MCQ - Unit No - 1 and 2 B.X.E

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A transistor has …………………

1. one pn junction
2. two pn junctions
3. three pn junctions
4. four pn junctions
Answer : 2
Q2. The number of depletion layers in a transistor is …………
1. four
2. three
3. one
4. two
Answer : 4
Q3. The base of a transistor is ………….. doped
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q4. The element that has the biggest size in a transistor is ………………..
1. collector
2. base
3. emitter
4. collector-base-junction
Answer : 1
Q5. In a pnp transistor, the current carriers are ………….
1. acceptor ions
2. donor ions
3. free electrons
4. holes
Answer : 4
Q6. The collector of a transistor is …………. doped
1. heavily
2. moderately
3. lightly
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q7. A transistor is a …………… operated device
1. current
2. voltage
3. both voltage and current
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q8. In a npn transistor, ……………. are the minority carriers
1. free electrons
2. holes
3. donor ions
4. acceptor ions
Answer : 2
Q9. The emitter of a transistor is ………………… doped
1. lightly
2. heavily
3. moderately
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q10. In a transistor, the base current is about ………….. of emitter current
1. 25%
2. 20%
3. 35 %
4. 5%
Answer : 4
Q11. At the base-emitter junctions of a transistor, one finds ……………
1. a reverse bias
2. a wide depletion layer
3. low resistance
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q12. The input impedance of a transistor is ………….
1. high
2. low
3. very high
4. almost zero
Answer : 2
Q13. Most of the majority carriers from the emitter ………………..
1. recombine in the base
2. recombine in the emitter
3. pass through the base region to the collector
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q14. The current IB is …………
1. electron current
2. hole current
3. donor ion current
4. acceptor ion current
Answer : 1
Q15. In a transistor ………………..
IC = IE + IB
IB = IC + IE
IE = IC – IB
IE = IC + IB
Answer : 4
Q16. The value of α of a transistor is ……….
▪ more than 1
▪ less than 1
▪ 1
▪ none of the above
Answer : 2
Q17. IC = αIE + ………….
1. IB
4. βIB
Answer : 3
Q18. The output impedance of a transistor is ……………..
1. high
2. zero
3. low
4. very low
Answer : 1
Q19. In a tansistor, IC = 100 mA and IE = 100.2 mA. The value of β is
1. 100
2. 50
3. about 1
4. 200
Answer : 4
Q20. In a transistor if β = 100 and collector current is 10 mA, then IE is
1. 100 mA
2. 100.1 mA
3. 110 mA
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q21. The relation between β and α is …………..
1. β = 1 / (1 – α )
2. β = (1 – α ) / α
3. β = α / (1 – α )
4. β = α / (1 + α )
Answer : 3
Q22. The value of β for a transistor is generally ………………..
1. 1
2. less than 1
3. between 20 and 500
4. above 500
Answer : 3
Q23. The most commonly used transistor arrangement is ……………
1. common emitter
2. common base
3. common collector
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q24. The input impedance of a transistor connected in ……………..
arrangement is the highest
1. common emitter
2. common collector
3. common base
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q25. The output impedance of a transistor connected in …………….
arrangement is the highest
1. common emitter
2. common collector
3. common base
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q26. The phase difference between the input and output voltages in a
common base arrangement is …………….
1. 180o
2. 90o
3. 270o
4. 0o
Answer : 4
Q27. The power gain in a transistor connected in ……………. arrangement
is the highest
1. common emitter
2. common base
3. common collector
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q28. The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a
transistor connected in common emitter arrangement is ………………
1. 0o
2. 180o
3. 90o
4. 270o
Answer : 2
Q29. The voltage gain in a transistor connected in ……………….
arrangement is the highest
1. common base
2. common collector
3. common emitter
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q30. As the temperature of a transistor goes up, the base-emitter resistance
1. decreases
2. increases
3. remains the same
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q31. The voltage gain of a transistor connected in common collector
arrangement is ………..
1. equal to 1
2. more than 10
3. more than 100
4. less than 1
Answer : 4
Q32. The phase difference between the input and output voltages of a
transistor connected in common collector arrangement is ………………
1. 180o
2. 0o
3. 90o
4. 270o
Answer : 2
Q33. IC = β IB + ………..
2. IC
4. αIE
Answer : 3
Q34. IC = [α / (1 – α )] IB + ………….
3. IC
4. (1 – α ) IB
Answer : 1
Q35. IC = [α / (1 – α )] IB + […….. / (1 – α )]
3. IC
4. IE
Answer : 1
Q36. BC 147 transistor indicates that it is made of …………..
1. germanium
2. silicon
3. carbon
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q37. ICEO = (………) ICBO
1. β
2. 1 + α
3. 1 + β
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q38. A transistor is connected in CB mode. If it is not connected in CE
mode with same bias voltages, the values of IE, IB and IC will …………..
1. remain the same
2. increase
3. decrease
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q39. If the value of α is 0.9, then value of β is ………..
1. 9
2. 0.9
3. 900
4. 90
Answer : 4
Q40. In a transistor, signal is transferred from a …………… circuit
1. high resistance to low resistance
2. low resistance to high resistance
3. high resistance to high resistance
4. low resistance to low resistance
Answer : 2
Q41. The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of
1. electron current in the emitter
2. electron current in the collector
3. hole current in the emitter
4. donor ion current
Answer : 3
Q42. The leakage current in CE arrangement is ……………. that in CB
1. more than
2. less than
3. the same as
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q43. A heat sink is generally used with a transistor to …………
1. increase the forward current
2. decrease the forward current
3. compensate for excessive doping
4. prevent excessive temperature rise
Answer : 4
Q44. The most commonly used semiconductor in the manufacture of a
transistor is ………….
1. germanium
2. silicon
3. carbon
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q45. The collector-base junction in a transistor has ……………..
1. forward bias at all times
2. reverse bias at all times
3. low resistance
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q46. When transistors are used in digital circuits they usually operate in
the ………….
1. active region
2. breakdown region
3. saturation and cutoff regions
4. linear region
Answer : 3
Q47. Three different Q points are shown on a dc load line. The upper Q
point represents the ………….
1. minimum current gain
2. intermediate current gain
3. maximum current gain
4. cutoff point
Answer : 3
Q48. A transistor has a of 250 and a base current, IB, of 20 A. The
collector current, IC, equals to …………….
1. 500 μA
2. 5 mA
3. 50 mA
4. 5 A
Answer : 2
Q49. A current ratio of IC/IE is usually less than one and is called …………
1. beta
2. theta
3. alpha
4. omega
Answer : 3
Q50. With the positive probe on an NPN base, an ohmmeter reading
between the other transistor terminals should be ……
1. open
2. infinite
3. low resistance
4. high resistance
Answer : 3
Q51. In a CE configuration, an emitter resistor is used for ……
1. stabilization
2. ac signal bypass
3. collector bias
4. higher gain
Answer : 1
Q52. Voltage-divider bias provides ……….
1. an unstable Q point
2. a stable Q point
3. a Q point that easily varies with changes in the transistor’s current gain
4. a Q point that is stable and easily varies with changes in the transistor’s
current gain
Answer : 2
Q53. To operate properly, a transistor’s base-emitter junction must be
forward biased with reverse bias applied to which junction?
1. collector-emitter
2. base-collector
3. base-emitter
4. collector-base
Answer : 4
Q54. The ends of a load line drawn on a family of curves determine ……
1. saturation and cutoff
2. the operating point
3. the power curve
4. the amplification factor
Answer : 1
Q55. If VCC = +18 V, voltage-divider resistor R1 is 4.7 k , and R2 is 1500 ,
then the base bias voltage is ……….
1. 8.7 V
2. 4.35 V
3. 2.9 V
4. 0.7 V
Answer: 2
Q56. The C-B configuration is used to provide which type of gain?
1. voltage
2. current
3. resistance
4. power
Answer : 1
Q57. The Q point on a load line may be used to determine …………
1. VC
2. VCC
3. VB
4. IC
Answer : 3
Q58. A transistor may be used as a switching device or as a ………….
1. fixed resistor
2. tuning device
3. rectifier
4. variable resistor
Answer : 4
Q59. If an input signal ranges from 20–40 A (microamps), with an output
signal ranging from .5–1.5 mA (milliamps), what is the ac beta?
1. 0.05
2. 20
3. 50
4. 500
Answer : 3
Q60. Beta’s current ratio is ……..
1. IC/IB
2. IC/IE
3. IB/IE
4. IE/IB
Answer: 1
Q61. A collector characteristic curve is a graph showing ………..
1. emitter current (IE) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCE) with (VBB) base
bias voltage held constant
2. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCE) with (VBB) base
bias voltage held constant
3. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VC) with (VBB) base
bias voltage held constant
4. collector current (IC) versus collector-emitter voltage (VCC) with (VBB) base
bias voltage held constant
Answer: 2
Q62. With low-power transistor packages, the base terminal is usually the
1. tab end
2. middle
3. right end
4. stud mount
Answer: 2
Q63. When a silicon diode is forward biased, VBE for a CE configuration is
1. voltage-divider bias
2. 0.4 V
3. 0.7 V
4. emitter voltage
Answer: 3
Q64. What is the current gain for a common-base configuration where IE =
4.2 mA and IC = 4.0 mA?
1. 16.8
2. 1.05
3. 0.2
4. 0.95
Answer: 4
Q65. With a PNP circuit, the most positive voltage is probably …………
1. ground
2. VC
3. VBE
4. VCC
Answer: 1
Q66. If a 2 mV signal produces a 2 V output, what is the voltage gain?
1. 0.001
2. 0.004
3. 100
4. 1000
Answer: 4
Q67. Most of the electrons in the base of an NPN transistor flow …………
1. out of the base lead
2. into the collector
3. into the emitter
4. into the base supply
Answer: 2
Q68. In a transistor, collector current is controlled by ………..
1. collector voltage
2. base current
3. collector resistance
4. all of the above
Answer: 2
Q69. Total emitter current is …………
1. IE – IC
2. IC + IE
3. IB + IC
4. IB – IC
Answer: 3
Q70. Often a common-collector will be the last stage before the load; the
main function(s) of this stage is to ………….
1. provide voltage gain
2. provide phase inversion
3. provide a high-frequency path to improve the frequency response
4. buffer the voltage amplifiers from the low-resistance load and provide
impedance matching for maximum power transfer
Answer: 4
Q71. For a CC configuration to operate properly, the collector-base
junction should be reverse biased, while forward bias should be applied to
…………… junction.
1. collector-emitter
2. base-emitter
3. collector-base
4. cathode-anode
Answer: 1
Q72. The input/output relationship of the common-collector and common-
base amplifiers is ………..
1. 270 degrees
2. 180 degrees
3. 90 degrees
4. 0 degrees
Answer: 4
Q73. If a transistor operates at the middle of the dc load line, a decrease in
the current gain will move the Q point ………….
1. off the load line
2. nowhere
3. up
4. down
Answer: 4
Q74. Which is the higher gain provided by a CE configuration?
1. voltage
2. current
3. resistance
4. power
Answer: 4
Q75. What is the collector current for a CE configuration with a beta of
100 and a base current of 30 A?
1. 30 A
2. 0.3 A
3. 3 mA
4. 3 MA
Answer: 3
Q1. A crystal diode has ………
1. one pn junction
2. two pn junctions
3. three pn junctions
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q2. A crystal diode has forward resistance of the order of ……………
1. kΩ
2. Ω
3. MΩ
4. none of the above
Answer : 2
Q3. If the arrow of crystal diode symbol is positive w.r.t. bar, then diode is …………..
1. forward
2. reverse
3. either forward or reverse
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q4. The reverse current in a diode is of the order of ……………….
1. kA
2. mA
3. μA
4. A
Answer : 3
Q5. The forward voltage drop across a silicon diode is about …………………
1. 2.5 V
2. 3 V
3. 10 V
4. 0.7 V
Answer : 4
Q6. A crystal diode is used as ……………
1. an amplifier
2. a rectifier
3. an oscillator
4. a voltage regulator
Answer : 2
Q7. The d.c. resistance of a crystal diode is ………….. its a.c. resistance
1. the same as
2. more than
3. less than
4. none of the above
Answer : 3
Q8. An ideal crystal diode is one which behaves as a perfect ……….. when forward biased.
1. conductor
2. insulator
3. resistance material
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q9. The ratio of reverse resistance and forward resistance of a germanium crystal diode is
about ………….
1. 1 : 1
2. 100 : 1
3. 1000 : 1
4. 40,000 : 1
Answer : 4
Q 10. The leakage current in a crystal diode is due to …………….
1. minority carriers
2. majority carriers
3. junction capacitance
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q11. If the temperature of a crystal diode increases, then leakage current ………..
1. remains the same
2. decreases
3. increases
4. becomes zero
Answer :3
Q12. The PIV rating of a crystal diode is ………….. that of equivalent vacuum diode
1. the same as
2. lower than
3. more than
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q13. If the doping level of a crystal diode is increased, the breakdown voltage………….
1. remains the same
2. is increased
3. is decreased
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q14. The knee voltage of a crystal diode is approximately equal to ………….
1. applied voltage
2. breakdown voltage
3. forward voltage
4. barrier potential
Answer :4
Q15. When the graph between current through and voltage across a device is a straight
line, the device is referred to as ……………….
1. linear
2. active
3. nonlinear
4. passive
Answer :1
Q16. When the crystal current diode current is large, the bias is …………
1. forward
2. inverse
3. poor
4. reverse
Answer :1
Q17. A crystal diode is a …………… device
1. non-linear
2. bilateral
3. linear
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q18. A crystal diode utilises …………….. characteristic for rectification
1. reverse
2. forward
3. forward or reverse
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q19. When a crystal diode is used as a rectifier, the most important consideration is
1. forward characteristic
2. doping level
3. reverse characteristic
4. PIC rating
Answer :4
Q20. If the doping level in a crystal diode is increased, the width of depletion layer………..
1. remains the same
2. is decreased
3. in increased
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q21. A zener diode has ………..
1. one pn junction
2. two pn junctions
3. three pn junctions
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q22. A zener diode is used as …………….
1. an amplifier
2. a voltage regulator
3. a rectifier
4. a multivibrator
Answer :2
Q23. The doping level in a zener diode is …………… that of a crystal diode
1. the same as
2. less than
3. more than
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q24. A zener diode is always ………… connected.
1. reverse
2. forward
3. either reverse or forward
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q25. A zener diode utilizes ……….. characteristics for its operation.
1. forward
2. reverse
3. both forward and reverse
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q26. In the breakdown region, a zener didoe behaves like a …………… source.
1. constant voltage
2. constant current
3. constant resistance
4. none of the above
Answer :1
27. A zener diode is destroyed if it…………..
1. is forward biased
2. is reverse biased
3. carrier more than rated current
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q28. A series resistance is connected in the zener circuit to………..
1. properly reverse bias the zener
2. protect the zener
3. properly forward bias the zener
4. none of the above
Answer :2
A29. A zener diode is …………………. device
1. a non-linear
2. a linear
3. an amplifying
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q30. A zener diode has ………….. breakdown voltage
1. undefined
2. sharp
3. zero
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q31. ……………. rectifier has the lowest forward resistance
1. solid state
2. vacuum tube
3. gas tube
4. none of the above
Answer :1
Q32. Mains a.c. power is converrted into d.c. power for ……………..
1. lighting purposes
2. heaters
3. using in electronic equipment
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q33. The disadvantage of a half-wave rectifier is that the……………….
1. components are expensive
2. diodes must have a higher power rating
3. output is difficult to filter
4. none of the above
Answer :3
Q34. If the a.c. input to a half-wave rectifier is an r.m.s value of 400/√2 volts, then diode
PIV rating is ………………….
1. 400/√2 V
2. 400 V
3. 400 x √2 V
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q35. The ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier is …………………
1. 2
2. 1.21
3. 2.5
4. 0.48
Answer :2
Q36. There is a need of transformer for ………………..
1. half-wave rectifier
2. centre-tap full-wave rectifier
3. bridge full-wave rectifier
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Q37. The PIV rating of each diode in a bridge rectifier is ……………… that of the
equivalent centre-tap rectifier
1. one-half
2. the same as
3. twice
4. four times
Answer :1
Q38. For the same secondary voltage, the output voltage from a centre-tap rectifier is
………… than that of bridge rectifier
1. twice
2. thrice
3. four time
4. one-half
Answer :4
Q39. If the PIV rating of a diode is exceeded, ………………
1. the diode conducts poorly
2. the diode is destroyed
3. the diode behaves like a zener diode
4. none of the above
Answer :2
Answer :1
Q43. A half-wave rectifier has an input voltage of 240 V r.m.s. If the step-down
transformer has a turns ratio of 8:1, what is the peak load voltage? Ignore diode drop.
1. 27.5 V
2. 86.5 V
3. 30 V
4. 42.5 V
Answer :4
Q44. The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is ………………..
1. 40.6 %
2. 81.2 %
3. 50 %
4. 25 %
Answer :1
Q45. The most widely used rectifier is ……………….
1. half-wave rectifier
2. centre-tap full-wave rectifier
3. bridge full-wave rectifier
4. none of the above
Answer :3

Q1. A semiconductor is formed by ……… bonds.

1. Covalent
2. Electrovalent
3. Co-ordinate
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q2. A semiconductor has ………… temperature coefficient of resistance.
1. Positive
2. Zero
3. Negative
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q3. The most commonly used semiconductor is ………..
1. Germanium
2. Silicon
3. Carbon
4. Sulphur
Answer : 2
Q4. A semiconductor has generally ……………… valence electrons.
1. 2
2. 3
3. 6
4. 4
Answer : 4

Q6. The resistivity of a pure silicon is about ……………

1. 100 Ω cm
2. 6000 Ω cm
3. 3 x 105 Ω m
4. 6 x 10-8 Ω cm
Answer : 2
Q7. When a pure semiconductor is heated, its resistance …………..
1. Goes up
2. Goes down
3. Remains the same
4. Can’t say
Answer : 2
Q8. The strength of a semiconductor crystal comes from ……..
1. Forces between nuclei
2. Forces between protons
3. Electron-pair bonds
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q9. When a pentavalent impurity is added to a pure semiconductor, it becomes ………
1. An insulator
2. An intrinsic semiconductor
3. p-type semiconductor
4. n-type semiconductor
Answer : 4
Q10. Addition of pentavalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many ……..
1. Free electrons
2. Holes
3. Valence electrons
4. Bound electrons
Answer : 1
Q11. A pentavalent impurity has ………. Valence electrons
1. 3
2. 5
3. 4
4. 6
Answer : 2
A12. An n-type semiconductor is ………
1. Positively charged
2. Negatively charged
3. Electrically neutral
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q13. A trivalent impurity has ….. valence electrons
1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 3
Answer : 4
A14. Addition of trivalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many ……..
1. Holes
2. Free electrons
3. Valence electrons
4. Bound electrons
Answer : 1
Q15. A hole in a semiconductor is defined as …………….
1. A free electron
2. The incomplete part of an electron pair bond
3. A free proton
4. A free neutron
Answer : 2
Q16. The impurity level in an extrinsic semiconductor is about ….. of pure semiconductor.
1. 10 atoms for 108 atoms
2. 1 atom for 108 atoms
3. 1 atom for 104 atoms
4. 1 atom for 100 atoms
Answer : 2
Q17. As the doping to a pure semiconductor increases, the bulk resistance of the
semiconductor ………..
1. Remains the same
2. Increases
3. Decreases
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q18. A hole and electron in close proximity would tend to ……….
1. Repel each other
2. Attract each other
3. Have no effect on each other
4. None of the above
Answer : 2
Q19. In a semiconductor, current conduction is due to ……..
1. Only holes
2. Only free electrons
3. Holes and free electrons
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q20. The random motion of holes and free electrons due to thermal agitation is called
1. Diffusion
2. Pressure
3. Ionisation
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q21. A forward biased pn junction diode has a resistance of the order of
1. Ω
2. kΩ
3. MΩ
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q22. The battery connections required to forward bias a pn junction are ……
1. +ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n
2. -ve terminal to p and +ve terminal to n
3. -ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q23. The barrier voltage at a pn junction for germanium is about ………
3. 5 V
4. 3 V
5. Zero
6. 3 V
Answer : 4
Q24. In the depletion region of a pn junction, there is a shortage of ……..
1. Acceptor ions
2. Holes and electrons
3. Donor ions
4. None of the above
Answer : 2
Q25. A reverse bias pn junction has …………
1. Very narrow depletion layer
2. Almost no current
3. Very low resistance
4. Large current flow
Answer : 2
Q26. A pn junction acts as a ……….
1. Controlled switch
2. Bidirectional switch
3. Unidirectional switch
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q27. A reverse biased pn junction has resistance of the order of
1. Ω
2. kΩ
3. MΩ
4. None of the above
Answer : 3
Q28. The leakage current across a pn junction is due to …………..
1. Minority carriers
2. Majority carriers
3. Junction capacitance
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q29. When the temperature of an extrinsic semiconductor is increased, the pronounced
effect is on……
1. Junction capacitance
2. Minority carriers
3. Majority carriers
4. None of the above
Answer : 2
Q30. With forward bias to a pn junction , the width of depletion layer ………
1. Decreases
2. Increases
3. Remains the same
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q31. The leakage current in a pn junction is of the order of
1. Aa
2. mA
3. kA
4. µA
Answer : 4
Q32. In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons ………
1. Equals the number of holes
2. Is greater than the number of holes
3. Is less than the number of holes
4. None of the above
Answer : 1
Q33. At room temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor has ……….
1. Many holes only
2. A few free electrons and holes
3. Many free electrons only
4. No holes or free electrons
Answer : 2
Q34. At absolute temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor has ……….
1. A few free electrons
2. Many holes
3. Many free electrons
4. No holes or free electrons
Answer : 4
Q35. At room temperature, an intrinsic silicon crystal acts approximately as ……
1. A battery
2. A conductor
3. An insulator
4. A piece of copper wire
Answer : 3
Q36. Under normal conditions a diode conducts current when it is ……………
1. reverse biased
2. forward biased
3. avalanched
4. saturated
Answer : 2
Q37. The term bias in electronics usually means ……….
1. the value of ac voltage in the signal.
2. the condition of current through a pn junction.
3. the value of dc voltages for the device to operate properly.
4. the status of the diode.
Answer : 3
1. A light emitting diode is _________
a) Heavily doped
b) Lightly doped
c) Intrinsic semiconductor
d) Zener diode
Ans: a
2. Which of the following materials can be used to produce infrared LED?
a) Si
b) GaAs
c) CdS
d) PbS
3. The reverse breakdown voltage of LED is very low.
a) True
b) False
4. 4. What should be the band gap of the semiconductors to be used as LED?
a) 0.5 eV
b) 1 eV
c) 1.5 eV
d) 1.8 eV
5. What should be the biasing of the LED?
a) Forward bias
b) Reverse bias
c) Forward bias than Reverse bias
d) No biasing required
6. Which process of the Electron-hole pair is responsible for emitting of light?
a) Generation
b) Movement
c) Recombination
d) Diffusion

7. Photodiode is used in the detection of

1) Visible light
2) Invisible light
3) No light
4) Both visible and invisible light

8. The presence of dark current decreases the sensitivity of the photodiode to light

1) True
2) False

9. In a photodiode, when there is no incident light, the reverse current is almost negligible
and is called.

1) Zener current
2) Dark current
3) Photocurrent
4) PIN current

10. When a diode is forward biased, the recombination of free electron and holes

1) Heat
2) Light
3) Radiation
4) All the above

11. The width of the depletion region is

1) Directly proportional to the doping

2) inversely proportional to the doping
3) Independent of doping
4) None of the above
Q1. A differential amplifier ……………..
1. is a part of an Op-amp
2. has one input and one output
3. has two outputs
4. answers (1) and (2)
Answer : 4
Q 2. When a differential amplifier is operated single-ended, …………
1. the output is grounded
2. one input is grounded and signal is applied to the other
3. both inputs are connected together
4. the output is not inverted
Answer : 2
Q3. In differential-mode, …………….
1. opposite polarity signals are applied to the inputs
2. the gain is one
3. the outputs are of different amplitudes
4. only one supply voltage is used
Answer : 1
Q4. In the common mode, ……………
1. both inputs are grounded
2. the outputs are connected together
3. an identical signal appears on both the inputs
4. the output signal are in-phase
Answer : 3
Q5. The common-mode gain is ………..
1. very high
2. very low
3. always unity
4. unpredictable
Answer : 2
Q6. The differential gain is ………
1. very high
2. very low
3. dependent on input voltage
4. about 100
Answer : 1
Q7. If ADM = 3500 and ACM = 0.35, the CMRR is ……….
1. 1225
2. 10,000
3. 80 dB
4. answers (1) and (3)
Answer : 4
Q8. With zero volts on both inputs, an OP-amp ideally should have an
output ………..
1. equal to the positive supply voltage
2. equal to the negative supply voltage
3. equal to zero
4. equal to CMRR
Answer : 3
Q9. Of the values listed, the most realistic value for open-loop voltage gain
of an OP-amp is ……
1. 1
2. 2000
3. 80 dB
4. 100,000
Answer : 4
Q10. A certain OP-amp has bias currents of 50 μA. The input offset current
is ……..
1. 700 nA
2. 99.3 μA
3. 49.7 μA
4. none of these
Answer : 1
Q11. The output of a particular Op-amp increases 8V in 12μs. The slew
rate is …….
1. 90 V/μs
2. 0.67 V/μs
3. 1.5 V/μs
4. none of these
Answer : 2
Q12. For an Op-amp with negative feedback, the output is …….
1. equal to the input
2. increased
3. fed back to the inverting input
4. fed back to the noninverting input
Answer : 3
Q13. The use of negative feedback ………
1. reduces the voltage gain of an Op-amp
2. makes the Op-amp oscillate
3. makes linear operation possible
4. answers (1) and (2)
Answer : 4
Q14. Negative feedback ………..
1. increases the input and output impedances
2. increases the input impedance and bandwidth
3. decreases the output impedance and bandwidth
4. does not affect impedance or bandwidth
Answer : 2
Q15. A certain noninverting amplifier has Ri of 1 kΩ and Rf of 100 kΩ. The
closed-loop voltage gain is ………
1. 100,000
2. 1000
3. 101
4. 100
Answer : 3
Q16. If the feedback resistor in Q15 (above question) is open, the voltage
gain …….
1. increases
2. decreases
3. is not affected
4. depends on Ri
Answer : 1
Q18. A voltage follower ……….
1. has a voltage gain of 1
2. is noninverting
3. has no feedback resistor
4. has all of these
Answer : 4
Q19. The Op-amp can amplify
1. a.c. signals only
2. d.c. signals only
3. both a.c. and d.c. signals
4. neither d.c. nor a.c. signals
Answer : 3
Q20. The input offset current equals the ……….
1. difference between two base currents
2. average of two base currents
3. collector current divided by current gain
4. none of these
Answer : 1
Q21. The tail current of a differential amplifier is …….
1. half of either collector current
2. equal to either collector current
3. two times either collector current
4. equal to the difference in base currents
Answer : 3
Q22. The node voltage at the top of the til resistor is closes to ……….
1. collector supply voltage
2. zero
3. emitter supply voltage
4. tail current times base resistance
Answer : 2
Q23. The tail current in a differential amplifier equals …….
1. difference between two emitter currents
2. sum of two emitter currents
3. collector current divided by current gain
4. collector voltage divided by collector resistance
Answer : 2
Q26. A common-mode signal is applied to ……….
1. the noninverting input
2. the inverting input
3. both iputs
4. top of the tail resistor
Answer : 3
Q27. The common-mode voltage gain is ………
1. smaller than differentail voltage gain
2. equal to differential voltage gain
3. greater than differential voltage gain
4. none of the above
Answer : 1
Q28. The input stage of an Op-amp is usually a ……….
1. differential amplifier
2. class B push-pull amplifier
3. CE amplifier
4. swamped amplifier
Answer : 1
Q29. The common-mode voltage gain of a differential amplifier is equal to
RC divided by ……..
1. r’e
2. 2r’e
3. r’e/2
4. 2RE
Answer : 4
Q30. Current cannot flow to ground through …….
1. a mechanical ground
2. an a.c. ground
3. a virtual ground
4. an ordinary ground
Answer : 3

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