Daily Lesson Plan in MATH

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School Grade

Teacher Learning Areas

Time and Date Quarter
Factors Different Types of Polynomials – Sum and Difference of Two Cubes

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key
Standard concepts of factors of polynomials.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate real-life problems
Standard involving factors of polynomials and solve these
problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning
Competencies/ Factors Completely Different Types of Polynomials
Objectives (polynomials with common monomial factor,
difference of two squares, sum and difference of two
cubes, perfect square trinomials, and general

II. CONTENT Factoring Sum and Difference of Two Cubes

A. References
1. Teacher’s 36-37
Guide Pages
2.Learner’s 34-35
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Next Century Mathematics, Fernando B. Orines,
Resources Phoenix Publishing, pages 62 – 67.
IV. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners
A. Preliminary ( The teacher will cards
Activity (The teacher will flash that will give a drill in
cards that will give a drill taking the cube and cube
in taking the cube and root of numbers)
cube root of numbers)
Activity 1 “Am I Your Cube
Activity 1 “Am I Your Cube or Your Cube Root?” Find
or Your Cube Root?” Find the cube of the following
the cube of the following numbers:
numbers: a) (1)3
a) (1)3 b) (2)3
b) (3)3 c) (-1)3
c) (-2)3 d) (1 2 )3
d) (1 4 )3 e) (0.2)3
e) (0.5)3
Find the cube root of the
Find the cube root of the following numbers:
following numbers. a) √1 3
a) √1 3 b) √−1 3
b) √−8 3 c) √27 3
c) √64 3 d) √1 8 3
d) √ 1 27 3 e) √0.027 3
e) √0.125 3

(The teacher will group

B. Presentation (The teacher will group the students using the
of the Lesson the students using the different Priority Traffic
different Priority Traffic Signs and Warning Signs.)
Signs and Warning Signs.)
Activity 2 “Looking for my
Activity 2 “Looking for my Product?” a) Students are
Product?” a) Students are grouped into five.
grouped into five. {𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑃 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛,𝐺𝑂 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛,𝑁𝑂
{𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑃 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛,𝐺𝑂 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛,𝑁𝑂 𝐸𝑁𝑇𝑅𝑌 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛, 𝑆𝑃𝐸𝐸𝐷
𝐻𝑈𝑀𝑃 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛,𝑀𝐸𝑁 𝐴𝑇 𝑊𝑂𝑅𝐾 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛}
𝑊𝑂𝑅𝐾 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛} b) Each group will be given
b) Each group will be given polynomials to be
polynomials to be multiplied.
multiplied. c) The group members
c) The group members shall discuss the possible
shall discuss the possible product.
product. d) A representative from
d) A representative from each group will be asked
each group will be asked to report the output
to report the output (maximum of two minutes
(maximum of two minutes each).
STOP sign:
STOP sign:

Multiply (x+y) by (x2-

Multiply (x+y) by (x2- xy+y2)
GO sign:
GO sign:
Find the product of (xy)
Find the product of (x-y) and (x2+xy+y2)
and (x2+xy+y2)
NO ENTRY sign:
NO ENTRY sign:
Multiply (a+2b) by
Multiply (a+2b) by (a22ab+4b2)
Find the product of (a-2b)
Find the product of (a-2b) and (a2+2ab+4b2)
and (a2+2ab+4b2)
Given: (x+y)(x2-xy+y2) =
Given: (x+y)(x2-xy+y2) = x3 x3 + y3 (x-y)(x2+xy+y2) =
+ y3 (x-y)(x2+xy+y2) = x3 - x3 - y3

What can you say about

Processing the What can you say about the product? Describe the
Answer the product? Describe the product.
 How did you find the
 How did you find the activity?  What can you
activity?  What can you say about the product in
say about the product in “Stop Sign and No Entry
“Stop Sign and No Entry Sign Group?”  How about
Sign Group?”  How about the product in “Go Sign
the product in “Go Sign and Speed Hump Sign
and Speed Hump Sign Group?  How were you
Group?  How were you able to arrive at your
able to arrive at your answer?  Consider the
answer?  Consider the forms below, observe how
forms below, observe how each term relates with
each term relates with each other.
each other.
(x3 + y3 )] =
(x3 + y3 )] = ( x + y ) (x2 - xy + y2 )
( x + y ) (x2 - xy + y2 )
(x3 - y3 ) =
(x3 - y3 ) = ( x - y ) (x2 + xy + y2 )
( x - y ) (x2 + xy + y2 )
(i) How is the first
(i) How is the first term of the
term of the binomial factor
binomial factor related to the
related to the first term of the
first term of the product?
product? (ii) How is the last
(ii) How is the last term of the
term of the binomial factor
binomial factor related to the last
related to the last term of the
term of the product?
product? (iii) How is the
(iii) How is the trinomial factor
trinomial factor related to the
related to the binomial factor?
binomial factor?

(The teacher will

(The teacher will emphasize the steps in
emphasize the steps in factoring the sum and
factoring the sum and difference of two cubes).
difference of two cubes).
Steps in Factoring Sum
Steps in Factoring Sum and Difference of Two
and Difference of Two Cubes:
Cubes: Step1: Get the cube root
Step1: Get the cube root of each cube.
of each cube. Step2: Taking the
Step2: Taking the operation between the
operation between the cubes, obtain a binomial
cubes, obtain a binomial factor using the
factor using the cube roots in Step1.
cube roots in Step1. Step3: Form the second
Step3: Form the second trinomial factor as
trinomial factor as follows:
follows: a) Square the first cube
a) Square the first cube root
root b) Take the negative
b) Take the negative product of the cube root
product of the cube root c) Square the second cube
c) Square the second cube root

(The teacher will discuss

Reinforcing the (The teacher will discuss other examples in
Skills other examples in factoring sum and
factoring sum and difference of two cubes.)
difference of two cubes.)
Example1: Factor y3 + 1
Example1: Factor y3 + 8 Example2: Factor 27 - m3
Example2: Factor 64 - n3 Example3: Factor 8s3 –
Example3: Factor 8s3 – 64t3
Factor each of the sum
Factor each of the sum and difference of two
and difference of two cubes.
a. b3 + 8
a. a 3 + 64
b. b 3 – 8
b. a 3 – 64
c. 27 + 8k3
c. 8b3 + 27c3
d. m 3 – n3
d. 8b3 – 27c3
e. x3y3 – z3
e. 27e3 – 125q3
f. 4c3 + 4
f. 4c3 + 32

How do you factor sum How do you factor sum

Summarizing the and difference of two and difference of two
lesson cubes? cubes?

Factor the following sum Factor the following sum

C. Assessmen and difference of two and difference of two
t cubes. Choose your cubes. Choose your
answer from the choices answer from the choices
and write the letter and write the letter
corresponding to the corresponding to the
numbers in the box below. numbers in the box below.

1.) b3 + 64 1.) b3 + 27
2.) 27 – z3 2.) 1 – z3
3.) m3 + 1000 3.) m3 + 216
4.) 125 – p6 4.) 64 – p6
5.) a3b3 - 1 27 5.) a3b3 - 1 8
6.) 1 + 0.008k3 6.) 1 + 0.008k3
7.) 729m3 – n6 7.) 512m3 – n6

What is the other term of What is the other term of

Roundabout as one of the Roundabout as one of the
service signs that indicates service signs that indicates
a specific facility? a specific facility?
1.) Factor 8a3 + (a + b) 3 1.) Factor 4b3 + 32 2.) Is
2.) Explain the difference x3 + y3 = (x + y) 3 ? Justify.
between x3 + y3 and (x + Is x3 – y3 = (x – y) 3 ?
D. Agreement/ y) 3 x3 – y3 and (x – y) 3 Justify.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did it work?

F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade
Teacher Learning Areas
Time and Date Quarter
Factors Different Types of Polynomials – Perfect Square Trinomials

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key
Standard concepts of factors of polynomials.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate real-life problems
Standard involving factors of polynomials and solve these
problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Factors Completely Different Types of Polynomials
Competencies/ (polynomials with common monomial factor,
Objectives difference of two squares, sum and difference of two
cubes, perfect square trinomials, and general
II. CONTENT Factoring Perfect Square Trinomial
A. References
1. Teacher’s 38-40
Guide Pages
2.Learner’s 36-38
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Next Century Mathematics, Fernando B. Orines,
Resources Phoenix Publishing, pages 46 – 51
IV. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners
B. Preliminary (The teacher will ask the (The students to
Activity students to remember the remember the
characteristics of a perfect characteristics of a perfect
square trinomial.) square trinomial.)

Activity 1 Activity 1
“Square Me!” “Square Me!”
Square the following Square the following
binomials: binomials:
1) (a+2)2 1) (a+1)2
2) (b – 4)2 2) (b – 2)2
3) (2x + 5)2 3) (2x + 3)2
4) (1 4 y + 1 3 )2 4) (1 2 y + 1 3 )2
5) (a2b2 – c2) 5) (a2b2 – c2)2

Questions: Questions:
1. Is it easy or difficult to 1. Is it easy or difficult to
square a binomial? square a binomial?
2. How do you square a 2. How do you square a
binomial? binomial?
3. What do you call the 3. What do you call the
product of a square of a product of a square of a
binomial? binomial?
4. How do you describe a 4. How do you describe a
perfect square trinomial? perfect square trinomial?

B. Presentation
of the Lesson
(The teacher will divide
Group Activity (The teacher will divide
the students into five
the students into five
Activity 2
Activity 2
“Let’s Tile it Up!”
“Let’s Tile it Up!”
Each group will be
Each group will be
provided by the following
provided by the following
a) 4 big squares measuring
a) 4 big squares measuring
4”x4”, represent each
4”x4”, represent each
square as x2
square as x2
b) 8 rectangular tiles
b) 8 rectangular tiles
measuring 4”x1”,
measuring 4”x1”,
represent each rectangle
represent each rectangle
as x
as x
c) 16 small squares
c) 16 small squares
measuring 1”x1”,
measuring 1”x1”,
represent each square as
represent each square as
Each group will be asked
to form square(s) using: Each group will be asked
to form square(s) using:
Group 1:
1 big square tile Group 1:
2 rectangular tiles 1 big square tile
1 small square 2 rectangular tiles
1 small square
Group 2:
1 big square tile Group 2:
4 rectangular tiles 1 big square tile
4 small squares 4 rectangular tiles
Group 3: 4 small squares
1 big square tile Group 3:
6 rectangular tiles 1 big square tile
9 small squares 6 rectangular tiles
Group 4: 9 small squares
4 big square tiles Group 4:
4 rectangular tiles 4 big square tiles
1 small square 4 rectangular tiles
Group 5: 1 small square
4 big square tiles 8 Group 5:
rectangular tiles 4 big square tiles 8
4 small squares rectangular tiles
4 small squares

The group members shall

discuss on how to form a The group members shall
square. A representative discuss on how to form a
Processing the
from each group shall be square. A representative
asked to report the output from each group shall be
(maximum of 2 minutes asked to report the output
each). (maximum of 2 minutes
The teacher processes the
activity using these The teacher processes the
questions: activity using these
1. How will you represent questions:
the total area of each 1. How will you represent
figure? the total area of each
2. Using the sides of the figure?
tiles, write all the 2. Using the sides of the
dimensions of the tiles, write all the
squares. dimensions of the
3. What did you notice squares.
about the dimensions of 3. What did you notice
the squares? about the dimensions of
4. Did you find any pattern the squares?
in their dimensions? If yes, 4. Did you find any pattern
what are those? in their dimensions? If yes,
what are those?
(The teacher will
emphasize the steps in (The teacher will
factoring a perfect square emphasize the steps in
trinomial). Steps in factoring a perfect square
Factoring Perfect Square trinomial). Steps in
Trinomial: Factoring Perfect Square
Step1: Get the square
roots of the first and last Step1: Get the square
terms. roots of the first and last
Step2: Use the sign of the terms.
middle term between the Step2: Use the sign of the
roots. middle term between the
Step3: Square the roots.
binomial obtained in Step3: Square the
Step2. binomial obtained in
(The teacher will discuss Step2.
examples in factoring a (The teacher will discuss
perfect square trinomial). examples in factoring a
Reinforcing the
Example1: Factor n2 + 16n perfect square trinomial).
+ 64 Example2:Factor x2 + Example1: Factor n2 + 16n
14x + 49 Example3:Factor + 64 Example2:Factor x2 +
1 – 12m + 36m2 14x + 49 Example3:Factor
1 – 12m + 36m2
A. A surveyor’s map shows
a plan for a square A. A surveyor’s map shows
sampaguita garden whose a plan for a square
area is (x2 + 20x + 100) sampaguita garden whose
square units. Find an area is (x2 + 18x + 81)
algebraic expression for square units. Find an
the side of the square algebraic expression for
sampaguita garden. the side of the square
sampaguita garden.
B. Factor the following B. Factor the following
perfect square trinomials: perfect square trinomials:
1) b2 + 4b + 4 1) c2 + 4c + 4
2) a2 – 22a +121 2) b2 – 18b + 81
3) 100 + 20e + e2 3) 36 + 12k + k2
4) 25d2 + 20d + 4 4) 16 – 40n + 25n2
5) 9x2y2 – 6xy + 1 5) c4 + 6c2 + 9
Summarizing the How do you factor perfect How do you factor perfect
lesson square trinomial? square trinomial?

Compare each pair of Compare each pair of

trinomial. Determine trinomial. Determine
D. Assessmen whether each trinomial is whether each trinomial is
t a perfect square and write a perfect square and write
letter on the blank. If it is letter on the blank. If it is
perfect square, then find perfect square, then find
the factors. The letters will the factors. The letters will
spell out the name of one spell out the name of one
of the indigenous games of the indigenous games
which is played on a solid which is played on a solid
wooden block with two wooden block with two
rows of seven circular rows of seven circular
holes at both ends called holes at both ends called
“heads”. “heads”.
__1. S: x2 + 2x + 1 Y: __1. S: a2 + 2a + 1
x2 + 2x + 2 Y: a2 - 2x - 1
___2. L: m2 + 5m + 6 ___2. L: a2 + 2a – 1
U: m2 + 4m + 4 U: a2 – 2a + 1
___3. N: a2 – 22a + ___3. N: b2 – 8b +16
121 V: a2 – 3a + 9 V: b2 – 8b + 12
___4. I: 100 + 50e + ___4. I: -9 + 6b + b2
e2 G: 100 + 20e + G: 9 + 6b + b2
D. Agreement/ ___5. K: x2 – 10x + 25
Assignment ___5. K: b2 – 6b + 9 A: x2 – 10x –25
A: b2 – 6b – 9
___6. A: 16r2 + 8r + 1
___6. A: 25d2 + 20d + T: 16r2 + 8r – 1
4 T: 25d2 + 20d –
Answer problems under Answer problems under
Exercises on page 38 on Exercises on page 38 on
Grade 8 Math Learner’s Grade 8 Math Learner’s
Module. Module

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did it work?

F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other
Factors Different Types of Polynomials – General Trinomials in the Form 𝑥2 +
𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key
Standard concepts of factors of polynomials.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate real-life problems
Standard involving factors of polynomials and solve these
problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Factors Completely Different Types of Polynomials
Competencies/ (polynomials with common monomial factor,
Objectives difference of two squares, sum and difference of two
cubes, perfect square trinomials, and general
II. CONTENT Factoring General Trinomials in the Form 𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐
A. References
1. Teacher’s 41-43
Guide Pages
2.Learner’s 39-34
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning E-Math pp. 90-99 Math Builders pp. 38-42
IV. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners
C. Preliminary (The teacher will ask the (The students to
Activity students to remember the remember the
characteristics of a perfect characteristics of a perfect
square trinomial.) square trinomial.)

Activity 1 Activity 1
“Square Me!” “Square Me!”
Square the following Square the following
binomials: binomials:
1) (a+2)2 1) (a+1)2
2) (b – 4)2 2) (b – 2)2
3) (2x + 5)2 3) (2x + 3)2
4) (1 4 y + 1 3 )2 4) (1 2 y + 1 3 )2
5) (a2b2 – c2) 5) (a2b2 – c2)2
Questions: Questions:
1. Is it easy or difficult to 1. Is it easy or difficult to
square a binomial? square a binomial?
2. How do you square a 2. How do you square a
binomial? binomial?
3. What do you call the 3. What do you call the
product of a square of a product of a square of a
binomial? binomial?
4. How do you describe a 4. How do you describe a
perfect square trinomial? perfect square trinomial?

B. Presentation
of the Lesson
(The teacher will divide
Group Activity (The teacher will divide
the students into five
the students into five
Activity 2
Activity 2
“Let’s Tile it Up!”
“Let’s Tile it Up!”
Each group will be
Each group will be
provided by the following
provided by the following
a) 4 big squares measuring
a) 4 big squares measuring
4”x4”, represent each
4”x4”, represent each
square as x2
square as x2
b) 8 rectangular tiles
b) 8 rectangular tiles
measuring 4”x1”,
measuring 4”x1”,
represent each rectangle
represent each rectangle
as x
as x
c) 16 small squares
c) 16 small squares
measuring 1”x1”,
measuring 1”x1”,
represent each square as
represent each square as
Each group will be asked
Each group will be asked
to form square(s) using:
to form square(s) using:
Group 1:
Group 1:
1 big square tile
1 big square tile
2 rectangular tiles
2 rectangular tiles
1 small square
1 small square
Group 2:
Group 2:
1 big square tile
1 big square tile
4 rectangular tiles
4 rectangular tiles
4 small squares
4 small squares
Group 3:
Group 3:
1 big square tile
6 rectangular tiles 1 big square tile
9 small squares 6 rectangular tiles
Group 4: 9 small squares
4 big square tiles Group 4:
4 rectangular tiles 4 big square tiles
1 small square 4 rectangular tiles
Group 5: 1 small square
4 big square tiles 8 Group 5:
rectangular tiles 4 big square tiles 8
4 small squares rectangular tiles
4 small squares

The group members shall

discuss on how to form a The group members shall
Processing the square. A representative discuss on how to form a
Answer from each group shall be square. A representative
asked to report the output from each group shall be
(maximum of 2 minutes asked to report the output
each). (maximum of 2 minutes
The teacher processes the
activity using these The teacher processes the
questions: activity using these
1. How will you represent questions:
the total area of each 1. How will you represent
figure? the total area of each
2. Using the sides of the figure?
tiles, write all the 2. Using the sides of the
dimensions of the tiles, write all the
squares. dimensions of the
3. What did you notice squares.
about the dimensions of 3. What did you notice
the squares? about the dimensions of
4. Did you find any pattern the squares?
in their dimensions? If yes, 4. Did you find any pattern
what are those? in their dimensions? If yes,
what are those?
(The teacher will
emphasize the steps in (The teacher will
factoring a perfect square emphasize the steps in
trinomial). Steps in factoring a perfect square
Factoring Perfect Square trinomial). Steps in
Trinomial: Factoring Perfect Square
Step1: Get the square
roots of the first and last Step1: Get the square
terms. roots of the first and last
Step2: Use the sign of the terms.
middle term between the Step2: Use the sign of the
roots. middle term between the
Step3: Square the roots.
binomial obtained in Step3: Square the
Step2. binomial obtained in
(The teacher will discuss Step2.
examples in factoring a (The teacher will discuss
Reinforcing the perfect square trinomial). examples in factoring a
Skills Example1: Factor n2 + 16n perfect square trinomial).
+ 64 Example2:Factor x2 + Example1: Factor n2 + 16n
14x + 49 Example3:Factor + 64 Example2:Factor x2 +
1 – 12m + 36m2 14x + 49 Example3:Factor
1 – 12m + 36m2
A. A surveyor’s map shows
a plan for a square A. A surveyor’s map shows
sampaguita garden whose a plan for a square
area is (x2 + 20x + 100) sampaguita garden whose
square units. Find an area is (x2 + 18x + 81)
algebraic expression for square units. Find an
the side of the square algebraic expression for
sampaguita garden. the side of the square
sampaguita garden.
B. Factor the following B. Factor the following
perfect square trinomials: perfect square trinomials:
1) b2 + 4b + 4 1) c2 + 4c + 4
2) a2 – 22a +121 2) b2 – 18b + 81
3) 100 + 20e + e2 3) 36 + 12k + k2
4) 25d2 + 20d + 4 4) 16 – 40n + 25n2
5) 9x2y2 – 6xy + 1 5) c4 + 6c2 + 9
How do you factor perfect How do you factor perfect
Summarizing the
square trinomial? square trinomial?
Compare each pair of Compare each pair of
trinomial. Determine trinomial. Determine
whether each trinomial is whether each trinomial is
E. Assessmen a perfect square and write a perfect square and write
t letter on the blank. If it is letter on the blank. If it is
perfect square, then find perfect square, then find
the factors. The letters will the factors. The letters will
spell out the name of one spell out the name of one
of the indigenous games of the indigenous games
which is played on a solid which is played on a solid
wooden block with two wooden block with two
rows of seven circular rows of seven circular
holes at both ends called holes at both ends called
“heads”. “heads”.
__1. S: x2 + 2x + 1 Y: __1. S: a2 + 2a + 1
x2 + 2x + 2 Y: a2 - 2x - 1

___2. L: m2 + 5m + 6 ___2. L: a2 + 2a – 1
U: m2 + 4m + 4 U: a2 – 2a + 1

___3. N: a2 – 22a + ___3. N: b2 – 8b +16

121 V: a2 – 3a + 9 V: b2 – 8b + 12

___4. I: 100 + 50e + ___4. I: -9 + 6b + b2

e2 G: 100 + 20e + G: 9 + 6b + b2
D. Agreement/ ___5. K: x2 – 10x + 25
Assignment ___5. K: b2 – 6b + 9 A: x2 – 10x –25
A: b2 – 6b – 9
___6. A: 16r2 + 8r + 1
___6. A: 25d2 + 20d + T: 16r2 + 8r – 1
4 T: 25d2 + 20d –
Answer problems under Answer problems under
Exercises on page 38 on Exercises on page 38 on
Grade 8 Math Learner’s Grade 8 Math Learner’s
Module. Module

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did it work?

F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What
innovation or
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

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