666 fire in London

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Charles II: Christopher Wren & the Rebuilding of London

St. Paul’s Cathedral

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Stuart England: Charles II & James II

Journal 20: Not long after the Restoration, Parliament and king were at odds. The
issue was again religion.

––Palmer Chapter 20 • pp. 162-69––

Directions; Using sentences or detailed bulleted notes, identify & explain the evidence Palmer uses to support the thesis listed above.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

James II (1685-88): Background & Basics

• brother of Charles II
• political ambitions
✓ believed in divine right
✓ detested Parliament
✓ sought to make himself an
absolute monarch in England
• religious ambitions
✓ was openly Catholic
✓ wanted to restore Catholicism in

James II (1685-88)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


James II: Background to the Glorious Revolution

James II’s Major Problems

Conflict w/ Parliament Religion

• detested Parliament • openly Catholic
• believed he could make • fired many Protestants
or unmake laws without from high ranking
Parliamentary consent positions; hired Catholics
• lost support of the Whigs • James II had a son in
and even the Tories 1688, which he baptized
as a Catholic and dubbed
the heir to the throne

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

The Glorious Revolution (1688): The Bloodless Revolution

• Parliament withdrew its

support of James II
• Parliament invited James’
Protestant daughter Mary to be
• Mary agreed only if she could
co-rule with her husband,
William of Orange (Parliament
conceded to Mary’s wishes)
Co-Monarchs William & Mary • James II fled, offering little

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


A Nursery Rhyme Inspired by the Glorious Revolution


Rock-a-bye baby [James’ son] in a tree top,

When the wind blows [the wind blowing William’s fleet
across the Channel], the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

In the Wake of the Glorious Revolution: The English Bill of Rights (1689)

Made England a limited constitutional monarchy

• no law could be suspended by the

• no taxation without parliamentary
• no army maintained without
parliamentary consent
• no subject could be detained without
legal process (due process)
• freedom of speech guaranteed for
English Bill of Rights members of parliament
AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


In the Wake of the Glorious Revolution: Toleration Act of 1689

• religious rights for Dissenters

✓ allowed non-Anglican
Protestants––known as
“Dissenters” in England––to
practice their religion
✓ Dissenters still excluded from
political and public life
• did not embrace full religious
✓ offered no rights or privileges to
William III would co-rule with Mary
✓ offered no rights or privileges to until Mary’s death in 1694. After
Jews Mary’s death, William ruled until his
own death in 1704.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Results of Stuart England & the Glorious Revolution

• triumph of Parliament and constitutional monarchy

over absolutism
• some personal liberties secured by law
• “Glorious Revolution Settlement” banned Catholics
from sitting on the throne of England (Coronation
Oath Act of 1689)
• inspired political thought in the late 17th and 18th
✓ John Locke
✓ philosophes of French Enlightenment
✓ American Revolution (1775-1783)
✓ French Revolution (1789-1815)

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


The Results of the Glorious Revolution: Reflections On

“The Glorious Revolution reaffirmed the political

domination of the gentry, whose interests Parliament
represented above all. English monarchs named nobles
to hereditary seats in the House of Lords, but wealthy
landowners elected members to the House of Commons.
The gentry’s economic and social position was more
secure than during the inflationary years of the first half
of the century. Order and social hierarchy reigned, and
the fear of popular disorder ebbed. Benefitting from the
consensus of 1688, the elite of wealthy landowners,
increasingly more open to newcomers than their
continental counterparts, would continue to shape
British political life in the eighteenth century. The
English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution affirmed
the principle of representation not only in England, but
also in the North American colonies, an important legacy
for the future.”

S0ource: A History of Modern Europe: From Renaissance to the Present, John Merriman (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2010), pp. 230–31.

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Exam Skills (ES): Secondary Source Interpretation

As argued by John Merriman in A History of Modern Europe: From Renaissance to the

Present what are the results of the Glorious Revolution?

# Results of the Glorious Revolution

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


Additional Notes

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch

Additional Notes

AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


• A History of Modern Europe: From Renaissance to the Present, John Merriman (New York: W.W. Norton &
Co., 2010).

• A History of the Modern World, 10/e, R.R. Palmer, et. al. (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2007).
• A Gambling Man: Charles II’s Restoration Game, Jenny Uglow (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009).
• AP Achiever, Chris Freiler, (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008).
• A History of Western Society, 5/e, John P. McKay, et. al. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995).
• The Bedford Glossary for European History, Eric F. Johnson, et. al. (Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007).
• The Discoverers: A History of Man’s Search to Know His World and Himself, Daniel J. Boorstin (New York:
Random House, 1983).

• The Western Heritage, 9/e, Donald Kagan, et. al. (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007).
• Western Civilization, 10/e, Edward McNall Burns, et. al. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1984).
• World
History: The Modern Era, Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis & Anthony Esler (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall,


AP European History • Stuart England • J.F. Walters, G.W. Whitton & M.A. Prokosch


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