Task 1 (...... /8) : There Are Two Texts Which Do Not Go With Any of The Headings

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Proba de certificación de nivel avanzado C1

Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos

TASK 1 (....../8)

Here are some extracts from different articles in a magazine entitled Education Next.
Read texts B-K and headings 1-8 carefully. IN BLOCK CAPITALS, write the letter of
the text next to the corresponding heading in the space provided, as in example 0. No-
tice that:

There are two texts which do not go with any of the headings.

Answers must be based exclusively on the information in the texts.


My son had a degree and a nine-month unpaid gap in his training as a Marine Corps
lieutenant. Please don’t fill it with a job at a liquor warehouse, I asked. Instead, he
became a substitute teacher. In the town where he was living, an astonishing 47
percent of the school district’s 721 teachers were absent more than 10 days during the
school year. That number rose to 61 percent in an elementary school with one of the
district’s highest percentages of low-income children. U.S. teachers take off an
average of 9.4 days each during a typical 180-day school year. By that estimate, the
average child has substitute teachers for more than six months of his school career.

The C in linguistics proved to Rebecca Mercado that college was going to be different.
Mercado was a strong student dating all the way back to her days in middle school.
Perhaps as a result, she was a little more cocky than she should have been when
arriving on campus for freshman year. Like many freshmen, Mercado experienced the
distraction of being on her own for the first time, which took a toll on her grades. Low-
income black and Hispanic students are by far the least likely U.S. students to
graduate from high school and attend a four-year college.

For almost as long as there have been institutions dedicated to the preparation of new
teachers, the endeavor has come in for criticism. Teacher education has long struggled
both to professionalize and to fully integrate itself into mainstream academia. At the
core of this struggle was a perception that there was no need for specialized
knowledge for teaching that justified specialized training. Over the last few decades,
criticism of teacher preparation has shifted away from a largely academic debate to the
troubling performance of American students.

Only 35 percent of U.S. 8th graders were identified as proficient in math by the 2011
National Assessment of Educational Progress. According to the most recent
calculations, the U. S. stands at the 32nd rank in math among nations in the
industrialized world. In reading, The U.S. ranks 17th in the world. The low performance
of U.S. students has been attributed to low expectations set by states under the 2002
federal law. In this, we compare the proficiency standards set by each state to those
set by NAEP, which has established its proficiency bar at levels comparable to those
of international student assessments.

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Proba de certificación de nivel avanzado C1
Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos

The flipped classroom was the innovation of the year 2012. Several authors resorted
to old-fashioned books to discuss flipping, but we don’t know about the number of
teachers who actually flipped their classrooms. The flipped classroom is a form of
blended learning in which students learn online while attending a brick-and-mortar
school. Either at home or during a homework period at school, students view lessons
online. Instruction online gives students the opportunity to hit rewind and view again a
section they don’t understand or fast-forward through material they have already
mastered. Students decide what to watch and when, which gives them greater
ownership over their learning.

While U.S. schools struggled to reach an average score on a key international exam
for 15-year-olds in 2012, a modest, ethnically diverse school in Arizona, outperformed
every country in the world.
How did that happen? I asked some of the school’s 9th graders, who variously sport
braces and multiple ear studs; whose parents range from truck driver to
epidemiologist; who talk of careers as a cardiovascular surgeon and a hedge-fund
manager. And the students just answered: “We do an incredible amount of work”. “We
push each other.” “We are always thinking about college.”

The school field trip has a long history in American public education. For decades,
students have piled into yellow buses to visit a variety of cultural institutions. Schools
endured the expense and disruption of providing field trips because they saw these
experiences as central to their educational mission: school exists not only to provide
economically useful skills in numeracy and literacy, but also to produce civilized young
men and women who would appreciate culture. With field trips, public schools viewed
themselves as the great equalizer in terms of access to our cultural heritage.

In June 2012, Boston teachers packed into their union hall to vote on a procedural
change that would allow them to cast ballots by mail in biennial elections of officers. At
the time, the Boston Teachers Union required its members to show up in person on a
school day to vote at the South Boston union hall, which had the effect of ensuring a
low turnout. Only 13 percent of the union’s members had voted in the previous election.
The proposal to change that practice fell five votes short of the two-thirds majority it
needed to pass. A Boston teacher wrote on his blog: “We can, and must, do better in
our own union to make our professional organization accessible to, and responsive to,
ALL of us.”

The quality of the teacher workforce in the U.S. is of considerable concern to
education stakeholders and policymakers. Numerous studies show that student
academic success depends in no small part on access to high-quality teachers. Many
pundits point to the fact that in the U.S, teachers tend not to be drawn from the top of
the academic-performance distribution. And the evidence on the importance of teacher
academic proficiency generally suggests that effectiveness in raising student test
scores is associated with strong cognitive skills as measured by SAT or licensure test
scores, or the competitiveness of the college from which teachers graduate.
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Proba de certificación de nivel avanzado C1
Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos

Families certainly have more education options for their children than they did 20
years ago, but the growth of high-quality alternatives to the neighborhood school has
often been constrained by geography. The potential to eliminate such geographic
constraints on school choice at both the course and school levels may lie in digital
learning. A student at a small high school that does not have enough students to
justify offering an Advanced Placement course in physics can now take a course
through an online provider if her school permits and funds such opportunities.

In 2003 the New York district was having a hard time getting principals to provide
honest assessments of low-performing teachers. Each negative piece of feedback was
subject to a three-step grievance and arbitration process and the final two steps were
a big deal, because principals had to leave the building and go downtown, which could
take hours. So we came up with a solution. Why not attend the hearings by phone? It
was a small thing, but it showed principals that we cared, that we understood this was
very burdensome and we were trying to make their lives easier.
Adapted from Education Next (by Education Next 10/23/2013)

TASK 2 (....../8)

You are going to read an article about addiction to junk food. Read the text and the sta-
tements carefully. Decide whether statements 1-8 are TRUE or FALSE and mark the
correct option (X) on the answer sheet. You must also write the FIRST FOUR WORDS
of the sentence which justifies your answer on the answer sheet. The first four words of
each sentence have been underlined. You must write these four underlined words on
the answer sheet, as in example 0. There may be more than one correct answer for the

Only answers in which both the TRUE/FALSE and the FIRST FOUR WORDS of
the sentence which justifies your choice are correct will be considered valid.

Answers must be based exclusively on the information in the text.


We all have some guilty-pleasure junk foods: French fries, pizza, sweets. Sometimes, it
can be hard to cut these unhealthy treats from our diets, and now, new research out of
the University of Michigan might suggest why that’s the case. Quitting highly processed
junk food can result in symptoms of deprivation that are a lot like those experienced by
people who are addicted to drugs. It is believed to be the first study of its kind that
examines the withdrawal symptoms people experience when they stop digging into
these foods as a part of their regular diet.
The kinds of processed items we think of that fall under “junk food” are usually high in
four addictive things — salt, fat, caffeine, and sugar. Sugar, for instance, generates
dopamine, a neurotransmitter that delivers messages to the “rewards center” in the
brain. Think of dopamine as handing your brain a reminder that it needs to repeat the
pleasurable activity that just gave it a boost. The problem with modern junk foods is that
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Proba de certificación de nivel avanzado C1
Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos
they can cause a reward that is way more powerful than anything you can get from
whole foods. Whereas eating an apple or piece of steak might cause a moderate
release of dopamine, eating a Ben & Jerry's ice cream is so incredibly rewarding that it
releases a massive amount.
The signal sent out by the dopamine when you consume sugar tricks your brain into
thinking that it needs to seek out the cause of pleasure — in this case, a sugary tasty
treat — over other, healthier activities. This is why you start eating more and more to
get the same pleasurable feeling you had before. Yet if you are concerned about the
temptation unhealthy food options in your supermarket pose and want to know how to
cast them out from your life, consult your physician and nutritionist if you have one.
If the new study shows anything, it’s that the first few weeks of axing junk food from
your life will be hard because you are trying to regulate your blood sugar levels,
balancing the insulin levels that we are thinking causes the addiction. It may be
advisable to start in the morning with foods that are high in protein to level out your
blood glucose; that way you won’t be craving sugar throughout the day.
This is one of the first studies to examine specifically which foods may be implicated in
“food addiction,” which has become of growing interest to scientists and consumers in
light of the obesity epidemic.
Previous studies in animals conclude that highly processed foods, or foods with added
fat or refined carbohydrates (like white flour and sugar), may be capable of triggering
addictive-like eating behaviour. Clinical studies in humans have observed that some
individuals meet the criteria for substance dependence when the substance is food.
We have to work on those overall lifestyle factors that aren’t always directly related to
the food to help manage the stress of changing your dietary patterns.
Luckily enough, humans have something that rats don’t. A brain capable of making
intelligent decisions. And the intelligent decision is to limit junk foods even if this
presents a challenge.
Adapted from www.foxnews.com and bigthink.com

Ex.0. Everybody has some type of food craving.

1. Giving up junk food causes withdrawals like drug addiction.

2. Modern junk food is very addictive.

3. Insulin plays a key role in the addiction process.

4. A morning intake of protein helps overcome an urge for sugar.

5. Studies in food addiction led to the discovery of an obesity epidemic.

6. It is proven that food addiction cannot occur in animals.

7. Working on lifestyle is as important as diet.

8. Animals and humans can confront the problem in the same way.

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Proba de certificación de nivel avanzado C1
Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos

TASK 3 (....../9)

Here is a review of Michael Rosen’s latest book entitled The Disappearance of Émile
Zola. Read the text carefully. For statements 1-9 choose the option (a, b or c) that best
completes them. Mark (X) the correct option in the space provided, as in example 0.
Only one option is correct.

Answers must be based exclusively on the information in the text.


On 13 January 1898, the Parisian daily L’Aurore carried what quickly became one of
the most celebrated letters in literary and political history. Written by Émile Zola,
“J’Accuse” was an immensely long open letter addressed to the president, in which
he not only accused the French establishment, and particularly the highest levels of
the army, of obstruction of justice and anti-semitism, but named those generals he
considered most culpable. What had prompted the outburst was the recent guilty
verdict for treason handed down to a Jewish artillery officer, Captain Alfred Dreyfus,
accused of passing military secrets to the German embassy. Zola maintained that
Dreyfus had been convicted on the basis of forged documents, and that the real
culprit was another officer, Major Esterhazy.
In the modern age of celebrity it is easy to forget the heightened public attention
once enjoyed by bestselling writers. Zola was then at the peak of his popularity, feted
not only in France but in the English-speaking world for his long-running saga of
novels entitled Les Rougon-Macquart, in which he chronicled the lives of several
generations of one family. But Zola was also controversial, and not everyone
admired his earthy portrayals of the poor and the downtrodden in French society.
Insulting attacks on him filled the papers. The Dreyfus affair had already split France
into two warring camps: nationalists, Catholics and monarchists on one side, liberals,
socialists and republicans on the other. Zola’s letter stoked the fire.
In writing “J’Accuse”, Zola’s intention was to be prosecuted for libel, so that new
evidence to exonerate Dreyfus and inculpate Esterhazy could be made public. His
plan failed. Zola was indeed prosecuted but Dreyfus’s case was not reviewed.
Found guilty, liable to be fined and sentenced to a year in prison, Zola fled to
England. It is this brief period, from February 1898 to the summer of 1899 – during
which time Dreyfus’s guilty verdict was overturned and the end of Zola’s own trial
was postponed, so he was able to return to France – that Michael Rosen explores in
his book, The Disappearance of Émile Zola. It is both a lively picture of a disputatious
literary age, and a portrait of an orderly, controlling middle-aged man.
When Zola reached Victoria station he was 58. The scandal of the Dreyfus affair and
his part in it was such that his whereabouts were a constant source of interest to the
newspapers on both sides of the Channel. He took a room at the Grosvenor hotel
before moving to a suite in a hotel in Norwood, fretting that the French authorities
would track him down. It was all a far cry from an earlier visit to London, when he had
been sumptuously housed and dined with the leading literary figures of the day. He
felt an outcast.

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Inglés – 2020 – Proba A
C. de Textos Escritos

Zola had made his way up through publishing and political journalism before
embarking on his prolific career as a novelist. He was married to Alexandrine, and
was also living with Jeanne, the mother of his two children. While the liaison had
threatened to break up his childless marriage, Alexandrine proved accommodating
and the two co-existed.
Zola was a man of fastidious habits. The unpredictability of exile was abhorrent. We
know much about his daily routine because he was an assiduous letter writer to both
of the women he called his wives. Predictably, Zola loathed English food.
Soon after arriving in England, having written no fiction for eleven months, Zola
embarked on a new series of novels, Les Quatre Évangiles. It was to be another
intimate saga of French life, extolling free thinking and republicanism. As in his
earlier novels, he drew on recent sociological data about the declining birth rate, the
depopulation of France, and contraception, hoping once again to stir up public
outrage and thus transform French society.
In France, the socialist leader Jean Jaurès took up Dreyfus’s cause and Esterhazy
confessed. A new court martial overturned the guilty verdict, and though pardoned
rather than declared innocent, Dreyfus was able to return home. Zola too now went
back home. His political liberality did not, however, extend to women: ever insistent
that his son should excel at school, he was content that his daughter become a
“good little wife”.
And there his orderly if unconventional life might have continued. But on 29
September 1902 Zola and Alexandrine were poisoned by carbon monoxide from a
blocked flue in their bedroom. There was talk of murder, but nothing was ever
Zola’s gesture was undoubtedly brave and it brought to the forefront long simmering
questions about prejudice and persecution in France. But anti-semitism did not
cease. Rather, it went underground, only to flourish vigorously again in the 1930s.

Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com

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