Threshold Voltage Effects: Body Effect
Threshold Voltage Effects: Body Effect
Threshold Voltage Effects: Body Effect
Vt = Vt 0 + L ( Ks + V sb Ks ) (2.35)
where Vt 0 is the threshold voltage when the source is at the body potential, Ks is the surface
potential at threshold (see a device physics text such as [Tsividis99] for further discussion
of surface potential), and L is the body effect coefficient, typically in the range 0.4 to 1 V1/2.
In turn, these depend on the doping level in the channel, NA. The body effect further
degrades the performance of pass transistors trying to pass the weak value (e.g., nMOS
transistors passing a ‘1’), as we will examine in Section 2.5.4. Section 5.3.4 will describe
how a body bias can intentionally be applied to alter the threshold voltage, permitting
trade-offs between performance and subthreshold leakage current.
Ks = 2vT ln (2.36)
t ox 2qJ si N A
L = 2qJ si N A = (2.37)
J ox C ox
For small voltages applied to the source or body, EQ (2.35) can be linearized to
Vt = Vt 0 + kL V sb (2.38)
qJ si N A
L vT ln ni (2.39)
kL = =
2 Ks 2C ox
Example 2.5
Consider the nMOS transistor in a 65 nm process with a nominal threshold voltage of
0.3 V and a doping level of 8 × 1017 cm–3. The body is tied to ground with a substrate
contact. How much does the threshold change at room temperature if the source is at
0.6 V instead of 0?
SOLUTION: At room temperature, the thermal voltage vT = kT/q = 26 mV and ni = 1.45
× 1010 cm–3. The threshold increases by 0.04 V.